CDAR1AIS0004R020 Additional Information Specification 0004: Clinical Reports Attachment (This specification replaces Additional Information Message 0004: Clinical Reports Attachment September 1, 2002) Release 2.0 Based on HL7 CDA Standard Release 1.0, with supporting LOINC® Tables CDA Draft #1 July 17, 2003 © Copyright 2000, 2001,2002, 2003 Health Level Seven, Inc. Ann Arbor, MI Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 HL7 CLINICAL REPORTS IN CDA DOCUMENTS .....................................................................................4 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 LOINC CODES AND STRUCTURE ....................................................................................................................1 REVISION HISTORY .........................................................................................................................................2 PRIVACY CONCERNS IN EXAMPLES ................................................................................................................2 HL7 ATTACHMENT-CDA DOCUMENT VARIANTS ..........................................................................................2 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION VERSUS REQUEST FOR SERVICE ........................................................................3 STRUCTURE IN CLINICAL REPORTS.................................................................................................................3 LOINC REPORT SUBJECT IDENTIFIER CODES.................................................................................................4 LOINC REPORT PART IDENTIFIER CODES ......................................................................................................5 SIGNATURES. ..................................................................................................................................................5 LOINC CODES ...................................................................................................................................................5 3.1 LOINC REPORT SUBJECT IDENTIFIER CODES.................................................................................................5 3.2 SCOPE MODIFICATION CODES ...................................................................................................................... 10 3.3 REPORT STRUCTURES ................................................................................................................................... 10 3.3.1 General Report Structure ..................................................................................................................... 11 3.3.2 Specific Report Structure ..................................................................................................................... 11 3.3.3 Coding Example – General report format ............................................................................................ 12 4 VALUE TABLES FOR SPECIFIC REPORT STRUCTURES .................................................................... 17 4.1 CARDIAC DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES ................................................................................................................... 18 4.1.1 Cardiac Echo Study ............................................................................................................................. 18 4.1.2 EKG STUDY ...................................................................................................................................... 20 4.2 OBSTETRICAL STUDIES ................................................................................................................................. 22 4.2.1 OB Ultrasound Study ........................................................................................................................... 22 4.3 CLINICAL NOTES/REPORTS........................................................................................................................... 26 4.3.1 Physician Hospital Discharge Summary (HOSP DISCH) ................................................................... 26 4.3.2 Operative Note (OP NOTE)................................................................................................................. 27 4.3.3Provider Unspecified History and Physical Note ........................................................................................ 28 4.4 RADIOLOGY STUDIES ................................................................................................................................... 32 4.4.1 Cervical Spine X-Ray .......................................................................................................................... 32 4.4.2 CT Study Head .................................................................................................................................... 33 4.4.3 CT Study Extremity ............................................................................................................................. 33 4.4.4 MRI Study Head .................................................................................................................................. 34 4.4.5 Mammogram Screening Study ............................................................................................................ 34 4.4.6 Nuclear Medicine Bone Scan Study .................................................................................................... 35 4.4.7 CT Guidance for Aspiration Study, Unspecified Site .......................................................................... 35 4.4.8 Ultrasound Study of Neck .................................................................................................................... 36 5 RESPONSE CODE SETS ................................................................................................................................. 37 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 ANS+: EXTENDED ANSI UNITS CODES ......................................................................................................... 37 C4: CPT-4 .................................................................................................................................................... 37 HL70103: PROCESSING ID ........................................................................................................................... 37 I9C: ICD-9-CM ............................................................................................................................................ 37 ISO+: EXTENDED ISO UNITS CODES ............................................................................................................. 37 NPI: NATIONAL PROVIDER ID ...................................................................................................................... 37 Index of Tables and Figures Table 1.1 Relationship of LOINC Codes, X12N Transactions, and HL7 CDA Document ............................................2 Table 3.1 - LOINC Report Subject Identifier Codes ......................................................................................................6 Table 3.3 - Specific/General vs Human/Computer-Decision Variant ......................................................................... 11 Figure 1. Hospital discharge summary, human-decision variant................................................................................ 15 Table 4.1.1 - Cardiac Echo Study ................................................................................................................................ 18 Table 4.1.2 - EKG STUDY........................................................................................................................................... 20 Table 4.2.1 - OB Ultrasound Study.............................................................................................................................. 22 Table 4.3.1 - Physician Hospital Discharge Summary ................................................................................................ 27 Table 4.3.2 - Operative Note ....................................................................................................................................... 27 Table 4.3.3 - Provider Unspecified History & Physical Note ..................................................................................... 29 Table 4.4.1 – Cervical Spine X-Ray............................................................................................................................. 32 Table 4.4.2 – CT Study Head ....................................................................................................................................... 33 Table 4.4.3 - CT Study Extremity ................................................................................................................................. 33 Table 4.4.4- MRI Study Head ...................................................................................................................................... 34 Table 4.4.5- Mammogram Screening Study ................................................................................................................. 34 Table 4.4.6- Nuclear Medicine Bone Scan Study ........................................................................................................ 35 Table 4.4.7 - CT Guidance for Aspiration Study, Unspecified Site ............................................................................. 35 Table 4.4.8- Ultrasound Study of Neck ........................................................................................................................ 36 Tables 3.1. and all of the tables in Section 4 are copyright, 1995-2003 Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC Attachment Committee. All rights reserved. Additional Information Specification 0004 Clinical Reports Attachment HL7 Version 2.4 Standard, Release 1.0 with supporting LOINC® Tables 1 Introduction This publication provides the LOINC1 code values specific to clinical reports attachments for the following applications. Certain codes are to be used in transactions defined by the ASC X12N 277 Implementation Guide (004050X104) Health Care Claim Request for Additional Information and the ASC X12N 275 Implementation Guide (004050X107) Additional Information to Support a Health Care Claim or Encounter which are products of the insurance subcommittee, X12N, of Accredited Standards Committee X12.2,3 All of the codes may be used in HL7 CDA documents designed for inclusion in the BIN segment of the 275 transaction as described in HL7 Additional Information Specification Implementation Guide4. The format of this document and the methods used to arrive at its contents are prescribed in the HL7 Implementation Guide. Section 2 of this document defines the CDA document variants used for attachment data. Section 3 defines the LOINC codes used to request clinical reports attachment data. Section 4 includes the value tables of LOINC codes specific to the data elements of a clinical reports attachment. Section 3 presents a fully coded example additional info to support clinical reports. LOINC codes are copyright 1995-2003 Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC® Committee. All rights reserved. 