XV - Center for African Studies

Date Prepared:
keb 07-07-2011
Bruce D. Walker, M.D.
Office Address:
149 13th Street, Room 5212D, Charlestown, MA 02129
Home Address:
7 Valley Road, Nahant, MA 01908
Work Phone:
Work Email:
Work FAX:
Place of Birth:
Champaign, Illinois
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Postdoctoral Training
Clinical Fellow
Research Fellow
Infectious Disease
Infectious Disease
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Faculty Academic Appointments
July 1988 - June 1989
July 1989 - June 1992
July 1992 - June 1999
July 1999 - present
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Harvard Medical School, Boston MA
Harvard Medical School, Boston MA
Harvard Medical School, Boston MA
Harvard Medical School, Boston MA
Appointments at Hospitals/Affiliated Institutions
Clinical Assistant
Assistant Physician
Assistant Physician
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston MA
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston MA
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston MA
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston MA
Senior Physician
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase,
Other Professional Positions
Scientific Advisory Board
Scientific Advisory Board
Scientific Advisory Board
Scientific Advisory Committee
Scientific Advisory Board
Scientific Steering Committee
Scientific Advisory Board
External Advisory Board
Scientific Advisory Board
Scientific Advisory Board
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
Partners/Genzyme Scientific Advisory Board
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
University of Alabama Scientific Advisory Board
Women & Infant’s Transmission Study
HIV Vaccine Trials Network
Objectif Recherche Vaccin Sida (ORVACS)
Albert Einstein College of Medicine Center for
AIDS Research
University of Colorado Center for AIDS Research
Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in
South Africa
Major Administrative Leadership Positions
Member, AIDS Clinical Trials Group
Attending Physician, ID Consult
Acting Director, Clinical Virology
Assistant Director, Advanced Basic
Science Course on AIDS
Director, Partners AIDS Research
Co-Director, AIDS Postgraduate
Co-Director, “AIDS Medicine: An
Intensive Course”
Director, Division of AIDS
Director, Harvard University Center
for AIDS Research
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Visiting Professor
Visiting Professor
Nelson Mandela School of Medicine, University
of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa
University of Oxford, Oxford, England
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard
Committee Service
Member, Committee on Research
Member, International Program
Massachusetts General Hospital
6th International Conference on AIDS
Chairperson, Workshop on CellMediated Immunity
Member, International Program
Member, AIDS Curriculum Planning
Member, Ad Hoc Committee on
AIDS Policy
NCI/Frederik Member, NIH Site
Member, Basic Science Program
Member, Executive Committee
Training Program
Member, AIDS Vaccine Research
Member, Academic Council
Member, Awards Committee
Member, Research Operations
Member, Faculty Development
Associate Member
Member, Executive Committee on
Co-Chair, AIDS Vaccine 2012
Co-Chair, Science, Medicine and
Public Health, AIDS@30 Conference
2nd and 3rd Annual National Cooperative
Vaccine Development Group Meeting
7th International Conference on AIDS
Harvard Medical School
Massachusetts General Hospital
Cancer Research and Development Center
8th International Conference on AIDS
Massachusetts General Hospital/ Brigham &
Women’s Hospital
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Massachusetts General Hospital
Massachusetts General Hospital
Massachusetts General Hospital
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Massachusetts General Hospital
Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise
Harvard University
Consultant, AIDS Study Section
Invited Participant, U.S. - Japan
Hepatitis Panel
Invited Participant, Roundtable
Against AIDS
Chairperson, Immunology Working
PAF Elizabeth Glaser Scientist
Award Think Tank
AIDS Clinical Trials Group
Steering Committee Member,
Project Immune Restoration
AIDS ARRA Study Section
National Institutes of Health
US Department of State
Institute of Medicine Development of Drugs and
National Cooperative Vaccine Development
Pediatric AIDS Foundation
Invited Participant
National Institutes of Health.
Co-Chair, ACTG Trial 209
Co-Chair, ACTG Trial 214
Project Inform
National Institutes of Health
Panel Member, Office of AIDS
Research Review
Member, Immune Restoration
Think Tank
Member, Panel to Define Principals
of Therapy of HIV Infection
Clinical Scientist Award, Chair
Member, Uganda Vaccine Lab
Member, NIAID Program Review
National Institutes of Health
Project Inform
National Institutes of Health
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
National Institutes of Health
National Institutes of Health
Professional Societies
American Association of Immunologists
Infectious Diseases Society of America
Association of American Physicians
Infectious Diseases Society of America
Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Editorial Activities
Nature, Science, Nature Medicine, Nature Immunology, Immunity, Journal of Virology, Journal of
Immunology, AIDS, Journal of Experimental Medicine, New England Journal of Medicine
Other Editorial Roles
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Section Editor
Editorial Board
Board of Reviewing Editors
AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses
Journal of Immunology
Immunology Section, Los Alamos HIV Data Base
Journal of Immunology
Journal of Virology
Honors and Prizes
Phi Beta Kappa
Jacob Van Ek Award for Academic
Alpha Omega Alpha
Lubrizol Foundation Award for
Excellence in Patient Care
Physician Research Training Fellowship
Maxwell Finland Young Investigator
Young Investigator Award in Virology
University of Colorado
University of Colorado
Case Western Reserve University
Case Western Reserve University
American Cancer Society
Infectious Disease Society of Massachusetts
Infectious Disease Society of America/Burroughs
Selected Member
NIH Merit Award
Linda Laubenstin Memorial Lecture,
Honors Program Lecture
John T. Carey Memorial Lecture
B. Frank Polk Memorial Lecture
Endowed Chair for AIDS Research
Gill Lectureship Award
Distinguished Clinical Research Scientist
Jonathan Lax Memorial Lecture
Honorary Member
Honorary Degree
Selected Member
Selected Member
American Society for Clinical Investigation
National Institutes of Health
New York University
Case Western Reserve University
Johns Hopkins University,
AIDS Research Amsterdam
University of Colorado
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
The Wistar Institute
American Association for the Advancement of
Ludwig Heilmeyer Society
Nelson Mandela School of Medicine, University of
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Institute of Medicine, National Academy of
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Report of Funded and Unfunded Projects
Funding Information
01/01/07-06/30/11 NCE
AIDS Research
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
P.I. ($5,199,062 + P.I.'s annual salary; YR5 amount TBD)
The specific focus of the HHMI grant is to develop new strategies for
immune reconstitution in HIV and HCV infected persons, with funding to
support preclinical and clinical development.
Harvard Medical School Center for AIDS Research
NIH P30 AI60354-04
P.I. ($20,459,814 07/01/04-07/31/11)
To consolidate and expand existing collaborations of two existing, highly
successful HMS-affiliated CFARs and to promote new interactions and
research initiatives capable of more effectively addressing key AIDS
research questions.
Pathogenesis of Clade C HIV Infection
NIH RO1 AI067073-05
P.I. ($2,366,488)
Proposal to build on solid preliminary data and outstanding functional
collaborations to establish a longitudinal cohort of untreated HIV clade C
infected persons with acute and chronic infection to define epitope specific
immune responses associated with controlled and uncontrolled infection.
Capacitating Clinical Research in Africa
DDCF/Demitra Mentoring Award
P.I./Mentor ($200,000)
Building on the initial successes of the DDMRI to help create the next
generation of leaders in translational clinical research in Africa, using a focus
on key research questions related to the AIDS and TB epidemics.
HIV Controllers: Implications for Immunogen Design
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
P.I. ($19,099,923)
To use population based studies of immune responses, viral evolution and
host genetics to achieve effective immunogen design for a global HIV
Acute HIV Infection: Implications for vaccine design
5 PO1 AI074415-03
Project 2 Leader ($455,517)
The aims of this Program Project are to expand and maintain an Acute HIV-1
infection cohort, to study innate and adaptive immunology, antigenprocessing, viral evolution and the impact of viral sequence evolution on
mDC function.
PD-1 expression and HIV specific T cell dysfunction
5 PO1 AI080192-03
P.I. ($2,315,365)
The goal of this program is to elucidate the mechanisms of PD-1 function,
signaling, and expression in healthy and HIV-infected individuals and in
model systems.
HIV inhibition: development of a novel high throughput single cell array to
define correlates of antiviral cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) function
Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, and Harvard
Co P.I. ($123,000)
Aim of this proposal is to develop a single cell CTL killing assay combined
with phenotyping and genetic analyses that will allow us for the first time to
define immunologic and genetic correlates of effective antiviral CD8+ T cellmediated immunity
Ragon Institute Adaptive Immunity Program
Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, and Harvard
P.I. $910,000
The aim of this program is to identify areas of focused research to define the
role of adaptive cellular immune responses in HIV control, including the
basis for the protective role of HLA B57 on disease outcome, the basis for
the association between specific epitope targeting and lower viral load, and
the investigation of tissue specific adaptive immune responses; and to expand
a cohort of HIV controllers and engage other MIT and Harvard faculty in
investigating the basis for durable control.
Inhibition of HIV1 Replication by Cytotoxic Lymphocytes
P.I. ($1,240,000)
Continuation of this study to determine the ability of CTL to inhibit HIV
replication, and the mechanisms by which this occurs. It focuses on persons
with chronic HIV-1 infection. Specifically, we propose to use established
cellular assays to characterize CTL from infected persons in order to
determine the importance of epitope specificity and restricting HLA class I
alleles on their ability to inhibit HIV-1 replication.
ARRA Administrative Supplement: Identification of “good” CTL epitopes
for vaccine design
NIH/NIAID 3 PO1 AI074415-02S1
Project 2 Leader ($100,000)
This project serves to identify key targets for vaccine design across HIV by
characterizing the impact of specific mutations in the virus on the ability of
HIV to replicate.
Evolution of HIV ENV antigens & Immune Response
The goal of this project was to define cellular immune responses to HIV
envelope proteins
CD and T cells and maternal-fetal transmission
Pediatric AIDS Foundation
The goal of this project was to define the potential role of CTL in limiting
HIV transmission from mother to child
Correlates of immune protection in AIDS vaccine recipients
Northwestern Univ.
This was a multi-site consortium to examine cellular and humoral immune
responses in AIDS vaccine recipients
CD4 cell therapy in HIV-1 infection
The goal of this project was to define the role of CD4 T cells in HIV
Immune responses to live attenuated retroviruses vaccine
Harvard Medical
The goal of this project was to define immune responses induced by a live
attenuated AIDS virus vaccine in monkeys
Immunobiology of HHV8 in Kaposi’s Sarcoma
NIH R01 CA73580
The goal of this project was to define cellular immune responses to HHV-8
Countermeasures to Biologic Pathogens and Myelotoxins Agency (DARPA)
Defense Advanced Research Projects
The goal of this project was to develop universal antiviral T cell responses
Immune reconstitution in AIDS virus infections
The goal of this project was to define mechanisms to augment HIV-specific
immunity in the setting of chronic infection
Immunologic and Virologic Features of Early HIV Infection
NIH U01 AI41531
P.I. (Sub)
The goal of this project was to define the impact of early treatment of acute
HIV infection on the evolution of immune responses to HIV
HIV-1-specific CD4 Cells in Disease Pathogenesis
NIH R01 AI40873
The goal of this project was to define the role of CD4 T cells in AIDS virus
Immune Control of HIV Replication
NIH R01 AI44656
The goal of this project was to define the effector mechanisms in CD8 T cells
that limit HIV replication
Immune Reconstitution in HIV Infection
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation 201433
Focused on HIV-1 immunotherapy, and the use of dendritic cells to boost
CD4/CD8 responses to HIV/ HCV.
