Task Title Grade Level CCSS Description Materials Considerations for Planning Main Idea and Key Details 4 LACC.4.RI.1.2 Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text. The student will read an informational text to identify the main idea. The students will identify the key details that support the main idea and explain how the key details presented by the author support the main idea. Passage “Cane Toads: A Bad Idea” (one copy per student) “Main Idea and Key Details ” graphic organizer (one copy per student) Teacher Checklist for “Main Idea and Key Details” This task may be bundled with one other task: 4.W.3.9b “Sum It Up.” The recommended sequence is “Main Idea and Key Details” and “Sum It Up.” Students have prior knowledge of how to identify the main idea in an informational text. Students have prior knowledge of how to identify key supporting details in an informational text. Student have prior knowledge of and experience with explaining how key details in an informational text support the main idea Students have prior knowledge of how to record information from independently read texts utilizing a graphic organizer. Teacher may replace the attached passage with another grade-level passage in curriculum or from Appendix B of CCSS. Time Allotment English Language Learner Considerations: Apply the considerations included below for the passage “Cane Toads: A Bad Idea” as they are directly applicable for this task and CCSS. Assist ELLs in making connections between other toads or frogs (or any other animal they know that is similar to the cane toad) and the text. The vocabulary can be discussed with the students using various methods to infer the meaning—for instance: using visuals or other multi-media, identifying positive cognates in Spanish, Haitian-Creole, and/or French, acting out the events in the story, etc. 40 minutes Group Size English Language Learner Considerations: Additional time may be needed for ELLs if teacher allows for assistance with vocabulary methods to understand the passage. Whole group (purpose, expectations and importance of skill) Individual (read passage, complete graphic organizer) English Language Learner Considerations: Pair one native English speaker with an ELL. Allowing mixed pairs of ELLs and native English speakers for this activity evenly spreads the range of language abilities. Native English speakers can serve as models to ELLs. Another possible grouping is by cultural diversity. FL ELFAS Task and Rubric -Pearson Confidential – Revised Version 1 Task Directions 1. Teacher explains the task to the students. Students will read the text “CaneToads: A Bad Idea” to identify the main idea in the persuasive text and identify and explain how the key details in the text support the main idea. These skills are important to help students think critically about persuasive text and to evaluate how an author supports a stated position or main idea in a text. 2. Teacher provides the task directions and student expectations. Teacher states, “Today you will read the passage “Cane Toads: A Bad Idea” independently to identify the main idea of the text. Then you will use evidence from the text to identify key details that support the main idea. Finally, you will explain how the key details you selected from the text support the main idea. This graphic organizer will be used to capture your information.” 3. Teacher shows the students the graphic organizer “Main Idea and Key Details” projected onto the board or written on a chart and explains that each box in the organizer has a specific purpose. Teacher explains, “Each box of the graphic organizer has a specific purpose. In the “Main Idea” box, you will write a complete sentence that states the main idea of the text. There are three columns of boxes under the main idea box. To complete the ‘Key Details’ box in each column, cite a key detail from the text that supports the main idea. Then you will fill in the box under each of the key detail boxes to explain how each key detail you identified in the text supports the main idea.” 4. Teacher distributes a copy of the text and the graphic organizer to each student and instructs students to begin working. 5. Students read the passage and identify the main idea and key details. Students complete the graphic organizer by recording the main idea and key details, and providing an explanation to show how the identified key details support the main idea.. 6. Teacher uses the Teacher Checklist “Main Idea and Key Details” to record observations of individual student performance. 7. While students engage in the task, the teacher observes, asks questions, and assists students. Teacher uses rubric to determine student performance based on common misconceptions/errors, identify appropriate questions to ask students to elicit evidence of student thinking, and determine next steps for instruction. FL ELFAS Task and Rubric -Pearson Confidential – Revised Version 2 Rubric: Main Idea and Reasons Level 1: The student demonstrates a beginning understanding of determining the main idea of a text and explaining how it is supported by key details. Misconception/Error Questions for Eliciting Thinking Instructional Implications Student does not accurately identify “Which sentence states the main idea Model how to use the details in a text to the main idea. of the text?” identify the main idea of the text. and Student does not accurately identify three key details in the text that support the main idea. “What details in the text support the main idea?” Model how to analyze a paragraph to identify the main idea and supporting details. and Student does not accurately explain how the key details support the main idea. Reteach how to select evidence that supports the ideas in a text. “How does the information that you have included support the main idea?” “ Model how to provide an explanation to demonstrate how the key details support the main idea. English Language Learner Misconceptions: English Language Learner Considerations: English Language Learner Considerations: ELLs may be unfamiliar with some words in the passage, and this could impact their ability to read the passage and to identify key words. It also could affect comprehension of the passage and student’s ability to determine what information supports an idea. For beginning ELLs: “Please try to draw what is happening in the first part.” (Point to column 1 in graphic organizer and paragraph 2. Gesture or model drawing.) “Great! How about doing the same thing on the next?” (Keep going through the three columns in graphic organizer). Approaches to appropriately citing sources vary by culture. In some cultures, it may be acceptable to copy and transfer information as it appears in the primary source. Scaffold the task: ”Please read this piece of the passage. What is happening at this point? How can we put that in your own words? Would you prefer to show me what is happening?” Model techniques to learn the meaning of unknown vocabulary and phrases. Have students keep a vocabulary notebook to help learn the meanings of expressions by identifying the literal meaning and the