MODULES OFFERED FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2011/2012 Contents : 1. Level 1 modules (including GEK) 2. Level 2 modules (including GEK) 3. Level 3 modules 4. Level 4 modules 5. Applied Chemistry modules 6. UROPS modules LEVEL 1 MODULES (INCLUDING GEK MODULES) CM1101 Principles of Modern Chemistry Workload: 3-1-2-2-3 Prerequisite: 'A' level pass in chemistry or equivalent Preclusion: CM1502 Our current understanding of how atoms interact with one another to form molecules and then how these molecules interact with each other are the basic principles upon which all of modern chemistry is built. Briefly, fundamental concepts in chemistry are dealt with in this module. A detailed breakdown of what is covered in this module is provided here. Atomic Quantization - Line spectra of atoms, Quantization and the Bohr Model of the hydrogen atom, Matter waves, Bohr-de Broglie Model ; Quantization Fully Explained - History, The Schrodinger equation, The uncertainty principle ; A Solution to the Schrodinger Equation - Particle in a box, Hydrogen-like atoms ; Examining Solutions to the Schrodinger Equation for Hydrogenic Atoms Quantum numbers, Atomic orbitals (hereafter AO) ; Atoms with Many Electrons Electron-electron repulsion, Electron spin, Pauli’s exclusion principle, Aufbau principle, AO penetration, orbital energy and screening, Effective nuclear charge, Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity, Electron configurations ; Periodic Properties of the Elements - Anomalous electronic configurations, Ionization energies, Electron affinities, Atomic radii, Electronegativity ; Compounds - Metals, Nonmetals and Salts, Ionic and Covalent Bonding, Lewis structures, Valence shell electron pair repulsion theory (hereafter, VSEPR ; Valence Bond Theory (hereafter VB theory) - The covalent bond, Orbital overlap, VB theory ; Explaining and Predicting Structures Using Lewis Structures→VSEPR→VB Theory - Single and Multiple Bonds, Examples including third period and higher elements and the beginning of “issues” with VB theory, More serious issues with VB theory and the solution/patches i.e resonance structures, Photoelectron spectroscopy and complete breakdown of VB theory (e.g., CH4) ; Symmetry - Symmetry elements, Enantiomers, Point groups, Finding point groups of molecules, Character tables, Irreducible representations of AO in point groups ; Molecular Orbital Theory (hereafter MO theory) : H2+, LCAO-MO, Bonding and anti-bonding MOs, Symmetry of MOs, MO energy and diagrams, He 2+, and He2 ; Diatomics - Molecular electronic configurations, H2 and photodissociation, MO diagram for second period homonuclear diatomics, Energies of MOs when overlapping AOs have dissimilar energies, Heteronuclear Diatomics, MO diagrams, dipole moments and ionic character, Electronic energy levels, Photoelectrons ; Polyatomics - HCN, Linear H2O, Bent H2O, CO2, XeF2 , CH4 , Photoelectron spectra Combining VB and MO Theory without Symmetry – a “cheep-n-nasty” approximate approach to bonding : VB versus MO theory – a summary and comparison, A combined approximate approach to bonding, and * orbitals, non-bonding orbitals, and * orbitals ; Some Applications of VB-MO Theory - Isomerization, Lewis acids and bases, Frontier orbitals, Redox reactions, UV-vis spectroscopy ; Bonding in Solids - Intermolecular Interactions, Types of solids, Band theory, Insulators, intrinsic semiconductors and conductors. CM1111 Basic Inorganic Chemistry Workload: 4-1-0-2-3 Prerequisite: 'A' level pass in chemistry or equivalent This module will introduce some basic concepts of modern inorganic chemistry. The students will be exposed to many intriguing examples of inorganic compounds; most of them are main group compounds. Basic Concepts - What is modern inorganic chemistry? A crash course on atomic structure – Dalton’s atomic theory, shapes of atomic orbitals, Aulfau principle, electronic configurations of atoms. Periodic Table – classification of elements, trends in periodic table – electronegativity and ionic radii. Shapes of Inorganic Compounds – VSEPR theory. Simple Bonding Theory – Lewis structure, orbital hybridization, double bond between main group elements, descriptive molecular orbital diagrams for diatomic molecules, calculation of bond order. Acid-base and donor-acceptor – (a) different definitions of acid and base (i) Arrhenius concept, (ii) Brønsted-Lowry concept and (iii) Lewis concept, (b) acidity of oxoacids, (c) aquated cations as Lewis acids (example in biology – carbonic anhydrase), (d) Examples of Lewis acids – electronic and steric factors in determining Lewis acidity. (e) hard-soft acid-base concept, using the concept to predict direction of inorganic reactions. Reduction and Oxidation – (a) simple thermodynamic of inorganic reactions, (b) reduction potentials, (c) how to use reduction potentials to determine the feasibility of redox reactions. Selected Main Group Chemistry - Hydrogen – (a) ionic and covalent H compounds (b) hydrogen bonding, and (c) reactions of dihydrogen and metal hydrides, Group 1 metals – (a) industrial preparation of alkali metals (b) chemistry of lithium, (c) crown ethers, (d) K+ on transporters in Nature e.g. Valinomycin, Group 2 metals – (a) beryllium – structures and bonding of BeCl 2, Lewis acidity of Be compounds (b) magnesium compounds, latest discovery of Mg(I) compound, Group 13 elements - (a) Industrial preparation of B and Al, (b) Boron-hydride, 3-center-2-electron bond in B2H6, (c) Lewis acidity of boron compounds, (d) borazine – a benzene analog (e) aluminum – amphorteric halides, Group 14 elements – (a) silicon – structures of silicates, new discoveries of Si=Si double bond, e.g. disilene (b) germanium, Group 15 elements(a) nitrogen – low valent nitrogen compounds e.g. hydrazine, ammonia , high valent nitrogen compounds e.g. nitrogen oxides. (b) phosphorous – allotropes of phosphorous, phosphides, oxides and oxoacids of phosphorous, nitrogen compounds of phosphorous, phosphazenes, compounds containing P=P double bond, Group 16 elements-(a) oxygen – dioxygen, peroxide, superoxide, ozone, ozonide, (b) acidbase properties of oxides, (c) chemistry of hydrogen peroxide, catalase as an example of nature’s catalyst for disproportionation of H2O2. (d) sulfur – allotropes of elemental sulfur, sulfur cations and anions, oxoacids of sulfur and their redox chemistry, use of thiosulfate in iodometric titration. Group 17 elements-(a) industrial preparations of halogens, (b) reactivities of halogens (c) solid state structure of iodine, charge transfer complexes of iodine (d) polyhalogen cations and anions. (e) oxoacids of halogens, (d) applications of oxidizing chlorine compounds – e.g. HClO in bleaching water, enzymatic production of HClO in white blood cell, and perchlorate as rocket fuel. Group 18 elements (a) physical properties of noble gases (b) synthesis, structures and reactivities of xenon fluorides. CM1121 Basic Organic Chemistry Workload: 4-1-0-2-3 Prerequisite: 'A' level pass in chemistry or equivalent or CM1417 [CM1417 (can only be used for Life Science majors)] Preclusion: CM1501 or GEK1516 The module deals primarily with the basic principles to understand the structure and reactivity of organic molecules. Emphasis is on substitution and elimination reactions and chemistry of various functional groups. You will be taught the basic concepts on how simple molecules can be constructed. Reactions mechanism, organic transformations and stereochemistry will also be discussed. Syllabus includes: (1) organic structures; (2) strctures of molecules; (3) organic reactions; (4) nucleophilic addition to the carbonyl group; (5) delocalization and conjugation; (6) acidity, basicity and pKa; (7) using organometallic reagents to make C-C- bonds; (8) conjugate addition; (9) nucleophilic substitution at the carbonyl group; (10) equilibria, rates and mechanisms; (11) nucleophilic substitution at C=O with loss of carbonyl oxygen; (12) stereochemistry; (13) nucleophilic substitution at saturated carbon; (14) conformational analysis; (15) elimination reactions; (16) electrophilic addition to alkenes; (17) electrophilic aromatic substitution. CM1131 Basic Physical Chemistry Workload: 4-1-0-2-3 Prerequisite: 'A' level pass in chemistry or equivalent Preclusion: CM1502 Properties of gases- Gas laws (Boyle, Charles, Dalton, ideal gas); deviation from ideal behavior; various types of intermolecular interactions and their importance; the compression factor; the critical phenomenon; the van der Waals equation; the Principles of Corresponding States; other equations of state. The first law of thermodynamics (Part I) - Scope of thermodynamics; basic terms in thermodynamics; the first law of thermodynamics and its applications; internal energy, enthalpy, heat capacity and their inter-relationship; reversible versus irreversible processes; various types of processes (isothermal, isobaric, isochoric, adiabatic). Thermochemistry - Enthalpy change of a reaction; the Law of Lavoisier and Laplace; the Hess' law; standard enthalpy of formation; standard enthalpy of combustion; group additivity method of determining enthalpy of formation and heat capacity; temperature dependence of reaction enthalpy. The first law of thermodynamics (Part II) - Exact differentials and some important mathematical tools; the Joule experiment; the Joule-Thomson effect and Joule-Thomson coefficient; the inversion temperature; liquefaction of gases. The second law of thermodynamics - Thermodynamics and spontaneity; the second law; efficiency of heat engine; the Carnot cycle; the Carnot theorem; power plants; entropy and entropy change; measurements of entropy; how to achieve low temperature; criteria for spontaneous process; Clausius inequality; Helmholtz energy and Gibbs energy; Gibbs energy change of a reaction. Chemical kinetics - Measurements of reaction rates; determination of rate laws; differential and integration methods; various types of rate laws; accounting for the rate laws; steady-state