HIV Vaccine Trial Clinical Unit
NIH U01 AI48023
P.I. (Sub)
The goal of this sub was to assess immune responses in AIDS vaccine
HLA Typing and Epitope Mapping to Guide IV Vaccine Design – No Cost
Contract to determine epitopes and restricting alleles for CTL in persons
infected with non-B clade viruses and non-Caucasian individuals infected
with B clade viruses.
Cell Mediated Immunity in Hepatitis C Virus Infection
NIH 1R01 AI31563
The goal of this project was to define the cellular immune responses in HCV
infected humans, both in liver and in peripheral blood
Inhibition of HIV-1 Replication by Cytotoxic Lymphocytes
NIH R01 AI30914
The goal of this project we to define the mechanisms of anviral function of
CD8 T cells in persons with chronic HIV infection
In Vivo Induction of HIV Specific CTL by Dendritic Cells
NIH R01 AI44628
The goal of this project was to develop techniquest to induce HIV-specific
CTL using peptide-pulsed dendritic cells
Center for Research at the Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation 20011033
Established Phase 1 of a custom designed research institute in KwazuluNatal, South Africa.
HIV Pathogenesis Program Charitable Foundation
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation 20011032
UKZN, S. Africa, PARC-MGH/Harvard Medical School collaboration for a
multidisciplinary HIV pathogenesis research initiative: immunology
program; a training program and research center infrastructure in Africa.
Pathogenesis and treatment of acute HIV infection
NIH/NAIAD U01 AI52403-05
Boston & Sydney collaboration demonstrating acute infection is associated
with a clinical syndrome; linking severity of acute infection symptoms to
long-term progression of infection; demonstrating early treatment enhances
critical CD4 cellular immune responses; early intervention can enhance
immune control; and immune selection pressure influences viral evolution
and cohort studies.
Development of a Microarray for CTL Detection
NIH R21 AI53911
The goal of this project was to develop a microarray based mechanism for
CTL detection
Development of Affordable HIV Diagnostics Using Microchips
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
The goal of this project was to use nanotechnology and microfluidics to
develop a point of care diagnostic platform for use in resource constrained
HLA Typing and Epitope Mapping to Guide HIV Vaccine Design
Study addresses CTL and Th cell responses and the role of neutralizing
antibody immune responses to HIV-1 infection. Subjects in Peru, Thailand
and China are HLA typed at hhg resolution and tested with overlapping
peptide sets for cellular immune responses to locally circulating virus.
HIV-Specific T cell clones
NIH/NAIAD 5R01 AI028568-17
This is a study of HIV-1-specific CTL in terms of epitope specificity and
HLA restriction, as well as T cell receptor usage in chronically infected
Immune Control and Immune Evasion during Acute HCV Infection.
Relinquished 12/14/07
NIH U19 AI066345
The goal of this project was to define the mechanisms and pathways to
immune escape from CTL responses in acute HCV infection
Planning Grant for Immune Regulation of HIV Infection
Goal was to develp a research program to address an issue of critical
importance for vaccine design, namely definition of functional immune
responses that exhibit antiviral efficacy, focusing on conditions of
spontaneous immune control
Immune Regulation of HIV: Providing insights for Improved AIDS Vaccine
Goal is to address an issue of critical importance for vaccine design, namely
definition of functional immune responses that exhibit antiviral efficacy,
focusing on conditions of spontaneous immune control.
Restoring Function in HIV-Specific T-Cells
Emory U/CPFA sub
The goal of this project was to define immunoregulatory networks in HIV
infected persons in an attempt to utilize these to augment immunity
Report of Local Teaching and Training
Teaching of Students in Courses
HST040, Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis
2nd year HST students/30 attendees
AIDS Pathogenesis
2nd year medical students/30 attendees
Mechanisms of Infection, Medicine 513M.J
2nd year medical students/40 attendees
Advanced Basic Science (ABS) Course
“Pathogenesis of AIDS”
4th year students/8 attendees
Harvard Medical School
3 hours of preparation per year
Harvard Medical School
3 hours of preparation
Harvard Medical School
3 hours of preparation per year
Harvard Medical School
15 hours of preparation per year
Formal Teaching of Residents, Clinical Fellows and Research Fellows (post-docs)
Infectious Disease Seminar Series
Boston City Hospital
Faculty and Students/40 attendees
2 hours of preparation
1991, 1995
Pathology Seminar Series
Massachusetts General Hospital
Pathology Residents, Fellows and
2 hours of preparation
Staff/30 attendees
Immunology Seminar Series
University of Massachusetts
Graduate Students/50 attendees
2 hours of preparation
AIDS Provider Group
Beth Israel Hospital
Physicians/80 attendees
2 hours of preparation
Allergy & Immunology Seminar
Massachusetts General Hospital
Faculty, Residents and Medical
2 hours of preparation
Students/30 attendees
1993, 1995, 1997 Immunology Seminar
Boston University
Graduate students and physicians/40
2 hours of preparation
AIDS Pathogenesis
New England Deaconess Hospital
Physicians/50 attendees
2 hours of preparation
“Contemporary Topics in
Harvard Medical School
Immunology”, Immunology 200
Immunology graduate students/20
3 hours of preparation per year
Immunology Seminar
Massachusetts General Hospital
Faculty and Fellows/25 attendees
4 hours of preparation
Arthur Ashe Program in AIDS Care
Harvard AIDS Institute
Seminar Series
All levels of medical students/30
2 hours of preparation
HST-175: Cellular and Molecular
Immunology graduate students/20
Immunology Seminar Series
Faculty and Students/100 attendees
Cellular and Molecular Immunology
AIDS Lecture
Harvard Medical School Students
Harvard-MGH Infectious Diseases of
Adults Post-Graduate
Ph.D supplementary training
Global Health Course
Medical students/30 attendees
HIV Immunology Lecture
Medical students/30 attendees
Center for Population & Development
Medical students/30 attendees
Introduction to Global Medicine
Graduate students /40 attendees
Chemical and Biological
Graduate Students/40 attendees
Harvard Medical School
3 hours of preparation
Harvard Medical School
4 hours of preparation
Massachusetts General Hospital
4 hours of preparation
Massachusetts General Hospital
8 hours of preparation
Harvard Medical School
2 hours of preparation
Harvard Medical School
2 hours of preparation
Harvard University School of Public Health
2 hours of preparation
Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and
2 hours of preparation
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2 hours of preparation
Clinical Supervisory and Training Responsibilities
Attending Physician, Infectious Disease
Service / Massachusetts General
4 Fellows per year
1 month per year @ 6 hrs/day
Laboratory and Other Research Supervisory and Training Responsibilities
Formally Supervised Trainees
V. Johnson, Associate Professor, University of Alabama
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
R. P. Johnson, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
M. Koziel, Staff Scientist, Vertex
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
C. Jassoy, Professor, University of Wurzburg, Germany
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
S. Kalams, Associate Professor, Vanderbilt University
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
T. Harrer, Professor, University of Erlangen, Germany
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
T. Curiel, Associate Professor, Tulane University
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
C. Wilson, Associate Professor, University of Colorado
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
O. Yang, Associate Professor, UCLA
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
N. Sipsas, Assistant Professor, Athens
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
S. Threlkeld, Physician, University of Tennessee
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
C. Brander, Professor, Barcelona
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
D. Wong, McMaster University Medical Centre, Canada
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
H. Cao, Scientist, California Department of Health Services
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
J. Walter, Assistant Professor, Gesellschaft fur Molekulare Medizin, Germany
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
Jean-Louis Sankale, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA
Thesis Reviewer
Fidencio Saldana, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Faculty Advisor
Efi Kokkotou, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA
Thesis Reviewer
M. C. Hay, Assistant Professor, Columbia University
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
E. Rosenberg, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
Glenda Callendar, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Faculty Advisor
Fatema Aziz, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Thesis Advisor
P. Goulder, Professor, Oxford University
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
R. Klein, Assistant Professor, Washington University School of Medicine
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
M. Severino, Scientist, Merck Research Laboratories
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
J. Mukherjee, Medical Director, Partners in Health
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
R. Geiben, Biotechnology
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
Mischo Kursar, Freie Universitat Berlin
Thesis Advisor
Linda Tremblay, Tufts University
Thesis Reviewer
G. Lauer, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
F. Lee, Staff Physician, MGH
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
M. Altfeld, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
G. Cohen, Instructor, New England Regional Primate Research Center
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
P. Norris, Senior Scientist, Blood Systems Research Institute
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
M. Addo, Instructor, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
M. Feeney, Associate Professor, University of California San Francisco
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
C. Day, Assistant Professor, Emory
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
W. Rodriguez, Instructor, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
T. Allen, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
A. Kim, Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
R. Draenert, Physician, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Germany
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
X. Yu, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
Y. Tang, Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
S. Le Gall, Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
J. Timm, Physician, Ruhr-University Bocheim, Germany
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
M. Brockman Associate Professor, Simon Frasier University
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
K. Dong, Lecturer, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
M. Lichterfeld Instructor, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
J. Wiesch, Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
G. Tanzi, Consultant, Private Industry
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
G. Alter, Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
T. Koibuchi, Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
B. Ojikutu, Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
N. Lin, Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