idiomatic or more technical meaning, especially in informational texts. Have students make up visual representations in their notebook, as appropriate. FL ELFAS Task and Rubric -Pearson Confidential – Revised Version Model for students specific strategies to find essential information in the passages that they read. 3 “When we want to identify the information that we need, we need to ‘paraphrase the information’. This means that we read a primary source such as this passage, think about what is said, and then put it into our own words.” (Read a portion to be paraphrased) “What do you think that means? Say it in your own words.” Go through the same steps as described in the directions, but have students do each step as you describe and model it. Model how to underline important words and phrases in the text that they can cite in their writing. Have students draw and label their response, then work to write a sentence for each picture. If it will be helpful, have students write first in their native language before translating into English. FL ELFAS Task and Rubric -Pearson Confidential – Revised Version 4 Level 2: The student demonstrates some understanding of determining the main idea of a text and explaining how it is supported by key details. Misconception/Error Questions for Eliciting Thinking Instructional Implications Student accurately identifies the main “What is the topic of the text? What Model strategies to determine the main idea, but does not identify three key main point does the author make idea. details in the text that support the about the topic?” main idea nor explain how the key Model how to identify key details that details support the main idea. “How does the information you have support the main idea. selected support the main idea? Or What words in the text told you Model how to provide an explanation to this?” demonstrate how the key details Student accurately identifies the main support the main idea. idea and three key details that “What specific evidence does the support the main idea, but does not author give to support the main Model self-questioning strategies. explain how the key details support idea?” Encourage students to evaluate the the main idea. importance of the evidence selected. “How do the key details you identified support the main idea?” English Language Learner Misconceptions: ELLs may have difficulty with the structure and organization of the informational text, especially when it comes to using more technical vocabulary and complex sentences. ELLs may continue to find it difficult to extract key points from the passage because of a lack of word knowledge and unfamiliarity with English sentence structure. English Language Learner Considerations: English Language Learner Considerations: Scaffold finding key points: “Tell me in your own words what the paragraph was about. What did you understand about it? Tell me the most important thing that is described in the text. How do you know?” Model how you use information from a text to support an idea. “Can you tell me in your own words what the sentence/passage is about? How does this help us know the meaning of the word we do not know?” Review vocabulary and re-teach strategies for reading unfamiliar words. Model for students how to look for important ideas. Illustrate how these will help them determine the most important evidence. Review the structure of an informational text that ELLs have already seen. ELLs may lack the instructional FL ELFAS Task and Rubric -Pearson Confidential – Revised Version 5 knowledge to determine what information is necessary to support an idea. Scaffold supporting evidence: “How does the author support the main point of ________________?” Refer to top of graphic organizer. “What other specific information can you find in the story to show evidence about the main idea?” FL ELFAS Task and Rubric -Pearson Confidential – Revised Version 6 Level 3: The student demonstrates a complete understanding of determining the main idea of a text and explaining how it is supported by key details. Misconception/Error Questions for Eliciting Thinking Instructional Implications With self-correction or teacher Provide another on-level text and prompting, the student is able to: have students identify the main idea and key details and explain how the “What key words in the text help you to key details support the main idea. identify the main idea of the identify the main idea?” text, Provide students with the “How does this statement in the text opportunity to practice identifying identify three key details that support the writer’s main point?” the key words and phrases often support the main idea; and used in text to support the main “How do these key details in the text idea. explain how the key details support the main idea? identified in the text support Provide another on-level text and the main idea. have students identify the key details that support the main idea and explain how these key details support the main idea. Provide other resources for students to use to practice citing textual evidence that support the main idea and explaining how the identified details support the main idea. FL ELFAS Task and Rubric -Pearson Confidential – Revised Version 7 Level 4: The student demonstrates an advanced understanding of determining the main idea of a text and explaining how it is supported by key details. Misconception/Error Questions for Eliciting Thinking Instructional Implications Student has no misconceptions or “How can you determine if you have Provide opportunities to read above errors about how to determine the main correctly selected the main idea of a grade-level texts to identify main ideas idea and explain how the main idea text? What questions do you ask and key details and explain how the supported by key details in the text. yourself?” key details support the main idea. FL ELFAS Task and Rubric -Pearson Confidential – Revised Version 8 Student Name Q2 Q3 FL ELFAS Task and Rubric -Pearson Confidential – Revised Version Observation notes Q1 Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or Level 4 Q3 Does the student accurately explain how each identified key detail supports the main idea? Accurately explains how key details support the main idea Q2 Does the student accurately identify three key details that support the main idea? Accurately identifies key details that support the main idea Q1 Does the student accurately identify the main idea? Accurately identifies main idea Teacher Checklist for Main Idea and Reasons 9 Main Idea and Reasons Directions: Use information from the text “Cane Toads: A Bad Idea” to complete the graphic organizer. Main Idea: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Key Detail #1 to support the main idea: Key Detail #2 to support the main idea: FL ELFAS Task and Rubric -Pearson Confidential – Revised Version Key Detail #3 to support the main idea: 10 Explain how key detail #1 supports the main idea: Explain how key detail #2 supports the main idea: FL ELFAS Task and Rubric -Pearson Confidential – Revised Version Explain how key detail #3 supports the main idea: 11