approximation; proposal of reaction mechanisms; the collision theory of reaction rates; the activated complex theory of reaction rates. CM1191 Experiments in Chemistry 1 Workload:1-0-5-0-4 Prerequisites: H2/A-level Chemistry or its equivalent or by permission Chemistry is an experimental science. By conducting the integrated experiments, students can strengthen their understanding of the related theories. Students can also see the cross-linkage among different areas in chemistry, namely physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry. Furthermore, they are also trained with essential chemistry laboratory skills, as a key to their success in their higher year education and future work. In Experiment 1, the thermodynamic property Ksp of an organic salt is measured at different temperatures and the enthalpy and entropy change of the process is also determined. Titration technique is used to determine the concentration of hydrogen tartrate ion, with acid-base equilibrium as its background theory. Students will be trained on proper data recording and treatment, especially on significant figures and linear regression. In Experiment 2, the kinetic study of a hydrolysis reaction is conducted. With the background information of SN1 and SN2 reactions on saturated carbon centre, the kinetics of the hydrolysis of an alkyl halide is studied. The concentration of generated acid is determined again by acid-base titration to further strengthen the students’ experimental skills of titration. The basic concept of kinetic study is integrated in this experiment, especially during treatment of experimental data. The concept of data record and treatment is emphasized again in this experiment. In Experiment 3, inorganic synthesis of an interesting copper (I) halide is conducted and physical/analytical characterization is used to determine its component. The relative stability of copper (I) and copper (II) will be compared and the principle of redox reaction will be discussed. Experimental skill of sample weighing, sample transfer, standard solution preparation and suction filtration will be taught and practiced by the students. UV-visible spectroscopy is used for quantitative determination of copper in the synthesized salt. Standard curve is used for calibration, with a proper data treatment. The spectroscopic method used in Experiment 3 is compared with titration method in Experiment 1 and 2. In Experiment 4, column chromatography is used to isolate an inorganic complex chlorophyll and an organic molecule β-carotene. The physical chemistry background of chromatography is discussed, together with its wide application in analytical chemistry and synthetic chemistry. Students are trained with the following experimental skills: choosing proper elution solvent, packing a column, running a column and proper disposal of silica gel. Both good understanding of the principle and hand-on practice of column chromatography will build a strong foundation for higher level experiments. In Experiment 5, Grignard reaction, one of the most often used C-C bond formation reactions is conducted. A good understanding of the Grignard reaction mechanism helps the students to run the experiment more efficiently. The control of the anhydrous condition is the key to the success of both the current reaction and many more reactions in the higher level study and future work. Students will learn to set up glassware for anhydrous reaction, proper and safe addition of chemicals, aqueous work-up, solvent extraction, recrystallization and melting point measurement. In Experiments 1-3, physical chemistry and analytical chemistry skills are taught and practiced, as well as the concept and application of data record and treatment. In Experiments 4 and 5, synthetic chemistry skills are taught and practiced. All the basic skills in CM1191 module serves as important foundation for higher year experiments. CM1401 Chemistry for Life Sciences Workload: 3-1-3-0-3 Prerequisites: GCE `A’ level or H2 pass in Chemistry or equivalent or CM1417 This is a chemistry module catered for life science students and deals primarily with physical, analytical and organic chemistry. Students should acquire fundamental knowledge in chemistry for applications to biological systems. Topics taught include: (1) Structure: (i) Atomic structure: Wave-particle duality of matter and energy, electron configuration and chemical periodicity, exclusion principle, periodic table and its trends. (ii) Models of chemical bonding: Lewis electron dot symbols, shapes of molecules, theories of covalent bonding - valence bond theory, hybrid orbitals, molecular orbital theory, electron delocalization. (2) Thermodynamics: Laws of Thermodynamics, Gibbs energy. (3) Chemical and acid-base equilibria (4) Electrochemistry: Redox reactions, Nernst, ions in solutions (5) Kinetics: Rates of reactions, temperature dependences, differential/integration methods in kinetics, collision theory, mechanisms (6) Analytical: (i) Separation science: chromatography techniques. (ii) Spectroscopic techniques: UV, IR, NMR, mass spectrometry. (7) Alkanes: Nomenclature, properties, conformation, cycloalkanes, conformations of cyclohexane. (8) Alkenes and Alkynes: Nomenclature, electronic structure, addition reactions, carbocation structure and stability, oxidation of alkenes, preparation of alkenes, alkyne acidity. (9) Aromatic compounds: Structure and stability of benzene, electrophilic aromatic substitution, substituent effect in electrophilic aromatic substitution, oxidation and reduction of aromatic compounds. (10) Stereochemistry: Chirality, optical activity, specific rotation, enantiomers, diastereomers, meso compounds, molecules with more than 2 stereocentres, racemic mixture and the resolution of enantiomers (11) Alkyl halides: Nomenclature, preparation of alkyl halides, Grignard reagents, SN1 and SN2 reactions, E1 and E2 reactions (12) Alcohols, ethers and phenols: Nomenclature, properties, synthesis and reactions of alcohols, phenols and ethers, epoxides, ring-opening reactions of epoxides (13) Carbonyl compounds: Nomenclature, structure and properties, synthesis of aldehydes and ketones, oxidation, nucleophilic addition reactions (14) Carboxylic acids and its derivatives: Nomenclature, acidity of carboxylic acids, synthesis and reactions of carboxylic acids and their derivatives (15) Amines: Nomenclature, structure and properties, amine basicity, synthesis and reaction of amines. CM1417 Fundamentals of Chemistry Workload : 2-1-0-4-3 Prerequisite : 'O' Level pass in Chemistry or equivalent Preclusion : ‘A’ level Chemistry or H2 Chemistry or equivalent The objective of this module is to provide an introduction to the fundamental topics and concepts of chemistry. This includes topics like structure of matter, periodicity and the periodic table, chemical Bonding, states of matter, stoichiometry and equilibrium, reaction types, kinetics, organic chemistry, including such topics as functional groups and isomerism. CM1501 Organic Chemistry for Engineers Modular credits: 4 Workload: 3-1-2-2-3 Prerequisite: 'A' level pass in Chemistry or equivalent or CM1417 Preclusion: CM1121 Aliphatic hydrocarbons. Stereochemistry. Alkyl halides. Ethers and epoxides. Aldehydes and ketones. Carboxylic acids and derivatives. Aromatic hydrocarbons. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Amines and diazonium compounds. Macromolecules. Principles of spectroscopy. CM1502 General and Physical Chemistry for Engineers Workload: 3-1-2-2-3 Prerequisite: 'A' level pass in chemistry or equivalent Preclusion: CM1101 or CM1131 Quantum theory and atomic structure – dual nature of light, Bohr model, waveparticle duality of matter and energy, quantum-mechanical model of the atom. Electron configuration and Chemical periodicity – electron quantum number, exclusion principle, quantum mechanical model and the periodic table, trends in atomic size, ionization energy, electron affinity, trends in metallic behavior. Models of chemical bonding – Lewis electron dot symbols, ionic bonding model – lattice energy, covalent bonding model, electronegativity, metallic bonding. Shapes of molecules – resonance, VSEPR, bond polarity, dipole moment. Theories of covalent bonding valence bond theory, hybrid orbitals, multiple bonds, molecular orbital theory, electron delocalization. Equilibrium – reaction quotient, equilibrium constant, Le Chatelier’s principle, Acid base equilibria – acid dissocation constant, acid strength, autoionization of water, proton transfer, Bronsted-Lowry definition, polyprotic acids, acid-base properties of salts. Ionic equilibria in aqueous solution – buffer solution, HendersonHasselbach equation, acid-base titration curves, indicators, equilibria involving slightly soluble ionic compounds, solubility product, equilibria involving complex ions. Kinetics – rates, rate laws, effect of temperature, collision theory, reaction mechanisms, catalysis. Thermochemistry –first law of thermodynamics – open, closed, isolated systems, internal energy, work, state function, expansion work, reversible and irreversible changes, maximum work, heat capacity, adiabatic conditions, isothermal, state path, enthalpy, calorimetry, Hess’ law. Thermodynamics – 2nd law of thermodynamics, entropy, spontaneity, Gibbs free energy Carnot cycle, efficiency of a heat engine, Clausius inequality, Third Law of thermodynamics. Electrochemistry – half reactions, voltaic cells, cell potential, free energy, electrical work, batteries, corrosion, electrolytic cells. GEK1535 Our Atmosphere: A Chemical Perspective Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite : None (open to CM, CY students) This module is for all students, including those from the humanities and the social sciences, who wish to learn about our atmosphere and its chemistry. We will look at how our atmosphere evolved to support life and how, latterly, life's highest form has been impacting upon its evolution. After reading this module, students