Chemical Derivatives Lab Standard Operating Procedure Title: Disposing of Chemical Containers Soluble in Water Date: 02-07-2003 Principal Investigator: Jasper Kruggel Room & Building: 270-Natural Resource Research Institute Phone Number: 218-720-4396 Section 1: (Check One) Process Process X Hazardous chemical Hazard class Describe Process, Hazardous Chemical or Hazard Class. 1. Determine that the container is empty of its chemical components 2. Determine that the chemical solution is soluble in water 3. Triple rinse the container and the container cap with water 4. Let the container air dry with the cap off for 24 hours 5. Place the plastic, tin, or glass container previously containing the chemical into the recycling container located in Chemical Storage Room 106 Potential Hazards. -breaking of glass Personal Protective Equipment. -gloves -eye glasses -fume mask Spill and Accident Procedures. BIOHAZARD EXPOSURE: FLUSH or RINSE wound with water for at least 5 minutes. IF PRICKED WITH A NEEDLE: MILK wound to induce bleeding, then wash with soap and water for 5 minutes. REMOVE CONTAMINATED CLOTHING, wash skin and replace with clean clothing. REPORT to EHS (218) 720-7139. BIOHAZARD SPILLS: To clean up yourself or with custodial help: CHECK for exposure. PROTECT BODY, put on protective clothing (gloves, safety goggles or glasses, and lab coat.) FLUSH spilled material with 1 to 10 dilution of bleach or Wescodyne (betadine). Leave it on for 30 minutes. WIPE down all equipment and surfaces. DISPOSE of contaminated material as biohazardous waste. WASH hands with soap and warm water. CHEMICAL EXPOSURE: REMOVE VICTIMS from spill area to fresh air (but do not endanger your own life by entering areas with toxic gases). ”Do Not Return To The Spill Area” REMOVE contaminated CLOTHING. FLUSH skin or eyes with running COLD water for a minimum of 15 minutes. LARGE BODY AREAS: wash off chemicals with mild detergent and water. DO NOT USE neutralizing chemicals, cunguents, creams, lotions or salves. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION for victims by calling 9-1-1. TELL medical personnel exactly what chemicals are involve, locate MSDS’s, for medical personnel. CHEMICAL SPILLS: EVACUATE: LEAVE the spill area. DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS. Use the nearest exit. ALERT others in the area and direct/assist them in leaving; shut off electrical equipment as you leave the area. CONFINE: CLOSE the doors and ISOLATE the area preventing people from entering the spill area. IF CHEMICAL VAPORS or gases are being spread through a building’s air handling system, call Facilities Management Services (218) 726-8262. REPORT: Call NRRI’s Haz-Mat Emergency Coordinator 720-4313 (John Ameel) Alternate, 726-7273 (Mahjoub Labyad),during working hours, or 9-1-1 after hours. RADIATION SPILLS: DO NOT attempt spill clean up. SECURE THE AREA. Restrict access to the room and notify all person in the room to go to a clean area within the room and not to leave until they have been surveyed by the proper authorities.. IMMEDIATELY notify DEHS staff at (218) 726-7273 or (218) 726 7139 during regular working hours, if no answer, Facilities Management at (218) 726 8262, After Hours Pager (218) 725- 6751 or Cell Phone (218) 343-3130 Weekends and Holidays 9-1-1 PROVIDE a brief description of the nature of the spill Quantity of Radioactive Material Spilled. Type of Isotope Spilled, (32P, 35S, 1251, 3H, C14…) Extent of Contamination (clothing, material, equipment) Location Department, Building, Room, Telephone Number DECONTAMINATE PERSONNEL. If radioactive material is on the skin or clothing, follow instructions below regarding Personal Radiation Contamination. PREVENT THE SPREAD: Place absorbent pads (paper towels, universal absorbent) around the edge of the spill. Confine the potentially contaminated personnel to a clean area within the room until RPD surveys and releases them. PERSONAL RADIATION CONTAMINATION : REMOVE gloves and all potentially contaminated clothing and place in a plastic bag. WASH contaminated skin with soap and water. NOTIFY Radiation Protection Division at (218) 726-7273 Monday- Friday 8AM-4:30 PM or 9-1-1 evenings, weekends, or holidays. SURVEY contaminated skin and repeat wash if still contaminated. PERSON ASSISTING must wear gloves. Put fresh gloves on after clothing removal and prior to handling contaminated person again OBTAIN medical attention as required, alert medical staff and RPD staff if injured person is contaminated Decontamination Procedures. -clean the parts to be serviced of all encrusted material and decontaminate them. There must be no radioactivity detectable by survey equipment -complete and attach the Decontamination Certificate in the service manual and attach it to the instrument or parts Waste Disposal Procedures. Do not dispose of hazardous waste by evaporation, sewer or trash If a chemical does not have the “xxNH’ nonhazardous designation in the Chemical Registry, then it is considered hazardous and must not be disposed of by evaporation, sewer or trash. To dispose of a chemical you must follow six steps: 1. Evaluate the waste 2. Collect the waste 3. Label the waste container 4. Segregate the chemical for waste storage and transportation 5. Box the chemicals for transportation 6. Complete the hazardous waste packing form When disposing of chemical containers follow these steps: 1. Triple rinse each container once it is completely empty with adequate water 2. Let container air dry before disposing of it 3. Dispose of the container in one of the four designated waste containers -colored glass -clear glass -plastic -tin Material Safety Data Sheet Locations. -safety cubical