Draft paper on Lake Ellsworth by Martin Siegert

A subglacial lake near the Ellsworth Mountains in West Antarctica: a candidate
for exploration
Martin J. Siegert1, Richard Hindmarsh2, Hugh Corr2, Andy Smith2, John Woodward3, Edward C.
King2, Antony J. Payne1, Ian Joughin4
1. Bristol Glaciology Centre, School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1SS, UK
2. British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ET, UK
3. Division of Geography and Environmental Management, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST,
4. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Mail Stop 300-235, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Radio-echo sounding reveals a 10 km-long lake beneath 3.5 km of ice near the Ellsworth Mountains
in West Antarctica, 20 km from the ice divide. Subglacial Lake Ellsworth is located within a
distinct topographic hollow, which is over 1.5 km lower than the general level of the surrounding
bed. The slope of the lake’s ice-water interface, which is thought to control the circulation of lake
water, is greater than in most other subglacial lakes. Consequently, Lake Ellsworth may be more
dynamic than others. The environments of all subglacial lakes are controlled by common features
(they will be at the same temperature, in complete darkness and under considerable pressure).
Consequently life may be expected as much in Lake Ellsworth as in any other. Judging by the bed
slopes flanking the lake, the water depth is likely to be at least 10s of metres. Calculations of basal
temperature reveal the ice base to be warm both now and during full glacial periods. Given these
characteristics, Lake Ellsworth seems well suited to future in situ examination.
It is now an established hypothesis that Antarctic subglacial lakes house unique forms of life (Karl
et al., 1999; Priscu et al., 1999) and hold detailed sedimentary records of past climate change
(Siegert, 2000). To test this hypothesis requires in-situ examination. The direct measurement of
subglacial lakes has been debated ever since the largest, and best-known lake, named Lake Vostok,
was identified as having a deep water-column (Kapitsa et al., 1996). Much attention has been placed
on Lake Vostok as a lake where exploration should take place. This is because we know more about
this lake than any other subglacial lake. For example, it is the only lake examined in detail by
airborne geophysical techniques (Bell et al., 2002; Studinger et al., 2003); it is the only lake that has
been sampled indirectly (by the refrozen lake water at the base of the Vostok ice core, Jouzel et al.,
1999); and it is the only lake in which water circulation has been modelled (e.g. Mayer et al., 2003).
In fact, our knowledge of subglacial lakes in general has come about from work on Lake Vostok
(e.g. Siegert et al., 2001).
Unfortunately, because Lake Vostok is so large (over 14,000 km2 by area), it would take several
seasons of dedicated fieldwork to measure and comprehend it in a detailed manner. For this reason,
the Subglacial Antarctic Lake Exploration (SALE) group of specialists, set up by the Scientific
Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) to consider and recommend mechanisms for the
international coordination of a subglacial lake exploration programme, state that exploration of
smaller lakes would be a “prudent way forward” (Priscu et al., 2003).
Since the original inventory of subglacial lakes (Siegert et al., 1996), over thirty news lakes have
been discovered (Tabacco et al., 2002; Popov et al. in press). The current total stands at over one
hundred (Siegert et al., in prep). However, none of these lakes have yet been proposed as an
alternative to Lake Vostok for detailed investigation. In this paper, we present information on a 101
km long subglacial lake near the Ellsworth Mountains in West Antarctica (named Subglacial Lake
Ellsworth), and provide reasons for why this lake should be considered seriously for future
exploratory research.
Radio-echo sounding data
Direct knowledge of Lake Ellsworth is restricted to one airborne radio-echo sounding (RES) line,
acquired in 1977-78 (Figure 1). Sub-glacial lakes can be identified on RES records by the presence
of the following characteristics (Siegert et al., 1996): (i) strong reflections from the ice-sheet base,
which appear bright on film records and are typically 10-20 dB stronger than adjacent ice-bedrock
reflections, (ii) echoes of constant strength along the track, indicative of an interface which is very
smooth on the scale of the RES wavelength, and (iii) a very flat topographic character. These
conditions are met between 32 and 42 km (at ~79°S, 90°W) (Figure 2). The mean gradient of this
reflector is 0.02 (about –10 times the ice surface slope), which is expected provided the lake is in
hydrostatic equilibrium with the overriding ice. The gradient of the bed surrounding Lake Ellsworth
is at least twice as great as the lake, which implies that the depth of the lake could be of the order of
100s of metres. The surface gradient of the lake is important as, like Lake Vostok, it may cause
differential rates of melting/freezing across the lake, which in turn excite circulation of water within
the lake. Lake Ellsworth is located within 20 km of an ice divide. Ice velocity over the lake is
expected to be no greater than a few metres per year. The bed surrounding the subglacial lake
reveals that it occupies a distinct subglacial depression across the foothills of the Ellsworth
Mountains (Figure 3).