will understand the science behind many of the environmental problems facing society, including global warming and the ozone hole. We will look at the intimate relationship between the atmosphere, the oceans and the biosphere. A relationship that has led some to regard the Earth as a self-regulating organism. The module will be largely self-contained and only an elementary knowledge of science will be required. LEVEL 2 MODULES (INCLUDING GEK MODULES) CM2101/CM2165 Principles of Spectroscopy Workload: 3-1-3-2-2 Prerequisite: CM1101 or CM1502 The objective of this module is to provide a quantum mechanical description of the interaction of light with molecules. The main features of microwave (rotational), infrared (vibrational), Raman (rotational and vibrational), ultraviolet (electronic) and magnetic resonance (nuclear spin) spectroscopy will be discussed, together with their analytical applications and instrumentation. Quantization of Energy - Waveparticle duality of light/matter, Quantum mechanics and the Schrodinger equation, Particle-in-a-box, rigid rotor, harmonic oscillator, molecular orbital models, BornOppenheimer approximation and molecular energy levels. General Features of Spectroscopy - Electromagnetic radiation, absorption and emission, transmittance and absorbance, Natural, pressure and Doppler line broadening, Transition dipole moments and selection rules, Boltzmann distribution and population of states, BeerLambert law and quantitative spectrophotometry, Absorption vs emission spectrometers, dispersive vs Fourier transfom spectrometers, Spectral noise and resolution. Microwave Spectroscopy - Diatomic molecules – rigid and non-rigid rotor models, Dipole moment, rotational constant, isotopic substitution and centrifugal distortion, Polyatomic linear molecules, Symmetric top molecules, Spherical top molecules, Asymmetric top molecules, Techniques and instrumentation. Infrared Spectroscopy - Diatomic molecules – harmonic and anharmonic oscillator models, Dynamic dipole moment, equilibrium vibrational frequency and anharmonicity constant, Rotational-vibrational transitions for linear molecules, Polyatomic molecules and normal modes of vibration, Structural analysis by infrared spectroscopy – group and skeletal frequencies, Techniques and instrumentation. UVVisible Spectroscopy - Diatomic molecules – potential energy curves, Vibronic transitions – vibrational progressions and the Franck-Condon principle, Dissociation energies from UV-visible spectra, Birge-Sponer extrapolation, Diatomic molecules – molecular orbitals, electronic configurations, term symbols and selection rules, Structural analysis by UV-visible spectroscopy – chromophores, Techniques and instrumentation. Raman Spectroscopy - Absorption spectroscopy vs Raman scattering, Raman effect – molecular polarizability, Diatomic molecules – rotational and vibrational Raman spectra, Rule of mutual exclusion, Techniques and instrumentation CM2102 Spectroscopic Applications Workload: 3-1-3-2-2 Prerequisite: CM1101 Co requisite: CM2101 This course sets out to provide both broad and in-depth coverage of topics within modern inorganic and organic spectroscopic methods, including but not limited to the structural and dynamic studies of inorganic compounds by mass spectrometry, electronic, vibrational and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic methods. On successful completion of this module you should be able to understand the fundamental principles and operation of spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques, such as IR, UV/Vis and NMR, to interpret simple spectra to solve typical problem of structural analysis in organic and inorganic chemistry and to assess the application range of these spectroscopic methods and chose appropriate methods for a given problem. CM2111 Inorganic Chemistry Workload: 3-1-3-2-2 Prerequisites: CM1101 and CM1111 Molecular shapes & physical methods, bonding theory, Point groups & character tables, Molecular symmetry & properties, Molecular symmetry & vibrational modes, Introduction to transition metal complexes: Coordination number and geometry, Nomenclature, isomerism & fluxionality, Ligand field theory I - octahedral complexes, spectrochemical series, Ligand field theory II - tetrahedral, square planar & other geometries, MO theory of coordination complexes, Reactivity of metal complexes Equilibria, rates and mechanisms, Electronic spectra I - atomic spectra, Electronic spectra II - Electronic spectra of complexes, Electronic spectra III - Orgel diagrams, Applications of Coordination Compounds, Introduction to structures of solids, Defects & nonstoichiometry, Solid state energetics. CM2121 Organic Chemistry Workload: 3-1-3-2-2 Prerequisites: CM1101 and CM1121/CM1501 This module builds on CM1121 (basic organic chemistry) by focusing on the firstprinciples (fundamentals) of organic chemistry, i.e. the factors, effects, models, selectivity, conformation, and stereochemistry of molecules. Emphasis is on gaining an ability and understanding of reagents, mechanisms, and synthesis through problem-based case-studies and tests. Syllabus includes: (1) conformational analysis; (2) formation and reactions of enols and enolates; (3) electrophilic alkenes; (4) chemoselectivity:s selective reactions and protection; (5) synthesis in action; (6) alkylation of enolates; (7) reactions of enolates with aldehydes and ketones: the aldol reaction; (8) acylation at carbon; (9) conjugate addition of enolates ; (10) basic retrosythetic analysis; (11) stereoselective reactions of cyclic compounds; (12) diastereoselectivity; (13) pericyclic reactions 1: cycloadditions; (14) Pericyclic reactions 2: sigmatropic and electrocyclic reactions; (15) rearrangements; (16) fragmentation; (17) radical reactions; (18) synthesis and reactions of carbenes; (19) determining reaction mechanisms. CM2132/CM2167 Physical Chemistry Workload: 3-1-3-2-2 Prerequisites: CM1101 and CM1131 Gibbs free energy -dependence on temperature and pressure, applications to electrochemistry, phase changes, relationship between dG and equilibrium constant K, effect of temperature and pressure on K ; Le Chatelier's principle. Phase equilibrium - phase diagram of single component, response of melting to applied pressure, phase boundaries and the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Liquid mixtures partial molar volume, partial molar Gibbs energy, Raoult's and henry's laws, colligative properties. Basic Statistical Thermodynamics - link between molecular and macroscopic properties, energy levels of molecules, partition function calculations, application to equilibrium constant calculation. Chemical kinetics - First order reaction; 2nd order reactions; Isolation method; Parallel reactions; reversible reactions; Temperature dependent reaction rate and Arrhenius law, Reaction mechanism: elementary reactions; Steady state approximations and Pre-equilibrium, Unimolecular reaction: L-H mechanism and RRK theory, Catalytical reactions: enzymatic reactions, surface adsorption and reactions. Reaction Dynamics Reactions in gas phase and collision theory, Reactions in solutions, Potential energy surfaces, Transition state theory, Reaction between ions, Electron transfer reactions. Photophysics and Photochemistry - Molecular levels and states, Duality nature of light, Principles of photochemistry, Absorption and fluorescence processes from kinetic perspectives, Excited state deactivation and fluorescence lifetime, Fluorescence quenching; Photo-induced electron transfer and energy transfer, Einstein stimulated emission theory and laser fundamentals CM2142/CM2166 Analytical Chemistry (cross-listed with CM 2166) Workload: 3-1-3-2-2 Prerequisite: CM1101 or FST1101 Topics covered include introduction to data treatment and analysis; discussion on sample treatment and extraction, and sample preparation techniques, separation science, electrochemistry. Topics will be selected from: liquid extraction and solid phase extraction, some novel extraction technologies; comparison of traditional and modern extraction procedures; introduction to chromatography, with special emphasis on planar chromatography; introduction to electroanalytical methods. Specific topics are classified under the following 5 broad categories: Data Treatment and Analysis - Errors in chemical analyses; statistical data treatment and evaluation; sampling, standardization and calibration. Chemical Equilibria and Kinetics - Basics of chemical equilibria; acid-base equilibria; polyprotic acid-base equilibria; acid-base, compleximetric, EDTA titrations curves; basic of chemical kinetics. Sample Treatment/preparation and Extraction - Overview of real sample analysis; sample treatment methods; sample preparation methods; extraction techniques; Electroanalytical methods - Basics of electrochemistry; voltammetry; potentiometry; Separation Science - Classical methods of analysis including gravimetry, titrimetry; fundamentals of separation techniques; gas chromatography; liquid chromatography; capillary electrophoresis LEVEL 3 MODULES CM3212 Transition Metal Chemistry Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite: CM2111 This module will introduce some modern topics of transition metal chemistry which include structures, bonding and reactivities of d-block metal complexes. To illustrate some important concepts, some classic exotic inorganic compounds will be discussed in great length. Reaction Mechanisms - (i) Ligand Substitution square planar d8 6 Pt(II), octahedral d Co(III), associative and dissociative mechanism, trans-effect, stereochemistry of substitution. (ii) Electron Transfer Inner-sphere, outer-sphere electron transfer reactions. (iii) Mixed-valence complexes as models for inner-sphere electron transfer, intervalence charge transfer absorption, Robin-Day Class I, II and III mixed valence compounds. Exotic compounds: Creutz-Taube ion, Prussian’s blue. Bonding- Synergetic bonding between metal and -accepting ligands such as carbon monoxide, isoelectronic ligands e.g. NO +, CN-, dinitrogen, isocyanide, and related ligands such as pyridine. Exotic carbonyl compounds: John Ellis’s negative oxidation state complexes i.e. V(CO)53-, Bert Allen’s ruthenium dinitrogen complex – is it relevant to nitrogen fixation? 