1.1 LOINC Codes and Structure LOINC codes are used for several different purposes in the two X12 transactions and HL7 message that are used to request and provide clinical reports. The table below identifies four specific uses of LOINC codes and describes their use within the messages. 1 LOINC® is a registered trademark of Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC Committee. The LOINC database and LOINC Users’ Guide are copyright 1995-2003 Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC Committee and the LOINC database codes and names are available at no-cost from Regenstrief Institute, 1050 Wishard Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46202, Email: 2 Information on this and other X12N/HIPAA-related implementation guides is available from the Washington Publishing Company, Gaithersburg, MD. 3 Within this Health Level Seven document, references to the transaction defined by these X12N implementation guides will be abbreviated by calling them 275 and 277. 4 Health Level Seven, Inc. 3300 Washtenaw Ave., Suite 227, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-4250. ( Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 1 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 Table 1.1 Relationship of LOINC Codes, X12N Transactions, and HL7 CDA Document 1.2 X12N 277 X12N 275 CDA Purpose of Message Request for additional information to support a health care claim Additional information to support a health care claim or encounter Provide structured content for X12N 275 BIN segment LOINC Modifier Codes Used in the STC segment to limit the time frame or scope of the request Reiterated in the STC segment Not used LOINC Attachment or Element Codes Used in the STC segment to identify the attachment or portion thereof being requested Reiterated in the STC segment Used to define the attachment element being addressed LOINC Answer Part Codes Not used Not used Used to define the value component of the attachment element Revision History Date Sept 30, 1998 Oct 27, 1998 Nov 11, 1998 Aug 7, 2000 Oct 2000 May 2001 Dec 2001 May 2002 Sept 2002 July 2003 1.3 Purpose Initial release as separate document. Revision based on comments. Revise title, citations, and format of tables. Update contact information. Clarification and technical revisions. Version update, title change, concept clarification, and continuity edits Revised title and date; reconciled HL7 ballot responses. Editing changes requested by the balloters Revised LOINC e-mail address CDA Draft Privacy Concerns in Examples The names of natural persons that appear in the examples of this book are intentionally fictional. Any resemblance to actual natural persons, living or deceased, is purely coincidental. 1.4 HL7 Attachment-CDA Document Variants As described in the HL7 Implementation Guide, there are two variants of a CDA document when used as an attachment. Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 2 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 The human-decision variant is used solely for information that will be rendered for a person to look at, in order to make a decision. HL7 provides a non-normative style sheet for this purpose. There are two further alternatives within the human-decision variant. non_xml body: The information can be sent with a CDA header structured in XML, along with an "non_xml body" that references scanned images of documents that contain the submitted information xml body: the information can be sent as free text in XML elements that organize the material into sections, paragaphs, tables and lists as described in the HL7 Additional Information Specification Implementation Guide. The computer-decision variant has the same content as the human-decision variant, but additional coded and structured information is included so that a computer could provide decision support based on the document. Attachments in the computer-decision variant can be rendered for human decisions using the same style sheet that HL7 provides for rendering documents formatted according to the human-decision variant. 1.5 Request for Information versus Request for Service This attachment book for clinical reports defines a “send-me-what-you-have” attachment. It asks for a set of clinical reports that have been produced in the course of the care process. It is not asking for any additional data capture efforts. For example, if the request for data is all chest xray reports, it is not asking the provider to obtain a chest x-ray report, but just to report any chest x-ray reports that happen to have been done. 1.6 Structure in Clinical Reports Clinical reports, by their nature, vary in the amount of structure represented in the human readable version of the report. Some reports, such as electrocardiograms, present almost as much structure and quantitative data as a laboratory test battery. For example, an EKG will usually report the heart rate, the PR interval, and the QRS axis as discrete numerical results with units. Dictated reports include varying amounts of structure, usually defined by sub headers in the report. A radiology report for example will often contain headers for the reason for the study, the comparison study dates and results, the description of the exam and the diagnostic impression. The description may include one or two paragraphs, the impression be further divided by numbered bullets that identify each separate diagnostic conclusion. At the least structured extreme, some narrative reports contain no structure except for paragraphing. HL7 CDA documents that represent clinical reports also vary in the degree to which they represent the structure that exists in the clinical report. By the nature of the HL7 CDA, at least the patient demographic information, the kind of report, the time of the report, and (usually) the reporting provider will be delivered as structured, and computer understandable content. The demographic information e.g., the patient chart number, name, birthdate, is carried as structured information in CDA header. As described in section 1.4, the clinical content of the report is in scanned images (humandecision variant, non-xml body), natural language text (human-decision variant, XML body) or, where the data are available to support structure, as a structure amenable to interpretation by a computer (computer-decision variant). Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 3 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 It is likely that most clinical report attachments will tend to send the entire report as one of the two options within the human-decision variant. The only requirements for reports passed using this method are: the patient must be identified the report must be identified with a LOINC code an electronic report that contains structure information must contain the blocks of text together in the sequence in which they appear in the print form of the report. Over time, clinical report attachments with more structure will become more common. For payers that intend to have a human make a decision based on the clinical report, it will be unimportant whether the attachment is largely text or coded in detail in the computer-decision variant. In each case an XML style sheet will support rendering the information for human usage. 2 HL7 Clinical Reports in CDA Documents This section defines how to use CDA documents to pass clinical reports as attachments. Because very little is assumed about the contents of the structured information, the approach described here can be used for reports about a wide variety of functional topics. These include, but are not limited to, discharge summaries, operative notes, history and physicals, clinic visits, other assessments, and all types of diagnostic procedures including radiology reports, EKGs, cardiac echoes, and so on. 2.1 LOINC Report Subject Identifier Codes Clinical reports can be classified by many different dimensions, e.g., the method used to generate the data (e.g., CAT scan), the body part examined (x-ray of left wrist), the kinds of measurements produced, e.g., blood pressure. Individual clinical reports are specified by indicating specific values for many of these dimensions. It would be very difficult to enumerate and isolate all combinations of these facets that represent realistic subjects for all possible clinical reports. Indeed, such a task would never end, because individual practices continue to refine their procedures to find combinations of measurements that use improved methods, or have fewer side effects or are more economical. At this time, the Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC Attachment Committee have chosen to provide a set of subject identifier codes that are categorical for many subjects, i.e., a given code can apply to closely related reports. The categories were chosen based on examinations of existing requests for information in support of claims. They will add to this code set based on industry requests. However for some reports and some subject matters, LOINC also provides the option for very detailed and specific observation reporting. Systems that initiate requests in 277 messages shall choose the LOINC Report Subject Identifier Code corresponding to the category that best represents the subject matter of interest. Responding systems shall echo the requester’s LOINC code in the 275 and report the LOINC Report Subject Identifier Codes that most closely identify the delivered individual reports in the <document_type_cd> element in the CDA header. For example, a payer may send a 277 that requests a LOINC Report Subject Identifier Code of 26441-6, CARDIAC STUDIES (SET). In the CDA payloads of the 275,the provider would then return reports for the available cardiac studies e.g., EKG, Cardiac Echoes, Cardiac Catheterization, etc. that had been performed on the patient and also satisfied the constraints of any LOINC modifier codes included in the 277. The Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 4 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 responding 275 message might therefore include 18745-0 Cardiac Catheterization Heart Report and 11524-6 EKG Heart Study. When unsolicited attachments are sent in an X12 275 transaction that accompanies an 837, the sender should pick the LOINC Report Subject Identifier Codes that most closely identifies the report being sent. Note: each CDA document can only hold a single report. Is it possible to send multiple documents in a 275? If not we have to add a mechanism for including multiple XML documents in a single BIN segment. 2.2 LOINC Report Part Identifier Codes Each LOINC Report Part Identifier Code identifies a section of a report that will be sent a <section> element of the XML body. There are no stated requirements for the sequence of the LOINC Report Part Identifier Codes within the document except that the text blocks should be presented to the the order in which they would appear in the report in the patient's chart. 2.3 Signatures. Certain clinical reports include LOINC codes for the name and identifier of the signing practitioner. This information shall be provided in the header of CDA attachments. It may also be provided redundantly in the body with the appropriate LOINC codes. 