Rotary Club of El Paso

Rotary Club of El Paso
2007-08 Committee Selection
Badge No.________________ ______
CLUB ADMINISTRATION B Malena Field (546-6254)BConducts activities associated with effective operation of club.
G Attendance – Al Adkins (833-6604)B Records weekly attendance, encourages attendance and make-ups at other clubs;
contacts those who have been absent
G Invocation/Pledge—John Schwarting (533-2674)B Furnishes leaders for prayer, Pledge and 4-Way Test at club meetings
and special functions
G Music --Prentice Loftin (581-5003) B Furnishes weekly song leader; performs other music-related tasks upon request
Member Recognition
G Birthdays -- Herb Given (584-4004) Remembers Club member=s birthdays, prepares and mails birthday cards
G Good News—Al Weisenberger (544-0880) Gathers news information about members and brings to attention of Club at
weekly meetings
G Remembrance – To be named. Advises when fellow members are in hospital and remembers life-cycle events. Coordinates
flower deliveries. Encourages visitation, where appropriate.
G Long-Range Planning B Greg Hartley (544-6950) Develop a long-range plan that addresses the elements of an effective club.
G NewsletterBMax Johnson ( 544-2582) Assist with development, writing and distribution of weekly e-newsletter
G Website –To be named. Assist with development and maintenance of Club=s website.
MEMBERSHIP B Terry Squier (494-4967)BDevelops and implements a comprehensive plan for the recruitment and retention of
G Membership Review—Les Parker (231-2501). Assists board in investigating the character, business or profession, community
standing, and general eligibility of all people proposed for membership. Reports the committee=s decision on all proposals to the
G Membership Development B Linda East (433-3827) Working with the President, establishes a Club goal for growth and develops
a membership plan for the Club. Encourages all members to propose prospective members.
G Family of Rotary—Mike Hackett (637-6305) and Chris Lane (772-6700) Develop ways to create and nurture an atmosphere
of warmth and caring and foster a family atmosphere within our Club; support our ongoing mission to grow and strengthen
our membership.
G Telephone –To be named. Contact membership by phone, when requested to do so.
New Members
G Orientation –George Doolittle (760-6565) and Bryce Carrington (833-8820)B Provide a briefing on Club history and
structure along with information about RI, The Rotary Foundation, the Club Foundation, and District 5520 to all new
members, either prior to their introduction or shortly thereafter. Explain Club=s attendance policy and financial obligations.
G S.T.A.R.—Jack Maxon (588-9545) B ASpecial Training About Rotary@ educates and indoctrinates new members regarding
all aspects of Rotary. This program is designed to get new members more involved. Monthly meeting is conducted by club
G Mentoring—Mary Brock (532-7294) B Mentors are assigned to each new member for a period of one year. Their task is to
provide information as needed to the new member and serve as a resource for the new member.
CLUB PUBLIC RELATIONS B Teresa Montoya (532-5004) B Develops and executes a plan to provide the public with
information about Rotary and promote the club=s service projects and activities.
G Print B Prepare news releases for print media; place ads and related items for fund-raisers and service projects.
G Electronic B Build relationships with electronic media; design TV and web ads as needed, and seek placement.
G Other B Seek other ways to put Rotary before the public.
SERVICE B This committee plans and carries out educational, humanitarian, and vocational projects that address the needs of the
club=s community and communities in other countries. This committee is divided into three categories: Fund-Raising, Youth Projects
and Other Service Projects
Fund-Raising . John Martin (545-2222) This committee is responsible for developing events which help fund our service
G Celebrity Chef –Bonnie Fairall (592-4982) In conjunction with the Executive Director of the club, plans and organizes the
annual city-wide Celebrity Chef event. Provides a vehicle to involve community leaders and members of the Club in
fellowship and in the raising of funds for Rotary community outreach. Currently, net proceeds are designated for the Texas
Tech El Paso School of Medicine
G Rotary/Sun Bowl Team Luncheon—Chris Van Pelt (845-0777) Provides a close liaison with leaders of the Sun Bowl
Association. Coordinates annual luncheon which is held one day prior to Bowl Game at which time the teams, coaches and
other leaders of the two universities are honored for competing in the Bowl game. Selects Sun Bowl Legend Honoree (in
conjunction with SB E.D). Coordinates sales of corporate tables and individual tickets for luncheon.