The slope of the ice base across Lake Ellsworth is not entirely constant. This inconsistency is
caused by the ice base being concave above the lake over its upstream side and convex across its
downstream side. In other words, the ice sheet ‘sags’ as it flows onto the lake, and buckles against
the side wall as it re-grounds (Figure 4a). The same feature has been identified on Lake Vostok
(e.g., Bell et al., 2002; Siegert and Ridley, 1998) and it can, thus, be thought of as an expected
characteristic of a subglacial lake (Figure 4 b,c). In the cases of both lakes, the strength of the
reflections from the ice water interface varies near the shores, as a consequence of the reflector’s
Basal thermal conditions
Numerical ice flow modelling and thermodynamic evaluations of the ice sheet allow us to be
confident that the subglacial environment above Lake Ellsworth is warm, and that basal melting
should be expected at a significant rate.
Thermodynamic calculations
Using a 1-D thermodynamic equation (after Robin 1955, as applied to subglacial lakes in Siegert
and Dowdeswell, 1996), the geothermal heat required for the ice base to melt over the subglacial
lake, beneath 3.5 km of ice (i.e. -3°C) assuming a mean annual surface temperature of -30°C
(Robin, 1983) and ice accumulation of 17 cm yr-1 (Giovinetto and Bentley, 1985), is 52 mW m-2. At
the last glacial maximum, according to the numerical model of Huybrechts (2002), ice thickness
over the lake target was 250 greater than at present, air temperatures were ~8ºC cooler and
accumulation rates were about 50% of modern values. In this case, the required basal heat flux is
only 46.72 mW m-2. The basal heat flux calculated in West Antarctica from temperature gradients
in boreholes is around 70 mW m-2 (e.g. Hulbe and MacAyeal, 1999). Hence, basal heating at the
level expected is sufficient for the subglacial lake to exist both during the present interglacial and at
the LGM.
Ice flow modelling
The RES transect is positioned approximately orthogonal to surface contours (Figure 1) and so can
be thought of as being roughly parallel to the flow of ice. Because of this, a two-dimensional
numerical ice flow model can be employed (as detailed briefly below and in Siegert et al., 2003),
using the topographic, englacial and surface elevation boundary conditions detailed in Figures 1 and
2, to quantify the rates of subglacial melting over the lake.
The model is specifically targeted at using the internal layer architecture to invert for the basal
melting. The appropriate basal boundary condition is one of zero basal shear stress over the
subglacial lake. This means that, as in an ice shelf, the vertical velocity must vary linearly with
depth, which allows us, by ensuring that the model predictions of isochron (internal layer)
distribution match observations, to invert for the basal melt. This can then be used to infer the heat
flux from the lake, which can either be due to geothermal heating, or more likely some combination
of this and heating anomalies due to circulation in the lake. We are not required to estimate stress
gradients as we know the basal tangential stress (zero), and we can therefore automatically correct
for the effect of longitudinal stresses.
Particle flow paths can be determined by matching predicted isochronous surfaces (which are
related to the particle tracks) to internal radar layers (Figure 2) (as in Siegert et al., 2003) through
adjustments to the surface ice accumulation and basal melting/freezing.
Assuming the ice sheet to be in steady state, model results reveal two features concerning surface
and basal mass balance over Lake Ellsworth (Figure 5). First, as ice flows over the lake basal
melting is expected at a rate comparable to the surface accumulation rate (which near the ice divide
is ~17 cm yr-1). While this melt rate is significantly greater than calculated for Lake Vostok, it is
comparable to the situation in Lake Vostok in terms its value as a proportion of the surface
accumulation rate. As melting provides the driving force behind lake circulation (Mayer et al.,
2003), the enhanced rates of melting predicted by the model are likely to lead to the lake circulation
being considerably more dynamic than in Lake Vostok. Upstream of Lake Ellsworth a small region
of basal accretion is modelled at a rate of 20 cm yr-1. It is not yet known whether this freezing rate is
real, or whether three-dimensional flow of ice (not accounted for in the model) complicates ice flow
upstream of the lake and influences the internal layer structures above. Second, ice surface
accumulation above the lake region is calculated to be noticeably greater (by 40%) than on either
side of the lake. Clearly to model the observed internal architecture over the lake requires
significant adjustments to the surface and subglacial mass balance rates. Measurement of surface
accumulation over the lake is an important parameter to measure, which may help to further
constrain ice flow modelling.
