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How to win – objectives
Kill all opponents, or
o Robots: Get TWO robots out of the EXIT point
located at the humans part of the level
o Humans: Get ONE human out of the EXIT point
located at the robots part of the level
This object gives its wearer a +3 in Morale, but
if this unit gets killed and drops the item ALL
Human units will get -1 in Morale (in addition
to the -1 Morale from losing a friendly unit). If
o Select unit: Left Click Mouse
o Highlight unit: Point the Curser at the unit
o Move: Right Click on ground (or Arrow keys)
o Attack: Right Click on target (or Arrow keys)
o Ability: Right Click (or Arrow keys)
o Change turn/phase: “Space” (or Left Click Icon)
the object is picked-up after being dropped
then ALL Humans will get +1 Morale.
The Stungun is used in combination with a
normal attack. If the stun-attack is successful,
General icons
the stunned Robot will lose -2 in Defence and
can’t move, attack or retaliate for one turn. The
stun effect works especially well against
stacked Robots and the chances to stun
increases with each number of Robots in the
The Stealth Bot
a. Strength: Attack = 12,
The Human race has only one standard unit, but they can be
Defence = 7
equipped with weapons.
b. Ability: Cloak
The ”Standard Human unit”
c. When attacking, the
opponent takes extra Morale damage (-1). When
Morale =5, Movement =5
Cloaked it can only be detected by Goggles, or if an
opponent unit moves into its square – then the
Stealth Bot will attack first (as if it was the robots
turn – remember the extra morale damage).
ii. The Repair Bot
a. Strength: Attack = 5,
Defence = 5
b. Ability: Repair
Strength: Attack = 10, Defence = 10,
Ability: (1) Pick-up item. (2) Morale
Boost (Forklar)
Om Morale
Human Equipment
Steam thrower:
The Steam thrower is the only ranged object in
the game. It can shoot four spaces from the
unit equipped with it (horizontal or vertical).
The closer the unit is to the opponent the more
powerful the attack is, and the chance to inflict
damage increases:
Distance 1: Attack = 8.
Distance 2: Attack = 7.
Distance 3: Attack = 6.
Distance 4: Attack = 5.
It will hit everything in its path (also friendly
units) and these units can’t retaliate.The Steam
Thrower deals a -1 to move penalty.
Wearing the Goggles the Humans can detect
cloaked units (see Stealth Bot). It has a 360°
visual field, and has an unlimited range.The
Goggles hinder the unit’s combat ability,
decreasing Attack strength by 1.
Fire Axe:
The Fire Axe increases combat abilities: +3 to
Attack and +1 to Morale. However, the unit
equipped with it will receive a -1 Movement
Equipping the Metal Armour will increase the
units defensive skills (+2 Defence), but due to
the sheer weight of the metal it will hinder
movement by 1 (-1 Movement).
The Robot army consists of three different units: The Mini Bot, the
Repair Bot and the Stealth Bot. Each with its own abilities and
iii. The Mini Bot
a. Strength: Attack = 6, Defence = 5
b. Ability: Stackable (max 4 Mini Bots in a Stack on
the same square)
c. Stacking units changes their attribute values, and
they become stronger. They Attack and Defend as
one big Bot, but Moves as many individual Bots