fluidyn–MP-CHT www.fluidyn.com FLUID THERMAL INTERACTIONS CONJUGATE HEAT TRANSFER FLUIDYN-MP-CHT: CONJUGATE HEAT TRANSFER fluidyn-MP-CHT (Conjugate Heat Transfer) is a numerical tool to simulate heat transfer in fluids and structures. It simultaneously couples the heat conduction and mechanical stress in structures as well as the flow and heat convection in the fluids in contact. RAPID, ROBUST AND ACCURATE SOLUTIONS fluidyn-MP-CHT is a module of the general multi-purpose fluid mechanics software fluidynMP. The numerical methods (Finite Elements or Finite Volumes) have been chosen in order to model as precisely as possible the fluids and structures. The heat transfer coefficient through the boundary layer is computed in finite volumes with a fluid dynamics model. This coefficient is then used by the structural model (in finite elements) to simulate the heat conduction in the structure and the subsequent deformation. HEAT TRANSFER FINITE ELEMENTS AUTOMATIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE SOLVERS FINITE VOLUMES FLUIDS BOUNDARY CONDITIONS AT FLUID STRUCTURE INTERFACE The simultaneous strong coupling of the solvers used in fluidyn- MP CHT is a state-of-theart approach. Thus fluidyn- MP CHT couples the finite element structured mesh (which allows to increase the conduction time step) and the finite volume modelling of fluids which helps to easily integrate the complex physical phenomena often present in fluid mechanics. This ensures fast and accurate results. fluidyn-MP-CHT www.fluidyn.com MULTIPLE SOLVERS AND SOLUTION SCHEMES Fluid modelling: Turbulence: k-, LES models Multi-species and / or non-Newtonian flows Various boundary conditions and thermodynamic properties Two-phase, Eulerian, Lagrangian, free surface flows Porous media Reactive flows, combustion, deflagrations, detonations Thermal modelling: Variable thermal conductivity Orthotropic or Sandwich materials Elements: beams, plates, tetrahedral or brick, spring Boundary conditions: deformations, temperatures or imposed heat flux, Multi Point Constraints (MPC) Mechanical vibrations Mesh generation: Structured or unstructured, hybrid or multi-block mesh Moving, non-conform mesh INTEGRATED AND POWERFUL CFD TOOL fluidyn–MP CHT is parallelized and can be ported on a wide range of software platforms: Windows, Linux and Unix (all versions). fluidyn-MP-CHT has the following integrated tools: fluidyn-CADGEN: Geometry and mesh generation fluidyn-MP-CHT GUI: User friendly graphical interface with pre and post processor fluidyn-MP-CHT BATCH: Sequential and parallel batch solver User-defined routines REFERENCES ALCAN, ANDRA, AREVA, BUREAU VERITAS, CEA, CIAT, CITA, DGA, EADS, EDF, EXXON, LITWIN, RATP, SAIPEM, SHELL, SIAAP, SNCF, SOFREGAZ, STBFT, TOTAL, VNF, ZODIAC, etc. fluidyn Europe 7 boulevard de la Libération 93200 SAINT-DENIS FRANCE : 33 1 42 43 16 66 : 33 1 42 43 50 33 contact@fluidyn.com fluidyn-India #146, Ring Road, H. S. R. Layout, Sector 5 BANGALORE 560 102 INDIA : 91 80 25526507/25527067/25526959 : 91 80 25501964 marketasia@fluidyn.com