Advantages of this lake for exploration
As there are well over 100 known subglacial lakes, and undoubtedly many more that remain to be
discovered, why is Lake Ellsworth so worthy of future investigation? The answer to this question
comes in three parts.
First, to guide the planning of exploratory research in subglacial lakes, the SCAR published
scientific goals that lake exploration should address and criteria that should be used to select
appropriate lakes for exploration. Siegert (2002) analysed the existing inventory of subglacial lakes
to determine which lakes are most appropriate for exploration and sampling. The subglacial lake
reported in this paper was not included in the original lake inventory, and so was not involved in the
consideration of lakes best suited to in situ measurement (Siegert, 2002).
The SCAR report on subglacial lake exploration put forward six questions that must be answered to
guide the selection of an appropriate subglacial lake to explore. They are as follows (Kennicutt,
2001): (1) Does the lake provide the greatest likelihood for attaining the scientific goals? (2) Can
the lake be characterised in a meaningful way (e.g. size, postulated structure)? (3) Is the lake
representative of other lakes and settings? (4) Is the geological/glaciological setting understood? (5)
Is the lake accessible (closest infrastructure)? (6) Is the program feasible within cost and logistical
As stated in Siegert (2002), “all subglacial lakes have the potential to attain the SCAR scientific
goals, as they all have ice above, water within and, in all probability, sediment beneath”. Further, as
in Siegert (2002), we do not consider it the purpose of this paper to resolve Question #6.
Consequently, answers to Questions #2-5 are used to determine the suitability of the lake for
exploration (with respect to other known subglacial lakes).
In response to Question #2, Lake Ellsworth can be characterised meaningfully using seismic
surveying and RES, as it is only 10 km in length. The geological setting of the lake may be better
understood than any other Antarctic subglacial lake, as there is substantial outcrop of rock in the
nearby Ellsworth Mountains to get a good appreciation of the local geology. Thus a positive answer
to Question #4 is also likely. Furthermore, in answer to Question 5, the lake is accessible through
both British and US Antarctic logistic operations (in addition to several other nations). The only
negative response is to Question 3, as the lake may not be necessarily fully representative of most
other subglacial lakes (which are located in East Antarctica). However, for reasons detailed below,
this poor representation of other lakes can be advantageous from an exploration point of view.
Second, Lake Ellsworth has the following three advantages over the majority of known subglacial
lakes, which are found in East Antarctica.
(1) As the West Antarctic Ice Sheet probably decayed a number of times during the Quaternary,
Lake Ellsworth must be considerably younger than those in East Antarctica. The lake will not,
therefore, be an ancient system as is anticipated for Lake Vostok. Nevertheless, the lake is
essentially the same environment as any other subglacial lake (it is under the same boundary
conditions), which means that biological selection processes are as likely to occur here as they are
in other subglacial lake environment. Moreover, one could argue that the potential for survival of
life within Lake Ellsworth is greater than in East Antarctic lakes, as it is much younger.
(2) The base of the East Antarctic ice sheet has never been reached by drilling (although the EPICA
ice core in Dome C plans to), and this makes the planning of East Antarctic lake exploration
particularly difficult in terms of environmental conservation. However, there have been numerous
occasions when the base of the WAIS has been reached, sampled and measured. In particular, icewater contacts within West Antarctica have been analysed by in-situ studies several times (e.g.
Gow et al., 1968; Kamb, 2001). Hence, although the environmental issues relating to West
Antarctic subglacial lake exploration are important, they may not be as difficult to overcome as the
issues relating to East Antarctic subglacial lake exploration.
(3) The sediments across the floor of Lake Ellsworth may contain a record of the WAIS history.
Currently there is no such record, and if sediments occur across the floor of the subglacial lake,
they may contain a unique, exciting record of how the West Antarctic ice sheet has changed over
the last few hundred thousand years.