18-electron rule: bonding picture of Cr(CO) 6. Metal- Metal Bonds - (i) synthesis and reactivity of simple metal clusters such as Mn 2(CO)10. (ii) metal-metal multiple bonds – quadruple bond, delta bond. Exotic compound: Philip Power’s quintuple bonded (bond order = 5) Ar’CrCrAr’ complex. Electronic Spectroscopy of Transition Metal Complexes - Charge-transfer Absorption Metalto-ligand transfer transition, e.g. Ru(2,2’-bipyridine)32+, Cr(CO)6. Ligand-to-metal charge transfer transition, e.g. MnO4- . Metal-ligand Multiple Bond - Metaloxo/nitride/imido complexes, Oxo wall – why there is no metal-oxo double bond compound beyond group 8? Exotic compounds: recent syntheses of iron(IV)-oxo complexes. Electronic spectroscopy of metal-oxo compounds – Ballhausen-Gray bonding picture. CM3221 Organic Synthesis and Spectroscopy Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite: CM2121 This module builds on the methods and concepts introduced in CM2121 (organic chemistry) in the context of retrosynthetic analysis and organic synthesis. Although emphasis is on giving students the ability to develop viable synthetic sequences to structural organic targets, part of this course will concentrate on structural determination and analysis in organic chemistry. Syllabus includes: (1) Retrosynthetic analysis; (2) Synthesis of natural products; (3) Introduction and application of 1D, 2D, 3D NMR and other analytical techniques; (4) Carbon-carbon coupling chemistry (involving Pd and metathesis); (5) Basic asymmetric chemistry; (6) Cycloaddition reactions (other than Diels-Alder and [3,3]-sigmatropic). CM3222 Organic Reaction Mechanisms Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite: CM2121 This module builds on CM2121 (organic chemistry) by providing a comprehensive mechanistic understanding of organic chemistry. It covers the fundamental concepts and experimental techniques to study reaction mechanisms; structures and reactivity of common organic reactive intermediates; frontier orbital theory and pericyclic reactions; molecular rearrangements and catalysis. Syllabus includes: (1) Fundamentals of reaction mechanism; (2) Potential energy surfaces, reaction kinetics and transition state theory; (3) Linear free energy relationship and, substituent constants; (4) Stability and strain of reactive intermediates; (5) Structures and reactions of carbenes; (6) Structures and reactions of carbocations; (7) Structures and reactions of carbanions; (8) Structures and reactions of radicals; (9) Frontier orbital theory, aromatic transition state, pericyclic reactions and WoodwardHoffmann rules; (10) Molecular rearrangements and various examples of [1,2]rearrangment in carbocations, carbenes and carbenoids; (11) Catalysis and enzymatic reactions. CM3225 Biomolecules Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite: LSM1401 and CM2121 CM3225 consists of two parts. In part I, brief introduction will be given on the four major classes of biomolecules in life: nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates and fatty acids. Subsequently, the bioorganic aspects of many of these molecules will be discussed. The students will learned about how DNAs are damaged and repaired, how proteins behaves, how enzymes catalyze chemical transformations, and how drugs are developed, to name a few. In the part II of CM3225, bioinorganic chemistry is involved. The students will learn the basic concepts of modern bioinorganic chemistry including the functions and the mechanisms of the medicinal inorganic compounds, the mechanisms of reactions catalyzed by metalloproteins, the spectroscopic and electronic properties of metal sites, and oxygen and electron transfer reactions of metal complexes in biological systems. Some fundamentals in biochemistry and physical methods for bioinorganic chemistry are also covered. The module is directed towards students majoring in chemistry and related disciplines. CM3231 Quantum Chemistry / Molecular Thermodynamics Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite: CM2132 or CM2167 The purpose of the module is to introduce the students to three of the most fundamental topics not only in chemistry but in physical sciences in general: quantisation of matter and energy, the role of symmetry in Nature and the probabilistic basis of natural phenomena. Historical Background - Classical physics, The discovery of the electron, Blackbody radiation, Photoelectric effect, Heat capacities, The Bohr model, Compton scattering, Wave–particle duality, The Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The Fundamentals - Heisenberg’s suggestion, Commutation relation, Hamilton’s contribution, The Schrodinger equation, Born interpretation, Quantisation, Fundamental postulates. Exact Solutions for Linear Motion -Free particle in one dimension, Uncertainty principle for a free particle, Particle in a one-dimensional box, Correspondence principle, Linear conjugated polyenes, Particle in a two-dimensional box. Exact Solutions Part II - Schrödinger’s cat, Tunnelling, Harmonic oscillator, Infrared spectrum of a diatomic, Correspondence principle, Spherical coordinates, Particle on a ring, Particle on a sphere. Hydrogen Atom - Rigid rotor, The hydrogen atom, Orbital angular momentum, Zeeman effect in hydrogen, Spectroscopic notation. Many-electron Atoms - Review of the hydrogen atom, Quantum numbers, Atomic units, Manyelectron atoms, Alkali metals, Pauli principle, Electron spin, Term symbol, Helium atom. Terms and Levels - Review of electrostatic coupling, Term symbols using angular momenta, Hund’s first two rules, Spin-orbit coupling. Molecules - The Born– Oppenheimer approximation, Electronic states in diatomic molecules, Variational principle, The secular equations, Molecular orbitals, Hückel molecular-orbital theory, What is a chemical bond?, Time-dependent analysis. Review of Thermodynamics. The Maxwell–Boltzmann Distribution Law -Introduction to statistical mechanics, Complexions and distribution, Counting complexions: localised, independent systems, Localised Systems (General Case), The most probable distribution, Classical versus quantum statistics, Molecular partition function. The Molecular Partition Function - On the identification of β, Internal Energy, Entropy, Helmholtz Free Energy, Pressure, Heat Capacity, Non-localised systems, Factorisation of f, Translational partition function, Chemical potential of a monatomic gas, Rotational partition function, Vibrational partition function, Electronic partition function, Nuclear partition function. Applications - Heat capacities of diatomic molecules, Temperature dependence of CV, Ortho and para hydrogen, Heat capacity of a monatomic solid, Calculation of the entropy, Chemical equilibrium, Adsorption equilibrium. CM3232 Solid State and Interfaces Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite: CM2132 or CM2167 Solid state - Lattices and crystal structure, solid sphere packing model, Definition of Metal, semiconductor and insulator, From bonds to bands: nearly free electron model, Electrons in a small box to many electrons in big box, Wave vector K and accounting of electron filling Fermi energy, Density of states for 1-D, 2-D and 3Origin of band gap. Boltzmann statistics and equilibrium concentration of electrons, Introduction to basic solid state chemistry in semiconductor growth and processing, Heteroepitaxial interface between two semiconductors, Band gap engineering. Solidliquid-vapor interface - Surfaces of solids, Adsorption isotherms (Freundlich, Langmuir, BET), Surface tension, Wetting angle, Gibbs Adsorption isotherm, the Marangoni effect, Young-Laplace equation, curved liquid surfaces, techniques to measure surface tension. Capillary condensation, Kelvin equation, Theory of nucleation, Liquid-solid interface, the electric double layer, Stern layer, GouyChapman theory, Poisson distribution, Graham equation, Electrochemical interface. CM3242 Instrumental Analysis II Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite: CM2142 or CM 2166 Advanced electrochemical methods; advanced gas chromatography and liquid chromatography; other contemporary analytical procedures selected from: advanced sample preparation methods including use of microwaves, sub- and supercritical fluids in extractions, high-pressure solvent extraction, etc.; thermometric methods; automation of analytical procedures. However, most but not all of the above topics may be covered in any given year. Thermal Methods - Thermogravimetric Analysis, Differential Thermal Analysis, Differential Scanning Calorimetry. Advanced Gas Chromatography and Liquid Chromatography Methods - HPLC, GC, Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis, Electroanalytical Chemistry - General Review and Fundamentals, Cells (2 and 3 electrodes), electrodes, electrode-solution interface, mass transfer, supporting electrolyte, Chronoamperometry, Polarography and Voltammetry, dc, Tast, normal pulse, differential pulse; linear sweep and cyclic voltammetry, quantitative analysis, - ultramicroelectrodes. Fundamentals of Atomic Spectrometry - Introduce, investigate, and compare various atomic spectrometry techniques including mass spectrometry. Advanced Sample Preparation - Microwaveassisted extraction, Pressurized liquid (fluid) extraction (accelerated solvent extraction), Sub- and supercritical extraction CM3251 Nanochemistry Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite : SP2251 This multidisciplinary module provides an in-depth view of the synthesis, characterisation and application of nanostructures using chemical routes. Necessarily, it will incorporate various concepts from colloidal chemistry, supramolecular chemistry and polymers CM3296 Molecular Modelling : Theory and Practice Workload : 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite : CM2132/CM2167 Fundamental concepts of molecular modelling; survey of computational methods; molecular mechanics and force fields; empirical and semi-empirical methods; Ab initio theory; basis sets; electron correlation methods; density functional theory; chemical visualization. CM3301 Advanced Forensic Science Workload: 4--0-06 Prerequisite: GEK1542 This is a new level 3000 essential module proposed. This module covers forensic identification, criminalistics, DNA profiling, narcotics and toxicology. Topics on forensic identification and criminalistics includes crime scene investigation, nature of physical evidence, characteristics of evidence, an in-depth study of glass and fibre as sources of evidence in criminalistics investigations. For DNA profiling, this module would focus on screening methods for biological materials, the various instrumentation platforms and the application of forensic DNA in Singapore crime cases. In narcotics, the topics covered include forensic drug analysis and legislation, clandestine drug manufacturing, drug metabolism and analysis of urine for drug abuse. For toxicology, an in-depth study of toxicological analysis will be covered. LEVEL 4 MODULES CM4211 Advanced Coordination Chemistry Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite: CM3211 or CM3212 In this module, the students will learn bonding and structure of coordination compounds including the classification of ligands and design of coordination, the coordination compounds with polynucleating ligands (from di- and polynuclear complexes to nanomolecules), metal-metal bond and metal cluster. The electronic properties of coordination compounds and the new trends in modern coordination chemistry, such as, supramolecular chemistry and molecular architecture, photochemistry in coordination compounds, crystal engineering will be also introduced. CM4212 Advanced Organometallic Chemistry Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite: CM3211 or CM3212 The student will acquire an understanding of the various classes of organometallic compounds, the nature of their bonding, synthetic methodology and characterisation techniques using NMR and IR techniques, the principles of homogeneous catalysis, the catalytic cycles and the mechanisms of the different catalytic processes of transition metals, and use of the isolobal analogy. Topics covered include complexes; -complexes; clusters and metal-metal bonding; Wade-Mingos rules for ecounting, isolobal relationships. Reactions of organometallic compounds - ligand substitution, coordinative, addition/ligand dissociation, oxidative addition/reductive elimination, insertion)/deinsertion, nucleophilic addition and abstraction, electrophilic reactions. Synthetic applications - metal alkyls & hydrides, insertions, protection/deprotection and activation, coupling and cyclization reactions, the principles of homogeneous catalysis, the mechanisms of the different important processes catalyzed by organotranstion metal complexes (including asymmetric catalysis), the organometallic chemsitry of the lanthanoids and Actinoids and the metal-metal bonds and transition-metal-atom clusters, group 11 and 12 organometallics, synthesis, characteristics and reactivities of higher homologues of carbenes including Sn, Ge, Pb. CM4214 Structural Methods in Inorganic Chemistry Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite: CM3211 or CM3212 This module is intended to teach the most commonly used methods to determine the structure of inorganic compounds including symmetry operators; point groups; irreducible representations; Raman or IR active vibrational modes; the principles and theories of the X-ray diffraction techniques; assessment of quality of published crystal structures; NMR as a powerful diagnostic tool to determine structures and fluxional mechanisms in organometallic and inorganic compounds. CM4215 Bioinorganic Chemistry Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisites: CM3211 or CM3212 or CM3268 The students will learn the basic concepts of modern bioinorganic chemistry including the mechanisms of reactions catalyzed by metalloproteins, spectroscopic and electronic properties of metal sites, and kinetics of electron transfer in proteins. This module covers major areas in modern bioinorganic chemistry including synthetic model compounds for metal sites of metalloproteins, basic protein chemistry, biological electron transfer; hydrolytic enzymes, oxygen transporters; oxygen reacting proteins such as monooxygenase, peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase; physical methods in bioinorganic chemistry. The module is directed towards students majoring in chemistry and related disciplines. CM4222 Advanced Organic Synthesis and Spectroscopy Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite: CM3221 This module introduces students to the use of high-field 1D/2D/3D NMR techniques for the structure elucidation of complex/multicomponent organic molecules and some specialized topics on organic chemistry. Emphasis is on the understanding and application of 1D/2D NMR techniques, C-C bond formation, and saturated & aromatic heterocycles. Syllabus includes: (1) Advanced 1D NMR spectroscopy; (2) Advanced 2D NMR spectroscopy; (3) 3D NMR spectroscopy; (4) Organopalladium compounds; (5) Organoboranes & organosilanes; (6) Saturated heterocycles & stereoelectronics; (7) Synthesis & reactivity of aromatic heterocylces. On top of these lecture topics, and based on the inputs from students, two more lecture topics will be chosen from the following four topics: (1) Organomagnesium/lithium compounds; (2) Organosulfur compounds; (3) Stereoselective reactions of cyclic compounds; (4) Cycloaddition and sigmatropic reactions. CM4223 Asymmetric Synthesis Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite: CM3221 or by permission This module introduces students to advanced methods in organic synthesis and show how the stereochemistry of the product can be controlled. Topics covered include principles of asymmetric synthesis; use of simple starting materials such as sugars as chiral synthons in the total synthesis of functionally and stereochemically complex compounds. The module is directed towards students majoring in chemistry and related disciplines. CM4226 Current Topics in Organic Chemistry Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite: by permission This module is intended to introduce students to selected topics in natural products, organic synthesis, reaction mechanisms and other areas of emerging importance which are not reflected in the current curriculum. Topics will be taken from the latest research areas. CM4236 Spectroscopy in Biophysical Chemistry Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisites: CM2101 and CM2132 or CM2165 and CM2167 This module introduces the interested student to the questions and strategies of biophysical chemistry. The course covers three parts: 1) Biomolecules, their constituents, structure and properties. 2) Techniques used for the determination of these parameters. 3) Behavior and interactions of biomolecues.The course is aimed at students from all departments that are interested in the life sciences. CM4237 Interfaces and the Liquid State Workload: 2-2-0-2-4 Prerequisites: CM3232 or by permission. The module is intended for those students interested in a deeper understanding of the liquid state and solutions. The content unifies all the material covered in levels one to three in physical chemistry concerning the liquid state. Particular attention is paid to the material taught in CM3232 regarding interfaces and extends it into the liquid state. Topics covered include: Intermolecular interactions, Laplace’s, Poisson’s and Poisson–Boltzmann’s equations and their application to Debye-Hückle theory, the Goüy–Chapman and Stern models, zeta-potential, and the electrostatic potential around proteins. Colloids involving sols, emulsions and foams are considered as well as reactions in solution, computer models of the liquid state and experimental techniques. CM4241 Trace Analysis Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisites: CM3241 and CM3242 or by permission At the end of this module, you should be able to identify the major sources of errors in trace analysis, understand the advantages and limitations of sample preparation and detection techniques, and be able to design a suitable method for the analysis of a given sample by taking into account the sample matrix, properties and concentration. Topics discussed include analysis at trace levels: general considerations and principles, sampling, sample preparation and sample pretreatment; selected advanced techniques of extraction and detection, applications in environmental, biomedical, etc. analyses; chemosensors and biosensors. The module is directed towards students majoring in chemistry and related disciplines. CM4242 Advanced Analytical Techniques Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisites: CM3241 and CM3242 or by permission Introduction and Basic Concepts: Historical development of capillary electrophoresis; Electrically driven flow; Electroosmotic flow; Factors affecting electroosmotic flow: Modifying and reversing EOF; Measuring electrophoretic velocities and mobilities; Peak variance; Selectivity; Resolution. Principles of Separation: Different modes of capillary electrophoresis; CZE –capillary zone electrophoresis’ CGE – capillary gel electrophoresis; MEKC –micellarelectrokenticchromatography; CEC –capillary electrokineticchromatography. CIEF –capillary isoelectricfocusing; CITP –capillary isotachophoresis; Additional separation mechanisms: e.g. inclusion complexation, chiralCE, CD-MEKC; Factors affecting peak shape. Instrumentation: Sample introduction; Electromigrationinjection; Hydrostatic injection; Pneumatic injection; Detection techniques; UV/Vis detector; Fluorescence detector; Conductivity detector; Electrochemical detector; Mass spectrometry. Column Technology and Electrolyte Systems: Column technology; Coated columns; Packed columns; Gel filled columns/dynamic sieving; CE on chip; Buffers and additives; Buffers; Micelles; Ion pairing/ion exchange; Inclusion complexes: Cyclodextrins, Crown ethers. Miniaturized Analytical Systems (e.g. labchip, capillary electrophoresis on chip): Soft lithography; Advantages of soft lithography; Soft lithography processes; Microcontactprinting; Micromoldingin capillaries; Microtransfermolding; Replica molding; Bonding; Microchip CE; Controlled dilution; Electrokineticinjection; Applications: Amino acids; Oligonucleotides; Voltage switching –sample withdrawal. DNA sequencing; Enzymatic digestion; Synchronized cyclic CE; Field flow electrophoresis; HPLC chip; Micropump; Micro heat exchanger; Micromixer. Membrane module; Microreactionsystem; Example: hydrogenation with immobilized Pd Catalyst. Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM): Nanoscale imaging; Scanning tunneling microscopy; Tunneling current; Constant current and constant height modes; Scanners; Tripod and tube scanners; Tip approach mechanism; Atomic force microscopy (AFM); Contact mode; Non-contact mode; Tapping mode. Other scanning probe techniques: Lateral force microscopy (LFM); Force modulation microscopy (FMM); Phase detection microscopy (PDM); Magnetic force microscopy; Electrostatic force microscopy; Scanning capacitance microscopy; Near-field scanning optical microscopy; Nanolithography; Forces and their relevance to microscopy; AFM cantilevers – spring constant and frequency; Applications of SPM technology; SPM techniques for nanoscale analysis and characterization; SPM for elucidation of structure/properties relationships of nanomaterials; Morphological/structure information by scanning probe microscopy and other analytical techniques; Use of SPM methods to improve/modify nanomaterials and nanostructures to meet application requirements. Mass spectrometry (MS): Ion separation in MS; Resolution; Ionization methods; Chemical ionization; Electroni mpact; Electrospray; Fast atom bombardment; Field ionization; Laser ionization; Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI); Plasma desorption; Resonance; ICP-MS. Ion detection systems and mass analyzers; Ion detectors; Channeltron; Daly; Electron multiplier tube; Faraday cup; Microchannelplate; Mass analyzers: Magnetic sector; Quadruple; Fourier-transform; Time-of-flight; Ion-trap; Orbitrap. Sample introduction: Gaschromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS); Direct coupling; Open-split coupling; Probe inlets; Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Tandem mass spectrometry: Unimolecular ion dissociation; Collision-induced dissociation (CID); Triple quardrupole instruments; Hybrid instruments. Quantitative analysis: Specificity; Sensitivity and limits of detection; Sources of error; Selected ion monitoring; Selected reaction monitoring; Derivatization. CM4271 Medicinal Chemistry Workload: 2-1-0-0-7 Prerequisite: CM2121 snd CM3225 This module builds on the module Biomolecules (CM3225) as well as Organic Chemistry (CM 2121). A major focus will be directed towards the identification and chemical optimization of drug molecules. It will be accompanied by presentations and case studies delivered by selected researchers from Pharmaceutical Industry. The following aspects will be covered: 1) The role of the chemist in the drug discovery process 2) Target Selection 3) Selection of chemical starting points via virtual screening techniques 4) Design of compound libraries 5) Translation of ADME-Tox data into new chemical entities 6) Intellectual property for medicinal chemists The module is suited for advanced students majoring in chemistry or applied chemistry. LEVEL 5 MODULES CM5111 Graduate Inorganic Chemistry Workload : 2-1-0-4-3 Prerequisite : CM4211 and CM4212 or by permission. This module will cover selected and essential topics in inorganic chemistry, which may include: Importance of inorganic chemistry, group trends, acid-base concepts, Redox-reactions, basic bonding models, introduction to orbitals, inorganic mixtures (e.g. ores) and metal extraction techniques (separation and purification of inorganics), selected applications of inorganic materials (e.g. in industrial processes), VSEPR theory, hybridization, 18 electron rule, introduction to coordination chemistry. CM5121 Graduate Organic Chemistry Workload : 2-1-0-4-3 Prerequisite: By permission This module gives students the ability to better understand organic structures and reaction mechanisms. Emphasis is to enable students the ability to design new synthetic routes towards structurally sophisticated molecules and allow rationalization of experimental data reported in the literature. Syllabus includes: (1) Pericyclic reactions and cycloadditions (Cope, Claisen, sigmatropic rearrangements/shifts, Diels-Alder, electrocyclisations); (2) Migrations to Electrondeficient centers; (3) Rearrangements of carbocations; (4) Rearrangements of carbanions and free radicals; (5) 1,2 and 1,4 Wittig shifts; (6) Asymmetric oxidations (e.g. Sharpless, Jacobsen, Yang-shi); (7) Asymmetric reductions (e.g. of carbonyl compounds, asymmetric hydrogenation); (8) Asymmetric C-C bond formation reactions; (9) Metal-mediated organic transformations; (10) Protecting groups in organic synthesis; (11) Selected mechanisms in organic synthesis; (12) Journal-club discussions and tutorials. CM5131 Graduate Physical Chemistry Workload : 2-1-0-4-3 Prerequisite : By permission This module provides a revision of physical chemistry principles. Quantum theory Postulates of quantum mechanics, wave-particle duality, Particle-in-a-box : derivation and applications , The hydrogen molecule, molecular orbitals, energy derivation. Molecular spectroscopy - Rotational spectroscopy applied to diatomic molecules, Vibrational spectroscopy, Electronic spectroscopy, potential energy curve, Franck-Condon factors. Statistical thermodynamics - relationship between micro and macroscopic parameters, Partition functions, Application to equilibrium constants. Thermodynamics - Laws of Thermodynamics, Gibbs energy, Equilibrium calculations, Phase diagrams, Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Kinetics - Rate laws and mechanisms, - Gas phase unimolecular reactions, solution kinetics, effects of dielectric constant, cage effect and diffusion, surface kinetics, Langmuir isotherms, mechanisms. CM5141 Graduate Analytical Chemistry Workload : 2-1-0-4-3 Prerequisite : Nil This is an analytical chemistry module which addresses the fundamentals in the latest analytical techniques. It is aimed at the beginning to middle level M.Sc. student to acquaint and provide them with the background for more advanced and specialized modules on these subjects. Classifications of analytical methods (conventional, instrumental and miniaturized analytical instruments). Lab-on-a-chip: fabrication procedures, working principles and bioanalytical applications. Various trace level analytical applications which include radioactive compound detection, determination of illicit drugs from Euro/US currencies, non-invasive analytical methods for counterfeit drugs and counterfeit money using Raman and IR techniques, determination of cocaine from perspiration, hair and breath samples, simple analytical methods of sex hormones and pheromones. Analytical and bioanalytical applications of carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, ionic-liquids and nanoparticles. Analytical applications of microreactors and homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions in microfluidic microreactors, In-situ reaction monitoring. Applications of electronic-nose and electronic-tongue in food and beverage industries, on-site chemical warfare agent detection methods. Advance hyphenated techniques (2-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC); GCxGC/mass spectrometry (MS); chip-based liquid chromatography (LC)/MS; LC-inductivelycoupled plasma-MS and LCxLC/MS). Recent advances in mass spectrometry: ambient mass spectrometry, ion-mobility mass spectrometry and surface-enhanced laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry and its application to clinical diagnoses. This module coverage is aimed more at breadth rather than depth but without sacrificing the fundamental rigour. After reading this module, students will expand their knowledge of analytical chemistry and understand the importance of analytical chemistry in day-to-day activities. CM5211 Contemporary Organometallic Chemistry Workload : 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite : CM4212 or by permission The module aims to cover current aspects of research in the field of organometallic chemistry. It is assumed that students taking this module are already familiar with general organometallic chemistry at roughly the level covered in CM4212. The course materials can be divided into two parts. The first part of the module will cover topics relating to general organometallic chemistry to function as a refresher but with a practicing researcher’s bent. The second part of the module will cover some special topics. Introductory Concepts in Organometallic Chemistry - concepts such as EAN rule, oxidation states and inert-atmosphere manipulations. Characterization of Organometallic Compounds - major methods of characterizing organometallic compounds, incl. IR, NMR, MS, and X-ray crystallography. Important Inorganic Ligands - ligands such as CO, hydride and dihydrogen, halides, phosphines, and related ligands such as Tp, nitriles, isonitriles, arsines, stibines, dinitrogen, etc. Important Organic Ligands -donor ligands such as alkyls and aryls, carbenes -bound ligands such as alkenes, allyl, dienes, Cp, etc. Mechanistic Concepts - reaction types such as reductive elimination, oxidative -bond metathesis, migratory insertion/insertion, nucleophilic/electrophilic