F. Pereyra, Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
T. Miura, Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
H. Chen, Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
Z. Brumme, Associate Professor, Simon Frasier University
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
D. Kwon, Instructor, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
B. Juelg, Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
G. Gaiha, Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
Z. Ndhlovu, Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
M. Leshwedi, Research Fellow, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
D. Shasha, Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
N. Holt, Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School
Research Training Fellowship Mentor
Formal Teaching of Peers (e.g., CME and other continuing education courses)
"No presentations below were sponsored by outside entities"
Infectious Disease Postgraduate Course
Harvard Medical School
Lecture on AIDS
Anesthesia Postgraduate Course, Harvard Medical School
Pulmonary Postgraduate Course
Harvard Medical School
Aids Pathogenesis
Postgraduate Course, Boston University
Aids Pathogenesis
Harvard Retrovirology Dinner Club, Harvard Medical School
Virology Seminar Series
Harvard Medical School
AIDS Postgraduate Course
Harvard Medical School
Computational Immunology Symposium
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Boston, MA
Boston, MA
Boston, MA
Boston, MA
Boston, MA
Boston, MA
Boston, MA
Cambridge, MA
Local Invited Presentations
1989, 1992
Gastroenterology Grand Rounds, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Hematology Grand Rounds, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Pathology Department Grand Rounds, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
1995, 1998
Medical Grand Rounds, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Medical Grand Rounds, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
Harvard AIDS Institute Think Tank, Harvard Medical School, Dedham, MA
Partners Physician’s Day, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Partners Health Care Senior Management Retreat, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Boston, MA
Harvard Medical School Scientific Symposium, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Harvard Medical Service Alumni Reunion, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Transfusion Medicine Grand Rounds, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
Infectious Diseases of Adults - 2001, MGH Infectious Disease Division, Cambridge, MA
Harvard University Virology Seminar Series, Harvard University, Boston, MA
Partners HealthCare System, Inc. Annual Meeting, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Boston, MA
HIV and Women: Epidemiology, Immunology and Metabolism, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA
Harvard Medical School Program in Immunology Seminar Series, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA
Harvard Medical School Pasteur Clinical Champions Seminar Series, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA
Harvard Medical School/Brigham & Women’s Hospital Transfusion Medicine Grand
Rounds, Boston, MA
Harvard-MIT Hippocratic Society’s 2002 Conference on Infectious Disease, Harvard
University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Harvard Programs on AIDS in Africa: A University Responds, Harvard University,
Boston, MA
MGH Chief of Service Conference on Pediatric HIV, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Boston, MA
HMS Virology Seminar, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Brigham & Women’s Hospital Partners AIDS Research Center HIV Update Symposium,
Brigham and Women's, Cambridge, MA
Harvard Medical School Pasteur Case Study Series, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Department of Medicine Academic Council Faculty Seminar Series, Massachusetts
General Hospital, Boston, MA
"Facing the Challenges of Global Health Today", Harvard University Committee on
University Resources Annual Meeting, Boston, MA
Harvard Medical School Physicians for Human Rights, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
“AIDS 2004,” Massachusetts General Hospital Division of Primary Care, Boston, MA
“Immunology of AIDS,” Harvard School of Public Health Division of Biostatistics,
Boston, MA
Center for AIDS Research 8th Annual National Symposium, Harvard University, Boston,
“AIDS Pathogenesis,”Consul General of France and Harvard Medical School Division of
AIDS, Boston, MA
“Building research capacity in resource scarce settings,” Harvard University Office of
International Programs, Boston, MA
Invited Speaker
Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge, MA
Partners Physician’s Day, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
“Immune Control of HIV,” Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA
Immune Control of HIV: a perspective from studies in Africa, Harvard Medical School Center for Population and Development Studies, Cambridge, MA
“Immune Control and Immune Failure in HIV Infection,” Program for Evolutionary
Dynamics at Harvard, Cambridge, MA
8th Annual Partners Physicians Day - Keynote Speaker, Massachustts General Hospital,
Boston, MA
Brigham and Women’s Hospital Research Conference, Brigham and Women's Hospital,
Boston, MA
Harvard Medical School Committee on Immunology Seminar, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA
AIDS Medicine: An Intensive Case-Based Course, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
HOPE Conference, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston MA
Global Health Delivery Seminar Series, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Harvard University Centers for AIDS Research Annual Symposium, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA
“HIV/AIDS and Global Health", MGH Center for Global Health, Boston, MA
"Missing Medicines, Harvard's Response to the Challenge of Global Neglected Diseases",
Harvard Global Health and AIDS Coalition, Cambridge, MA
Pasteur Case Study, Massachusetts General Hospital, Cambridge, MA
Harvard Medical School Committee on Immunology Seminar, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA
Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Training, Funding and Focus areas for Translation Research, Harvard School of Public
Health, Boston, MA
“T-cell mediated immunity to HIV plus human genetic polymorphisms affecting HIV
progression”, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
AIDS in Africa: Long-Term Effects of ARV Therapy Symposium, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA
ECOR Celebration of Science, HIV Conference Series “How HIV Causes Disease: A 2009
Perspective”, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Harvard Virology Program “Immune Control and Immune Failure in HIV Infection”,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
The Challenges of Developing Vaccines to HIV/AIDS
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA
Seminar for SURF Students
Harvard Institute of Global Health, Cambridge, MA
Practicing Global Health across Disciplines: Snapshots of Success, Global Health
MGH Center for Global Health, Boston, MA
“Immununology of HIV/AIDS”
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
“Unraveling the Genetic Basis of HIV Control”
Brigham and Womens Hospital Pathology Grand Rounds Boston, MA
Global Health: South Africa
Center for Global Health Advisory Board meeting, MGH, Boston, MA
Report of Regional, National and International Invited Teaching and
Invited Presentations and Courses
1997, 2000,
Dartmouth College Immunology Seminar Series
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Medical Grand Rounds
Addison Gilbert Hospital, Gloucester, MA
Medical Grand Rounds
Repligen Corporation, Cambridge, MA
Brown University Immunology Seminar
Brown University, Providence, RI
Medical Grand Rounds
West Roxbury VA Hospital, Boston, MA
Contemporary Topics in Immunology
Boston, MA
Immunology Seminar Series
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Hepatitus C and Beyond
Keystone Symposia, Burlington, VT
Infectious Disease Grand Rounds
Boston University, Boston, MA
Invited Speaker
Milton Academy, Milton, MA
Invited Speaker
Search for a Cure, Boston, MA
Invited Speaker
International AIDS Society-USA, Boston, MA
Invited Speaker
Harvard AIDS Institute Think Tank, Dedham, MA
Invited Speaker
Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
World AIDS Conference Review
AIDS Action Committee, Boston, MA
Invited Discussant
Project Inform, Boston, MA
Invited Speaker
Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA
BIO 2000 TechTransfer Forum
Boston, MA
Grand Rounds
Lowell General Hospital, Lowell, MA
Invited Speaker
Dimmock Community Health Center, Boston, MA
Invited Discussant
Waterford Project Meeting, Boston, MA
Invited Lecturer
Infectious Diseases of Adults – 2001, Cambridge, MA
Boston Living Center’s 14th Annual Thanksgiving Dinner
Boston Living Center, Boston, MA
Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies Meeting
Boston, MA
Wyeth Research/Genetics Institute
Cambridge, MA
HIV and Women: Epidemiology, Immunology and Metabolism
Boston, MA
Pediatric Vaccine Immunology Workshop
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, Dedham, MA
International Health Organization 3rd AIDS in India Symposium
Boston, MA
Children’s Hospital Senior Rounds
Boston, MA
47th Annual Meeting of the Plastic Surgery Research Council
Boston, MA
BMS Metabolic & Cardiovascular Complications of HIV Preceptor Series
Boston, MA
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Medical Research Program Clinical Scientist Meeting
Newport, RI
Children’s Hospital Senior Rounds
Children’s Hosptial, Boston, MA
Grand Rounds
New England Medial Center, Boston, MA
10th Conference on Retrovirus & Opportunistic Infection
Foundation for Retrovirology and Human Health, Boston, MA
American Transplant Congress 5th Joint American Transplant Meeting
American Transplant Congress, Boston, MA
Boston Living Center’s GlaxoSmithKline Dinner Series
Boston Living Center, Boston, MA
IDEAS Boston Conference Series
IDEAS Boston, Boston, MA
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Exceptional Research Opportunities Program
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Cambridge, MA
New England Cytometry Users Group Presentation
New England Cytometry Users Group, Boston, MA
“Elite Control of HIV”
Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA
CENTRA Users Conference
Boston, MA
Invited Speaker
Counsel on Foreign Relations, Cambridge, MA
Invited Speaker
UMass Memorial Medical Center, Worcester, MA
Infectious Disease of Adults
HIV Pathogenesis, Boston, MA
Invited Speaker
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA
IAP Lecture Series - "The Molecular Basis of Infectious Disease"
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA
15th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA
AIDS: Evolution of an Epidemic
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA
Tuberculosis Retreat
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA
Improving Vaccination for Chronic Viral Infections –A Case for Emerging Immune
Modulatory Therapies Satellite Symposium
Clinical Immunology Society, Boston, MA
Amherst College Public Health Collaborative
Amherst College, Amherst, MA
Keynote: Immunogenetics of HIV Infection, FOCIS 2010
Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies, Boston, MA
Viruses and The Host Response, 50th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents
and Chemotherapy
American Society of Microbiology, Boston, MA
Keystone Symposium on AIDS Pathogenesis
Keystone Symposia, Keystone CO
Invited Speaker
3rd International AIDS Conference, Washington, D.C.
