February, 2016 IEEE P802.15-02/087 IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Title IEEE802.15 WG minutes Date Submitted 15 March, 2002 Source [Pat Kinney] [Invensys Metering Systems] [Pittsburgh, PA] Re: 802.15 Plenary Meeting in St. Lois, MO Abstract IEEE 802.15 Working Group Minutes Purpose Official minutes of the Working Group Session Notice This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Submission Voice: Fax: E-mail: [1.724.425.7952] [] [pat.kinney@ieee.org] Page 1 Robert F. Heile, Invensys Metering Systems February, 2016 IEEE P802.15-02/087 IEEE 802.15 Plenary Meeting – Session #17 St Louis Hyatt, One St. Louis Station, St Louis, MO 63103, USA 11-15 March 02 Monday, 11 March 2002 1:14 802.11 and 802.15 Chairs called the joint meeting to order. Announcements Review IEEE 802, 802.11, & 802.15 Policies and Rules o New online attendance recording & document # requests 404 voters for 802.11, 102 voters for 802.15 o Wireless Network and Network Cards o IP statements 802.11 received one IP posting since the last meeting, 802.15 received one IP posting since the last meeting o WG & 802 Re-elections C Stevenson moved that the proposed slate of Officers be nominated, TK Tan seconded. Numerous mentions of the procedure and reasonable notice clause. 802.11 will put this issue on the main agenda. C Stevenson moved that the proposed slate of Officers be nominated, C Ritter seconded. No other nominations were named. J Barr moved to close the nominations. Vote will occur on Wednesday morning. Publicity chair-802.11 o Brian Matthews was the only nomination. Logistics (Breaks, Social, etc.) WG Graphic matrix time limits Submission Page 2 Robert F. Heile, Invensys Metering Systems February, 2016 IEEE P802.15-02/087 o 802.11 is up to R5 Liaisons o Appointees are expected to bring information back to the Friday plenary Approve or modify 802.11 Working Group Agenda o Review and approve the 802.11 minutes of Dallas Meeting Moved by V Hayes seconded by B Kraemer; following no objections the minutes were approved by unanimous consent. o Matters arising from the previous minutes: none Approve or modify 802.15 working group agenda. Motion by R Alfvin, seconded M Naeve, following no objections the agenda was approved by unanimous consent. o Review and approve the 802.15 minutes from Dallas; moved by Marco Naeve, seconded by John Barr; following no objections the minutes are approved by unanimous consent o Matters arising from the previous minutes: none 1:40 Summary of key working group / 802 events / activities o Review Interim meetings September 2002 meeting, Hyatt Regency Monterey, CA January 2003 meeting in Fort Lauderdale, FL; Motorola is host Straw poll results were 117/0/5 Future meeting locations were solicited from attendees No volunteers for May were received from the audience ETSI has proposed Sophia Antipolis, FR: straw poll was 95/8/6 o Financials/YTD: Report wasn’t ready 2:02 Review objectives, activities, & plans for this session (IEEE802.1502/142r0) Report on ExCom activities and plans Submission Page 3 Robert F. Heile, Invensys Metering Systems February, 2016 IEEE P802.15-02/087 802.11 Nominations beyond the proposed persons Chair: none Vice Chair: none B O’Hara moved to close the nomination, seconded by Atul Garg. J Zyren moved to table the motion , Kowalski seconded. Vote was taken on the move to table: 54/28/21, motion carries. D Bagby moved to bring the motion back from table. Vote on this motion was 27/47/29, motion fails. Task group/Study group reports 2:28 802.11 wireless local area networks Task Group e - MAC enhancements (QoS) by J Fakatselis: will approach no voters to obtain consensus Task Group f - Inter-Access Point Protocol by D Bagby: letter ballot closed last night, no information on the results yet Task Group g -data rates > 20 Mb/s @ 2.4 GHz by M Shoemake: letter ballot 33 closed noon 291 possible voters/230 ballots received. Result was 86/104/40, 45% yes with 852 comments to resolve. Task Group h – spectrum managed 802.11a by Mika Group is concentrating on DFS, letter ballot next week? Task Group i Enhanced security mechanisms by D Halasz: goal is to go to letter ballot by end of week Study Group 5GSG – Globalization and Harmonization of 5 GHz by TK Tan: Review 802.11 documents – attempting to automate by using the web site request 2:40 802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks 15.1 Bluetooth Task Group (IEEE802.15-01/462r2) – B Heile: waiting for Revcom vote on 20 March 15.2 Coexistence Task Group (IEEE802.15-01/463r0) - Shellhammer: letter ballot should be out soon after this meeting 15.3 High Rate Task Group (IEEE802.15-01/464r0) –Barr: working Submission Page 4 Robert F. Heile, Invensys Metering Systems February, 2016 IEEE P802.15-02/087 on comment resolution for LB 12 15.4 Low Rate Task Group (IEEE802.15-01/465r0)- Heile: final stages of comment resolution, recirculation at end of this meeting 15 SG: hearing more presentations then work PAR and 5 criteria. 