Pardoners Prologue Tale Scavenger Hunt

McNair’s English 12
Name: ______________________________________________
Date: _________________________________ Period: _______
The Canterbury Tales: “The Pardoner’s Prologue” & “The Pardoner’s Tale” Scavenger Hunt
______________________ 1. Define “Bull;” use a dictionary; write the religious definition: “Show them my bulls in detail and in sum.”
______________________ 2. Language the Pardoner uses to impress the ignorant and unsuspecting parishioners
______________________ 3. Dipping a shoulder bone “relic” in a well cures the effects of what animal?
______________________ 4. What disease can also be cured by this relic dipped in a well?
______________________ 5. What negative emotional condition can be cured with this well water?
______________________ 6. What one should buy from the Pardoner to “multiply his grain”?
______________________ 7. To what bird does the Pardoner compare himself when he is preaching?
______________________ 8. The Pardoner is a “sharp” talker; “My tongue will be a ____________;”
______________________ 9. The Pardoner has no conscience; he takes money from the poorest village ______.
______________________10. The town where the tale takes place.
______________________11. The
four sins
of the
young rioters.
______________________15. The two biblical characters
who commit sins while drunk.
______________________17. The sin that causes “our first distress,” first confusion, temptation
______________________18. New Testament author who also preaches against this sin
______________________19. He preaches specifically against this potent regional wine
______________________20. This sin makes a prince incompetent to rule
____________/_________ 21. The King of Parthia/ruined by this vice
______________________22. The Third Commandment forbids this sin.
______________________23. Define “publican;” not the tax collector definition!
______________________24. To which pilgrim does #23 refer?
______________________25. The traitor the three rioters vow to kill
______________________26. One of the countries where the poor man has walked, searching for death
______________________27. The ancient wanderer uses the analogy “Mother” for this
______________________28. Define “hoary.” (It describes the old man’s head.)
______________________29. Where the old man says they will find death
______________________30. An old British coin, equal to two shillings
______________________31. Number of bushels of coins
______________________32. Who bestows this treasure? (an example of personification)
______________________33. What the people would call the young men if they moved the treasure by day
______________________34. What they draw to see who will be the one to go to town
______________________35. The one who goes to town
______________________36. Define “parley.”
______________________37. What one of the rioters will do “in fun” as a distraction ploy
______________________38. The murder instrument
______________________39. Where he will be stabbed
______________________40. Define “perdition.”
______________________41. From whom he buys the poison
______________________42. The two animals he says
he needs to poison
______________________44. Where he puts the poison
______________________45. How the two remaining rioters celebrate the death of their friend
______________________46. The Arabian physician who wrote about medicine and poison
______________________47. What act frees one from the vice of avarice?
______________________48. Who fights with the Pardoner?
______________________49. Who stops the fight?
______________________50. How they seal their truce and end of the argument
*KEY* The Canterbury Tales “The Pardoner’s Prologue” &“The Pardoner’s Tale” Scavenger Hunt *KEY*
Official Document with the papal seal 1. Define “Bull;” use a dictionary; write the religious definition:
“Show them my bulls in detail and in sum.”
2. Language the Pardoner uses to impress the ignorant and unsuspecting parishioners
3. Dipping a shoulder bone “relic” in a well cures the effects of what animal?
Pox (scabs & sores) 4. What disease can also be cured by this relic dipped in a well?
5. What negative emotional condition can be cured with this well water?
6. What one should buy from the Pardoner to “multiply his grain”?
7. To what bird does the Pardoner compare himself when he is preaching?
8. The Pardoner is a “sharp” talker; “My tongue will be a ____________;”
9. The Pardoner has no conscience; he takes money from the poorest village ______.
10. The town where the tale takes place.
11. The
15. The two biblical characters
17. The sin that causes “our first distress,” first confusion, temptation
St. Paul
18. New Testament author who also preaches against this sin
19. He preaches specifically against this potent regional wine
20. This sin makes a prince incompetent to rule
four sins
of the
young rioters.
who commit sins while drunk.
Demetrius/gambling 21. The King of Parthia/ruined by this vice
22. The Third Commandment forbids this sin.
Tavern owner
23. Define “publican;” not the tax collector definition!
Harry Bailey, the host24. To which pilgrim does #23 refer?
25. The traitor the three rioters vow to kill
26. One of the countries where the poor man has walked, searching for death
Death (earth)
27. The ancient wanderer uses the analogy “Mother” for this
With white hair
28. Define “hoary;” it describes the old man’s head.
Under the oak tree 29. Where the old man says they will find death
30. An old British coin, equal to two shillings
31. Number of bushels of coins
32. Who bestows this treasure? (an example of personification)
33. What the people would call the young men if they moved the treasure by day
lots (straws)
34. What they draw to see who will be the one to go to town
35. The one who goes to town
to discuss, talk
36. Define “parley.”
37. What one of the rioters will do “in fun” as a distraction ploy
38. The murder instrument
39. Where he will be stabbed
Complete destruction/ damnation 40. Define “perdition.”
Apothecary (chemist) 41. From whom he buys the poison
42. The two animals he says
Wine (2 bottles)
44. Where he puts the poison
Drink the wine
45. How the two remaining rioters celebrate the death of their friend
46. The Arabian physician who wrote about medicine and poison
47. What act frees one from the vice of avarice?
Harry Bailey
48. Who fights with the Pardoner?
49. Who stops the fight?
50. How they seal their truce and end of the argument
he needs to poison
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