Third, the study of Lake Ellsworth has the following three characteristics, not used in the evaluation
by Siegert (2002), that make it more appropriate for investigation than most other Antarctic
subglacial lakes.
(1) The lake is located ~20 km from an ice divide, which means that drilling from the ice surface
into the lake would not be complicated by ice flow. This is advantage critical for future in-situ
measurement of the lake.
(2) The ice sheet surface over the lake is at 2000 m above sea level, which is over a kilometre lower
than the ice surface over East Antarctic lakes. Altitude related problems encountered by scientists
at the centre of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet will not, therefore, be as much of an issue during the
study of this lake.
(3) Topographic data show Lake Ellsworth to be enclosed topographically (Figure 3), which
suggests that it may have existed as long as thick ice covered the depression in which is resides.
This means that it is likely to be stable with respect to small changes in the overlying ice sheet (i.e.
it will not outburst as may happen in lakes that are located in relatively subdued topography,
Dowdeswell and Siegert, 2002).
RES data reveal a 10-km long subglacial lake about 20 km from the ice divide near the Ellsworth
Mountains in West Antarctica. Basal melting is expected over the lake in both modern day and full
glacial scenarios, provided the geothermal heat flux is at the background level of 54 mW m-2 (as is
expected in West Antarctica). The slope of the ice-water interface and the rate of subglacial melting
are likely control the circulation of subglacial lake water. For Lake Ellsworth, both the slope of the
lake ceiling and the expected melt rate (calculated by ice flow modelling) are greater than in Lake
Vostok. Consequently, we expect a more there may be a more dynamic hydrological environment
here than for many other subglacial lakes. The lake appears particularly well suited to future
exploratory research, using the criteria setup by SCAR to evaluate candidates for in situ
MJS acknowledges funding by UK NERC grants NER/A/S/2001/01011 and NER/A/S/2000/01144.
IJ performed his contribution to this work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
Technology, under contract with National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
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Figure Captions
Figure 1. The location of the subglacial lake near the Ellsworth Mountains (shown as an asterisk).
The position of RES flightline #007 (green line) is shown superimposed against an InSAR surface
ice velocity map of the region (green represents lower velocities, purple corresponds to higher
velocities, e.g. Rutford Ice Stream to the north of the Ellsworth Mountains). Note how AB is
aligned perpendicular to surface contours (given in 100 m intervals). The position of transect AB
(Figure 2) is also located. The yellow box denotes the area covered in Figure 3.
Figure 2. (a) Raw RES transect AB (Figure 1). The subglacial lake is located between 32 and 42
km. These RES data were acquired using a depth-differentiated system, in which the signal was
amplified in proportion to two-way travel time. Note that, despite this amplification, the basal signal
is either very weak or absent either side of the subglacial lake. The yellow box denotes the location
of data given in (c). The red box denotes the location of data given in Figure 4c. (b) Digitised
version of raw RES data showing the ice divide at 12 km. (c) Non-differentiated magnified section
of the lake. The yellow line denotes the position of ‘single pulse’ data, which reveals the signal
from the reflector to be ~10 dB greater than the background noise (which dominates the lower 1.5
km of the ice sheet). The yellow box denotes magnified version of the same data below, which
shows the specula nature of the reflector, and its steady along-track strength.
Figure 3. Bed elevation surrounding the subglacial lake (located in Figure 1). SPRI RES data are
shown in grey. Contours are in 200 m intervals. Note how the lake occupies a distinct subglacial
hollow, which is unusually deep compared with surrounding topography.
Figure 4. The slopes of the ice-water interfaces over the upstream and downstream sides of (a) the
Ellsworth subglacial lake, (b) the southern end of Lake Vostok (Vostok Station is denoted by the
surface parabola), and (c) the central region of Lake Vostok (in two independent sections of RES
data). Parts (b) and (c) are adapted from Siegert and Ridley (1998).
Figure 5. Numerical modelling of ice flow and mass balance along AB (located in Figure 1). The
upper panel shows ice flow results, where internal layer results (thin lines) are superimposed over
real positions of internal layers (yellow dots) (Figure 2). Lower panel shows the relative proportions
of surface accumulation (blue line) and basal melting/freezing (green line) required to achieve the
internal layer distribution shown in the upper panel.