2:46 Joint 802.11 & 802.15 Publicity Activity Review (IEEE802.15-01/466r0) - Petrick 802 Radio Regulatory Group Activities & Plans - Hayes Letter sent to Minister of MIII (China) 2:59 Old Business - Kerry/Heile Affirmation of TGg post actions from Dallas as directed by SEC Technical motion: vote was 98/6/14, motion carries 3:05 New Business - Kerry / Heile 3:09 Adjourn joint 802.11 / 802.15 meeting and recess for WG meetings Wednesday, 13 March 2002 10:33am WG chair called the meeting to order. WG Chair made some announcements (IEEE802.1502080r1) concerning March 2002 Meeting Objectives and Agenda. Reminder – register now for the Sydney meeting. o Credit cards will not be charged until we are close to the meeting date o Two hotels in Vancouver are being reserved for our next Plenary meeting, we will request meeting space in the hotel with network connectivity. The chair will know which one this is by Friday this week. The electronic database will be the primary method used for attendance logging. Chair commented that two or maybe three electronic ballots are coming up. Submission Page 5 Robert F. Heile, Invensys Metering Systems February, 2016 IEEE P802.15-02/087 Ballot 16a, an un-licensed 5GHz draft standard in 802.16 is coming up, unlicensed wireless HUMAN project. The chair made a call for people to join the Sponsor Ballot pool. Access to private areas of 802.15 web server is restricted to voting members. All members can access the server during the Plenary and Interim meetings. Two regulatory motions are coming up. TG2 coming up with it’s first letter ballot, Steve Shellhammer will conduct a tutorial explaining the coexistence methodology in this draft. John Barr asked the chair about setting up an e-mail capability while at these meetings, Bob will ask our WebMaster/DocMaster about this. A request was made to publish full contact information like 802.11 does. We have been not doing this due to spam problems. Motion to approve the agenda was made by James Gilb with Ivan Reed seconding. Hearing no objections nor discussion the agenda passed by unanimous consent 10:52am Document list 02000r1 was reviewed for missing documents. Hopefully by our next meeting we will have an automated document numbering system, many did not like the 802.11 version. No document closure of a document (i.e. document submittal) is not available. Hundreds of numbers have gone out with no submissions in 802.11.. 11:00 Elections for the working group. (Document IEEE802.15-02140r0) Proposed 802.15 officers for the next two years. Bob Heile Chair Jim Allen Vice Chair Ian Gifford Co-Vice Chair Pat Kinney Secretary Submission Page 6 Robert F. Heile, Invensys Metering Systems February, 2016 IEEE P802.15-02/087 Rick Alfvin WebMaster/DocMaster Mike McInnis Assistant Secretary 11:02am Ivan Reede made a motion made to approve this slate of officers, Carl Stevenson seconded this motion. A vote was taken with the results of 37/0/0, the motion passes. 11:03am Carl Stevenson reviewed document IEEE 802.RR-02/027r2 Mid week report on radio regulatory activities. Regulatory group was converted from an SEC Standing Committee to a Technical Advisory Group (TAG). Wireless coexistence added to the clause 6.2 conformance document RR01/29 A new project management clause proposal to be considered doc RR-02/42 Many issues were presented which, if you are interested in regulatory issues, you should review this radio regulatory mid-week report and attend the meetings. Carl Stevenson began to make a motion to vote on RR02-049r1 regulatory group conversion from a SEC standing group to a TAG. Bob Heile asked if the 802.15 membership had enough time to review the regulatory group conversion from a SEC standing group to a TAG. Anyone who has any issues bring them to Carl Stevenson’s or Vic Hayes attention. 11:16am Steve Shellhammer reviewed document IEEE 802.15-02/138r0, a TG2 tutorial document. Plan is to bring TG2 draft D05 to a letter ballot vote, available on server by Thursday AM. 11:42am Steve presented slides from document 802.15-02/095r0 Opening Report Relationship with Bluetooth SIG was reviewed. The BT SIG coexistence working group and IEEE 802.15 TG2 will not be able to work together on a common Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH) specification. There were comments that there seems to be two groups within the BT SIG which are working on another generation of BT radios, with 2.3 Mb/s and 10 Mb/s versions respectively. 11:48am TG3 status update, James Gilb Submission Page 7 Robert F. Heile, Invensys Metering Systems February, 2016 IEEE P802.15-02/087 The TG is still working on resolving comments. The Security framework has been agreed upon. There will be a vote this afternoon on security suite preferences. 11:52am TG4 status update, Jose Gutierrez Still working on resolving comments. Goal is by Thursday night to have zero comments left to resolve. 11:57am SG3a status update, Rick Roberts Working on Drafting PAR and 5 Criteria. 