University of California Immunology Seminar Series
University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
HIV Information Network Publication
University of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama
First National Cooperative Vaccine Development Group for AIDS
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Norfolk, VA
University of Alabama Immunology Seminar Series
University of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama
Invited speaker
Clinical Immunology Society, Washington, DC
Stanford University Immunology Seminar Series
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA
University of Washington Immunology Seminar Series
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Invited Speaker
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CA
Invited Speaker
Chiron Corporation, Emeryville, CA
NIH Research Conference on Immunologic & Host Genetic Resistance to HIV Infection
& Disease
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
1993, 1995,
Immune Reconstitution Think Tank
Project Inform, Napa Valley, CA
Invited Speaker
American Association of Allergy & Immunology, Milwaukee, WI
Ad Hoc Review Panel/HIV Immunopathogenesis Program
National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD
Grand Rounds
Hanneman Medical School, Philadelphia, PA
NIH Conference on HIV Infection of the Central Nervous System
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
Southwestern University Immunology Seminar
Southwestern University School of Medicine, Dallas, TX
Molecular Aspects of Viral Immunity
University of California at Los Angeles, Keystone, CO
Invited Speaker
New York Blood Center , New York, NY
International Immunology Congress
American Association of Immunologists, San Francisco, CA
Molecular Aspects of Infectious Diseases
Cold Spring Harbor, NY
Invited Speaker
Cell Genesys, San Francisco, CA
Merck Immunology Lecture
Merck & Co, Rahway, NJ
Vanderbilt University Immunology Seminar
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Mt. Sinai Hospital Immunology Seminar
Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York, NY
National Symposium on Basic Aspects of Immunology
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Baltimore, MD
University of North Carolina Immunology Seminar
University of North Carolina , Chapel Hill, NC
New Insights in HIV Infection and Disease
Cambridge Symposia, Hilton Head, SC
Invited Speaker
The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA
Invited Speaker
Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, New York, NY
4th Conference on Retroviruses & Opportunistic Infections
Washington, DC
AIDS Clinical Trials Group Meeting
National Institutes of Health, Arlington, VA
Keystone Symposium Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment
Keystone Symposia, Park City, UT
UCSF Center for AIDS Research Annual Symposium
University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
5th Conference on Retroviruses & Opportunistic Infections
Foundation for Retrovirology and Human Health, Chicago, IL
7th International Conference on Lymphocyte Activation and Immune Regulation
University of California, Newport Beach, CA
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Opening Session
American Society for Microbiology, San Diego, CA
5th International Conference on Dendritic Cell Biology
NIH, Pittsburgh, PA
Invited Speaker
Infectious Disease Society of America, Denver, CO
University of Alabama Center for AIDS Research Lecture Series
University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL
Immune Reconstitution in HIV Disease
Project Inform, New York, NY
University of Pennsylvania Immunology Seminar Series
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Invited Speaker
Center for AIDS Research, University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA
10th B. Frank Polk Symposium
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
John T. Carey Memorial Lecture
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH
Invited Speaker
International AIDS Society, New York, NY
Duke University Virology Seminar
Duke University, Durham, NC
Allegheny University AIDS Seminar Series
Allegheny University, Pittsburgh, PA
Chicago Center for AIDS Research Clinic Dedication
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL
AIDS Vaccine Research Council
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MA
Co-Organizer and Presenter
IAS-USA HIV Symposium, Aspen, CO
Grand Rounds
University of Colorado Medical, Denver, CO
Invited Speaker
Physicians Research Network, New York, NY
Invited Lecturer
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NY
Invited Speaker
Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Cornell University Immunology Seminar Series
Cornell University, New York, NY
Invited Speaker
Institute for Human Virology, Baltimore, MD
Keystone Symposium on HIV Vaccine Development
Keystone Symposia, Keystone, CO
HIV Eradication Symposium
Chiron Corporation, Emeryville, CA
Invited Symposium Speaker
University of California at Los Angeles, Palm Springs, CA
Keystone Symposium on Molecular and Cellular Biology
Keystone Symposia, Keystone, CO
Invited Discussion Group Leader, IAVI Meeting
International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), New York, NY
John F. Kennedy School of Government/Commonwealth Fund
Bipartisan Congressional Health Policy Conference, Aventura, FL
Invited speaker
Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, Bethesda, MD
Invited Lecturer
Scripps Research Institute, CA
Invited Speaker
Immune Response Corporation, CA
University of Washington Division of Virology
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Invited Speaker
University of Washington Center for AIDS Research, Seattle, WA
CFAR Symposium
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
CFAR Symposium
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Minnesota
Invited Discussant
Rockefeller Foundation, New York, NY
Palm Springs Symposium on HIV/AIDS
Palm Springs, CA
San Francisco Immunology Program Series
University of California at San Francisco, CA
GlaxoSmithKline Speaker Program
GlaxoSmithKline, Sacramento, CA
Invited Speaker
Bristol-Myers Squibb Immunology HIV Speakers’ Bureau, Sonoma, CA
Keystone Symposium on HIV Vaccine Development
Keystone Symposia, Keystone, CO
12th Annual Virology Symposium
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Invited Panelist, 11th Annual Clinical Care Options for HIV Symposium
Laguna Niguel, CA
Merck National HIV Consultants Meeting
Merck & Co, San Antonio, TX
Special Briefing to the United States Congress: “Solving the HIV/AIDS Drug Access
Crisis in Africa: Meeting the Challenge to Save Millions of Lives & to Mitigate the
Orphan Crisis”
United States Congress , Washington, DC
Invited Moderator
2002, 2003
International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care Sessions 2001, Chicago, IL
“Rationale for Therapeutic Vaccines”
AIDS Vaccine 2001, Philadelphia, PA
Keystone Symposium on Immune Reconstitution and Therapeutic Vaccination
Keystone Symposia, Keystone, CO
Improving the Management of HIV Disease
Chicago, IL
Keynote Speaker, First Annual Meeting of the Doris Duke Clinical Fellows
Doris Duke Foundation, St. Louis, MO
International Meeting of the Institute of Human Virology
Institute of Human Virology, Baltimore, MD
Merck MESA Meeting
Merck & Co, Denver, CO
HIV Vaccine Trials Network Full Group Meeting
HIV Vaccine Trials Network, Seattle, WA
IDSA Fellows’ Day Program/40th Meeting of the IDSA
Infectious Diseases Society of America, Chicago, IL
6th National Symposium on the NIH Centers for AIDS Research
National Institutes of Health, Seattle, WA
Department of Microbiology and Immunology Seminar Series
Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY
Third HIV DRP Symposium on Antiviral Drug Resistance
HIV Drug Resistance Program, Chantilly, VA
Merck MESA Lecture Series
Merck & Co, Houston, TX
University of Alabama at Birmingham Centers for AIDS Research Dinner Lecture
University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL
Immunopathogenesis/Interactive Case Challenges
13th Annual Clinical Care Options for HIV Symposium, Scottsdale, AZ
Invited Panelist, HVTN Scientific Agenda Review Meeting
HIV Vaccine Trials Network, Bethesda, MD
Institute of Medicine Antiretroviral Drug Use Workshop
Institutes of Medicine, Washington DC
Confronting the Global HIV Epidemic
Physicians Research Network, New York, NY
11th Annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
San Francisco, CA
Stop the Silence HIV/AIDS Symposium
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Conference on World Affairs
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Invited Speaker
New York University Center for AIDS Research, New York, NY
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research 10th National Symposium
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Silver Spring, MD
Acute Infection Early Disease Research Program International Workshop
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Washington, DC
Invited Speaker
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, MD
Invited Speaker
Merck & Co., Denver, CO
Duke University HIV Meeting
Duke University. Durham, NC
Invited Speaker
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, MD
Invited Speaker
National Institute of Health Division of AIDS, Bethesda, MD
HHMI Global Health Symposium
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Washington, DC
HHMI Science Meeting
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, MD
Invited Speaker
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
23rd Annual Symposium on Nonhuman Primate Models for AIDS Research
NIH, Portland, OR
Vanderbilt University Grand Rounds
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Invited Speaker
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY
Keystone Symposia on Integrating Knowledge
Keystone Symposia, Keystone, CO
Scott Thaler Memorial Lecture at Merck & Co.
Merck & Co., West Point, PA
Clinical Care Options Symposium
Key Biscayne, FL
Los Angeles Intercity HIV Rounds
AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Los Angeles, CA
7th Annual HIV/AIDS Conference
Cedars Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles, CA
Arthur Ashe Endowment Lecture: "An Academic Response to the Global AIDS Crisis" Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY
Immunology Club Seminar Series
New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY
Albert Einstein CFAR symposium
NYC Medical School, New York, NY
14th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Los Angeles, CA
Invited Speaker
Scripps Green Hospital, San Diego, CA
Scientific Advisory BoardMeeting
GlobeImmune , Denver, CO
International AIDS Society – USA
International AIDS Society, New York, NY
Keystone Symposium on HIV Pathogenesis
Keystone Symposia, Keystone, CO
Invited Speaker
Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, New York, NY
St. Vincent’s Comprehensive HIV Medical Center Grand Rounds
St. Vincent’s Comprehensive HIV Medical Center, New York, NY
Invited Speaker, Immune Control and Immune Failure in HIV Infection
The Library of Congress, Washington, DC
Invited Speaker
Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies (FOCIS), San Diego, CA
Invited Speaker
New York University, New York, NY
Collaborative Institute of Virology Directors Meeting
Collaborative Institute of Virology, Chicago, IL
Fifth Annual Clinical Investigator Student Trainee Forum
National Institutes of Health, Bethsada, MD
National Center for AIDS Research Directors Meeting
University of California Centers for AIDS Research, San Diego, CA
Stanford Institute for Immunity Transplantation and Infection
Stanford Institute, Stanford, CA
Penn Center for AIDS Research Seminar Series
University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, PA
IAVI-R&D Retreat
International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, New York, NY
HIV Vaccine Strategy Meeting
Merck Vaccines and Infectious Diseases, Branchburg, New Jersey
“Why do we not yet have an HIV vaccine?”
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Invited Speaker
Division of Infectious Diseases and International Health, University of Virginia Health
System, Charlottesville, VA
Invited Speaker
International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, New York, NY
Enders lecture
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy/Infectious Dissease
Society of America, Washington, DC
Immune regulation of HIV infection
Keystone Symposia, Keystone, CO
Keystone Symposium on Prevention of HIV/AIDS (X3) “HIV Controllers: A Model for
T Cell Vaccination?“
Keystone Symposia, Keystone, CO
Invited Speaker/Opening Remarks
HIV Management 2009: The New York Course, New York, NY
Immune Control and Immune Failure in HIV Infection
National Jewish Health, Denver, CO
HIV Exposed and Uninfected: Time for a Collaborative Approach?
NIH/NIAID, Rockville, MD
IV Elite Controllers: Implications for prophylatic and therapeutic vaccines, Leon Smith
Honorary Lecture
ID Care, Newark, NJ
AIDS Pathogenesis
Cent Gardes Meeting on AIDS Pathogenesis Pasteur Merrieux, Paris, France
Invited Speaker
Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK
Invited Speaker
African AIDS Conference, Dakar, Senegal
Invited Speaker
US-Japan Hepatitis Panel, Kofu, Japan
Invited Speaker
International AIDS Meeting, Berlin, Germany
International Meeting on the Biology, Immunology & Clinic of Hepatitis Viruses
[Parma, Italy
Immunology Seminar
University of Würzburg, Wurzburg, Germany
"Pathogenesis of AIDS MRC"
Medical Research Council of Great Britain, London, UK
Invited Speaker
University of Zurich, Switzerland
“AIDS, From Basic Science to Diagnosis and Therapy"
Florence, Italy
Cent Gardes AIDS Meeting/Pasteur Merrieux
Pasteur Insitute, Paris, France
Harold Neu ID Conference
Toronto, Canada
Zurich University Immunology Seminar
Zurich University, Zurich, Switzerland
Invited Speaker
Pasteur Institute, Paris, France
"Setting a New AIDS Agenda"
CIBA Foundation, London, England
Invited Speaker
Gesellschaft fur Virologie, Hamburg, Germany
12th World AIDS Conference
Geneva, Switzerland
Oxford University Immunology Seminar Series
Oxford, England
VII Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research
Quebec, Canada
2nd International Symposium of the EU Concerted Action
Oxford, England
Nobel Forum Conference on AIDS Pathogenesis
Stockhold, Sweden
Invited Speaker
University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Puerto Rico AIDS Symposium
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Invited Lecturer
2000, 2001
Hopital Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris, France
13th Swiss GlaxoSmithKline Workshop “Challenge in Virology”
Saanen, Switzerland
Wurzburg Symposium on Infectious Diseases
University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
4th Modeling Panel Meeting
Oxford University, Oxford, England
Colloque Manon Lescaut
Manon Scientific Research Program, Paris, France
Programa VII Simposio SITGES 2001
Barcelona, Spain
German AIDS Meeting
Frankfurt, Germany
First IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Invited Speaker
Tokyo Medical Science Institute
Invited Speaker
National Institutes of Health Japan, Tokyo, Japan
Invited Speaker
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan
Invited Speaker
Shenyang University, Shenyang, China
19th Annual Symposium on Nonhuman Primate Models for AIDS
San Juan, Puerto, Rico
Welcome Workshop on HIV & TB
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
International Symposium on Therapeutic Vaccines Against HIV & Cancers
Fondation Merieux, Annecy, France
XIV International AIDS Conference
Barcelona, Spain
Virology: A New Perspective
GlaxoSmithKline, Queensland, Australia
Keystone Symposium
Keystone Symposia, Banff, Canada
5th International Congress of the Federation of African Immunological Socieities
Federation of African Immunological Societies, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
8th International Meeting of the GEMHEP
Groupe Francais D’Etudes Moléculaires des Hépatites, Paris, France
2nd IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment
International AIDS Society, Paris, France
Keystone Conference on HIV Vaccine Development
Keystone Symposia, Whistler, Canada
European Primary HIV Infection Symposium
Abbot Virology, Berlin, Germany
Keynote Speaker, 15th Annual Vietnam National Immunity Conference
Harvard Medical School, Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, Vietnam
Co-Chair, AIDS Vaccine Science Secretariat 2004 Symposium on Therapeutic Vaccines
2007, 2008
AIDS Vaccine Science Secretariat, Laussanne, Switzerland
Keystone Conference on HIV Pathogenesis
Keystone Symposia, Banff Springs, Canada
Vienna Vaccines 2nd Annual Symposium
Semmering, Austria
Elite Control of HIV: Humoral, cellular and virologic factors
5th Intl Summit of Protection from HIV Infection and Disease, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Controllers of HIV: Implications for Vaccines
5th AIDS Vaccine Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands
3rd Annual Scientific Advisory Meeting
National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, China CDC, Beijing, China
Scientific Board Meeting
Objectif Recherche Vaccins SIDA (ORVACS), Paris, France
HIV CHE Meeting
Gilead Sciences Canada, Montreal, Quebec / Toronto, Ontario
4th IAS Conference
International AIDS Society, Sydney, Australia
Keystone HIV Pathogenesis Symposium
Keystone Symposia, Banff, Alberta, Canada
"25 Years of HIV"
Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
Axel Key Symposium
Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Third Bernard Halpern Symposium of Immunology
Collège de France, Paris, France
"Elite control of HIV: Implications for vaccine design” - AIDS Vaccine 2008 Conference
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
Invited Speaker
Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Keynote Speaker, 100th anniversary of the Nobel Prize to Elie Metchnikoff and Paul
Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, Germany
“Philanthropy and the Fight against AIDS”
Barcelona, Spain
Creating Cohorts: Experiences from the International HIV Controllers Study
International Centre for Infectious Diseases, Winnepeg, Manitoba
Keynote Speaker: Durable Control of HIV Infection:Implications for Vaccine Design
Keystone Symposia, Banff, Alberta, Canada
Plan for Looking at Correlates
Center for the AIDs Programme of Research in South Africa, Durban, South Africa
Eradication and Vaccine: the Two Goals in HIV Research,
IrsiCaize 15th Anniversary Event, Barcelona, Spain
Beyond the Intellectual Silos: A new Model of Scientific Collaboration to Make the World
a Better Place
Prince de Girona Foundation, Barcelona, Spain
Keynote Speaker “Unraveling the Genetic Basis of HIV Control”
Annual Meeting for the Society for Virology, Freiberg Germany
Report of Clinical Activities and Innovations
Current Licensure and Certification
Massachusetts Medical License
Practice Activities
1980 - present Patients with
Infectious Disease Outpatient Unit, Massachusetts General
Clinical Innovations
Development of immunotherapeutic approaches to HIV treatment.