Youth Projects—Stephanie Dodson (629-2665x1505)
G Children=s Christmas Party—Stephanie Dodson (629-2665x1505) B Plans and serves as hosts for the traditional annual
Christmas party to entertain over 4,400 underprivileged El Paso children. Coordinates special meeting to stuff and pack
stocking gifts. Plans and coordinates location of party. Works with Head Start to provide entertainment of children.
G R.Y.L.A.—To be named! B Select outstanding boys and girls from El Paso-area high schools who are in their junior year, to
attend a one-week summer leadership camp near Albuquerque, NM. Assists at camp on staff or as a counselor. Provides
speaks to camp as requested. Serves as chair of City-Wide R.Y.L.A. Student Selection committee.
G International R.Y.L.A. –To be namedB Select boys and girls from El Paso to attend weekend leadership camp retreat with
students from Juarez. Provide speakers to camp as requested. Select site, plan meals, program.
G Rotaract –Frank Hoy (747-7727)B Act as co-sponsor (with co-sponsor Franklin Mountains Rotary) to assist and support
UTEP=s Rotaract Club.
G Youth Appreciation—Gary Larcenaire (887-3442) B Recognizes outstanding students from area high schools as our
AStudents of the Year@. Responsible for contacting high school counselors, distributing applications, reviewing and selecting
G International Youth Exchange –To be named. Selects and arranges to send high school students to study for one year in a
foreign country where they reside in Rotarian=s homes. Arranges for Rotarian families in our Club to serve as host families
to foreign students to come to El Paso and study.
Other Service Projects—Pat Gorman (497-8080)
G Keystone –Patricia Williams (581-4514)B (Our club=s Centennial project). Serve as liaison with Keystone Board of
Directors. Keep club informed of Keystone activities.
G Distinguished Service Award—To be named B Selects recipients of the Rotary Club of El Paso=s Distinguished Service
Award. Plans and executes the program for the award.
G Military Affairs—Bill Riley (584-8798) B Actively supports various military organizations in and around El Paso and, where
possible, involves them in those community activities for which our Club is responsible. Works with Army Community
Service program at Ft. Bliss.
G Texas Tech El Paso School of Medicine—Bonnie Fairall (592-4982) B Serve as coordinator between our Chef Committee
and the TTUEPSOM.
G World Understanding—To be namedB In conjunction with our sister club in Juarez, combine to encourage fellowship
activities, educate and promote discussion among Rotarians on issues relating to international relations and to expand the full
spectrum of knowledge of potential business opportunities. Host World Understanding Dinner every other year.
FOUNDATION B Katie Updike (833-7210)
The Rotary Foundation
G Matching Grants –Katie Updike (833-7210)B Work with club president and Board of Directors to develop grant
opportunities for the club, including District Simplified Grants.
G Ambassadorial/Peace Scholarships—Mary Brock (532-7294)B Solicit applications for both of these TRF scholarship
programs. Process, make club selection and submit to District.
G Group Study Exchange – To be namedB Recruit nominees for the outbound Group Study Exchange Team members. Host
visiting Group Study Exchange members. Help coordinate their visit in the El Paso area.
G Annual Giving B Assist in coordination of club=s annual giving to The Rotary Foundation.
G The Rotary Club of El Paso Foundation Development–Jack Maxon (585-0011) and George Doolittle (760-6565)B Promote the
development and growth of the Club=s own foundation by soliciting funds via the AFellowship@ program and ASustaining
Member Contributors@. Recognize AVince Ward Fellows@ at appropriate Club functions. Encourage gifts to Foundation via
bequest and insurance policies.
[Note: Please review committee opportunities and select at least two; send completed form to Rotary Office.
Maxine Johnson, E.D.
Rotary Club of El Paso
5846 Beaumont Place
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 544-2582
FAX (915) 544-6427
If you have questions, please call Max at the Rotary Office
Cell (915) 474-8096