CSC2310 Assignment 4 Due on: Thursday Oct 23 Note: (1) Always use comments to explain your program. (2) Write your name in the comment at the beginning of the program. (3) Email both java source code and class file in a .zip file to and submit a hard copy in class on due date. (4) No copying allowed. Problems: 1. Write a Java program for the game of BULLS and COWS, called The objective of this game is to make the user (player) guess a 4-digit number which is randomly generated in the program. The 4-digit number should not have repeating digits and will be in the range 1000 to 9999. The player will be given a maximum of 10 tries to guess. The player WINS if he/she guesses the number within 10 tries; otherwise the player LOSES the game. The main program should first display a Welcome Message explaining the rules of the games. Then, it should generate a 4-digit random number between 1000 and 9999 with no repeating digits. After that, it should repeatedly ask the user for his/her guess and report the BULLS and COWS for the guess compared with the random number. The game stops when either the player has made a correct guess or when the player had made 10 guesses. The game interaction should look something like this: Welcome to the game of BULLS and COWS. The Objective in this game is for you to guess a 4-digit number The computer responds with how close your guess is to the target BULLS = # common digits with exact matches and COWS = # common digits in wrong position. 1. Enter your guess: 1234 Bulls = 1 Cows = 0 2. Enter your guess: 8567 Bulls = 0 Cows = 1 3. Enter your guess: 1233 Your guess should not contain repeating digits 4. Enter your guess: 7654 Bulls = 0 Cows = 1 5. Enter your guess: 7642 Bulls = 0 Cows = 0 6. Enter your guess: 5913 Bulls = 1 Cows = 2 7. Enter your guess: 5091 Bulls = 2 Cows = 1 8. Enter your guess: 5039 Bulls = 4 Cows = 0 Congratulations; You Won!! or a message saying that you lost and PRINT THE ACTUAL NUMBER. *Note: For two numbers 3462 and 4563, Bulls is 1 (number 6 is common number with exactly matching) and Cows is 2 (3 and 4 are common numbers but wrong positions).