Report of Education of Patients and Service to the Community
Those activities below sponsored by outside entities are so noted and the sponsor(s) is (are) identified.
HHMI Holiday Lecture “AIDS: Evolution of an Epidemic (Howard Hughes Medical
Series of lectures given to high school students and filmed for DVD.
Illuminator Award
Commitment to Children Award
Outstanding Citizen Award
Presidents Award for Service
Cambridge Cares About AIDS
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
Boston Living Center
Greater Boston Business Council
Report of Scholarship
Peer reviewed publications in print or other media
Original Articles:
Walker BD, Chakrabarti S, Moss B, Paradis TJ, Flynn T, Durno AG, Blumberg RS, Kaplan JC,
Hirsch MS, Schooley RT. HIV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes in seropositive inidividuals.
Nature. 1987;328(6128):345-8.
Walker BD, Kowalski M, Goh WC, Krieger M, Rosen CR, Rohrschneider L, Haseltine WA,
Sodroski J. Inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus syncytium formation and virus
replication by castanospermine. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1987;84:8120-8124.
Fisher RA, Bertonis JM, Meier W, Johnson VA, Costopoulos DS, Liu T, Tizard R, Walker BD,
Hirsch MS, Schooley RT, Flavell RA. HIV infection is blocked in vitro by recombinant soluble
CD4. Nature 1988;331:76-78.
Hussey RE, Richardson NE, Kowalski M, Brown NR, Chang HC, Siliciano RF, Dorfman T,
Walker BD, Sodroski J, Reinherz EL. A soluble CD4 protein selectively inhibits HIV replication
and syncytium formation. Nature 1988;331:78-81.
Walker BD, Flexner C, Paradis TJ, Fuller T, Hirsch MS, Schooley RT, Moss B. HIV-1 reverse
transcriptase is a target for cytotoxic T lymphocytes in infected individuals. Science 1988;240:6466.
Johnson VA, Walker BD, Barlow MA, Paradis TJ, Chou T-C, Hirsch MS. Synergistic inhibition
of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and type 2 replication in vitro by castanospermine and
3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1989;33:53-57.
Johnson VA, Barlow MA, Chou T-C, Fisher RA, Walker BD, Hirsch MS, Schooley RT.
Synergistic inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) replication in vitro by
recombinant soluble CD4 and 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine. J Infect Dis 1989;159:837-844.
Walker BD, Flexner C, Birch-Limberger K, Fisher L, Paradis TJ, Aldovini A, Young R, Moss B,
and Schooley RT. Long-term culture and fine specificity of human cytotoxic T-lymphocyte
clones reactive with human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
Goldfeld A, Birch-Limberger K, Schooley RT and Walker B. HIV-1 infection does not induce
tumor necrosis factor- or interferon- gene transcription. JAIDS 1991;4:41-47.
Poznansky MC, Walker BD, Haseltine WA, Sodroski J, Langhoff E. A rapid method for
quantitating the frequency of peripheral blood cells containing HIV-1 DNA. JAIDS 1991;4:368373.
Johnson RP, Trocha A, Yang L, Mazarra GP, Panicalli DL, Buchanan TM, Walker BD. HIV-1gag-specific CTL recognize multiple highly conserved epitopes: Fine specificity of the gagspecific response defined using unstimulated PBMC and cloned effector cells. J Immunol
Tsomedis TJ, Walker BD, Eisen H. An optimal viral peptide recognized by CD8+ T cells binds
very tightly to the restricting class I major histocompatibnility complex protein on intact cells but
not to the purified class I protein. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1991;88:11276-11280.
Johnson RP, Trocha A, Buchanan TM, Walker BD. Identification of overlapping HLA class Irestricted cytotoxic T cell epitopes in a conserved region of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein:
Definition of minimum epitopes and analysis of the effects of sequence variation. J Exp Med
Jassoy C, Johnson RP, Navia BA, Worth J, Walker BD. Detection of a vigorous HIV-1-specific
cytotoxic T lymphocyte response in cerebrospinal fluid from infected persons with AIDS
dementia complex. J Immunol 1992;149:3113-3119.
Koziel MJ, Dudley D, Wong J, Houghton M, Ralston R, Walker BD. Intrahepatic cytotoxic T
lymphocytes specific for hepatitis C virus in persons with chronic hepatitis. J Immunol
Johnson RP, Trocha A, Buchanan TM and Walker BD. Recognition of a highly conserved region
of human immunodeficiency virus type I gp120 by a HLA-Cw4-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte
clone. J Virol 1993;67:438-445.
Curiel TJ, Wong JT, Gorczyca PF, Schooley RT, Walker BD. CD4+ HIV-1 envelope-specific
cytotoxic T-lymphocytes derived from the peripheral blood cells of an HIV-1 infected individual.
AIDS Res Hum Retro 1993;9:61-68.
Jassoy C, Harrer T, Rosenthal T, Navia BA, Worth J, Johnson RP, Walker BD. HIV-1-specific
cytotoxic T lymphocytes release interferon, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-) and TNF- when they
encounter their target antigen. J Virol 1993;67:2844-2852.
Zweerink HJ, Gammon MC, Utz U, Sauma SY, Harrer T, Hawkins JC, Johnson RP, Sirotina A,
Hermes JD, Walker BD, Biddison WE. Presentation of endogenous peptides to MHC class I
restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes in transport deletion mutant T2 cells. J Immunol
Harrer T, Jassoy C, Harrer E, Johnson RP, Walker BD. Induction of HIV-1 replication in a
chronically infected T cell line by cytotoxic T lymphocytes. JAIDS 1993;6:865-871.
Koziel MJ, Dudley D, Afdhal N, Choo Q-L, Houghton M, Ralston R, Walker BD. Hepatitis C
Virus (HCV)-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes recognize epitopes in the core and envelope
proteins of HCV. J Virol 1993;67:7522-7532.
Kalams SA, Johnson RP, Trocha AK, Dynan MJ, Ngo HS, D'Aquila RT, Kurnick JT, Walker BD.
Longitudinal analysis of T cell receptor (TCR) gene usage by HIV-1 envelope-specific cytotoxic T
lymphocytes clones reveals a limited TCR repertoire. J Exp Med 1994;179:1261-1271.
Johnson RP, Hammond SA, Trocha A, Siliciano RF, Walker BD. Induction of MHC class Irestricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses to a highly conserved region of (HIV-1) gp120 in
seronegative humans immunized with a candidate HIV-1 vaccine. J Virol 1994;68:3145-3153.
Tsomides TJ, Aldovini A, Johnson RP, Walker BD, Young RA, Eisen HN. Naturally processed
viral peptides recognized by cytotoxic T lymphocytes on cells chronically infected by human
immunodeficiency virus type 1. J Exp Med 1994;180:1283-1293.
Delwart EL, Sheppard HW, Walker BD, Goudsmit J, Mullins JI. Human immunodeficiency virus
type 1 evolution in vivo tracked by DNA heteroduplex mobility assays. J Virol 1994;68:66726683.
Jassoy C, Heinkelein M, Klinker H, and Walker BD. HIV Type 1-specific cytotoxic T
lymphocytes stimulate HLA class I and intercellular adhesion molecule type 1 expression, and
increase 2-microglobulin levels in vitro. AIDS Res Human Retro 1994;10:1685-1693.
Price P, Johnson RP, Scadden DT, Jassoy C, Rosenthal T, Kalams S, Walker, BD. Cytotoxic
CD8+ lymphocytes reactive with HIV-1 produce GM-CSF and variable amounts of interleukins 2,
3 and 4 following stimulation with the cognate epitope. Clin Immunol & Immunopath
Wilson C, Wong JT, Girard DD, Merrill DP, Dynan M, An DD, Kalams SA, Johnson RP, Hirsch
MS, D'Aquila RT, Walker BD. Ex vivo expansion of CD4 lymphocytes from human
immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected persons in the presence of combination antiretroviral
agents. J Infect Dis 1995;172:88-96.
Iversen AK, Shpaer EG, Rodrigo AG, Hirsch MS, Walker BD, Sheppard HW, Merigan TC,
Mullins JI. Persistence of attenuated rev genes in a human immunodeficiency virus type 1infected asymptomatic individual. J Virol 1995;69:5743-5753.
Koziel MJ, Dudley D, Afdhal N, Grakoui A, Rice C, Choo Q-L, Houghton M, Walker BD. HLA
class I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes specific for hepatitis C virus: identification of multiple
epitopes and characterization of patterns of cytokine release. J Clin Invest 1995;96:2311-2321.