addition/substitution, kinetics, etc. Special Topics - Homogeneous Catalysis - general principles of homogeneous catalysis, with reference to selected catalytic reactions, namely, alkene hydrogenation and isomerization, CO insertion, and olefin polymerization. Organometallic Compounds in Organic Synthesis - the employment of organometallic compounds in enantioselective FGIs, hydrocarbon functionality protection, stereochemical control, and C-C bond formation via insertion and cyclization reactions. Computational Organometallic Chemistry – introductory concepts in computational chemistry and use of Gaussian program. CM5221 Advanced Organic Synthesis Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite: CM4222 or by permission This module mainly deals with the advanced synthetic methods in organic synthesis. Emphasis is on new organic reactions and new methodologies. Syllabus includes: (1) Nucleophilic substitution and addition; (2) Electrophilic substitution and addition; (3) Elimination; (4) Oxidation; (5) Reduction; (6) Protective groups; (7) Transition metal-catalyzed coupling reactions; (8) Selected introduction and applications within a specialized area of chemistry (e.g. supramolecular chemistry, conjugated polymers, medicinal chemistry, total synthesis). CM5222 Bioorganic Chemistry Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite: CM3224 or by permission This module studies organic chemistry that is relevant to biological systems. Emphasis is on the important biomacromolecules, understanding their structures and functions, as well as their relevance to medicinal chemistry, from an organic chemistry perspective. Syllabus includes: (1) Nucleic acids (physical properties, structure and synthesis); (2) Protein structures, functions and synthesis; (3) Fundamentals of enzymes and enzyme catalysis, mechanisms of enzyme catalysis; coenzymes, examples of enzyme catalysis; (4) DNA damage and repair; (5) Drug discovery, drug development, drug metabolism; (6) Structure-based drug design; (7) Enzyme inhibitors; (8) Combinatorial approaches to small molecule discovery; (9) Antiviral/Anticancer agents. CM5223 Topics in Supramolecular Chemistry Workload : 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite : By permission Origin and importance of supramolecular chemistry; interdisciplinary aspects of the field; brief overview of the structure and functions of natural systems such as proteins and enzymes (only relevant topics towards molecular recognition will be discussed); host-guest principles, design and synthesis of various hosts, crown ethers, cryptands, calixarenes and cavitands; complexation studies: definition of stability constants; applications of host-guest chemistry in research and industry. CM5224 Emerging Concepts in Drug Discovery Workload: 2-1-0-1-6 Prerequisite: Nil This module introduces selected contemporary topics and emerging concepts in medicinal chemistry and the drug discovery process. The latest ideas in lead discovery, lead optimization, and assay development, will be discussed. Industrial case studies will be presented by guest lecturers from the pharmaceutical industry. CM5237 Advanced Optical Spectroscopy and Imaging Workload : 2-1-0-4-3 Prerequisite : Nil This module will provide essential knowledge of fundamental photon-molecule interactions and novel laser based techniques that are important for frontier research. Topics include: organic photophysics and photochemistry, laser fundamentals, linear and nonlinear optical spectroscopy, time-resolved spectroscopy, single molecule spectroscopy, fluorescence and Raman microscopy, femtochemistry, laser reaction control and optical manipulation, laser applications in biochemistry and medicine, optical properties of novel materials and some optoeletronic applications. Fundamental Electronic States and Transitions - Fluorescence quantum yield and quenching; Energy Transfer; Electron Transfer; Spectra Line broadening, Laser Fundamentals - CW laser; Laser pulse generation; Pulse broadening and compensation, Linear optical spectroscopy - Raman, SRS, CARS, SERS; Phase matching; Nonlinear optics; 2nd order and 3rd order nonlinear phenomenon; timeresolved spectroscopy (fluorescence lifetime, pump probe, four-wave-mixing), Fluorescence and Raman Microscopy; Single Molecule Spectroscopy. Femtochemistry - Laser Reaction Control; Optical tweezers; Laser cooling. Lasers applications Biochemistry, Medicine and optoelectronics: photosynthesis; vision process; DNA damage and repair; photodynamic therapy; solar cell, solar hydrogen generation by water splitting. CM5238 Crystallization and Functional Materials Workload: 2-1-0-0-7 Prerequisite: CM3231 or by permission. This module will provide essential knowledge of crystallization . and the implications to nano sciences/technologies and soft condensed matter. Topics include: thermodynamics of crystallization, nucleation: homogeneous nucleation, heterogeneous nucleation; epitaxial growth; crystal growth: surface structure and the modes of crystal growth, faceted growth and rough growth; morphologies of crystals; crystal network and pattern formation; crystallization in nano scale: the formation and engineering of soft functional materials, crystallization in organisms, biominerailization; protein crystallization. Colloidal crystallization and photonic crystals. CM5241 Modern Analytical Techniques Workload : 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite : CM4242 or by permission Sample preparation, including miniaturised procedures of extraction; advanced coupled chromatography/mass spectrometry; advanced mass spectrometric techniques. Capillary electrophoresis: different modes of capillary electrophoresis, injection techniques, detection techniques and column technology. Scanning probe microscopy: scanning tunneling microscopy, atomic force microscopy, scanning electrochemical microscopy and scanning near-field optical microscopy. Determination of crystal and molecular structures by single crystal x-ray diffraction techniques. CM5243 X-Ray Crystallography - A Practical Approach Workload : 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite : by permission X-ray generation and diffraction by solids; X-ray analysis of single crystals: theory and practice; X-ray powder diffraction; analysis of polymers. CM5244 Topics in Environmental Chemistry Workload : 2-1-0-4-3 Prerequisite : Nil The module involves sampling strategies for volatile, semi-volatile and non-volatile compounds in ambient air and stack gas analysis. These include preparation of gas standards, sampling on sorbents, canisters, passive samplers, high volume solid samplers, isokinetic sampling and others. Topics include Bioaccumulation factors, biomarkers in the environmental risk assessment and the roll of bio-indicators in environmental monitoring, environmental concerns over microorganisms, food toxins and their current detection methods, bioaccumulative indoor air pollutants and remediation approaches. Trace level metal and organometallic pollutants in the environment and methods for their detection, organotins and its environmental impact. Potential health risks and toxicity of nanomaterials in the environment, endocrine- disrupting compounds in the environment and their analytical challenges. Various quantitative methods for the determination of organic pollutants in environmental samples, on-site environmental techniques and their perspective. Applications of porous membranes in water treatment technology, remediation of metals from waste water using algal/microbial biomass. Recent trends in soil and sediment remediation. After reading this module, students will have an understanding of analytical methods employed for analyses of different types of environmental samples, and knowledge on proper environmental sampling methodologies, adaptation of existing procedures, and regulations in environmental problem-solving. CM5245 Bioanalytical Chemistry Workload : 2-1-0-4-3 Prerequisite : Nil This is an elective analytical chemistry module which addresses the basics in the latest bioanalytical techniques and those which are just emerging. It is aimed at students who are interested in the applications of modern analytical techniques for bioanalytical research and development. The module will acquaint students with background knowledge of advanced and specialised bioanalytical techniques, with elaboration on the materials aspects employed in these techniques. Coverage is aimed more at breadth rather than depth but without sacrificing the fundamental rigors. CM5262 Contemporary Materials Chemistry Workload : 3-1-0-2-4 Prerequisite : By permission This module aims to discuss important contemporary topics in the field of Materials Chemistry, e.g. nanostructured materials, hybrid composites, macromolecular materials, biocomposites, biocompatible materials, fibrous materials, etc. These are materials that we encounter in day-to-day life. The chemistry of their formation, stability as well as the relationship between their structures and properties will be emphasized. After taking this module, students should have a good fundamental knowledge and understanding of how to design and to fabricate useful devices such as LEDs, optical switches, modulators, and dispersion compensators. CM5268 Advanced Organic Materials Workload: 2-1-0-0-7 Prerequsite: For Applied Chemistry Students: Polymer Chemistry II (CM3221), Advanced Polymer Science (CM4268). For Chemistry students: Organic Reaction Mechanisms (CM3221). This module builds on the module Advanced Polymer Science (CM 4268). A major focus will be directed towards the preparation and application of advanced polymers and biopolymers. It will be accompanied by presentations and case studies delivered by selected Industry researchers. The following aspects will be covered: (1) Liquid Crystals (2) Photovoltaics Materials (3) Organic Electronics & Devices (4) Nanostructured Surfaces (5) Sensors (6) Nanoparticles and Quantum Dots (7) Biomimetic and Intelligent