3 LOINC Codes 3.1 LOINC Report Subject Identifier Codes The provider shall return all requested data elements for which data is available. The minimum attachment data set equates to the required elements; those identified in the value tables in Section 4 with a cardinality (Card) of {1,1} (element is required and has one and only one occurrence) or {1,n} (element is required and has one or more occurrences). Those data elements with a cardinality of {0,1} (if available has one and only one occurrence) or {0,n} (if available may have one or more occurrences) shall be sent if available. This seems superfluous or out of place. Requestors can use any LOINC code that is contained in the hierarchy of Clinical-Reports-nonlab (LOINC 26443-2) as the report subject identifier in a 277 request message. The full available set can be easily reviewed through the HIPAA attachment task of RELMA, the LOINC browsing tool. (Available at no cost from - send questions by email to You can see all LOINC codes contained within Clinical Reports.Non Lab via the HIPAA attachment task in RELMA. Table 3.1 provides examples of the more common Clinical Reports request subject codes described in Section 2.1. Note that this table defines a hierarchy. To request all “ClinicalReports-non-lab” use LOINC 26443-2 (the first row of Table 3.1) as the subject identifier in the 277 request message. To request a more narrow set of reports, use more specific codes further Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 5 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 down the hierarchy. For example, if interested only in “Diagnostic-Studies-non-lab” use LOINC 27899-4 (see the second row of Table 3.1) in the 277 subject identifier. In that case, the 275 message would return only LOINC codes beneath 27899-4 namely all cardiology, Gastroenterology, neuromuscular, obstetrics, pathology, radiology, pulmonary, ophthalmology, optimology, and miscellaneous studies. By going further down the hierarchy you can narrow the request further. For example, if interested only in radiology studies use Radiology Studies (LOINC 18726-0) as the request subject identifies. If interested only in CT Head Study (LOINC 11539-4) use that individual code as the 277 request subject identifier. Note that Table 3.1 does not include all possible report subject identifiers that are within the scope of this attachment booklet. For example, many more specific Radiology diagnostic codes exist within the LOINC database under the class of Radiology Studies (LOINC 18726-0) than are included on pages 16 and 17 of this document. The full available set can be reviewed through the HIPAA attachment task of RELMA, the LOINC browsing tool. Further, any of the more specific LOINC codes that are listed beneath these codes (e.g., the left ventricular ejection fraction within the cardiac echo report) are also valid individual subjects for the 277 report subject identifier. (See Section 4.) Each LOINC code beneath LOINC 26443-2 in the hierarchy is a valid subject identifier code for 277 messages. As the industry adds new diagnostic studies or clinical reports, new codes for these studies/reports will be listed within this hierarchy and these codes will also be valid subject codes for 277 requests. Note also, that many reports may be delivered in a general or specific style as described in the next section. If the 3rd column in table 3.1 contains the word “general” that means that LOINC only contains a code for delivering that report in the general (unstructured) style. If it contains the word “Specific” that means it can be delivered as a general structure or as a specific structure – senders choice. Any clinical report that can be sent as a general style report can also be sent as image data as defined in Section 2.2. The fourth column references the table in section 4 that defines the LOINC codes that can be used in the specific, more structured style. If a report subject identifier code is listed in Table 3.1 as "general," then it may only be transmitted in the human-decision variant because LOINC codes are not available for section headings within the report. Table 3.1 - LOINC Report Subject Identifier Codes LOINC Code Report Subject 26443-2 CLINICAL REPORTS.NON LAB (SET) 28650-0 CLINICAL NOTES & CHART SECTIONS (SET) 28562-7 CHART SECTIONS (SET) 11485-0 ANESTHESIA RECORDS 11486-8 CHEMOTHERAPY RECORDS 29751-5 CRITICAL CARE RECORDS 29749-9 DIALYSIS RECORDS 15508-5 LABOR AND DELIVERY RECORDS 11503-0 MEDICAL RECORDS 29750-7 NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE RECORDS 11543-6 NURSERY RECORDS 29752-3 PERIOPERATIVE RECORDS Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 6 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved Structure Type Section 4 Specific Structure General General General General General General General General General NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 LOINC Code 11534-5 28563-5 28654-2 18741-9 18733-6 28581-7 28580-9 18762-5 28572-6 28583-3 Report Subject TEMPERATURE CHARTS CARE PROVIDER NOTES (SET) ATTENDING PHYSICIAN INITIAL ASSESSMENT ATTENDING PHYSICIAN PROGRESS NOTE ATTENDING PHYSICIAN VISIT NOTE CHIROPRACTOR INITIAL ASSESSMENT CHIROPRACTOR PROGRESS NOTE CHIROPRACTOR VISIT NOTE DENTIST INITIAL ASSESSMENT DENTIST OPERATIVE NOTE Structure Type General General General General General General General General Specific 28577-5 28617-9 28618-7 28622-9 29753-1 28623-7 28651-8 28621-1 28575-9 18764-1 18734-4 11507-1 28578-3 18735-1 11508-9 28579-1 28568-4 11490-0 18736-9 28626-0 DENTIST PROCEDURE NOTE DENTIST PROGRESS NOTE DENTIST VISIT NOTE NURSE HOSPITAL DISCHARGE ASSESSMENT NURSE INITIAL ASSESSMENT NURSE INTERVAL ASSESSMENT NURSE TRANSFER NOTE NURSE-PRACTITIONER INITIAL ASSESSMENT NURSE-PRACTITIONER PROGRESS NOTE NURSE-PRACTITIONER VISIT NOTE OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY INITIAL ASSESSMENT OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY PROGRESS NOTE OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY VISIT NOTE PHYSICAL THERAPY INITIAL ASSESSMENT PHYSICAL THERAPY PROGRESS NOTE PHYSICAL THERAPY VISIT NOTE PHYSICIAN ED VISIT NOTE PHYSICIAN HOSPITAL DISCHARGE SUMMARY PHYSICIAN INITIAL ASSESSMENT PHYSICIAN HISTORY AND PHYSICAL General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General Specific General General 28573-4 PHYSICIAN OPERATIVE NOTE Specific 11505-5 28616-1 28569-2 18763-3 18737-7 28624-5 PHYSICIAN PROCEDURE NOTE PHYSICIAN TRANSFER NOTE PHYSICIAN-CONSULTING PROGRESS NOTE PHYSICIAN-CONSULTING INITIAL ASSESSMENT PODIATRY INITIAL ASSESSMENT PODIATRY OPERATIVE NOTE General General General General General Specific 28625-2 11509-7 18765-8 11488-4 15507-7 11492-6 PODIATRY PROCEDURE NOTE PODIATRY PROGRESS NOTE PODIATRY VISIT NOTE PROVIDER-UNSPECIFIED CONSULTING NOTE PROVIDER-UNSPECIFIED ED VISIT NOTE PROVIDER-UNSPECIFIED HISTORY AND PHYSICAL NOTE PROVIDER-UNSPECIFIED HOSPITAL DISCHARGE SUMMARY PROVIDER-UNSPECIFIED INITIAL ASSESSMENT PROVIDER-UNSPECIFIED OPERATIVE NOTE General General General General General Specific 28574-2 28636-9 11504-8 Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 7 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved Section 4 Specific Structure General General Specific (similar to 4.3.2) 4.3.1 (similar to 4.3.3) (similar to 4.3.2) (similar to 4.3.2) 4.3.3 (similar to 4.3.1) 4.3.2 NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 LOINC Code Report Subject 28570-0 PROVIDER-UNSPECIFIED PROCEDURE NOTE 11506-3 PROVIDER-UNSPECIFIED PROGRESS NOTE 18761-7 PROVIDER-UNSPECIFIED TRANSFER SUMMARY 11542-8 PROVIDER-UNSPECIFIED VISIT NOTE 28635-1 PSYCHIATRY INITIAL ASSESSMENT 28627-8 PSYCHIATRY PROGRESS NOTE 11527-9 PSYCHIATRY REPORT 28628-6 PSYCHIATRY VISIT NOTE 18738-5 PSYCHOLOGY INITIAL ASSESSMENT 11510-5 PSYCHOLOGY PROGRESS NOTE (NARRATIVE 18766-6 PSYCHOLOGY VISIT NOTE 18739-3 SOCIAL SERVICE INITIAL ASSESSMENT 28653-4 SOCIAL SERVICE VISIT NOTE 28656-7 SOCIAL SERVICE PROGRESS NOTE 18740-1 SPEECH THERAPY INITIAL ASSESSMENT 11512-1 SPEECH THERAPY PROGRESS NOTE 28571-8 SPEECH THERAPY VISIT NOTE 27899-4 DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES NON-LAB (SET) 26441-6 CARDIOLOGY STUDIES (SET) 11522-0 CARDIAC ECHO, STUDY 18745-0 CARDIAC CATHETERIZATION, STUDY 11524-6 EKG HEART, STUDY 18750-0 ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY HEART, STUDY 18752-6 EXERCISE STRESS TEST HEART, STUDY 18754-2 HOLTER MONITOR HEART, STUDY 27895-2 GASTROENTEROLOGY ENDOSCOPY STUDIES (SET) 28028-9 ANOSCOPY STUDY 18746-8 COLONOSCOPY LOWER GI TRACT STUDY 28016-4 ENDOSCOPIC RETROGRADE CHOLANGIOPANCREATOGRAPHY STUDY 18751-8 ENDOSCOPY UPPER GI TRACT STUDY 28018-0 ENTEROSCOPY STUDY 18753-4 FLEXIBLE SIGMOIDOSCOPY LOWER GI TRACT STUDY 27897-8 NEUROMUSCULAR ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY STUDIES (SET) 11523-8 ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM STUDY 18749-2 ELECTROMYOGRAM STUDY 29755-6 NERVE CONDUCTION STUDY 29754-9 NYSTAGMOGRAM STUDY 26442-4 OBSTETRICAL STUDIES (SET) 11525-3 OBSTETRICAL ULTRASOUND PELVIS+FETUS, STUDY 28619-5 OPHTHALMOLOGY/OPTOMETRY STUDIES (SET) 29268-0 CONTACT LENS MEASUREMENTS 29269-8 EYE GLASSES MEASUREMENTS 29271-4 EYE PHYSCIAL EXAMINATION 29272-2 EYE ULTRASOUND STUDY 28632-8 HETEROPHORIA STUDY 28629-4 PERIMETRY (VISUAL FIELD TESTING) STUDY 29270-6 RETINAL TREATMENTS 28630-2 TONOMETRY (GLAUCOMA TESTING) STUDY 28631-0 VISUAL ACUITY (REFRACTION) STUDY Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 8 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved Structure Type Section 4 Specific Structure General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General Specific General Specific General General General 4.1.1 4.1.2 General General General General General General General General General General Specific 4.2.1 † Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 LOINC Code 27898-6 18743-5 11526-1 11529-5 27896-0 18744-3 28633-6 18759-1 18726-0 11528-7 18782-3 28564-3 28613-8 24946-6 24983-9 24972-2 24762-7 28561-9 24704-9 28565-0 25011-8 24541-5 24709-8 24909-4 28567-6 24891-4 24676-9 24619-9 28582-5 18747-6 11539-4 28566-8 24932-6 24978-9 24963-1 11540-2 11538-6 24866-6 24690-0 24757-7 18755-9 11541-0 18756-7 24935-9 24980-5 24968-0 24629-8 24556-3 24872-4 24707-2 Report Subject PATHOLOGY STUDY REPORTS (SET) AUTOPSY REPORT CYTOLOGY REPORT SURGICAL PATHOLOGY REPORT PULMONARY STUDIES (SET) BRONCHOSCOPY STUDY POLYSOMNOGRAPHY (SLEEP) STUDY SPIROMETRY RESPIRATORY SYSTEM, STUDY RADIOLOGY STUDY REPORTS (SET) RADIOLOGY UNSPECIFIED MODALITY AND SITE STUDY X-RAY UNSPECIFIED SITE STUDY X-RAY HEAD, STUDY X-RAY SPINE UNSPECIFIED, STUDY X-RAY SPINE CERVICAL, STUDY X-RAY SPINE THORACIC, STUDY X-RAY SPINE LUMBAR, STUDY X-RAY HIP, STUDY X-RAY PELVIS, STUDY X-RAY FEMUR, STUDY X-RAY KNEE, STUDY X-RAY TIBIA AND FIBULA, STUDY X-RAY ANKLE, STUDY X-RAY FOOT, STUDY X-RAY SHOULDER, STUDY X-RAY HUMERUS, STUDY X-RAY RADIUS AND ULNA, STUDY X-RAY ELBOW, STUDY X-RAY WRIST, STUDY X-RAY HAND, STUDY CT UNSPECIFIED SITE, STUDY CT HEAD, STUDY CT SPINE, STUDY CT SPINE CERVICAL, STUDY CT SPINE THORACIC, STUDY CT SPINE LUMBAR, STUDY CT ABDOMEN, STUDY CT CHEST, STUDY CT PELVIS, STUDY CT EXTREMITY, STUDY CT CORONARY ARTERIES, STUDY MRI UNSPECIFIED SITE, STUDY MRI HEAD, STUDY MRI SPINE, STUDY MRI SPINE CERVICAL, STUDY MRI SPINE THORACIC, STUDY MRI SPINE LUMBAR, STUDY MRI CHEST, STUDY MRI ABDOMEN, STUDY MRI PELVIS AND HIPS, STUDY MRI FOOT, STUDY Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 9 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved Structure Type Section 4 Specific Structure General General General General General General ** Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 LOINC Code Report Subject Structure Type Section 4 Specific Structure 24710-6 28576-7 24720-5 24605-8 24606-6 18757-5 25031-6 24888-0 