Hammond SA, Johnson RP, Kalams SA, Walker BD, Takiguchi M, Safrit JT, Koup RA, Siliciano
RF. An epitope-selective, transporter associated with antigen presentation (TAP)1/2-independent
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Julg B, Moodley ES, Qi Y, Ramduth D, Reddy S, Mncube Z, Gao X, Goulder PJ, Detels R,
Ndung'u T, Walker BD, Carrington M. Possession of HLA class II DRB1*1303 associates with
reduced viral loads in chronic HIV-1 clade C and B infection. J Infect Dis. 2011 Mar
15;203(6):803-9. Epub 2011 Jan 21. PubMed PMID: 21257739; PubMed Central PMCID:
Thobakgale CF, Streeck H, Mkhwanazi N, Mncube Z, Maphumulo L, Chonco F, Prendergast A,
Tudor-Williams G, Walker BD, Goulder PJ, Altfeld M, Ndung'u T. CD8(+) T Cell
Polyfunctionality Profiles in Progressive and Nonprogressive Pediatric HIV Type 1 Infection.
AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2011 Mar 21. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 21288139.
Wright JK, Novitsky V, Brockman MA, Brumme ZL, Brumme CJ, Carlson JM, Heckerman D,
Wang B, Losina E, Leshwedi M, van der Stok M, Maphumulo L, Mkhwanazi N, Chonco F,
Goulder PJ, Essex M, Walker BD, Ndung'u T. Influence of Gag-protease-mediated replication
capacity on disease progression in individuals recently infected with HIV-1 subtype C. J Virol.
2011 Apr;85(8):3996-4006. Epub 2011 Feb 2. PubMed PMID: 21289112; PubMed Central
PMCID: PMC3126116.
Rodríguez-García M, Porichis F, de Jong OG, Levi K, Diefenbach TJ, Lifson JD, Freeman GJ,
Walker BD, Kaufmann DE, Kavanagh DG. Expression of PD-L1 and PD L2 on human
macrophages is up-regulated by HIV-1 and differentially modulated by IL-10. J Leukoc Biol.
2011 Apr;89(4):507-15. Epub 2010 Nov 19. PubMed PMID: 21097698; PubMed Central PMCID:
Li JZ, Brumme ZL, Brumme CJ, Wang H, Spritzler J, Robertson MN, Lederman MM, Carrington
M, Walker BD, Schooley RT, Kuritzkes DR; AIDS Clinical Trials Group A5197 Study Team.
Factors associated with viral rebound in HIV-1-infected individuals enrolled in a therapeutic HIV1 gag vaccine trial. J Infect Dis. 2011 Apr 1;203(7):976-83. PubMed PMID: 21402549; PubMed
Central PMCID: PMC3068025.
Chen H, Li C, Huang J, Cung T, Seiss K, Beamon J, Carrington MF, Porter LC, Burke PS, Yang
Y, Ryan BJ, Liu R, Weiss RH, Pereyra F, Cress WD, Brass AL, Rosenberg ES, Walker BD, Yu
XG, Lichterfeld M. CD4+ T cells from elite controllers resist HIV-1 infection by selective
upregulation of p21. J Clin Invest. 2011 Apr 1;121(4):1549-60. doi: 10.1172/JCI44539. Epub
2011 Mar 14. PubMed PMID: 21403397; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3069774.
Hersperger AR, Martin JN, Shin LY, Sheth PM, Kovacs CM, Cosma GL, Makedonas G, Pereyra
F, Walker BD, Kaul R, Deeks SG, Betts MR. Increased HIV-specific CD8+ T-cell cytotoxic
potential in HIV elite controllers is associated with T-bet expression. Blood. 2011 Apr
7;117(14):3799-808. Epub 2011 Feb 2. PubMed PMID: 21289310.
Novitsky V, Ndungʼu T, Wang R, Bussmann H, Chonco F, Makhema J, De Gruttola V, Walker
BD, Essex M. Extended high viremics: a substantial fraction of individuals maintain high plasma
viral RNA levels after acute HIV-1 subtype C infection. AIDS. 2011 Apr 18. [Epub ahead of
print] PubMed PMID: 21505307.
Huang KH, Goedhals D, Carlson JM, Brockman MA, Mishra S, Brumme ZL, Hickling S, Tang
CS, Miura T, Seebregts C, Heckerman D, Ndung'u T, Walker B, Klenerman P, Steyn D, Goulder
P, Phillips R; Bloemfontein-Oxford Collaborative Group, van Vuuren C, Frater J. Progression to
AIDS in South Africa is associated with both reverting and compensatory viral mutations. PLoS
One. 2011 Apr 22;6(4):e19018. PubMed PMID: 21544209; PubMed Central PMCID:
Kulkarni S, Savan R, Qi Y, Gao X, Yuki Y, Bass SE, Martin MP, Hunt P, Deeks SG, Telenti A,
Pereyra F, Goldstein D, Wolinsky S, Walker B, Young HA, Carrington M. Differential microRNA
regulation of HLA-C expression and its association with HIV control. Nature. 2011 Apr
28;472(7344):495-8. Epub 2011 Apr 17. PubMed PMID: 21499264; PubMed Central PMCID:
Mureithi MW, Cohen K, Moodley R, Poole D, Mncube Z, Kasmar A, Moody DB, Goulder PJ,
Walker BD, Altfeld M, Ndung'u T. Impairment of CD1d-restricted natural killer T cells in chronic
HIV type 1 clade C infection. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2011 May;27(5):501-9. doi:
10.1089/aid.2010.0237. Epub 2010 Dec 13. PubMed PMID: 20942750; PubMed Central PMCID:
Streeck H, Kwon DS, Pyo A, Flanders M, Chevalier MF, Law K, Jülg B, Trocha K, Jolin JS,
Anahtar MN, Lian J, Toth I, Brumme Z, Chang JJ, Caron T, Rodig SJ, Milner DA Jr, PiechokaTrocha A, Kaufmann DE, Walker BD, Altfeld M. Epithelial adhesion molecules can inhibit HIV64
1-specific CD8⁺ T-cell functions. Blood. 2011 May 12;117(19):5112-22. Epub 2011 Mar 14.
PubMed PMID: 21403126.
Ndhlovu ZM, Piechocka-Trocha A, Vine S, McMullen A, Koofhethile KC, Goulder PJ, Ndung'u
T, Barouch DH, Walker BD. Mosaic HIV-1 Gag Antigens Can Be Processed and Presented to
Human HIV-Specific CD8+ T Cells. J Immunol. 2011 Jun 15;186(12):6914-24. Epub 2011 May
16. PubMed PMID: 21576505; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3129742.
Dahirel V, Shekhar K, Pereyra F, Miura T, Artyomov M, Talsania S, Allen TM, Altfeld M,
Carrington M, Irvine DJ, Walker BD, Chakraborty AK. Coordinate linkage of HIV evolution
reveals regions of immunological vulnerability. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Jun 20. [Epub
ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 21690407.
Non-peer reviewed scientific or medical publications/materials in print or other media
Proceedings of Meetings
Zolla-Pazner S, Mathieson BJ, Walker MC, Walker BD. NCVDG Summary: Clinical
Immunology Working Group. AIDS Res Hum Retro 1992;8:1300-4.
Johnson RP, Hammond SA, Trocha A, Siliciano RF, Walker BD. Epitope specificity of MHC
restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes induced by candidate HIV-1 vaccine. AIDS Res Human Retro
1994;10 Suppl 2:S73-75.
Harrer T, Harrer E, Buchbinder B, Mann DL, Feinberg M, Yilma T, Johnson RP, Walker BD.
HIV-1-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte response in healthy, long-term nonprogressing
seropositive persons. AIDS Res Human Retro 1994;10 Suppl 2:S77-78.
Harrer T, Harrer E, Kalams S, Walker BD. HIV-1 specific immune responses in asymptomatic
long-term nonprogressing infection. Vaccines 1996;273-277.
Centers for Disease Control Prevention. Report of the NIH panel to define principles of therapy of
HIV infection and guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agent sin HIV-infected adults and
adolescents. MMWR 1998;47 (No. RR-5): 1-91.
Walker B. Advances in the Understanding of HIV Pathogenesis. Highlights from the 6th
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, 1999. In: Improving the Management
of HIV Disease 1999;7:10-14.
Walker BD. Cellular immune response in HIV-1 infection and effects of therapy on immunologic
parameters. In: Improving the Management of HIV Disease 1999;Volume 7, Issue 1:4-8.
Walker BD. Immune Reconstitution: Is there a potential role for filgrastim (r-metHuG-CDSF)?
Hum Gene Therapy 1999 (suppl 1)8:S1-S2.
Goulder PJR, Rowland-Jones SL, McMichael AJ, Walker BD. Anti-HIV cellular immunity:
Recent advances towards vaccine design. AIDS 1999;13(suppl A):S121-S136.
Walker BD. HIV Pathogenesis and Prospects for Vaccine Development. Topics in HIV Medicine
2001; Volume 9, Issue 2:4-9.
Reviews, Chapters, and Editorials
Walker BD, Paradis TJ, Charkabarti S, Moss B, Schooley RT. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes specific
for the HIV-1 polymerase gene product. In: Girard M, editor. Retroviruses of Human AIDS and
Related Animal Diseases. Pasteur Vaccines; 1987.
Walker BD, Flexner C, Paradis TJ, Wong J, Hirsch MS, Moss B, Schooley RT. Characterization
of the cytotoxic T cell response to HIV-1 gene products. In: Oldstone and Brachiale, editors. Cell
Biology of Virus Entry, Replication and Pathogenesis. Alan R. Liss, Inc.; 1989.
Walker, BD, Plata F. Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes against HIV. AIDS 1990;4(3):188-84.
Walker BD. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses to HIV-1. In: Putney and Bolognesi, editors.
AIDS Vaccines: Basic Research and Clinical Trials. New York: Marcel Decker; 1990. p. 179194.
Johnson VA, Walker BD. HIV-infected cell fusion assay. In: Aldovini A, Walker BD, editors.
Techniques in HIV Research. New York: Stockton Press; 1990. p. 92-95.
Walker BD. HIV-1 specific cytotoxic T Lymphocytes. In: Aldovini A, Walker BD, editors.
Techniques in HIV Research. New York: Stockton Press; 1990. p. 201-210.
Johnson RP, Walker BD. Identification of HIV-1 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte epitopes and
implications for vaccine development. Biotechnol Ther 1991;2:137-46.
Zolla-Pazner S, Mathieson BJ, Walker MC, Walker BD. Summary: Clinical Immunology
Working Group. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1992;8(8):1441-3.
Walker BD. Immunology Related to AIDS. In: Cecil Textbook of Medicine. Philadelphia: WB
Saunders Company; 1992.
Walker BD. Studies of HIV-1-Specific CTL: Recognition of Multiple Highly Conserved Epitopes
in the Gag and RT Proteins. In: Koff W, Wong-Staal F, editors. Annual Review of AIDS
Research. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1992; 2:349-360.
Koziel MJ, Walker BD. Viruses, chemotherapy and immunity. Parasitology 1992;105
Walker MC, Walker BD, Mestecky J, Mathieson BJ. Conference on the advances in AIDS
vaccine development—1993. Summary: Cytotoxic T-cell Immunity Workshop. AIDS Res Hum
Retroviruses 1994;10(Suppl 2):S177-9.
