CYCLE 5 OWL Week #2, BB Week #22 Days 6-10 Materials Sand & water Art Table Easel CENTERS Looking at Floating Objects’ Reflections: 2 white plastic dish tubs, plastic (shoebox size), pieces of Mylar film cut to fit bottom and sides of each tub, duct tape, variety of objects that float (e.g. small boats, plastic blocks, corks, colored plastic lids), small discs cut from clear-colored acetate sheets, decorated plastic lids from the art table activity, smocks Decorating Plastic-Lid Boats: plastic lids in a variety of sizes (e.g. deli, yogurt, plastic screw-top lids (e.g.. coffee, peanut butter), stickers (fish if possible), colored masking tape, small dishes, Styrofoam trays, plastic tub Exploring Glittery Finger Paint: finger paint paper, glitter finger paint, regular finger paint, plastic art trays, spoons, markers, masking tape, bucket of water, sponge, smocks, newspaper Continue Painting Meadow, Pond, & Stream Animals Cloud Paintings: Puddle Pail, white paint, blue construction paper, variety of paintbrush sizes Continue Woodland and Swamp Animal Jigsaw Puzzles Puzzles & Manipulatives Dramatic Play Continue Playing with Mirrors Writing Continue Blank Books & Writing Tools Center “The Animal I Likes Best” Class Book: Poster board, paper, markers, metal binder ring, hole puncher, animal word cards with picture clues from the Blank Book & Writing Tools activity BB Hands-On Place Scenes: counters, Numeral Cards Math Compare Game: Numeral Cards Road Blocks: blocks X-Ray Vision 2: Counting Cards Hand Held Mirror Play Animal Memory Exploring Books Is This a Good Reflector? SMALL GROUPS Continue from Days 1-5 Continue from Days 1-5 Continue from Days 1-5, add reference books about birds, seahorses , and crawfish, Picture Cards #67-73 Small empty metal cans, (e.g. tomato paste), plastic jars (transparent & opaque), plastic and metal lids from jars and containers, small pieces of cardboard, tag board, dark-colored poster board and construction paper, swatches of felt and terry cloth, aluminum foil, Mylar film, trays, small flashlights CYCLE 5 OWL Week #2, BB Week #22 The Puddle Pail, paper, crayons, markers Reflections I Liked Best in The Puddle Pail Exploring Unbreakable mirror panels, masking tape, small objects (e.g. blocks, play Mirror people, animals), empty, clear plastic water bottles, stickers, small dishes Reflector Panels Building Length Riddles: Connecting Cubes, riddle items Blocks X-Ray Vision 2: Counting Cards LARGE GROUP Story readings The Puddle Pail, Picture Cards #74-79, Play With Me, Raccoon on His Own See Clipboard Directions SWPL Building X-Ray Vision 2: Counting Cards Blocks Mr. Mix-up’s Measuring Mess: connecting cubes, string LTAI/LFOAI I’m Thinking of a Number (length): Connecting Cubes Looking at Good & Poor Reflectors: Play With Me, Raccoon on His Own, glitter, variety of objects to test reflective capacity (metal and plastic jar lids, soup can with label removed, glass jars, clear plastic covering, white & black construction paper, fabric, cardboard, paper towel, wash cloth) Showing Tolerance Imagining Things in the Clouds in the Sky: The Puddle Pail Understanding Feelings: Raccoon on His Own Identifying Crawfish, Lizards, and Birds: Raccoon on His Own, reference books on crawfish, reptiles, lizards