The Canterbury Tales

The Wife of Bath Study Questions
Page 139 -150 in text – Answer in complete sentences.
Tale Comprehension
1. What is the knight’s sentence for raping the beautiful virgin?
2. What is offered to escape his punishment and by whom?
3. What are three of the answers the knight receives on his quest?
4. What is the correct answer, given by the hag?
5. What price does the knight pay to save his own life?
6. What characteristic did the Knight have to display to change his fate?
The Pardoner’s Tale Study Questions
p. 125-134 in text. Answer in complete sentences.
1. What is the topic of every sermon the Pardoner preaches?
2. What does the Pardoner get after every sermon? Why is this ironic?
3. What is the Pardoner’s motivation for preaching? Why is this ironic?
4. Why do the three youths want to find Death? Why is this ironic?
5. The old man sends them to a tree. What do they find under it?
6. The three plan murder. What is each of their plans?