Mestecky J, Walker MC, Mathieson BJ, Walker BD. Conference on advances in AIDS vaccine
development—1993. Summary: Mucosal Immunity Workshop. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses
1994;10(Suppl 2):S165-70.
Venet A, Walker BD. Cytotoxic T-cell epitopes in HIV/SIV Infection. AIDS 1993;7(Suppl 1):
Johnson RP and Walker BD. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes in human immunodeficiency virus
infection: responses to structural proteins. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 1994;189:35-63.
Kalams SA and Walker BD. The cytotoxic T-lymphocyte response in HIV-1 infection. Clin Lab
Med 1994;14(2):271-99.
Walker BD. Immunology Related to AIDS. In: Cecil Textbook of Medicine. Philadelphia: WB
Saunders; 1994.
Harrer T, Harrer E, Kalams SA, Buchbunder S, Johnson RP, Walker BD. Longitudinal analysis of
HIV-1-specific CTL responses. In: Biotechnology Against AIDS: From Science to Prevention,
Diagnosis and Therapy; 1994. Firenze. 63-86.
Walker BD. HIV-1-specific CTL response and TCR usage in HIV-1 infection. In: Retroviruses
of Human AIDS and Related Animal Diseases. Neuvieme Colloque Des Cent Gardes, Paris,
France; 1994. 21-8.
McMichael AJ and Walker BD. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitopes: Implications for AIDS
vaccines. AIDS 1994;8 Suppl 1:155-173.
Walker BD. The rationale for immunotherapy in HIV-1 infection. JAIDS 1994; Suppl 1:S6-13.
Walker BD. A new agenda for AIDS research. BMJ 1995 Dec 2; 311(7018):1448-1449.
Jassoy C, Walker BD. T lymphocytes and their cytokines in human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) infection: implications for associated neoplasias. Crit Rev in Oncog 1995; 6(3-6):275-89.
Kalams SA, Walker BD. Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes and HIV-1-Related Neurologic Disorders.
Curr Top in Microbiol Immunol 1995; 202:79-88.
Brander C, Walker BD. The HLA-class 1 Restricted CTL Response in HIV-1 Infection:
Identification of Optimal Epitopes. In: Korber BTM, Brander C, Walker BD, Koup R, Moore JP,
Haynes BF, Myers G, editors. HIV Molecular Immunology Database. New Mexico: Theoretical
Biology and Biophysics, Los Alamos National Laboratory; 1995.
Brander C, Walker BD. The HLA class I restricted CTL response in HIV-1 infection: Systematic
identification of optimal epitopes. In: Korber BTM, Brander C, Walker BD, Koup R, Moore JP,
Haynes BF, Myers G, editors. HIV Molecular Immunology Database. New Mexico: Theoretical
Biology and Biophysics, Los Alamos National Laboratory 1996.
Jassoy C, Walker BD. HIV-1-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes and the control of HIV-1
replication. Springer Seminars in Immunopathology 1997;18 (3):341-54.
Koziel MJ, Walker BD. Characteristics of the intrahepatic cytotoxic T lymphocyte response in
chronic hepatitis C virus infection. Springer Seminars in Immunopathology 1997; 19 (1):69-83
Yang OO, Walker BD. CD8+ cells in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 pathogenesis:
cytolytic and non-cytolytic inhibition of viral replication. Adv Immunol 1997;66:273-311.
Koziel MJ, Walker BD. Characteristics of the intrahepatic CTL response in chronic HCV
infection. Seminars in Immunology 1997;19(1):69-83. Review
Brander C, Walker BD. Optimal HLA class I restricted CTL epitopes in HIV-1 infection: 1997
update. In: Korber BTM, Brander C, Walker BD, Koup R, Moore JP, Haynes BF, Myers G,
editors. HIV Molecular Immunology Database. New Mexico: Theoretical Biology and
Biophysics, Los Alamos National Laboratory; 1997.
Rosenberg ES, Walker BD. HIV type 1 specific helper T cells: a critical host defense. AIDS Res
Hum Retroviruses 1998;14(Suppl 2):S143-7.
Walker BD. HIV pathogenesis. In: Richman DD, Benson CA, Fischl MA, Kessler HA, Saag MS,
Schooley RT, Volberding PA, editors. Improving the Management of HIV Disease. International
AIDS Society-USA, San Francisco, CA. 1998;6:11-13.
Rosenberg ES, Walker BD. HIV Type 1-specific helper T cell: A critical host defense. AIDS
Res Hum Retro 1998;12:143-147.
Kahn JO, Walker BD. Acute Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection. NEJM 1998 Jul
2;339 (1):33-39.
Walker BD, Rosenberg ES, Hay CM, Basgoz N, Yang OO. Immune Control of HIV-1
Replication. Adv Exp Med Biol 1998;452:159-67.
Walker BD, Basgoz N. Treat HIV-1 infection like other infections -- treat it. JAMA 1998;
Kalams SA, Walker BD. The critical need for CD4 help in maintaining effective cytotoxic T
lymphocyte responses. J Exp Med 1998 Dec 21; 188(12):2199-204.
Wong DKH, Walker, BD. Hepatitis C Virus. In: McCance, editor. Human Tumor Viruses.
Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology Press; 1998:301-29
Walker BD, Rosenberg ES, Hay CM, Basgoz N, Yang OO. Immune control of HIV-1 replication.
Adv. Exp. Med. Boil. 1998; 452:159-67
Mani I, Cao H, Hom D, Johnson JL, Mugerwa RD, Travers KU, Caliendo AM, Walker BD, Kanki
PJ. Plasma RNA viral load as measured by the bDNA and nucleic acid sequece-based
amplification assays of HIV-1 subtypes A and D in Uganda (letter). JAIDS 1999;22:208. NASBA
assays of HIV-1 subtypes A and D in Uganda.
Brander C, Walker BD. T lymphocyte responses in HIV-1 infection: implications for vaccine
development. Current Opinion in Immunol 1999;11:451-459.
Goulder P, Walker BD. The Great Escape: AIDS Viruses and Immune Control. Nat Med
Goulder PJ, Walker BD. The great escape - AIDS viruses and immune control. Nat Med
Walker BD. Immune resconstitution: is there a potential role for Filgrastim (r-metHuG-CSF). J.
Hematother Stem Cell Res. 1999; 8 Suppl 1:S1-2
Rosenberg ES, LaRosa L, Flynn T, Robbins G, Walker BD. Characterization of HIV-1-specific Thelper cells in acute and chronic infection. Immunol Letters 1999;66(1-3):89-93.
D'Aquila R, Walker B. Exploring the benefits and limits of highly active antiretroviral therapy.
JAMA 1999;282(17):1668-9.
Kahn JO, Walker BD. Primary HIV Infection: Guides to Diagnosis, Treatment, and Managment.
In: Cohen PT, Sande MA, Volberding PA, editors. The AIDS Knowledge Base, Third Edition.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins: 1999;195-200.
Kahn JO, Hecht FM, Chesney MA, Walker BD. Early Intervention: Acute HIV Infection
Syndrome. In: Dolin R, Masur H, Saag MS, editors. AIDS Therapy. Philadelphia: Churchill
Livingstone: 1999; 229-35.
Walker, BD. Immunopathogenesis and immune reconstitution in HIV disease. In: Richman DD,
Benson CA, Fischl MA, Kessler HA, Saag MS, Schooley RT, Volberding PA, editors. Improving
the Management of HIV Disease. International AIDS Society-USA, San Francisco, CA. 1999;
Walker BD. Effects of antiviral therapy on immune responses in HIV infection. In:The PRN
Notebook 1999;(4)21-24.
Goulder PJ, Rowland-Jones SL, McMichael AJ, Walker BD. Anti-HIV cellular immunity: recent
advances towards vaccine design. AIDS 1999; 13 Suppl A:S121-36
Walker BD. Plasma RNA viral load as measured by the branched DNA and nucleic acid
sequence-based amplification assays of HIV-1 subtypes A and D in Uganda. JAIDS 1999;22:208212.
Rosenberg ES, caliendo AM, Walker BD. Acute HIV infection among patients tested for
mononucleosis. 1999 Mar 25; 340 (12): 969
Walker BD. Can immune responses to human immunodeficiency virus be preserved, enhanced, or
restored? AIDS Clin Rev. 2000:101-14.
Walker BD, Goulder PJ. AIDS. Escape from the immune system. Nature 2000;407(6802):313-4.
Walker BD, Rosenberg ES. Containing HIV after infection. Nat Med 2000;6(10):1094-5.
Cao H, Walker BD. Immunopathogenesis of HIV-1 infection. Clin Dermatol 2000 JulAug;18(4):401-10.
Brander C, Walker BD. Modulation of host immune responses by clinically relevant human DNA
and RNA viruses. Curr Opin Microbiol 2000;3:379.
Walker BD, Korber BT. Immune control of HIV: the obstacles of HLA and viral diversity. Nat
Immunol 2001 Jun;2(6):473-5.
Cohen DE, Walker BD. Human immunodeficiency virus pathogenesis and prospects for immune
control in patients with established infection. Clin Infect Dis 2001;32(12):1756-68.
Letvin NL, Walker BD. HIV versus the immune system: another apparent victory for the virus. J
Clin Invest 2001 Feb;107(3):273-5.
Cohen, O. J. and Fauci, A. S. (2001). Kuritzkes DR, Walker BD. Pathogenesis and medical
aspects of HIV-1 infection. In Fields Virology. 4th ed., pp. 2043–2094. Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, Philadelphia
Cohen DE, Walker BD. Human immunodeficiency virus pathogenesis and prospects for immune
control in patients with established infection. Clin. Infect. Dis. 2001 Jun 15; 31(12): 1756-68
Altfeld M, Walker BD. Less is more? The prospects and problems with supervised treatment
interruption in acute and chronic HIV infection. Nat Med 2001 Aug;7(8):881-4.
Wilson CC, Walker BD. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. In: Rich RR, Fleisher TA,
Shearer WT, Kotzin BL, Schroeder HW Jr., editors. Clinical Immunology: Principles and
Practice, Second Edition. England: Mosby International Ltd.; 2001. 38.1-38.28.
Lauer G, Walker BD. Medical Progress: Hepatitis C Virus Infection. NEJM. 2001Jul 5;345
Kalams SA, Walker BD. HIV Vaccines 2000: Prospects and Challenges. In: Emini EA, editor.
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Biology, Immunology and Therapy. Princeton: Princeton
University Press; 2002:481-509.
Ward S, Lauer G, Isba R, Walker B, Klenerman P. Cellular immune responses against hepatitis C
virus: the evidence base 2002. Clin Exp Immunol. 2002 May;128(2):195-203.
Gandhi RT, Walker BD. Promises and pitfalls in the reconstitution of immunity in patients who
have HIV-1 infection. Curr Opin Immunol. 2002 Aug 14(4):487-94.
Walker BD, Krahn AD, Skanes AC, Yee R. Syncope and polymorphic ventricular tachycardia.
Pacing. Clin. Electrophysiol. 2002 Aug; 25(8): 1259-61
Goulder PJ, Walker BD. HIV-1 superinfection--a word of caution. NEJM. 2002 Sept
Allen T, Kelleher A, Zaunders J, Walker B. STI and beyond: the prospects of boosting anti-HIV
immune responses. Trends Immunol. 2002 Sept;23(9):456-60.
