Martín Facundo Reto

Martín Facundo Reto
3 Ionita Cegan, Bl P27, Ap26, Sector 5, Bucharest, Romania
Mob +40-(0)73 555 7403,
Date of birth:
18 August, 1977
Marital status:
Agriculture engineer with solid understanding of advanced agriculture production systems,
such as Argentina’s, one of the most developed agricultures world-wide
Knowledge of advanced agriculture technologies and techniques through permanent
collaboration with the National Institute of Agriculture Technology of Argentina
Broad range of farming skills, from livestock and farm management to the design of
irrigation systems, plague control, soil fertilizing or farm market valuation
Practical farming experience enhanced when working for large farms in New Zealand and
Australia, dealing with a large variety of tasks from pastures managements to artificial
insemination and animal health
Universidad Católica Argentina, Santa Maria de los Buenos Aires – Engineering degree in
Agriculture Production and minor in Veterinary (2005)
Colegio Don Bosco, San Carlos de Bariloche (1995)
National Institute of Agriculture Technology of Argentina – Courses in artificial insemination,
Patagonia pasture management, livestock selection for production purposes
University of Cambridge – English First Certificate
National Institute of Agriculture and Technology
Bariloche, Argentina
Permanent Consultant
1994 – Jul, 2009
 Institution with worldwide recognition for advanced research on new agriculture
technologies, techniques and genetics
 Temporary subcontractor for various projects – evaluating soil fertility, pasture management
with the use of the latest technology in the field, design of irrigation channels, performing
artificial insemination, etc.
Soldati Law Office
Agriculture Consultant
Bariloche, Argentina
Jan, 2009 – Jul, 2009
Martín Facundo Reto
3 Ionita Cegan, Bl P27, Ap26, Sector 5, Bucharest, Romania
Mob +40-(0)73 555 7403,
Perform farm valuations for various clients, requiring expert authority for the assessment of
farms’ market value and business potential; information is usually used as correct, relevant
evidence in court litigations
National Institute of Statistics and Census
Rio Negro, Argentina
Oct, 2008 – Dec, 2008
 Performed a farm census and assessed the farming situation of approx. 1,000 farms in
North Patagonia following a severe draught, producing informative reports for each farm
La Vinueza SRL
Pehuajo, Argentina
Jan, 2005 – Sep, 2008
 Controlling the harvest, health, fertilization of wheat, soy, sunflower and corn plantations for
a 3,000 ha farm with high harvest results (i.e., >4 to. Soy/ ha), used to feed the cattle to be
exported to the European Union
Gyranda Farm
Rock Hampton, Australia
Farm Assistant
Jan, 2007 – Apr, 2007
 Responsible for planting the crops in a farm of 32,000 ha, with pivotes of irrigation, obtaining
2 harvest/year in a dry area
 Harvest and production of silage for the cattle
South Island, New Zealand
Farm Assistant
Sep, 2006 – Dec, 2006
 In charge of the health and alimentation of the Corridale sheep stud, cross-breeding,
management of pastures and forage; working directly with Straitblake – the creators of
Corridale stud, highly commercialized in South America – had the opportunity to learn about
the specifics of this breed
Dairy Farm Jenny Elliott
North Island, New Zealand
Farm Assistant
Jan, 2006 – Aug, 2006
 In charge of fertilizing and management of the pastures, cattle feeding, calving, artificial
insemination, cattle health management and daily milking
Estancia la Esperanza
Farm Manager
 Responsible for livestock health, selection, breeding and feeding
Neuquen, Argentina
Dec, 2003 – Aug, 2005
PC literacy:
Interests/ hobbies:
Spanish (native), English (good), Romanian (beginner)
Good command of Word and Excel
Ski instructor, rock climbing, trekking, raced for Argentina in international
ski competitions from the age of 8 until the age of 17
Available upon request