Imagine Forum Day ‘Whole-Life Discipleship’ Survey The Survey: ‘Where are we?’ The Imagine church survey seeks to help you answer this question in two ways. Firstly, the survey provides an opportunity to hear about people’s experiences on life’s frontlines, the opportunities and challenges they present for people’s discipleship. Secondly, the survey provides a snapshot of where the church currently is by allowing church members the opportunity to honestly feedback their impressions and perceptions about the church community and how it equips them for life on the frontline. Often this kind of reflection is not done as a whole community. The survey highlights the difference between the messages a leadership may be trying to impart to their congregation and what is being ‘heard’. It therefore provides an opportunity to identify areas that are perceived to require greater attention. What the survey maps is not simply a response to the Sunday content of church attendance, but an attempt to allow people to reflect on whether they feel empowered for their discipleship in the lives as a whole. Most significantly the survey allows for discussion between the congregation and the church leadership. The results of the survey should not be kept for the consumption of the leadership alone, but presented at a church meeting or in other forms of church communication. It is the opportunity for discussion which accompanies the process that is crucial. Survey URLs: Each church has a separate survey. They can be found at the following URLs: Paper Surveys: Download a copy for photocopying from Running the survey Please nominate 1 person who will take responsibility for running the survey. They will need to keep in contact with Ben Care at or 020 7599 9570. If possible, please email members to let them know about the survey. Additionally, please use your normal communication methods to let members know about it. We want to ensure that as many members as possible from a wide crosssection are able to complete the survey. To that end, please ensure that paper copies are available for people attending the church meeting who do not have internet access. (Alternatively, you may have the facility to set up 1 a couple of computer terminals that members could access on a Sunday morning) Any paper copies will need to be collected & responses entered into the web survey. Date for survey completion: Tuesday 1st December Latest Date for LICC feedback: Monday 11th January Feedback LICC will compile a report for you & highlight key themes. After you have received feedback from LICC, as well as talking about responses as a leadership team, please ensure that you communicate the findings as widely possible within the congregation. We are keen to emphasise that the results should be owned by the congregation as a whole and not just the leadership team. A Caution The idea of doing the survey is not to create a huge ‘to-do’ list for leaders so that were the survey to be repeated all areas would be covered. Indeed, this may be a harmful response which infantilises the congregation. Rather it seeks to allow leaders and their churches to communicate well and honestly with one another as you walk forward together in the challenge of building a community which has whole-life discipleship. Outcomes The outcome is both an awareness of strengths and weaknesses and also a context for constructive and stimulating discussions of how to build a more robust whole-life discipling culture. Used in conjunction with the concept of ‘One degree shifts’ it is possible to generate a series of small steps that will eventually change the culture of a church. At the same time it can identify where some longer term work needs to be done. 2