Gandhi RT and Walker BD. Immunologic Control of HIV-1. In: Caskey CT, Austin C, Hoxie J,
editors. Annual Review of Medicine: Selected Topics in the Clinical Sciences. Palo Alto,
California: Annual Reviews. 2002; 53:149-72.
Cohen DE and Walker BD. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Pathogenesis and Prospects for
Immune Control in Patients with Established Infection. In: Mayer KH, editor. Currents Topics in
HIV Medicine: Using Basic Science to Inform Best Clinical Practice. Infectious Diseases Society
of American, U.S.A.; 2002:4-16.
Barnes E, Lauer G, Walker B, Klenerman P. T cell failure in hepatitis C virus infection. Viral
Immunol. 2002 15(2):285-93.
Bhardwaj N, Walker BD. Immunotherapy for AIDS virus infections: Cautious optimism for cellbased vaccine. Nat Med. 2003 Jan;9(1):13-4.
Autran B, Debre P, Walker B, Katlama C. Therapeutic vaccines against HIV need international
partnerships. Nat Rev Immunol. 2003 Jun;3(6):503-8.
Letvin NL, Walker BD. Immunopathogenesis and immunotherapy in AIDS virus infections. Nat
Med. 2003 Jul;9(7):861-6.
Brander C & Walker BD. Gradual adaptation of HIV to human host populations: good or bad
news? Nat Med. 2003 November:9(11);1359-62.
Walker BD, Krahn AD, Klein GJ, Skanes AC, Yee R. Drug induced QT prolongation: lessons
from congenital and acquired long QT syndromes. Curr. Drug Targets Cardiovasc. Haematol
Disord. 2003 Dec; 3(4): 327-35
Day CL, Walker, BD. Progress in defining CD4 helper cell responses in chronic viral infections. J
Exp Med. 2003 Dec 15;198(12):1773-7.
Deeks SG, Walker BD. The immune response to AIDS virus infection: good, bad or both? J Clin
Invest. 2004 Mar;13(6):808-10.
Smith DE, Walker BD, Cooper DA, Rosenberg ES, Kaldor JM. Is antiretroviral treatment of
primary HIV infection clinically justified on the basis of current evidence? AIDS. 2004 Mar
Brander C, Frahm N, Walker BD. The challenges of host and viral diversity in HIV vaccine
design. Curr Opin Immunol. 2006 Aug;18(4):430-7.
Kaufmann SH, Walker BD. Host-pathogen interactions. Curr Opin Immunol. 2006
Walker BD. HIV controllers: an untapped source of clues to overcoming HIV infection. Res Initiat
Treat Action. 2007 Winter;12(2):21-2.
Walker BD, Burton DR. Toward an AIDS vaccine. Science. 2008 May 9;320(5877):760-4.
Julg B, Walker BD. The paradox of incomplete CD4+ cell count restoration despite successful
antiretroviral treatment and the need to start highly active antiretroviral therapy early. Clin Infect
Dis. 2009 Mar 15;48(6):795-7. PubMed PMID: 19196173.
Kaufmann DE, Walker BD. PD-1 and CTLA-4 inhibitory cosignaling pathways in HIV infection
and the potential for therapeutic intervention. J Immunol. 2009 May 15;182(10):5891-7. Review.
PubMed PMID: 19414738.
Murphy RL, Autran B, Katlama C, Brucker G, Debre P, Calvez V, Clotet B, Clumeck N,
Costagliola D, Deeks SG, Dorrell L, Gatell J, Haase A, Klein M, Lazzarin A, McMichael AJ,
Papagno L, Schacker TW, Wain-Hobson S, Walker BD, Youle M. A step ahead on the HIV
collaboratory. Science. 2009 Jun 5;324(5932):1264-5. PubMed PMID: 19498149.
Virgin HW, Walker BD. Immunology and the elusive AIDS vaccine. Nature. 2010 Mar
11;464(7286):224-31.PMID: 20220841.
Books, Monographs, and Text Books
Aldovini A, Walker BD, editors. Techniques in HIV Research. New York: Stockton Press; 1990.
Pantaleo G, Walker BD, editors. Retroviral Immunology: Immune Response and Restoration.
New Jersey: Humana Press; 2001.
Autran B, Fridman H, Lotze M, Walker B, guest editors. Proceedings of the Therapeutic Vaccines
Against HIV and Cancers Meeting; 2002 June 24-26; Les Pensieres, Veyrier-du-Lac, Annecy,
France. In: Vaccine. 2002 Dec;20 Suppl 4.
Kaufmann, SH, Walker BD, editors. AIDS and Tuberculosis: A Deadly Liaison.Weinheim: WilyVCH Verlag GmbH & Co; 2009
Professional educational materials or reports, in print or other media
AIDS: Evolution of an Epidemic. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Holiday Lectures on Science, 2008.
Abstracts, Poster Presentations and Exhibits Presented at Professional Meetings
#452 Next-generation Sequencing for HLA Typing and MHC Sequence Interrogation for Host Genetics
of HIV Infection
#93 Plasma Levels of WFDC1/ps20, a Novel Viral Permissivity Factor in CD4 T Lymphocytes,
Correlates Directly with CD4 T Cell Count in Chronic HIV-1 Infection
#340 Identification of CTL Selection Pressures Associated with HIV-1 Fitness Defects Using a
Recombinant Virus Screening Approach
#353 DNA Damage and p16-mediated Growth Arrest in HIV-1-specific CD8+ T Cells
#454 The HLA Class II Allele DRB1*1303 is Associated With Reduced Viral Loads in Two Independent
Cohorts of Different Ethnicity and HIV Clades of Infection
#76 Factors Associated with Viral Rebound in HIV-Positive Subjects Receiving a Therapeutic HIV-1 gag
#343 Rules Defining the Production of HIV Antigenic Peptides
#354 HIV-1-specific CD4+ T Helper Signals Are Critical for the Maintenance of CD8+ T Cell Function
#466 Gag-Protease-Mediated Fitness is Associated with Viral Set Point in Individuals Acutely Infected
with HIV-1 Subtype C
#776 Development of a Novel MIG/IP-10 qPCR Assay for Sensitive Detection of Antigen-specific T cells
and Its Use in the Identification of Latent Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB) Infection in a HIV-MTB
Co-infected Population
#318 Role of CD4+ CD25+ Regulatory T Cells in Interleukin-10-mediated T Cell Impairment in Chronic
HIV Infection
#541 A Genome-wide Association Study in HIV-1 Controllers
#888 Longitudinal Analysis of a Pediatric Cohort Who Failed First-line HAART in an Antiretroviral
Roll-out Site in Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa
#112 The First Emerging CD8 T Cell Responses Are a Major Determinant of Early Viral Set-Point
#549 Missing Duffy Antigen Receptor for Chemokines: No Influence on Disease Progression in
Treatment-naïve HIV-1 Clade C-infected South Africans
#495 Challenges and Opportunities of Identifying Acute HIV-1 Infections in Resource-poor Settings:
Experiences from the HIV Pathogenesis Programme's Acute Infection Study in Durban, South Africa
#93LB Accelerated HIV Disease Progression in African Infants Co-infected with Cytomegalovirus
#283 HIV-1 Subtype C Diversity in an Adult Cohort of Progressors and Non-progressors Using Single
Genome Amplification
#409 Immunogenetic and Clinical Biomarkers Discriminate Rates of CD4 Decline in Chronic Untreated
HIV-1 Subtype C Infection
#415 Compartmentalization of Drug Resistance, Immune Escape, and Co-receptor Tropism in Circulating
Plasma Viruses during Late-stage HIV Infection
#86LB Vaccine-induced Targeting of Epitopes Associated with Spontaneous Control of HIV Viral
Replication is Associated with Lower Set-point Viral Loads in HIV-Infected Participants from the STEP
#115 A Molecular Perspective of PD-1 Receptor Function
#344 Matrix Metalloprotease Inhibitors Restore Impaired Natural Killer Cell-mediated Antibodydependent Cellular Cytotoxicity in HIV-1 Infection
#444 Amino Acid Co-variation and Compensatory Dynamics in HIV-1 Gag Subtype C
#235 Application of 2 Bioinformatic Methods to Assess HIV Evolution in Response to HLA Class-Imediated Selection Pressures Reveals Unprecedented Levels of HLA-associated Escape Mutations across
HIV nef
#23 Presence of HLA Class I-associated Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Escape Mutations in Chronic Untreated
HIV Infection Is Significantly Correlated with Clinical Markers of More Severe Disease Progression
#295 An HIV-1 CTL Escape Mutation Leading to ILT4-mediated Functional Inhibition of Dendritic Cells
#123 Immunodomination by HLA-B27- and HLA-B57-restricted HIV-1-specific T-cell Responses
Results in Abrogation of other HLA-restricted Responses in Primary HIV-1 Infection
#324 A Comprehensive Study of the Complexity of Viral Populations in Acute and Chronic HIV-1
#401 An Assay Utilizing Short-term Culture of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells to Assess CD8 Tcell-mediated Control of HIV-1 Replication in vitro
#26 Protective HLA Class I Alleles Select HIV-1 Mutants and Slow Disease Progression
#126LB Time to ART Resumption following Treatment Interruption Is Shorter for Individuals
Immunized with HIV-Recombinant Canarypox Vaccine (Vcp1452) Compared to Placebo: The Manon-02
#299 HLA Frequency and HIV-1 Divergence
#94 Prevalence of HIV-1 Drug Resistance after Virologic Failure of First HAART Regimen in South
Africa: Initial Results of the South Africa Resistance Cohort Study
#486 A Phase II, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the Immunogenicity of 2 Schedules
of an Homologous Prime-boost with the ALVAC-HIV vCP1452 in Chronically HIV-infected Patients
(MANON 02)
#176 Gross Viral Genetic Defects Unlikely to Explain Many Spontaneous HIV-1 Viremia Controllers
Narrative Report
Our laboratory focuses on the cellular immune response to chronic viral infections, including HIV and
hepatitis C virus. In 1987 we discovered that HIV infection induces a strong virus specific cytotoxic T
lymphocyte (CTL) response in infected individuals, and have subsequently shown that these cells are
extremely efficient at controlling virus replication in vitro. We have characterized the precise viral
proteins that are targeted by this response, and have been investigating the role of viral sequence variation
within CTL epitopes as a means for the virus to evade this arm of the host defense system. More recently,
we have been studying CD4 helper cell responses, which are the central orchestrator of immune function
against viral infections and had been thought to be absent in people who are HIV infected. We have
recently discovered that persons with long-term non-progressing infection and very low viral loads have
high levels of helper cell responses directed against HIV, and that these responses are associated with
control of viremia. Future efforts in the laboratory are designed to augment virus specific host defenses as
a means of controlling these viral infections, and to develop vaccines that induce cellular immune
responses. In addition to these efforts in Boston, we have collaborated with the Nelson Mandela School
of Medicine in KwaZulu Natal South Africa to build a fully functional biomedical research facility to
study the viruses fueling the extensive epidemic there, and to capacitate African researchers and clinicians
to become involved in the global fight against HIV.