discussion q ch 1-2

Contemporary American Literature
The Secret Life of Bees
Discussion Questions
Chapters 1-2
1. Lily often seems concerned about her gender identity. In fact she says, “I felt
half the time I was impersonating a girl instead of really being one” (9). Go back
through chapter one and find examples where he is concerned, worried, or
desirous to shape her identity as a female.
2. What actions does Lily take in chapters one and two that society would deem
feminine? How about actions that society would deem unfeminine? Explain your
3. Look for references to Lily’s mother. How has Lily developed a relationship with
her? Do you think this is healthy or unhealthy for her?
4. Racial prejudice is a backdrop of these first two chapters. How so? What positive
images of race do these chapters portray?
5. Postmodern literature gives voice to the marginalized. Find examples that clearly
show this concept from the first two chapters.
Chapters 3-6
1. When Lily sees the Black Madonna Honey jars, she says, “I realized for the first
time in my life there is nothing but mystery in the world, how it hides behind the
fabric of our poor brow bear best days, shining brightly, and we don’t even know
it” (63). How do you understand this quote? Go through the assigned chapters
and find examples of how Lily’s world is “nothing but mystery.” (check pages 7071, 95) Be sure to find other examples.
2. The Calendar girls all have their own very distinct personality traits. How might
you describe the following to a friend who has never read the book?
August, June, May , April
3. Lily becomes very aware of race in this section. In fact, she learns some of her
own prejudices as well as what it feels like to be so conspicuous in a group. Find
examples of these ideas in the section. How does this become a learning
experience for Lily? (see pages 78, 87) Be sure to find other examples.
4. Review the church service the girls hold in their house (pages 106-112). Retell
the story of Our Lady of Chains. Why might this be such an important ritual in
these people’s lives? How can Lily benefit from this experience?
5. Read the quotes that appear at the beginning of each chapter. Explain how and
why that is an appropriate selection for the chapter.
Contemporary American Literature
The Secret Life of Bees
Discussion Questions
Chapters 9-10
1. Discuss the result of each turning point:
Sprinkler incident (page 168)
Roach incident (172)
Jack Palance rumor (177)
Phone call (186)
2. Water plays a major role in these two chapters. Track the appearance and
references to water. How does it serve as a multi-layered symbol throughout the
chapters? Here are two references to help get you started: pages 166-167, 168169.
3. What is your reaction to May’s decision to commit suicide? Is it like or unlike
Poteete and Bowker’s reasons? Explain. What sense can you make of May’s
suicide note? Speculate how the note will affect Lily, Zach Rosaleen, June, and
4. Explain the ritual of the vigil (page 200). How do the characters act at the vigil?
What other rituals appear in this section? Why are bees associated with death?
5. Read the quotes that appear at the beginning of each chapter. Explain how and
why that is an appropriate selection for the chapter.