17787-3 18758-3 25043-1 MRI FOREARM, STUDY Specific MRI JOINT, STUDY Specific MRI HAND, STUDY Specific MAMMOGRAM DIAGNOSTIC VIEWS, STUDY Specific MAMMOGRAM SCREENING VIEWS, STUDY Specific 4.4.5 NUCLEAR MEDICINE UNSPECIFIED STUDY Specific NUCLEAR MEDICINE BONE SCAN, STUDY Specific 4.4.6 NUCLEAR MEDICINE PULMONARY VQ SCAN, STUDY Specific NUCLEAR MEDICINE THYROID SCAN, STUDY Specific PET SCAN UNSPECIFIED SITE, STUDY Specific CT GUIDANCE FOR ASPIRATION OF UNSPECIFIED Specific 4.4.7 SITE, STUDY 25044-9 CT GUIDANCE FOR BIOPSY OF UNSPECIFIED SITE, Specific STUDY 25069-6 FLUOROSCOPIC GUIDANCE FOR BIOPSY OF Specific UNSPECIFIED SITE, STUDY 25059-7 ULTRASOUND GUIDANCE FOR BIOPSY OF Specific UNSPECIFIED SITE, STUDY 18760-9 ULTRASOUND OF UNSPECIFIED SITE, STUDY Specific 24875-7 ULTRASOUND PERIPHERAL VESSEL, STUDY Specific 24731-2 ULTRASOUND HEAD, STUDY Specific 24842-7 ULTRASOUND NECK, STUDY Specific 4.4.8 24558-9 ULTRASOUND ABDOMEN, STUDY Specific 28614-6 ULTRASOUND LIVER, STUDY Specific 24601-7 ULTRASOUND BREAST, STUDY Specific 24869-0 ULTRASOUND PELVIS, STUDY Specific 28634-4 MISCELLANEOUS STUDIES (SET) 18742-7 ARTHROSCOPY REPORT General 28615-3 AUDIOLOGY STUDY General 29756-4 PERITONEOSCOPY STUDY 28620-3 UROLOGY STUDY General The above represents only a sample of the relevant LOINC codes. See RELMA HIPAA (available at no cost from Table for full set of possible LOINC request codes. † Examples are not provided in this book. See the RELMA HIPPA table for the specific . ** All Radiology Studies can be transmitted via this same specific report structure as given under Table 4.4.1, 4.4.2, etc. Table 3.1 Copyright 1995-2003 Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC® Attachment Committee. All rights reserved. 3.2 Scope Modification Codes The LOINC publication LOINC Modifier Codes as used in the ASC X12N 277 Implementation Guide (004050X104) Health Care Claim Request for Additional Information provides code values for further defining the specificity of a request for additional information. Both time window and item selection modifier codes are defined. 3.3 Report Structures Table 3.3 describes the manner in which general or specific report structures are used to create human-decision or computer-decision variants. Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 10 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 Table 3.3 - Specific/General vs Human/Computer-Decision Variant Description in Table 3.1 General Specific Use for Human-Decision Variant? Yes Yes, provider can create sections ad hoc. Provider may use some or all of the sections and associated LOINC codes from the table in section 4. Use for Computer-Decision Variant? No Yes, provider must follow the table in section 4 and structure data according to data type specifications. 3.3.1 General Report Structure The general report structure applies to all clinical reports including all of those in Table 3.1, whether they are labeled "specific" or "general." When using the general report structure, the sender shall send the Report Subject Identifier Code <document_type_cd> element in the CDA header. The sender is not required to include <caption_cd> elements in the body of the CDA document. However, where pertinent LOINC codes exist for sections or content elements within the CDA the provider may send them in the <caption_cd> elements wherever they apply. 3.3.2 Specific Report Structure Where an entry in table 3.1 indicates that a specific report structure is available it identifies a table in section 4 that contains that structure. The provider may use the information in section 4 to create a computer-decision variant attachment. The provider may also create a human-decision variant for reports that are identified as specific. Human Decision Variant. To create a human-decision variant attachment for a report type that is listed in table 3.1 as "specific", the sender sends the Report Subject Identifier Code <document_type_cd> element in the CDA header. The sender is not required to include <caption_cd> elements in the body of the CDA document. However, where pertinent LOINC codes exist for sections or content elements within the CDA the provider may send them in the <caption_cd> elements wherever they apply. The sender may choose to use the LOINC codes and captions from the corresponding table in section 4, but this is not required. Computer-Decision Variant. To create a report in the computer-decision variant the sender must follow the specifications from a table in section 4 with respect to data type, cardinality and the use of coded responses. If the data type code in the table is NM (numeric) the transmitted value should be reported with appropriate units specified as specified for the numeric data type in HL7 Additional Information Specification Implementation Guide. If the data type code in the table is CE, the content of the corresponding element of the CDA document must include the textual interpretation of the code. Note that the ability to use a section 4 table to create a computer-decision variant does not guarantee that such an attachment is suitable for autoadjudication. A payer would need to make a business decision to autoadjudicate by examining the coded and numeric elements to see if they provide the necessary data for a decision. Some of the elements in the tables in section 4 are of type TX. A compliant, "computer-decision variant" attachment may not be suitable for autoadjudication if a decision would rely on data in an element of type TX. Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 11 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 3.3.3 Coding Example – General report format Scenario: A message was created on August 14, 1998 at 5:39:24 AM. The patient name is Patient H. Sample. The medical record ID of the patient for the sending institution is 6910828. The billing account number within the sending institution that is associated with the claim is 773789090. The provider is Ken Cure, MD, who is identified as ID number A522 by the hospital. Dr. Cure signed the note on 30 October 1998 at 12:53 PM. The document contains a discharge note identified by LOINC code 11490-0. Document Header document type <levelone xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3/cda" xmlns:v3dt="urn:hl7-org:v3/v3dt" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:hl7org:v3/cda C:\DOCUME~1\wrishel\MYDOCU~1\HL7\CDA\R1Schemas\FromVassil\levelone_1.0.wes.xsd "> <clinical_document_header> <id EX="a123" RT="2.16.840.1.113883.3.933"/> <document_type_cd V="11490-0" DN="PHYSICIAN HOSPITAL DISCHARGE SUMMARY"/> <origination_dttm V="1998-10-28"/> origination date Authenticator element used to convey the signature Provider element identifies the provider. In this case it is the same as the authenticator. Patient identification Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 <authenticator> <authenticator.type_cd V="VRF"/> <participation_tmr V="1998-10-30T12:53"/> <signature_cd V="S"/> <person> <id EX="A522" RT="2.16.840.1.113883.3.933"/> <person_name> <nm> <v3dt:GIV V="Ken"/> <v3dt:FAM V="Cure"/> <v3dt:SFX V="MD" QUAL="PT"/> </nm> <person_name.type_cd V="L" S="2.16.840.1.113883.5.200"/> </person_name> </person> </authenticator> <provider> <provider.type_cd V="PRF"/> <person> <id EX="298379" RT="2.16.840.1.113883.3.933"/> <person_name> <nm> <v3dt:GIV V="Ken"/> <v3dt:FAM V="Cure"/> <v3dt:SFX V="MD" QUAL="PT"/> </nm> <person_name.type_cd V="L" S="2.16.840.1.113883.5.200"/> </person_name> </person> </provider> <patient> <patient.type_cd V="PATSBJ"/> <person> <id EX="6910828" RT="2.16.840.1.113883.3.933"/> <person_name> 12 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 <nm> <v3dt:GIV V="Patient"/> <v3dt:FAM V="Sample"/> <v3dt:MID V="H"/> </nm> <person_name.type_cd V="L" S="2.16.840.1.113883.5.200"/> </person_name> </person> <administrative_gender_cd V="F"/> </patient> end of header start body first section is hospital discharge diagnoses, presented using the CDA <list> element Caption codes permitted, but not required in human decision variant. Remaining sections </clinical_document_header> <body> <section> <caption>HOSPITAL DISCHARGE DX<caption_cd V="11535-2"/> </caption> <list list_type="ordered"> <item> <content>Metastatic breast cancer.</content> </item> <item> <content>Malignant pleural effusion.</content> </item> </list> </section> <section> <caption>HOSPITAL DISCHARGE PROCEDURES<caption_cd V="10185-7"/> </caption> <paragraph> <content>1. Thoracoscopy with chest tube placement and pleurodesis.</content> </paragraph> </section> <section> <caption>HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS <caption_cd V="10164-2"/> </caption> <paragraph> <content> The patient is a very pleasant, 70-year-old female with a history of breast cancer that was originally diagnosed in the early 70's. At that time she had a radical mastectomy with postoperative radiotherapy. In the mid 70's she developed a chest wall recurrence and was treated with further radiation therapy. She then went without evidence of disease for many years until the late 80's when she developed bone metastases with involvement of her sacroiliac joint, right trochanter, and left sacral area. She was started on Tamoxifen at that point in time and has done well until recently when she developed shortness of breath and was found to have a larger pleural effusion. This has been tapped on two occasions and has rapidly reaccumulated so she was admitted at this time for thoracoscopy with pleurodesis. Of note, her CA15-3 was 44 in the mid 90's and recently was found to be 600.</content> </paragraph> </section> <section> <caption>HOSPITAL DISCHARGE PHYSICAL FINDINGS <caption_cd V="10184-0"/> </caption> <paragraph> Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 13 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 <content>Physical examination at the time of admission revealed a thin, pleasant female in mild respiratory distress. She had no adenopathy. She had decreased breath sounds three fourths of the way up on the right side. The left lung was mostly clear although there were a few scattered rales. Cardiac examination revealed a regular rate and rhythm without murmurs. She had no hepatosplenomegaly and no peripheral clubbing, cyanosis, or edema.</content> </paragraph> </section> <section> <caption>HOSPITAL DISCHARGE STUDIES SUMMARY <caption_cd V="11493-4"/> </caption> <paragraph> <content> A chest x-ray showed a large pleural effusion on the right.</content> </paragraph> </section> <section> <caption>HOSPITAL COURSE <caption_cd V="8648-8"/> </caption> <paragraph> <content>The patient was admitted. A CT scan was performed which showed a possibility that the lung was trapped by tumor and that there were some adhesions. The patient then underwent thoracoscopy which confirmed the presence of a pleural peel of tumor and multiple adhesions which were taken down. Two chest tubes were subsequently placed. These were left in place for approximately four days after which a TALC slurry was infused and the chest tubes were removed the following day. Because of the significant pleural peel and the trapped lungs, it is clearly possible that the pleurodesis will not be successful and this was explained to the patient and the family prior to the procedure.</content> </paragraph> <paragraph> <content> Of note, we started her on Megace during this hospitalization because she was having significant nausea and vomiting with the Arimidex that she had been taking.