ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES ACCREDITED BY THE MALAYSIAN QUALIFICATIONS AGENCY Cyberjaya Campus Academic Programmes No. MQA Reg. No. Learning Institute for Empowerment (LiFE) 1. Certificate in Intensive English Language Programme A1421 / A7538 Centre for Diploma Programmes (CDP) 2. 3. Diploma in Information Technology (Formerly known as Diploma in Information Technology (Tele-Education)) Diploma in Information Technology (Internet Based) 4. 5. Foundation in Engineering Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Electronics majoring in Telecommunications 6. Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Electronics majoring in Computer 7. Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Electronics 8. Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Electrical 9. Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Electronics majoring in Multimedia 10. Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Electronics majoring in Microwave and Communications 11. 12. 13. Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) Computer and Digital Art Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Electronics majoring in Optical Engineering Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Electronics majoring in Nanotechnology 14. 15. 16. 17. Master Master Master Master A1168 / A8553 A3850 Faculty of Engineering (FOE) A8671 A0002 / A1032 / A5200 / A10279 A0001 / A1028 / A5197 / A10280 A0152 / A1030 / A5201 / A10278 A0003 / A1027 / A5202 / A10277 A0151 / A1031 / A5198 / A10281 A0180 / A1029 / A5199/ A10282 A0238 / A6740 / MQA/FA1312 A1572 / A8145 A5888 / A1835 / FA3563 Graduate Institute of Engineering (GIE) of of of of Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering (Microelectronics) – conducted at PSDC’ (Telecommunications) (Telecommunications) - conducted at PSDC’ (Photonics) - conducted at PSDC’ 1 A1436 / A10521 A0235 / A6741 A6835 A5887 No. Academic Programmes MQA Reg. No. Faculty of Computing and Informatics (FCI) 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Foundation in Information Technology Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) (Software Engineering) Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) (Information Systems Engineering) Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) (Software and Animation) Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) (Multimedia Technology Management) Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) (Knowledge Engineering) Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) (Multimedia Systems) Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) (Software Engineering and Games Design) Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons) Master of Information Technology (Multimedia Computing) Master of Computer Science (Software Engineering and Software Architecture) A8670 A0004 / A1042 / A5217 A0005 / A1041 / A5216 A0213 / A6295 / A11389 A0405 / A7466 A1066 / A8189 A0447 / A7467 / MQA/FA 1297 A0293 / A6964 / A11434 A5830 A1248 / A8292 A8313 Faculty of Management (FOM) 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Foundation in Management Bachelor of Accounting (Hons) Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) (Management with Multimedia) Bachelor of Management (Hons) (DE)# Bachelor of Finance (Hons) (Formerly known as Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) (Finance with Multimedia)) Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) (Media Innovation & Entrepreneurship) Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) (Media Innovation & Management) Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) (Marketing with Multimedia) Bachelor of Analytical Economics (Hons) (Formerly known as Bachelor of Economics (Hons) (Analytical Economics)) Bachelor of Economics (Hons) (Knowledge Economics) Bachelor of Electronic Commerce (Hons) Bachelor of Financial Engineering (Hons) Bachelor of E-Business (Hons) Bachelor of Management (Hons) (Marketing Management) (DE)# Bachelor of Management (Hons) (Human Resource Management) (DE)# Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) (Marketing Management) (EDP)* Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) (Human Resource Management) (EDP)* A9589 A0178 / A1580 / A10454 A0006 / A1043 / A5316 A0478 / A7805 / MQA/FA2078 A0181 / A1431/ A10480 A0237 / A1593 / A11326 A0212 / A1662 A0007 / A1044 / A5315 A1257 / A7921 A1256 / A7922 A1247 / A7923 A0406 / A7351 A3146 A4274 A4273 A5056 A5054 Graduate School of Management (GSM) 46. 47. Master of Business Administration Master of Business Administration – conducted at PSDC’ A0214 / A6523 / A11391 A4826 2 No. 48. Academic Programmes Doctor of Business Administration MQA Reg. No. A3712 Faculty of Creative Multimedia (FCM) 49. 50. 51. 54. 55. 56. Foundation in Creative Multimedia Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) (Interface Design) Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) (Film and Animation) (Currently known as Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) (Animation and Visual Effects)) Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) (Media Innovation) (Currently known as Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) (Advertising Design)) Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) (Digital Media) (Currently known as Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) (Media Arts)) Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) (Virtual Reality) Master of Knowledge Management with Multimedia Master of Multimedia (E-Learning Technologies) 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. Master of Engineering Science Master of Science (Information Technology) Master of Science (Creative Multimedia) Master of Philosophy (Management) Doctor of Philosophy (Management) Doctor of Philosophy (Information Technology) Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) Doctor of Philosophy (Creative Multimedia) 52. 53. A0156 / A1594 / A9392 A0236 / A1581 / A11438 A0155 / A1582 / A10482 A0154 / A1583 / A10483 A0153 / A1592 / A10481 A1445 / A9393 A4141 A4344 Institute for Postgraduate Studies (IPS) Note: A0680 / A7889 A0678 / A8190 A0693 / A8168 A0673 / A8249 A0674 / A8126 A0679 / A8191 A0677 / A8115 A 0694 ‘ PSDC – Penang Skill Development Centre # DE – Distance Education * EDP – Evening Degree Programme Total courses accredited in Cyberjaya Campus: 64 All information published is correct as at 10 MARCH 2014. MMU reserves the right to make any changes at its own discretion 3