Effects of World War 1 and World War 2 WW1 WW1 was the first modern human-caused catastrophe. -9 Million soldiers were killed (15% of all forces) -Millions physically or mentally disabled (41k Brits lost a limb) -“Lost Generation:” UK, France, Ger lost a generation of men 18-25. This crippled them economically (lack of a workforce) and made them militarily weak (Particularly UK/France.) Civilians were not directly targeted in the conflict. They often died accidentally. However, the Spanish Flu (1918-19) killed around 20 million people worldwide. Europe was economically devastated because of the war. -UK/France borrowed extensively from the US to finance the war. -The UK lost its place to the US as chief lender to the world -Blockade and battle had damaged industry, infrastructure, and farmland. However, damage was confined to where the fighting happened (Western/Eastern Front) -Ger was crippled by the effects of the UK blockade, loss of territory, and reparations. -Eastern European states were economically weak. They’ll start to collapse in 1921-22 (Hyperinflation) France and UK didn’t experience any dramatic political changes. The losers/weak empires all collapsed (Russia, Ottoman, A-H, Ger) -German gov’t broke down. There were a series of Left-Wing Uprising. Parts of the army and navy mutinied. The Kaiser abdicated and fled to Holland -Russian Tsarist gov’t was overthrown. In their place was a Provisional Gov’t that was overthrown by the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks create the USSR. The Russian Civil War soon follows. -Austria-Hungary dissolves into a series of smaller states. The T of V eventually creates Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. -The Ottoman Empire splits. Turkey gains its independence. Bulgaria, Romania, Greece gain land from them. The Middle East is split between winners -The T of V also creates the mandate system and divided up former colonies amongst the winners Wilson is the key driver during the T of V to create an international system. Prior to its creation, there was no formal system to resolve disputes amongst nations. His 14 Points Analysis Human Cost Unfortunately WW1 was only a preview of the horror to come in WW2. The major shift between wars involves the targeting of civilians. In this sense, WW2 is a much more “total war” The human devastation in unbelievable. Russia alone lost 20 million people (Famine/Disease/Invasion) Besides those killed, the huge numbers of displaced populations further destabilized Europe. Economic Cost The difference between WW1/WW2 is scope and size of the economic loss. Almost everyone is crippled in WW2. The only power not economically devastated by WW2 was the US. Because of the Marshall Plan and Cold War US military spending remained high. Since the US was rebuilding most of Western Europe industrial demand was high. Plus, they had no competition. Political Costs Key Difference: In WW1, boundaries were moved. In WW2, people were moved (most of the time involuntarily) A lot of the ethnic tension created by diverse states post-WW1 was stopped by harsh policies during and after the war o Nazi/Stalin displaced or killed millions o Anti-German sentiment pushed many German people back to Germany Because of the Cold War, the US maintained its direct involvement in European affairs. (There is no isolationism like in WW1) Since European powers were displaced, it was really the US and USSR determining the map of Europe (Yalta/Cold War) Changes to the International System The major change to the international WW2 The Human cost of WW2 was tremendous. An estimated 50 million people were dead by 1945 (40 Million in Europe). -2/3 of the dead were civilians -Civilians became targets of bombing and attacks. Both with bombings and direct attacks. -German, Russia, UK, France had extensive military and civilian casualties. The US had only military. -During the war 30 million people were displayed by conflict or by persecution -Hitler and Stalin both moved very large populations of ethnic and religious groups. After the War, 16 million Germans were expelled from Eastern Europe and had to return to Germany (Which was in ruins). The WW2 was devastating for both Allies & Axis powers -Aerial bombing and attack had destroyed population centers, industry, farmland and infrastructure (roads, bridges, communications systems). -There were extensive food shortages. 150 million people depended on direct relief to survive. -Millions of people were dead or displaced -20-25 Millions were homeless. All major powers had extensive debt from fighting the war. -England was bankrupt and didn’t begin to recover until 1947-48 Unlike the Versailles Treaty, WW2 left most borders unchanged. The only nation with significant changes was Poland. During the war, the Allies (Big Three: UK, US, USSR) negotiated the map of Europe: First at Yalta then at Potsdam. At Yalta: -The Polish Border was changed: Traditional Prussian territory was given to Poland. Eastern Poland was given to Russia. -It was agreed that Ger. should be temporarily divided between Western Allies (US/UK) and the USSR. Germany itself was divided into East & West and so was its capital Berlin. With the beginning of the Cold War, these divisions became permanent. Germany was finally unified in 1989. -Yalta called for free elections in all liberated states. However, USSR took direct control over the states they liberated and did not all democratic movements (Czech. Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria). This led to the formation of the Eastern Bloc (Soviet Satellite States loyal to the USSR) WW2 led to the end of the “Age of Europe” and the dominance of European nations. -The British and French Empire dissolved in a series of anti- Effects of World War 1 and World War 2 call specifically for a League of Nations to guarantee a permanent peace. As we have seen, the League is not consistently effective in its role. -It lacked true enforcement power -The veto system prevented any challenging resolution from passing In the 1920s, the US retreats into isolationism. It failed to ratified the T of V, join the L of N, or get directly involved in international crises. Because of this, responsibility falls to UK/France. Neither has the strength nor resolve to make the international system work. The T of V called for the establishment of a tribunal system to try war criminals. While some are set up, they are largely ineffective/unproductive. system is the leading rule the US plays as a super power. While the UN is very similar to the L of N in terms of powers and responsibilities, US involvement and engagement makes it “mostly” successful. A major criticism of the UN is that it is really dependent on the US to do anything. This criticism does seem to be true in a lot of cases. With the beginning of the Cold War, much of the post-WW2 world has to be seen as influenced by the conflict between the US and USSR. This conflict began during the WW2 and continued till 1989. colonial movements (Gandhi in British India/Ho Chi Min in French Indochina (Vietnam) -WW2 led to the rise of the USSR and US as global superpowers. With the traditional powers permanently weakened, the US and USSR had tremendous influence over the post-war settlement. This tension led to the Cold War. -End to US isolationism -Marshall Plan: Direct US investment into the European economy to prevent the spread of Communism -US supported the establishment of multi-party democracies in Western Europe. -Growth of the modern social service welfare state in Europe The overall effect of this intervention was years of sustained growth and peace in the 1950s & 1960s Prior to direct US involvement in the war, US/UK agreed to the Atlantic Charter, which set up principles and vision for the post war world. -It was very similar to Wilson’s 14 Points because it also called for self-determination, no territorial gains in Europe, freedom of the seas, free trade. It also renewed the call for an international organization to resolve disputes and keep the peace. This was the birth of the United Nations. Officially, the UN was created at a conference in San Francisco (1945). Representatives from various nations met a created the United Nations Charter. -The Charter established its mission of peace keeping, arms reductions, and missions against poverty, disease, and hungry -The structure was very similar to the L of N. There was a security council, which was made up of the 8 “Super Powers” who had veto power. There was also a General Assembly of Nations. -The UN is based in NYC Following the war, military tribunals were established to try and execute war criminals. -The Nuremberg Tribunals tried and executed leading Nazis -The US International Tribunal in Tokyo tried and executed J. war criminals.