</content> </paragraph> </section> <section> <caption>HOSPITAL DISCHARGE FOLLOWUP <caption_cd V="11544-4"/> </caption> <paragraph> <content> The patient is being transferred to an extended-care facility near her home, where she will remain until she has enough strength to go home. It is possible that the fluid may reaccumulate and require repeat tapping despite the pleurodesis that was performed. Hopefully, however, with the combination of pleurodesis and the Megace that she was started on, she will have improvement of Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 14 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 close body element close entire CDA document her cancer and a decrease in her pulmonary symptomatology. Overall, however, her prognosis is poor because of her debilitated state and the status of her lungs.</content> </paragraph> <paragraph> <content> She is being discharged on Tylenol with Codeine as needed for pain, Megace, and a Multivitamin. She will have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Follow in three weeks with a chest x-ray. They have been instructed to call us in the interim should there be any problems.</content> </paragraph> </section> </body> </levelone> Figure 1 (continued over two pages) contains a screen shot of this CDA document as rendered in a commonly used Web browser using the current HL7-suppled XSL style sheet. Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 15 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 Figure 1. Hospital discharge summary, human-decision variant. Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 16 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 4 Value Tables for Specific Report Structures If the report subject has a specific report structure, signified by the word “specific” in the Structure column of Table in 3.1, or by a substructure on the HIPAA RELMA display for this report subject, the sender may elect to use <caption_cd> elements based with the LOINC codes contained in tables in this section. These <caption_cd> elements are permitted in the humandecision variant and required in the computer-decision variant. Senders can choose to include the codes within the specific structure that make sense for their reports. Most structured reports would include only a small percent of the total number of observation codes listed in the specific structure for a given report. Requestors can use any LOINC code that is contained in the hierarchy of clinical reports.non lab (LOINC 26443-2) as the report subject identifier in a 277 request message. These codes can be found in the LOINC database and viewed via the RELMA program. You can see all LOINC codes contained within clinical reports.non lab by choosing the HIPAA attachment task in RELMA. As non-laboratory diagnostic technology improves over time and new provider note titles are developed, the LOINC Committee will create new LOINC codes (and sets of codes) to represent them. These will then become valid subject codes for requests in the X12 277 under the clinical reports attachment. Note this booklet does not cover laboratory results. The way to send laboratory results as an attachment is described in the Laboratory attachments booklet. Should we be removing signing practitioner from all of these tables? Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 17 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 4.1 Cardiac Diagnostic Studies 4.1.1 Cardiac Echo Study Cardiac echoes can be sent in a general or specific report structure. The following table lists some of codes that can be used to produce a specific structure. This table provides a rich sample of the cardiac echo observation codes available within LOINC, but it is only a sample. To see the full set of LOINC codes available for reporting the details of a cardiac echo look in the hierarchy beneath cardiac echo studies (115220-0) in the HIPAA task of RELMA. Table 4.1.1 - Cardiac Echo Study LOINC code 11522-0 18011-7 18012-5 18013-3 18014-1 18015-8 18010-9 18016-6 17981-2 18835-9 18061-2 18062-0 18063-8 18066-1 18068-7 18089-3 19006-6 18839-1 18106-5 18838-3 18836-7 18146-1 Short Name CARDIAC ECHO STUDY AORTA ARCH, DIAMETER (ECHO) AORTA ASCENDING, DIAMETER (ECHO) AORTA DESCENDING, DIAMETER (ECHO) AORTA ISTHMUS, DIAMETER (ECHO) AORTA ROOT, DIAMETER (ECHO) AORTA, DIAMETER (ECHO) AORTIC VALVE ORIFICE, DIAMETER (ECHO) AORTIC VALVE, ACCELERATION (US DOPPLER) AORTIC VALVE, AREA METHOD (NARRATIVE) AORTIC VALVE, GRADIENT SYSTOLE MAX PRESSURE (US DOPPLER DERIVED FULL BERNOULLI) AORTIC VALVE, GRADIENT SYSTOLE MAX PRESSURE (US DOPPLER DERIVED SIMPLIFIED BERNOULLI) AORTIC VALVE, GRADIENT SYSTOLE MEAN PRESSURE (US DOPPLER DERIVED SIMPLIFIED BERNOULLI) AORTIC VALVE, GRADIENT SYSTOLE MEAN PRESSURE (US DOPPLER DERIVED FULL BERNOULLI) AORTIC VALVE, INTERVAL FROM Q-WAVE TO AORTIC VALVE OPENS (EKG US) AORTIC VALVE, ORIFICE AREA (ECHO) CARDIAC ECHO IMAGING DEVICE, IMAGE QUALITY (NARRATIVE) (ECHO) CARDIAC ECHO IMAGING DEVICE, ULTRASOUND CLASS (NARRATIVE) CARDIAC ECHO STUDY, PROCEDURE CARDIAC ECHO STUDY, TRANSDUCER SITE (NARRATIVE) CARDIAC STRESS STUDY, PROCEDURE (NARRATIVE) CARDIOVASCULAR CENTRAL, STUDY OBSERVATION OVERALL (NARRATIVE) (ECHO) Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 Data Type Card NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM TX 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 TX TX 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 18 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved Response Code or Numeric Units NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 LOINC code 18141-2 18143-8 18144-6 18024-0 18070-3 18069-5 18018-2 18064-6 18043-0 18087-7 18837-5 18118-0 18840-9 18078-6 18079-4 18054-7 17985-3 18025-7 17979-6 17980-4 18017-4 18057-0 18058-8 Short Name CARDIOVASCULAR CENTRAL, ECHO OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ECHO HEART CHAMBERS, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) HEART VALVES, ECHO OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) HEART ATRIUM LEFT, DIAMETER ANTERIOR-POSTERIOR SYSTOLE (US MMODE) HEART ATRIUM RIGHT, INTRACHAMBER MEAN PRESSURE (ECHO) HEART ATRIUM RIGHT, INTRACHAMBER MEAN PRESSURE (ESTIMATED FROM JUGULAR VENOUS DISTENTION) HEART VENTRICLE LEFT OUTFLOW-TRACT, DIAMETER (ECHO) HEART VENTRICLE LEFT OUTFLOW-TRACT, GRADIENT SYSTOLE MAX PRESSURE (US DOPPLER) HEART VENTRICLE LEFT, EJECTION FRACTION VFR (ECHO) HEART VENTRICLE LEFT, MYOCARDIUM MASS (ECHO) HEART VENTRICLE LEFT, SEGMENTAL WALL APPEARANCE FINDING (NARRATIVE) (ECHO) HEART VENTRICLE LEFT, SEGMENTAL WALL MOTION FINDING (NARRATIVE) (ECHO) HEART VENTRICLE LEFT, WALL MOTION INDEX (NARRATIVE) (ECHO) HEART VENTRICLE RIGHT, MAJOR AXIS DIASTOLE MAX LENGTH (US 2D) HEART VENTRICLE RIGHT, MAJOR AXIS SYSTOLE MIN LENGTH (US 2D) HEART VENTRICLE SEPTUM, FRACTIONAL THICKNESS LENFR (US 2D) HEART, AP DIMENSION LEFT ATRIUM/AP DIMENSION AORTA ROOT RATIO (ECHO) HEART, DIAMETER ANTERIOR-POSTERIOR SYSTOLE/DIAMETER AORTA ROOT RATIO (ECHO) MITRAL VALVE ANTERIOR LEAFLET, A-C DURATION (US M-MODE) MITRAL VALVE ANTERIOR LEAFLET, A-C SLOPE (US M-MODE) MITRAL VALVE ORIFICE, DIAMETER (ECHO) MITRAL VALVE, GRADIENT MAX PRESSURE (US DOPPLER) PULMONIC VALVE, GRADIENT MAX PRESSURE (US DOPPLER) Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 Data Type Card TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM NM 0,1 0,1 NM 0,1 19 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved Response Code or Numeric Units NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 LOINC code 18059-6 18097-6 18019-0 18020-8 18095-0 18021-6 18022-4 17982-0 18060-4 18096-8 18023-2 18065-3 17983-8 Short Name MITRAL VALVE, GRADIENT MEAN PRESSURE (US DOPPLER) MITRAL VALVE, ORIFICE MIN AREA (US DOPPLER PRESSURE HALFTIME) PULMONARY ARTERY LEFT, DIAMETER (ECHO) PULMONARY ARTERY MAIN, DIAMETER (ECHO) PULMONARY ARTERY MAIN, ORIFICE AREA (ECHO) PULMONARY ARTERY RIGHT, DIAMETER (ECHO) PULMONIC VALVE ORIFICE, DIAMETER (ECHO) PULMONIC VALVE, ACCELERATION (US DOPPLER) PULMONIC VALVE, GRADIENT MEAN PRESSURE (US DOPPLER) PULMONIC VALVE, ORIFICE AREA (US CONTINUITY) TRICUSPID VALVE ORIFICE, DIAMETER (ECHO) TRICUSPID VALVE REGURGITANT JET, GRADIENT SYSTOLE MAX PRESSURE (US DOPPLER) TRICUSPID VALVE, ACCELERATION (US DOPPLER) Data Type Card NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 Response Code or Numeric Units See LOINC RELMA HIPAA Table for full set of possible LOINC request codes. Table 4.1.1 Copyright 1995-2003 Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC® Attachment Committee. All rights reserved. 4.1.2 EKG STUDY EKGs can be sent in a general or specific report structure. The following table lists some of the more important codes available for a specific structure. This table provides a sample of the EKG codes available within LOINC but it is only a sample. To see the full set of LOINC codes available for reporting the details of a EKG in a structured form, look in the hierarchy beneath EKG Studies (#11524-6) in the HIPAA task of RELMA. Table 4.1.2 - EKG STUDY LOINC code 11524-6 9866-5 9867-3 18843-3 8598-5 9868-1 Short Name EKG STUDY HEART, AXIS (NARRATIVE) (EKG) HEART, CARDIAC PACEMAKER PROSTHETIC (NARRATIVE) (EKG) HEART, COMPARISON STUDY (NARRATIVE) (EKG) HEART, COMPARISON STUDY DATE AND TIME (EKG) HEART, CONDUCTION (NARRATIVE) (EKG) Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 Data Type Card TX TX 0,1 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 TS 0,1 TX 0,1 20 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved Response Code or Numeric Units NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 LOINC code 18844-1 9869-9 9872-3 8626-4 18506-6 8627-2 18504-1 8625-6 8631-4 8632-2 18507-4 9873-1 8633-0 8634-8 9874-9 18505-8 18510-8 9875-6 18810-2 8638-9 8621-5 18845-8 18516-5 18512-4 18511-6 18517-3 18514-0 18513-2 18518-1 18515-7 9876-4 Short Name HEART, EKG IMPRESSION (NARRATIVE) (EKG) HEART, HYPERTROPHY (NARRATIVE) (EKG) HEART, MYOCARDIAL ISCHEMIA (NARRATIVE) (EKG) HEART, P WAVE AXIS ANGLE (EKG) HEART, P WAVE AXIS HORIZONTAL PLANE ANGLE (EKG) HEART, P WAVE DURATION (EKG) HEART, PP INTERVAL (EKG) HEART, PR INTERVAL (EKG) HEART, Q WAVE DURATION (EKG) HEART, QRS AXIS ANGLE (EKG) HEART, QRS AXIS HORIZONTAL PLANE ANGLE (EKG) HEART, QRS COMPLEX (NARRATIVE) (EKG) HEART, QRS DURATION (EKG) HEART, QT INTERVAL (EKG) HEART, RHYTHM SEGMENT (NARRATIVE) (EKG) HEART, RR INTERVAL (EKG) HEART, ST SEGMENT AXIS HORIZONTAL PLANE ANGLE (EKG) HEART, ST-T SEGMENT (NARRATIVE) (EKG) HEART, STUDY OBSERVATION OVERALL FINDING (NARRATIVE) (EKG) HEART, T WAVE AXIS ANGLE (EKG) HEART, VENTRICULAR ECTOPICS RATE (EKG) REFERENCE BEAT TYPE (NARRATIVE) (EKG) REFERENCE BEAT, P WAVE AXIS FRONTAL PLANE ANGLE (EKG) REFERENCE BEAT, P WAVE OFFSET TIME (EKG) REFERENCE BEAT, P WAVE ONSET TIME (EKG) REFERENCE BEAT, QRS AXIS FRONTAL PLANE ANGLE (EKG) REFERENCE BEAT, QRS OFFSET TIME (EKG) REFERENCE BEAT, QRS ONSET TIME (EKG) REFERENCE BEAT, T WAVE AXIS FRONTAL PLANE ANGLE (EKG) REFERENCE BEAT, T WAVE OFFSET TIME (EKG) VENTRICULAR MORPHOLOGY (NARRATIVE) (EKG) Data Type Card TX 0,1 TX TX 0,1 0,1 NM NM 0,1 0,1 NM NM NM NM NM NM 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 TX NM NM TX 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 NM NM 0,1 0,1 TX TX 0,1 0,1 NM NM 0,1 0,1 TX NM 0,1 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM NM NM 0,1 0,1 0,1 NM 0,1 TX 0,1 Response Code or Numeric Units See LOINC RELMA HIPAA Table for full set of possible LOINC request codes. Table 4.1.2 Copyright 1995-2003 Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC® Attachment Committee. All rights reserved. Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 21 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 4.2 Obstetrical Studies 4.2.1 OB Ultrasound Study OB Ultrasounds can be sent in a general or specific report structure. The rules for sending general and specific structures are the same as for the preceeding tables. The following table lists some of the codes that can be used to produce a specific structure for obstetrical ultrasounds. This table is provided as a sample of the OB Ultrasounds codes available within LOINC, but it is just a sample. To see the full set of LOINC codes available for reporting the OB Ultrasound content in a structured format look in the hierarchy beneath OB Ultrasound Study (#11525-3) in the HIPAA task of RELMA. Table 4.2.1 - OB Ultrasound Study LOINC code 11525-3 11727-5 11636-8 11637-6 11638-4 11639-2 11640-0 11867-9 11778-8 11779-6 11780-4 11781-2 12145-9 18846-6 11627-7 12167-3 12171-5 12170-7 11616-0 11618-6 12146-7 18851-6 Short Name OBSTETRICAL ULTRASOUND STUDY FETUS, BODY WEIGHT (ULTRASOUND ESTIMATED) BIRTHS LIVE (REPORTED) BIRTHS PRETERM (REPORTED) BIRTHS STILL LIVING (REPORTED) BIRTHS TERM (REPORTED) BIRTHS TOTAL (REPORTED) CERVIX, EFFACEMENT PERCENTILE (PALPATION) DELIVERY DATE (CLINICAL ESTIMATE) DELIVERY DATE (ESTIMATED FROM LAST MENSTRUAL PERIOD) DELIVERY DATE (ESTIMATED FROM OVULATION DATE) DELIVERY DATE (ULTRASOUND COMPOSITE ESTIMATED) ENDOMETRIUM, THICKNESS (ULTRASOUND MEASURED) EXAMINATION LEVEL ULTRASOUND (NARRATIVE) FETUS AMNIOTIC FLUID, INDEX SUM LENGTH (ULTRASOUND DERIVED) FETUS AMNIOTIC FLUID, VOLUME AMNIOTIC FLUID (ULTRASOUND) FETUS HEAD LATERAL CEREBRAL VENTRICLES, WIDTH TRANSVERSE (ULTRASOUND MEASURED) FETUS HEAD, WIDTH HEMISPHERE (ULTRASOUND MEASURED) FETUS HEART, ACTIVITY FINDING (NARRATIVE) (ULTRASOUND) FETUS LIMBS, ACTIVITY FINDING (NARRATIVE) (ULTRASOUND) FETUS NUCHAL FOLD, THICKNESS (ULTRASOUND MEASURED) FETUS PLACENTA, GRADE (NARRATIVE) (ULTRASOUND) Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 Data Type Card NM 0,1 NM NM NM NM NM NM 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 DT DT 0,1 0,1 DT 0,1 DT 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 ST 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 NM 0,1 ST 0,1 22 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved Response Code or Numeric Units NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 LOINC code 12147-5 11620-2 11952-9 11766-3 11768-9 11883-6 11884-4 11885-1 11886-9 11887-7 11947-9 11948-7 11950-3 11949-5 11951-1 11957-8 12130-1 11878-6 11955-2 11767-1 11769-7 11879-4 11880-2 11976-8 19021-5 Short Name FETUS PLACENTA, THICKNESS (ULTRASOUND MEASURED) FETUS RESPIRATORY SYSTEM, ACTIVITY FINDING (NARRATIVE) (ULTRASOUND) FETUS UMBILICAL CORD PLACENTA, INSERTION SITE FINDING (NARRATIVE) (ULTRASOUND) FETUS, BODY WEIGHT PERCENTILE (COMP OF EST FETAL WGT W STD POP DIST AT SAME ESTGA) FETUS, BODY WEIGHT PERCENTILE RANGE PERCENTILE (CATEGORIZATION BY COMPARISON WITH STANDARDS) FETUS, GENDER FINDING (NARRATIVE) (ULTRASOUND) FETUS, GESTATIONAL AGE (CLINICAL ESTIMATE) FETUS, GESTATIONAL AGE (ESTIMATED FROM LAST MENSTRUAL PERIOD) FETUS, GESTATIONAL AGE (ESTIMATED FROM OVULATION DATE) FETUS, GESTATIONAL AGE (ESTIMATED FROM SELECTED DELIVERY DATE) FETUS, HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE/ABDOMINAL CIRCUMFERENCE RATIO (ULTRASOUND DERIVED) FETUS, HEART RATE (ULTRASOUND MEASURED) FETUS, IDENTIFICATION CRITERIA FINDING (NARRATIVE) (ULTRASOUND) FETUS, IDENTIFICATION CRITERIA FINDING (ULTRASOUND) FETUS, IDENTIFIER FETUS, LENGTH CROWN RUMP (ULTRASOUND MEASURED) FETUS, STUDY OBSERVATION GENERAL (NARRATIVE) (ULTRASOUND) FETUSES (ULTRASOUND) LAST MENSTRUAL PERIOD DATE AND TIME (REPORTED) MOTHER BODY WEIGHT PERCENTILE (COMP OF EST FETAL WGT W STD POP DIST AT SAME ESTGA) MOTHER BODY WEIGHT PERCENTILE RANGE PERCENTILE (CATEGORIZATION BY COMPARISON WITH STANDARDS) OVARY LEFT, FOLLICLES (ULTRASOUND) OVARY RIGHT, FOLLICLES (ULTRASOUND) OVULATION DATE (REPORTED) PALPATION CERVIX, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 Data Type Card NM 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 TX 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 TX 0,1 ST 0,1 ST NM 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 NM TS 0,1 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 NM NM TS TX 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 23 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved Response Code or Numeric Units NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 LOINC code 11977-6 18847-4 18848-2 18849-0 18850-8 12132-7 19008-2 12157-4 12029-5 12030-3 12031-1 12032-9 12033-7 12034-5 12035-2 12037-8 12039-4 12041-0 12043-6 12048-5 12050-1 12052-7 12054-3 12056-8 12058-4 12059-2 Short Name PARITY (REPORTED) PELVIS, FETAL POSITION (NARRATIVE) (PALPATION) PELVIS, FETAL POSITION (NARRATIVE) (ULTRASOUND) PELVIS, FETAL PRESENTATION (NARRATIVE) (PALPATION) PELVIS, FETAL PRESENTATION (NARRATIVE) (ULTRASOUND) STUDY OBSERVATION GENERAL (NARRATIVE) (ULTRASOUND) TRANSDUCER SITE (NARRATIVE) ULTRASONOGRAPHER GRAVIDITY NUMBER ULTRASOUND FETUS ABDOMEN, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS ABDOMINAL WALL, STUDY OBSERVATION ULTRASOUND FETUS ABDOMINAL WALL, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS AORTA ASCENDING, STUDY OBSERVATION ULTRASOUND FETUS AORTA ASCENDING, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS AORTA DESCENDING, STUDY OBSERVATION ULTRASOUND FETUS AORTA DESCENDING, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS AORTA, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS AORTIC ARCH, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS CEREBELLUM, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS CEREBRUM, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS COLON, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS CRANIUM, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS DIAPHRAGM, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS DUCTAL ARCH, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS FACE, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS HEAD CHOROID PLEXUS, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS HEAD FOURTH VENTRICLE, STUDY OBSERVATION Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 Data Type Card NM TX 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX NM TX 0,1 0,1 0,1 ST 0,1 TX 0,1 ST 0,1 TX 0,1 ST 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 NM 0,1 24 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved Response Code or Numeric Units NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 LOINC code 12060-0 12062-6 12064-2 12070-9 12072-5 12073-3 12074-1 12076-6 12078-2 12081-6 12082-4 12083-2 12084-0 12087-3 12088-1 12089-9 12090-7 12091-5 12093-1 12095-6 12097-2 12099-8 Short Name ULTRASOUND FETUS HEAD FOURTH VENTRICLE, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS HEAD INTRACRANIAL ANATOMY, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS HEAD LATERAL CEREBRAL VENTRICLES, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS HEAD, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS HEART AORTIC VALVE, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS HEART ATRIA, STUDY OBSERVATION ULTRASOUND FETUS HEART ATRIA, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS HEART CHAMBERS, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS HEART GREAT VESSELS, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS HEART MITRAL VALVE, STUDY OBSERVATION ULTRASOUND FETUS HEART MITRAL VALVE, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS HEART PULMONARY VALVE, STUDY OBSERVATION ULTRASOUND FETUS HEART TRICUSPID VALVE, STUDY OBSERVATION ULTRASOUND FETUS HEART VALVES, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS HEART VENTRICULAR OUTFLOW TRACT LEFT, STUDY OBSERVATION ULTRASOUND FETUS HEART VENTRICULAR OUTFLOW TRACT LEFT, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS HEART VENTRICULAR OUTFLOW TRACT RIGHT, STUDY OBSERVATION ULTRASOUND FETUS HEART VENTRICULAR OUTFLOW TRACT RIGHT, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS INTESTINE, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS KIDNEY LEFT, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS KIDNEY RIGHT, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS KIDNEY, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 Data Type Card TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 ST 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 NM 0,1 TX 0,1 NM 0,1 NM 0,1 TX 0,1 NM 0,1 TX 0,1 NM 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 25 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved Response Code or Numeric Units NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 LOINC code 12101-2 12103-8 12105-3 12107-9 12109-5 12111-1 12113-7 12115-2 12117-8 12119-4 12121-0 12123-6 12125-1 12128-5 12066-7 12067-5 12068-3 Short Name ULTRASOUND FETUS LIMBS, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS NUCHAL FOLD, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS PULMONARY ARTERY, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS PULMONARY VEIN, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS SMALL BOWEL, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS SPINE, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS STOMACH, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS THORAX, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS UMBILICAL CORD, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS URINARY BLADDER, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS VENA CAVA INFERIOR, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS VENA CAVA SUPERIOR, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS VENA CAVA, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND FETUS YOLK SAC, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND MEASURED FETUS HEAD POSTERIOR FOSSA, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) ULTRASOUND MEASURED FETUS HEAD THIRD VENTRICLE, STUDY OBSERVATION ULTRASOUND MEASURED FETUS HEAD THIRD VENTRICLE, STUDY OBSERVATION (NARRATIVE) UTERUS, FUNDAL HEIGHT (TAPE MEASURE) Data Type Card TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 NM 0,1 TX 0,1 Response Code or Numeric Units 11881-0 NM 0,1 See LOINC RELMA HIPAA Table for full set of possible LOINC request codes. Table 4.2.1 Copyright 1995-2003 Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC® Attachment Committee. All rights reserved. 4.3 Clinical Notes/Reports 4.3.1 Physician Hospital Discharge Summary (HOSP DISCH) The rules for sending general and specific structures are the same as for the preceding tables. Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 26 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 Table 4.3.1 - Physician Hospital Discharge Summary LOINC code 11490-0 8656-1 8646-2 18841-7 8648-8 8649-6 8650-4 11535-2 8651-2 11544-4 18842-5 8653-8 10183-2 10184-0 10185-7 8655-3 11493-4 18776-5 11513-9 18771-6 18775-7 Short Name PHYSICIAN HOSPITAL DISCHARGE SUMMARY HOSPITAL ADMISSION DATE HOSPITAL ADMISSION DX HOSPITAL CONSULTATIONS (NARRATIVE) HOSPITAL COURSE (NARRATIVE) HOSPITAL DISCHARGE DATE HOSPITAL DISCHARGE DISPOSITION (NARRATIVE) HOSPITAL DISCHARGE DX (NARRATIVE) HOSPITAL DISCHARGE DX HOSPITAL DISCHARGE FOLLOWUP (NARRATIVE) HOSPITAL DISCHARGE HISTORY (NARRATIVE) HOSPITAL DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS TEXT (NARRATIVE) HOSPITAL DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS (NARRATIVE) HOSPITAL DISCHARGE PHYSICAL (NARRATIVE) HOSPITAL DISCHARGE PROCEDURES (NARRATIVE) HOSPITAL DISCHARGE PROCEDURES HOSPITAL DISCHARGE STUDIES SUMMARY (NARRATIVE) TREATMENT PLAN, PLAN OF TREATMENT (NARRATIVE) PROVIDER SIGNING - IDENTIFIER PROVIDER SIGNING - NAME PROVIDER, STAFF PRACTITIONER IDENTIFIER Repeat identifier and name as a pair when multiple staff practitioners are associated with the report. PROVIDER, STAFF PRACTITIONER NAME Data Type Card Response Code or Numeric Units 0,1 TS CE TX TX TS TX 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 TX CE TX 0,1 1,n 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 CE TX 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 CE PN CE 0,1 0,1 0,1 I9C I9C C4 NPI NPI 18774-0 PN 0,1 See LOINC RELMA HIPAA Table for full set of possible LOINC request codes. Table 4.3.1 Copyright 1995-2003 Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC® Attachment Committee. All rights reserved. 4.3.2 Operative Note (OP NOTE) The rules for sending general and specific structures are the same as for the preceding tables. Table 4.3.2 - Operative Note LOINC code 11504-8 Short Name Data Type Card Response Code or Numeric Units PROVIDER UNSPECIFIED OPERATIVE NOTE Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 27 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 LOINC code 8723-9 10219-4 8720-5 10218-6 8719-7 10223-6 8729-6 10213-7 8722-1 10216-0 8717-1 18852-4 10221-0 10830-8 10217-8 10215-2 8724-7 10220-2 10214-5 8725-4 11513-9 18771-6 11531-1 18772-4 11532-9 18773-2 11489-2 18770-8 Short Name DATE SURGERY OPERATIVE NOTE - PREOPERATIVE DX (NARRATIVE) OPERATIVE NOTE - PREOPERATIVE DX OPERATIVE NOTE - POSTOPERATIVE DX (NARRATIVE OPERATIVE NOTE - POSTOPERATIVE DX OPERATIVE NOTE - SURGICAL PROCEDURE (NARRATIVE) OPERATIVE NOTE - SURGICAL PROCEDURE OPERATIVE NOTE - ANESTHESIA (NARRATIVE) OPERATIVE NOTE - ANESTHESIA OPERATIVE NOTE - FLUIDS OPERATIVE NOTE - ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS VOL OPERATIVE NOTE - SURGICAL DRAINS (NARRATIVE) OPERATIVE NOTE - SPECIMENS TAKEN (NARRATIVE) OPERATIVE NOTE - COMPLICATIONS OPERATIVE NOTE - INDICATIONS OPERATIVE NOTE - FINDINGS OPERATIVE NOTE - SURGERY DESCRIPTION OPERATIVE NOTE - PREP TIME DURATION OPERATIVE NOTE - ANESTHESIA DURATION OPERATIVE NOTE - OPEN CLOSING DURATION PROVIDER SIGNING - IDENTIFIER PROVIDER SIGNING - NAME SURGEON RESIDENT - IDENTIFIER SURGEON RESIDENT - NAME SURGEON STAFF - IDENTIFIER SURGEON STAFF - NAME PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER IDENTIFIER PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER NAME Data Type Card Response Code or Numeric Units TS TX 0,1 0,n CE TX 0,n 0,n I9C CE TX 0,n 0,1 I9C CE TX 0,1 0,1 C4 CE TX NM 0,1 0,1 0,1 C4 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX TX TX TX NM NM 0,n 0,n 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 NM 0,1 CE PN CE PN CE PN CE 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 PN 0,1 NPI NPI NPI NPI See LOINC RELMA HIPAA Table for full set of possible LOINC request codes. Table 4.3.2 Copyright 1995-2003 Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC® Attachment Committee. All rights reserved. 4.3.3Provider Unspecified History and Physical Note The rules for sending general and specific structures are the same as for the preceding tables. Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 28 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 Table 4.3.3 - Provider Unspecified History & Physical Note LOINC code 11492-6 10154-3 8674-4 8675-1 10164-2 11322-5 11320-9 11330-8 11287-0 11286-2 8658-7 11382-9 10156-8 11332-4 10157-6 10158-4 11334-0 11336-5 11369-6 10159-2 11338-1 10160-0 11340-7 10161-8 11342-3 11344-9 11346-4 11348-0 10162-6 11449-6 8678-5 8665-2 11350-6 29762-2 10166-7 8659-5 11294-6 11379-5 11380-3 10167-5 11366-2 8663-7 8664-5 10182-4 10187-3 10188-1 10171-7 Short Name PROVIDER UNSPECIFIED HISTORY AND PHYSICAL NOTE CHIEF COMPLAINT HISTORY SOURCE HISTORY TAKER HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS HISTORY OF GENERAL HEALTH FEEDING AND DIETARY STATUS HISTORY OF ALCOHOL USE ALCOHOLIC DRINKS PER DRINKING DAY ALCOHOL BINGE EPISODES HISTORY OF ALLERGIES MEDICATION ALLERGY HISTORY OF CHILDHOOD DISEASES HISTORY OF COGNITIVE FUNCTION HISTORY OF FAMILY MEMBER DISEASES HISTORY OF FUNCTIONAL STATUS HISTORY OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT HISTORY OF HOSPITALIZATIONS HISTORY OF IMMUNIZATION HISTORY OF INDUSTRIAL EXPOSURE HISTORY OF MAJOR ILLNESSES AND INJURIES HISTORY OF MEDICATION USE HISTORY OF OCCUPATIONS HISTORY OF OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE HISTORY OF NONMEDICAL DRUG USE HISTORY OF OTHER SOCIAL FACTORS HISTORY OF OUTPATIENT VISITS HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS HISTORY OF PREGNANCIES PREGNANCY STATUS MENSTRUAL STATUS DATE LAST MENSTRUAL PERIOD HISTORY OF SEXUAL BEHAVIOR SOCIAL HISTORY HISTORY OF SOCIAL FUNCTION BIRTH CONTROL METHOD CURRENT EMPLOYMENT LEVEL OF EDUCATION MARITAL STATUS AND LIVING ARRANGEMENTS HISTORY OF SURGICAL PROCEDURES HISTORY OF TOBACCO USE CIGARETTES SMOKED, CURRENT (PACK/DAY) CIGARETTES SMOKED, TOTAL (PACK/YR) HISTORY OF TRAVEL REVIEW OF SYSTEMS REVIEW OF SYSTEMS OVERVIEW EYES, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 Data Type Card TX CE CE TX TX TX TX NM NM CE CE TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CE CE DT TX TX TX CE TX NM TX 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,n 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 TX TX NM 0,1 0,1 0,1 NM TX TX TX TX 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 29 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved Response Code or Numeric Units NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 LOINC code 10169-1 10174-1 10179-0 11354-8 10175-8 11353-0 10181-6 10178-2 11352-2 10165-9 10177-4 10168-3 10170-9 11355-5 11356-3 10176-6 11357-1 10172-5 10173-3 8672-8 10210-3 8716-3 10190-7 11451-2 10199-8 10197-2 10195-6 10203-8 11393-6 10201-2 11411-6 10207-9 Short Name EARS, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES NOSE, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES THROAT & NECK, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES EARS & NOSE & SINUSES & MOUTH & THROAT, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES ORAL CAVITY, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES BREASTS, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES URINARY TRACT, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES SKIN, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES ALLERGIC & IMMUNOLOGIC, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES HISTORY OF PSYCHIATRIC SYMPTOMS & DISEASES CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES RESPIRATORY SYSTEM, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES ENDOCRINE SYSTEM, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES GENITOURINARY SYSTEMS, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES HEMATOLOGIC SYSTEM, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES NEUROLOGIC SYSTEM, HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS & DISEASES GENERAL STATUS PHYSICAL FINDINGS VITAL SIGNS, PHYSICAL FINDINGS MENTAL STATUS PSYCHIATRIC FINDINGS HEAD, PHYSICAL FINDINGS EYE, PHYSICAL FINDINGS EAR, PHYSICAL FINDINGS NOSE, PHYSICAL FINDINGS EARS & NOSE & MOUTH & THROAT, PHYSICAL FINDINGS MOUTH & THROAT & TEETH, PHYSICAL FINDINGS NECK, PHYSICAL FINDINGS THORAX & LUNGS, PHYSICAL FINDINGS Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 Data Type Card TX TX TX 0,1 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX TX 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 TX TX 0,1 0,1 30 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved Response Code or Numeric Units NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 LOINC code 11391-0 11392-8 10200-4 10193-1 10192-3 10191-5 10204-6 11403-3 10198-0 11400-9 11401-7 11402-5 11388-6 10205-3 10196-4 11413-2 11387-8 11386-0 11394-4 11398-5 11415-7 11404-1 11406-6 11414-0 11407-4 11389-4 11385-2 11397-7 10209-5 10212-9 10211-1 10206-1 10194-9 10208-7 11384-5 11447-0 11390-2 11399-3 10202-0 11410-8 10186-5 11383-7 11450-4 Short Name CHEST, PHYSICAL FINDINGS CHEST WALL, PHYSICAL FINDINGS HEART, PHYSICAL FINDINGS BREASTS, PHYSICAL FINDINGS BACK, PHYSICAL FINDINGS ABDOMEN, PHYSICAL FINDINGS PELVIS, PHYSICAL FINDINGS GROIN, PHYSICAL FINDINGS GENITOURINARY TRACT, PHYSICAL FINDINGS GENITALIA, PHYSICAL FINDINGS GENITALIA FEMALE, PHYSICAL FINDINGS GENITALIA MALE, PHYSICAL FINDINGS BUTTOCKS, PHYSICAL FINDINGS RECTUM, PHYSICAL FINDINGS EXTREMITIES, PHYSICAL FINDINGS SHOULDER, PHYSICAL FINDINGS AXILLA, PHYSICAL FINDINGS UPPER ARM, PHYSICAL FINDINGS ELBOW, PHYSICAL FINDINGS FOREARM, PHYSICAL FINDINGS WRIST, PHYSICAL FINDINGS HAND, PHYSICAL FINDINGS HIP, PHYSICAL FINDINGS THIGH, PHYSICAL FINDINGS KNEE, PHYSICAL FINDINGS CALF, PHYSICAL FINDINGS ANKLE, PHYSICAL FINDINGS FOOT, PHYSICAL FINDINGS BALANCE+COORDINATION, PHYSICAL FINDINGS STRENGTH PHYSICAL FINDINGS SENSATION, PHYSICAL FINDINGS SKIN, PHYSICAL FINDINGS DEEP TENDON REFLEXES, PHYSICAL FINDINGS VESSELS, PHYSICAL FINDINGS PHYSICAL EXAMINATION BY ORGAN SYSTEMS HEMATOLOGIC+LYMPHATIC+IMMUNOLOG IC PHYSICAL FINDINGS CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM, PHYSICAL FINDINGS GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM, PHYSICAL FINDINGS NEUROLOGIC SYSTEM, PHYSICAL FINDINGS MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM, PHYSICAL FINDINGS IDENTIFYING INFORMATION PATIENT PROBLEM OUTCOME PROBLEM LIST Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 Data Type Card TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 TX TX TX TX 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 TX CE 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX 0,1 TX TX CE 0,1 0,1 0,1 31 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved Response Code or Numeric Units NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 LOINC code Short Name Data Type Card 18630-4 18776-5 PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS CE TREATMENT PLAN, PLAN OF TREATMENT TX (NARRATIVE) 11513-9 PROVIDER, SIGNING IDENTIFIER CE 18771-6 PROVIDER, SIGNING NAME PN 18775-7 PROVIDER, STAFF PRACTITIONER CE IDENTIFIER 18774-0 PROVIDER, STAFF PRACTITIONER NAME PN 11489-2 PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER CE IDENTIFIER 18770-8 PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER PN NAME See LOINC RELMA HIPAA Table for full set of possible LOINC request codes. Response Code or Numeric Units 0,n 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 NPI 0,1 0,1 NPI 0,1 Table 4.3.3 Copyright 1995-2003 Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC® Attachment Committee. All rights reserved. 4.4 Radiology Studies All radiology studies can be sent as a general or as a specific structure and they all use the same specific structure. You can see these defined in the Relma HIPAA task. The following shows the specific structure for a small sample of Radiology studies. Note that the structure is identical for all of these radiology reports. This radiology specific structure is present under every radiology report code in RELMA. 