Maui Community College - University of Hawai`i Maui College

Maui Community College
Course Outline
1. Alpha & Number
BIOL 200
Course Title
Coral Reefs
Date of Outline
10 September 2001
Course Description
Introduces the biology, ecology, and geology of
stony corals and the reef structures they build.
Identifies the roles of other members of the coral
reef community including algae, other invertebrates,
and fishes. Explores the use of corals as resources
and the impacts of human activities on coral reefs.
2. Contact Hours/Type
3 hours/lecture; 3 hours/lab
ENG 22/55 with at least a C, or placement at ENG
100, or consent.
Recommended Preparation
Approved by___________________________________ Date_____________________
5. General Course Objectives
Biology 200 fulfills the Maui Community College the Natural Science laboratory
requirements for the A.A. and A.S. degrees and the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
Genera; Education Requirements for Diversification, Natural Sciences, Biological
Sciences, and Laboatory credit (DB; 3 credits and D/Y; 1 credit). It is a requirement
for Certificate of Competence - Marine Naturalist II, and is appropriate for satisfying
the Marine Option Program requirements at UH campuses with that program.
For detailed information on how Biology 200 focuses on the Maui Community
College general education standards, see the attached curricular grid.
6. Student Learning Outcomes
Linked to #7 Recommended Course Content
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
a. describe and discuss the major principles and concepts of the biological sciences
including a definition of life, how living things differ from non-living things, cell
structure and function, bioenergetics, photosynthesis and respiration, and
systematic classification and taxonomy;
b. explain the geological origin and evolution of the Hawaiian Islands and describe
the formation of coral reefs in the Hawaiian Island chain;
c. describe the biotic and abiotic environmental factors that influence the growth,
development, and balance of coral reef communities and list the limiting factors
of the coral reef ecosystems;
d. describe and give examples of the special adaptations of organisms living in the
coral reef ecosystem;
e. investigate, compare, and demonstrate different survey methods for assessing and
monitoring coral reef ecosystems (such as REEF, Reef Check, CRAMP)
f. identify the common organisms living in the coral reef ecosystem in the lab, in the
aquarium, and/or in the field;
g. use GPS, GIS, and other technologies to map a field study area, relocate specific
study sites, and record and display field data;
h. demonstrate the correct use of standard field and laboratory techniques and
i identify and hypothesize scientific explanations for current marine environmental
problems in Hawai‘i;
j. record and communicate observations of naturally occurring phenomena clearly
and objectively;
k. design and carry out an experiment to test a hypothesis about an environmental
question including outlining materials and procedures; collecting and analyzing
data; and writing an abstract, introduction, summary, conclusion, and discussion
of the results.
l. explain the biology of scleractinian corals, with an emphasis on Hawaiian corals,
including the systematics, classification, soft tissue morphology and cytology,
skeletal morphology, endosymbiosis with zooxanthellae, modes of feeding, and
m. describe the ecological relationships among the living components of coral reef
communities such as food webs, predator-prey relationships, competition for
resources, symbiotic associations, and zonation;
n. describe the interactions of the living components of coral reef communities with
the physical environment such as energy flow and biogeochemical cycles;
o. describe the balance between framework building, erosion, and cementation that
contribute to reef formation and geomorphology including the living organisms
and the physical processes involved;
p. describe different types of coral reefs and the explain the processes that shape
them including subsidence and sea-level change;
q. discuss the resources provided by coral reefs including food, building materials,
cultural artifacts, medical and other technological resources, educational
resources, recreation, and aesthetic values;
r. discuss the impacts of human activities on coral reefs and the significance of these
impacts on other states and Pacific Island nations including overfishing; sewage,
pesticide and fertilizer; industrial waste; coastal development; sedimentation;
nonpoint source pollution; dynamiting; global warming; and ozone depletion;
s. explain the problems associated with the introduction of alien species into
Hawaiian marine ecosystems and identify serious invasive species.