Materials (8) Tissue Engineering The module is suited for final year students majoring in chemistry, applied chemistry and related disciplines. APPLIED CHEMISTRY MODULES CM1161 Principles of Chemical Processes I Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite: 'A' level pass in chemistry or equivalent Preclusion: CN1111 Introduction and examples of chemical processes; process design: materials balance, energy balance and process economics; chemical reactors: batch or continuous operation, plug flow reactor, continuous stirred tank reactors; process control and safety. CM2161 Principles of Chemical Processes II Workload: 3-1-3-2-2 Prerequisite: CM1161 Transport processes: momentum transfer, heat transfer, mass transfer; unit operations: reactor type, homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, filtration, distillation, fractional distillation, extraction, crystallization, drying of process materials. CM2263 Materials Chemistry Workload : 3-1-3-2-2 Prerequisite : CM1101 Fundamentals of solid state chemistry-crystalline solids : crystal structure, Bragg equation, Madelung constant, lattice energy, bonding, intermolecular forces, lattice planes and surfaces;defects;solid-solid phase transition;non-crystalline solids:local order, glasses. CM2264 Polymer Chemistry I Workload : 3-1-3-2-2 Prerequisite : CM1101 Classification of polymers and general considerations; polymerisation and polymerisation processes; step reaction, radical chain, description of properties; number and weight average molecular weights; polymer technology and applications (I). For DRUG option, see course descriptions in the Department of Pharmacy. CM3193 Experiments in Industrial Processes II Workload: 0-0-5-2-3 Prerequisite: CM3181 or by permission Selected experiments from the following - vacuum generation and measurement; working under inert gas; high pressure technology; determination of surface area and porosity; preparation and characterization of ceramic materials (zeolites); synthesis of methyl salicylate; assay of tablets; computer applications CM3194 Selected Experiments in Chemical and Instrumental Techniques Workload: 0-0-5-2-3 Prerequisite: CM3181 or by permission Selected experiments from the following - thermal analysis; gas chromatography; high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC); capillary electrophoresis; atomic absorption spectroscopy; IR; ultraviolet and fluorescence spectroscopy; cyclic voltammetry and electroanalytical methods; membrane separations CM3261 Environmental Chemistry Workload: 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite: CM3241 or CM2142 or CM2166 or by permission Environmental terms and concepts; scope of environmental chemistry; the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere; soil, water and air pollution; chemical toxicology; methods of environmental analysis and monitoring; global environmental problems; natural resources and energy; environmental management; risk assessment. CM3262 Advanced Inorganic Materials Workload : 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite : CM2263 Alloys: solid solutions, miscibility, binary and ternary phase diagram, compound formation, mechanical and physical properties; nanoparticles: quantum size effect, possible applications; ceramics: structure and applications; magnetic and electrical properties, processing; opto-electronic materials; surfactants and detergents. CM3264 Petroleum and Industrial Organics Workload : 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite : CM1121 Petrochemicals - petroleum refining; petroleum fractions: industrial use, quality requirement; primary petrochemicals: manufacturing and uses, synthetic gas, petrochemicals from alkenes and dienes, industrial aromatics; soaps and detergents; paints; lubricating oils: petroleum based and synthetic. CM3265 Polymer Chemistry II Workload : 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite : CM1121 Polymerisation and polymerisation processes; step reaction, radical chain, ion chain and group transfer polymerisation; oxidative coupling polymerisation; copolymerization; degradation and stabilisation of polymers. CM3268 Molecular Basis of Drug Design Pre-requisites: by permission ; Co-requisites: CM3181 Workload : 4-0-0-2-4 After taking this module, the students should understand the modern process of rational drug development. Strategies starting from an identified pharmacophore are to be distinguished from strategies starting from the knowledge of the target molecule. The course introduces to computational tools aiding in drug design such as structure comparison, overlay of structures, visualization of properties, energy minimization and docking studies. The interactive program gives handson introduction to the use of computer visualization tools. Molecular modelling and visualization: relative atom sizes bond lengths, bond angles. Conformations; substrate-receptor interaction; docking studies; rational drug design; computer assisted strategies; semiempirical quantum-mechanical approach; chemical strategies; analyzing ligand-acceptor binding; analog design; 3-D database searching; automated construction approaches; manual design; case studies in drug design. CM4261 Surface Science Workload : 3-1-0-3-3 Prerequisite : CM2132 or CM2167 Physics and chemistry of surfaces; techniques of surface preparation; physical characterisation; chemical characterisation; properties of clean surfaces; adsorption; oxidation and corrosion. CM4266 Current Topics in Materials Chemistry Workload : 3-1-0-3-3 Preclusion(s): ML4223 Prerequisite(s) : CM3181 or (ML3101, ML3102, ML3104 and ML3105) or by permission This module introduces to process development and scale-up in the fine chemicals and bio-pharmaceutical industries. A process design software will be introduced to generate process flow sheets and to make economic evaluations of various alternative process designs. As background, the course reviews microbiology, biochemistry and genetics. This includes classification of the microorganisms relevant for industrial fermentations (bacteria, yeasts, insect cells, hybridoma and mammalian cells), cell organelles, species specific differences, e.g., bacterial cell walls; drug action (explained on the examples of penicillin and vancomycin), the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Other topics are: Transcription, translation, and posttranslational modifications of proteins (e.g., re-folding of inclusion bodies); genetically improved expression systems; growth curves of cell cultures; induction and harvesting. The unit operations of bioprocessing will be treated: fermentation (stirred fermenter; air lift reactor; immobilized cells) and various purification steps (downstream processing: cell disruption; dead end and tangential flow filtration, centrifugation, chromatography,final stabilization). CM4268 Advanced Polymer Science Workload: 2-1-0-0-7 Prerequisite: For Applied Chemistry Students: Polymer Chemistry II (CM3265). For Chemistry students: Organic Reaction Mechanisms (CM3221). This module will be focused on some advanced topics which are not covered in basic polymer science. The topics include: (1) new polymerization methods (e.g. controlled radical polymerization, metallocene polymerization and olefin metathesis polymerization); (2) block copolymers and their applications; (3) dendritic macromolecules; (4) naturally occurring polymers and biopolymers; (5) inorganic and organometallic polymers; (6) supramolecular polymers and smart polymers; (7) conducting polymers and their applications CM4269 Sustainable and Green Chemistry Workload: 3-2-0-2-3 Prerequisite: (CM2132 or CM2167) and (CM3221 or CM3264). The module covers:(i) introduction: origin, current status and future of green chemistry;(ii) concept of sustainability;(iii) environmental fate of chemicals;(iv) metrics for environmental risk evaluation of chemicals;(v) elements of green chemistry;(vi) energy balance in chemical reactions and separation processes;(vii) selectivity and yield improvements in chemical processes via statistical methods;(viii) fundamentals of industrial waste treatment;(ix) environmental consequences of burning fossil fuels for generation of energy;(x) renewable sources of fuels and chemical feedstocks;(xi) energy future beyond carbon; and(xii) advanced green chemistry techniques and process intensification UROPS (CM2288, CM2289, CM3288 and CM3289) Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme in Science (UROPS) The aim of this programme is to provide undergraduates with a unique opportunity to work with one or more scientists in a specific area of study. It allows undergraduates to engage actively in research, discussions, intellectual communications and other creative activities and to experience first hand the exhilaration of discovery and invention. Students will be presented the challenge of working at, or near, the frontiers of Science and this exposure will complement conventional classroom learning. Students will undertake all phases of research activities which include reading scientific journals, designing and execution of experiments, analysing data and presenting results. Eligibility To apply for Level-2000 UROPS module/s, the applicant must have: Completed at least one semester upon application; and Attained a CAP of at least 3.00 To apply for Level-3000 UROPS module/s, the applicant must have: Completed at least three semesters upon application; and Attained a CAP of at least 3.00 . For 8 MCs UROPS, students will read XX2288/XX3288 in one semester and XX2289/XX3289 in the following semester. They must drop the module XX2288/XX3288 in the first semester (i.e. when they are doing the first 4 MCs of the project) if they wish to and this will be in accordance with the module dropping deadlines in CORS. Students must complete the 8 MCs project in the second semester. Departments will decide on the format of evaluation/examination. For more information please visit this website. html