4.4.1 Cervical Spine X-Ray The rules for sending general and specific structures are the same as for the preceding tables. Table 4.4.1 – Cervical Spine X-Ray LOINC code 24946-6 18781-5 18780-7 18785-6 18779-9 18834-2 18782-3 19005-8 18783-1 11489-2 18770-8 Short Name X-RAY CERVICAL SPINE STUDY PROVIDER, ORDERING PRACTITIONER NAME PROVIDER, ORDERING PRACTITIONER IDENTIFIER RADIOLOGY REASON FOR STUDY RADIOLOGY COMPARISON STUDY - DATE AND TIME RADIOLOGY COMPARISON STUDY OBSERVATION RADIOLOGY - STUDY OBSERVATION RADIOLOGY - IMPRESSION RADIOLOGY STUDY - RECOMMENDATION PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER IDENTIFIER PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER NAME PROVIDER SIGNING - NAME PROVIDER SIGNING - IDENTIFIER Data Type Card PN CE 0,1 0,1 TX TS 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 TX TX TX CE 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 PN 0,1 Response Code or Numeric Units NPI NPI 18771-6 PN 0,1 11513-9 CE 0,1 NPI Table 4.4.1 Copyright 1995-2003 Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC® Attachment Committee. All rights reserved. Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 32 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 4.4.2 CT Study Head The rules for sending general and specific structures are the same as for the preceding tables. Table 4.4.2 – CT Study Head LOINC code 11539-4 18781-5 18780-7 18785-6 18779-9 18834-2 18782-3 19005-8 18783-1 11489-2 18770-8 Short Name CT HEAD STUDY PROVIDER, ORDERING PRACTITIONER NAME PROVIDER, ORDERING PRACTITIONER IDENTIFIER RADIOLOGY REASON FOR STUDY RADIOLOGY COMPARISON STUDY - DATE AND TIME RADIOLOGY COMPARISON STUDY OBSERVATION RADIOLOGY - STUDY OBSERVATION RADIOLOGY - IMPRESSION RADIOLOGY STUDY - RECOMMENDATION PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER IDENTIFIER PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER NAME PROVIDER SIGNING - NAME PROVIDER SIGNING - IDENTIFIER Data Type Card PN CE 0,1 0,1 TX TS 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 TX TX TX CE 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 PN 0,1 Response Code or Numeric Units NPI NPI 18771-6 PN 0,1 11513-9 CE 0,1 NPI Table 4.4.2 Copyright 1995-2003 Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC® Attachment Committee. All rights reserved 4.4.3 CT Study Extremity The rules for sending general and specific structures are the same as for the preceding tables. Table 4.4.3 - CT Study Extremity LOINC code 24690-0 18781-5 18780-7 18785-6 18779-9 18834-2 18782-3 19005-8 18783-1 11489-2 18770-8 Short Name CT EXTREMITY STUDY PROVIDER, ORDERING PRACTITIONER NAME PROVIDER, ORDERING PRACTITIONER IDENTIFIER RADIOLOGY REASON FOR STUDY RADIOLOGY COMPARISON STUDY - DATE AND TIME RADIOLOGY COMPARISON STUDY OBSERVATION RADIOLOGY - STUDY OBSERVATION RADIOLOGY - IMPRESSION RADIOLOGY STUDY - RECOMMENDATION PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER IDENTIFIER PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER NAME Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 Data Type Card PN CE 0,1 0,1 TX TS 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 TX TX TX CE 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 PN 0,1 33 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved Response Code or Numeric Units NPI NPI NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 LOINC code 18771-6 11513-9 Short Name PROVIDER SIGNING - NAME PROVIDER SIGNING - IDENTIFIER Data Type Card PN CE 0,1 0,1 Response Code or Numeric Units NPI Table 4.44.3 Copyright 1995-2003 Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC® Attachment Committee. All rights reserved. 4.4.4 MRI Study Head The rules for sending general and specific structures are the same as for the preceding tables. Table 4.4.4- MRI Study Head LOINC code 11541-0 18781-5 18780-7 18785-6 18779-9 18834-2 18782-3 19005-8 18783-1 11489-2 18770-8 18771-6 11513-9 Short Name MRI HEAD STUDY PROVIDER, ORDERING PRACTITIONER NAME PROVIDER, ORDERING PRACTITIONER IDENTIFIER RADIOLOGY REASON FOR STUDY RADIOLOGY COMPARISON STUDY - DATE AND TIME RADIOLOGY COMPARISON STUDY OBSERVATION RADIOLOGY - STUDY OBSERVATION RADIOLOGY - IMPRESSION RADIOLOGY STUDY - RECOMMENDATION PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER IDENTIFIER PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER NAME PROVIDER SIGNING - NAME PROVIDER SIGNING - IDENTIFIER Data Type Card PN CE 0,1 0,1 TX TS 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 TX TX TX CE 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 PN 0,1 PN CE 0,1 0,1 Response Code or Numeric Units NPI NPI NPI Table4.4..4 Copyright 1995-2003 Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC® Attachment Committee. All rights reserved 4.4.5 Mammogram Screening Study The rules for sending general and specific structures are the same as for the preceding tables. Table 4.4.5- Mammogram Screening Study LOINC code 24606-6 18781-5 18780-7 18785-6 18779-9 18834-2 Short Name MAMMOGRAM SCREENING STUDY PROVIDER, ORDERING PRACTITIONER NAME PROVIDER, ORDERING PRACTITIONER IDENTIFIER RADIOLOGY REASON FOR STUDY RADIOLOGY COMPARISON STUDY - DATE AND TIME RADIOLOGY COMPARISON STUDY OBSERVATION Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 Data Type Card PN CE 0,1 0,1 TX TS 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 34 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved Response Code or Numeric Units NPI NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 LOINC code 18782-3 19005-8 18783-1 11489-2 18770-8 18771-6 11513-9 Short Name Data Type Card TX TX TX CE 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 PN 0,1 PN CE 0,1 0,1 RADIOLOGY - STUDY OBSERVATION RADIOLOGY - IMPRESSION RADIOLOGY STUDY - RECOMMENDATION PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER IDENTIFIER PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER NAME PROVIDER SIGNING - NAME PROVIDER SIGNING - IDENTIFIER Response Code or Numeric Units NPI NPI Table 4.4.5Copyright 1995-2003 Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC® Attachment Committee. All rights reserved. 4.4.6 Nuclear Medicine Bone Scan Study The rules for sending general and specific structures are the same as for the preceding tables. Table 4.4.6- Nuclear Medicine Bone Scan Study LOINC code 25031-6 18781-5 18780-7 18785-6 18779-9 18834-2 18782-3 19005-8 18783-1 11489-2 18770-8 Short Name Data Type Card PN CE 0,1 0,1 TX TS 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 TX TX TX CE 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 PN 0,1 NUCLEAR MEDICINE BONE SCAN STUDY PROVIDER, ORDERING PRACTITIONER NAME PROVIDER, ORDERING PRACTITIONER IDENTIFIER RADIOLOGY REASON FOR STUDY RADIOLOGY COMPARISON STUDY - DATE AND TIME RADIOLOGY COMPARISON STUDY OBSERVATION RADIOLOGY - STUDY OBSERVATION RADIOLOGY - IMPRESSION RADIOLOGY STUDY - RECOMMENDATION PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER IDENTIFIER PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER NAME PROVIDER SIGNING - NAME PROVIDER SIGNING - IDENTIFIER Response Code or Numeric Units NPI NPI 18771-6 PN 0,1 11513-9 CE 0,1 NPI Table 4.4.6Copyright 1995-2003 Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC® Attachment Committee. All rights reserved. 4.4.7 CT Guidance for Aspiration Study, Unspecified Site The rules for sending general and specific structures are the same as for the preceding tables. Table 4.4.7 - CT Guidance for Aspiration Study, Unspecified Site LOINC code Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 Short Name Data Type 35 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved Card Response Code or Numeric Units NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 LOINC code 25043-1 18781-5 18780-7 18785-6 18779-9 18834-2 18782-3 19005-8 18783-1 11489-2 18770-8 18771-6 11513-9 Short Name CT GUIDANCE FOR ASPIRATION OF UNSPECIFIED SITE STUDY PROVIDER, ORDERING PRACTITIONER NAME PROVIDER, ORDERING PRACTITIONER IDENTIFIER RADIOLOGY REASON FOR STUDY RADIOLOGY COMPARISON STUDY - DATE AND TIME RADIOLOGY COMPARISON STUDY OBSERVATION RADIOLOGY - STUDY OBSERVATION RADIOLOGY - IMPRESSION RADIOLOGY STUDY - RECOMMENDATION PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER IDENTIFIER PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER NAME PROVIDER SIGNING - NAME PROVIDER SIGNING - IDENTIFIER Data Type Card PN CE 0,1 0,1 TX TS 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 TX TX TX CE 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 PN 0,1 PN CE 0,1 0,1 Response Code or Numeric Units NPI NPI NPI Table 4.4.7Copyright 1995-2003 Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC® Attachment Committee. All rights reserved. 4.4.8 Ultrasound Study of Neck The rules for sending general and specific structures are the same as for the preceding tables. Table 4.4.8- Ultrasound Study of Neck LOINC code 24842-7 18781-5 18780-7 18785-6 18779-9 18834-2 18782-3 19005-8 18783-1 11489-2 18770-8 18771-6 11513-9 Short Name ULTRASOUND NECK STUDY PROVIDER, ORDERING PRACTITIONER NAME PROVIDER, ORDERING PRACTITIONER IDENTIFIER RADIOLOGY REASON FOR STUDY RADIOLOGY COMPARISON STUDY - DATE AND TIME RADIOLOGY COMPARISON STUDY OBSERVATION RADIOLOGY - STUDY OBSERVATION RADIOLOGY - IMPRESSION RADIOLOGY STUDY - RECOMMENDATION PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER IDENTIFIER PROVIDER, DICTATING PRACTITIONER NAME PROVIDER SIGNING - NAME PROVIDER SIGNING - IDENTIFIER Data Type Card PN CE 0,1 0,1 TX TS 0,1 0,1 TX 0,1 TX TX TX CE 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 PN 0,1 PN CE 0,1 0,1 Response Code or Numeric Units NPI NPI NPI Table 4.4.8Copyright 1995-2003 Regenstrief Institute and the LOINC® Attachment Committee. All rights reserved. Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 36 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002 5 Response Code Sets This section describes response codes that may be used in in the computer-decision variant in the <coded_entry.value> element to transmit a coded result or to send the units for a numerical result. An entry in the value table refers to these code sets by a short abbreviation, such as “ans+”. These abbreviations are used in the headings of the subsections of this section. The values for some code sets appear directly in this document. In other cases, the section cites another document as the source. 5.1 ans+: Extended ANSI Units Codes ANSI X3.50-1986 and extensions as defined in HL7 Version 2.4, Figure 7-13. 5.2 C4: CPT-4 Procedure coding from American Medical Association, P.O. Box 10946, Chicago IL 60610. 5.3 HL70103: Processing ID Description of whether HL7 messages represent production, testing, or training transactions. 5.4 I9C: ICD-9-CM International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification. 5.5 iso+: Extended ISO Units Codes ISO 2955-1983 and extensions as defined in HL7 Version 2.4 Figure 7-13. 5.6 NPI: National Provider ID The NPI is a proposal to meet HIPAA requirements for a national standard to identify providers. The Secretary DHHS has published a notice of proposed rule making (NPRM) specific to the NPI and the public comment period has closed. An NPI final rule is being drafted and will, at some point, be published in the Federal Register. For more information contact the US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicaire and Medicaid Services (CMS), 7500 Security Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21244. The HHS Administration web site address is Clinical Reports Attachments V24AIM0004R010 37 Health Level Seven, Inc. © 1998-2002. All rights reserved NPRM Draft September 1, 2002