Recommended Course Content and Approximate Time Spent on Each Topic
Linked to # 6. Student Learning Outcomes
1-3 weeks
Science as a way of knowing and discovering (a,g,h,i,j,k)
1 week
Corals and their relatives (l)
1-2 weeks
Coral anatomy and systematics (l)
Identification of Hawaiian corals (f)
1- 2 weeks
Coral nutrition, reproduction, growth and development (l)
1- 3 weeks
Reef formation and of reefs (b,p)
Reef geomorphology and zonation (o)
1-4 weeks
Assessing and monitoring coral reef ecosystems (e,g,h,i,j,k)
1- 2 weeks
Ecology of coral reefs: energy flow and trophic levels (c,m,n)
1- 2 weeks
Ecology of coral reefs: species interactions (c,f,m,n)
1- 2 weeks
Human impacts on coral reefs: local and global effects (q,r,s)
8. Text and Materials, Reference Materials, Auxiliary Materials and Content
Text materials will be selected from the best and most up-to-date materials available,
such as
Gulko, David. 1998. Hawaiian Coral Reef Ecology. Mutual Publishing,
Honolulu, HI. 256 pp.
Hoover, J. 1999. Hawai'i's Sea Creatures, A Guide to Hawai'i's Marine
Invertebrates. Mutual Publishing, Honolulu.
Randall, John. 1996. Shore Fishes of Hawai‘i. Natural World Press, Vida OR.
Laboratory and field manual should include materials such as
required liability waivers;
instructions for lab, field, and homework activities;
checklists of organisms for field sites visited;
instructions for accessing WebCT and other web-based activities and exams;
review topics and questions for quizzes and other tests;
media viewing guides and discussion questions;
diagrams and maps; etc.
Approximately 200 books and other media are available for reference in the Biology
office and in the Library
General reference materials, other field guides, and videos should be made available
in the Open Reserve Room at the MCC Library and should include the materials such
as those listed on the course web site
Videos, CD-ROMS, DVDs, web sites, TV programs, 35-mm slides, pictures,
diagrams, charts, posters, brochures, coloring books, fresh and frozen biological
specimens, prepared microscope slides, field trips, guest lectures, educational
opportunites at local marine-related agencies.
9. Recommended Course Requirements and Evaluation
Specific course requirements are at the discretion of the instructor at the time the
course is being offered. Suggested requirements might include, but are not limited to
Written quizzes, midterm(s) and/or a final exam covering lectures,
discussions, media presentations, lab activities, field trips, guest
speakers, and reading assignments
Lab practical exams and species identification
Reading environmental articles and/or watching or attending programs
about environmental issues in the media (including newspapers, video,
magazines, journals, lectures, web-based material, etc.) and writing
summaries and reactions
Reading text assigned materials and answering discussion questions
Participation in class discussions, group and individual oral reports
Laboratory and/or field experiments and activities
Laboratory and field skills
Field trip observations and species identification
Projects, reports, and/or Service-Learning
Punctuality, attendance, and participation
10. Methods of Instruction
Instructional methods used are discretion of the instructor at the time the course is
being offered. Suggested methods might include, but are not limited to
quizzes and other tests with feedback and discussion;
field and lab practical exams and species identification;
lectures and class discussions;
problem solving;
narrated 35-mm slide and/or PowerPoint presentations;
videos, DVDs, CD-ROMs with detailed viewing guide and discussion questions;
lab activities including experiments, lab skill lessons, data analysis, and other
field trips including field notes, activities, observations, and data collection;
guest speakers and attendance at public lectures;
group activities;
oral reports and other student presentations;
games and simulations;
homework assignments such as
- reading, or watching, and writing summaries and reactions to environmental
issues in the media including newspapers, video, magazines, journals,
lectures, web-based material, and other sources;
- map activities;
- reading text and reference material and answering discussion questions;
- research environmental issues, and problems;
web-based assignments and activities;
reflective journals;
group and/ or individual research projects with reports or poster presentations;
study logs and study groups;
Service-Learning, community service, and/or civic engagement projects; and
other contemporary learning techniques (such as problem-based learning,
investigative case-based learning, co-op, internships, self-paced programs, etc.)