canterbury activities

Jordre Fagerland, Bekah Hartman, Dessie Westall
English12 - 4
Canterbury tales activities
a- Avarice- the pardoner was guilty of this
Angel- the old man who told them where death was, was assumed to be an angel
b- Benign- the Franklin was considered to be kind and gracias, or benign
Beautiful- that’s all the people were worried about (Wife of Bath) marrying into money, higher
status or having a beautiful spouse
c- Canterbury- where all of the people went, the pilgrimage
Coins- the currency, the three men found gold coins under the “death” tree
d- Death- the “person” that the three men are trying to kill in the Pardoner’s Tale
Drunks- drinkers, gamblers, and partiers are traits that the three men had
e- Elves- would get girls pregnant in the night time
f- Friar- the replacement of elves and fairies, he’d go around and get girls pregnant then marry
them off
g- Greedy- the trait most people in this pilgrimage had (EX. The lawyer)
Giddy- a trait that the Squire is, he’s very stylish and giddy means light in manor
h- Holy man- the old man in the Pardoner’s tale was considered to be Holy, and as a class we
thought he represented an angel
Hypocrite- a characteristic that the narrator had in the Pardoner’s tale, he was making fun of the
tree men for being drunks but he was drunk
i- Illness- all around there was illness and plague spreading
Illiterate- most people weren’t educated during this time period, so they couldn’t read
j- Jealousy- characteristic of the three men in the Pardoner’s Tale, they killed plotted to kill each
other just to get more money for themselves
k- Knight- the guy who was nice, and protected the rest of them
l- Love- the feeling the squire loves the most
m- Marriage- something that the friar would do, get girls pregnant and marry them off
n- Night time- the time that the three men in Pardoner’s tale decided to move at night time with
the gold
Nun- person that came on the trip, she was simple, well mannered, and tender hearted
o- Old English- the language they spoke
Oxford clerk- a person in the story that liked to learn and read, always was studying, he was a
philosopher but he was poor
p- Pregnant- this is what the friar would do to girls, and them marry them off so he didn’t look bad
Pocket full of posy- there was all sorts of plagues going around, so they thought if you carried a
pocket full of posy, you’ll be okay
Power- This is what women wanted over their husbands
q- Quest- when the knight was caught for raping that girl, the queen sent him on a quest to find
out what women really want, it took him a year
r- Radix malorum est cupiditas- in the book it states “the root of evil is avarice”
s- Squire- a little boy who was deeply in love with a girl, he was stylish and giddy
Sneeze- they yelled bless you when you sneezed because they thought you were going to die,
that just showed how much they know about medicine
t- Trip- they all went on a trip, or pilgrimage
u- Unfaithful- a trait that the wife of bathe had, since she had five husbands
v- Value- what everyone was worried about, the knight didn’t want to marry the old woman
because she was at low social value
w- Wife- the old ugly woman who told the knight what women really want, told him she’d tell him
the secret if he’d marry her, so she became the knights wife
x- eXamples- the narrator in the Pardoner’s Tale tried to set examples but he was really being a
y- Yeoman- a man who is neatly sheathed a fancy dresser. He was known as being a proper
z- Zephyrus- the god of west wind, in Greek mythology, they talked about Gods and how if you
make them happy, they’ll make life good for you