11:59am Motion to stand and recess until Friday was made by Rick Alfvin and seconded by Ivan Reed. Following no discussion nor objection the motion passed by unanimous consent. Friday, March 15, 2001 8:07 WG chair called the meeting to order Reviewed the agenda. Announcements: Electronic attendance is the primary method of recording attendance. 16.a will be going to sponsor ballot today so register for sponsor ballot. Old Business: Chair reviewed document list. 8:17 Regulatory Report by C Stevenson (IEEE802.RR-01/048r0). Motion: To request SEC to establish a Radio Regulatory TAG with charter as per doc: RR-02/40r3. Since the charter couldn’t be found on the web, the charter aspect was removed from the motion. Motion: To request SEC to establish a Radio Regulatory TAG. Request the Chair of 802.15 to appoint 2 individuals as official Working Group Representatives, having voting rights in the RR TAG. To grant attendance Submission Page 8 Robert F. Heile, Invensys Metering Systems February, 2016 IEEE P802.15-02/087 credit to WG members attending the RR TAG. Moved by C Stevenson seconded by J Gilb. Discussion: Q: Chair’s opinion? R: This is something that we need to have. Q: Charter approval? R: SEC will approve the charter. This vote is procedural so a 50% majority is required to pass. J Barr commented that he was concerned about how the charter was drafted. Particularly, the TAG overriding some groups within 802. The voting result was 24/1/5, so the motion passes. Motion: To request SEC to file the contents of RR-02/043r0 with FCC via the ECFS and to mail required service copies to other commenters, with the proviso that WPANs will be included as what 802 represents. ( doc: RR01/49r0) Moved by C Stevenson seconded by P Kinney. Discussion: JB why aren’t WPANs included in this letter? Nothing to preclude WPAN. Suggested that the opening paragraph mention WPANs in addition to MANs and LANs. C Stevenson agreed. Vote on the motion was taken: 27/0/2, motion passes. 8:44 Closing report for TG1 by B Heile WG chair reported that there was no change in status for TG1. 8:45 Closing report for TG2 by S Shellhammer (IEEE802.15-02/154r0) Motion: To send 802.15.2 draft version D05 to working group letter ballot for the purpose of seeking approval to forward the draft to sponsor ballot. Moved by S Shellhammer and seconded by D Cypher. Following no discussion the vote was 29/0/1, motion passes. 8:49 Closing report for TG3 by J Barr (IEEE802.15-02/155r0). There were no objections to the propose method of handling the draft resolution . 9:00 Closing report for TG4 by B Heile (IEEE802.15-02/156r0). An ad-hoc meeting in San Diego from April 15-17 was advised. Motion: Move to empower TG4 draft committee (José , Rob, Ed, Monique, Phil, Said, Paul, Marco, Farren, Greg) to release draft d14 for recirculation no later than Apr 15, 2002 if it meets unanimous approval of the committee that it is ready(all TRs resolved). Moved by Pat Kinney, seconded by J Gutierrez. There was no discussion, so the vote was taken with the result of 30/0/0. This vote is procedural so Submission Page 9 Robert F. Heile, Invensys Metering Systems February, 2016 IEEE P802.15-02/087 the motion passes. 9:15 Closing report for SG3a by R Roberts. (IEEE802.15-02/158r0) Coordination with 802.11’s next generation wireless group has not happened yet. Q: Other country regulatory status on UWB? R: CEPT and ETSI are looking at UWB. Europe will probably rule this year similar to FCC except upper frequency will be about 6 GHz. Japan regulatory is looking at the FCC recommendation and will probably follow suit. 9:26 TGg liaison report by J Karaoguz (IEEE802.15-02/161r0) Going through ballot resolution. LB33 failed 45% yes and 55% no votes out of 231 votes with 865 comments. 75 comments have been addressed, but only 1/3 have been resolved. TGg intends to issue new letter ballot following Sydney in May, 2002. The recommended use of protection mechanisms such as RTS/CTS is now made mandatory to avoid collisions between legacy 802.11b transmissions and 802.11g OFDM transmissions in a BSS network. 9:35 Coexistence report from Jim Lansford (birds-of-a-feather) Numerous presentations. Proposal to form a coexistence TAG will be made to ExCom this afternoon. Motion: To request SEC to establish a coexistence TAG. Request the Chair of 802.15 to appoint two individuals as official Working Group Representatives, having voting rights in the Coexistence TAG. To grant attendance credit to WG members attending the Coexistence TAG. Moved by J Lansford, seconded by S Shellhammer. Following discussion the vote was 23/2/2, motion carries. 9:49 TGe liaison report from J Bain (IEEE802.15-02/160r0) TGe completed letter ballot 30 on 16 Jan 2002 with only 55% yes votes (so ballot fails) with 2014 comments, but 750 of those were editorial. Status: Down to 1168 comments of which 658 are editorial. 9:54 WNG report by B Heile. 9:57 B Heile read a letter from BRAN 27 to S Kerry and B Heile, copied to TK Tan. This letter expressed the belief that TG3 was not a global initiative. Erik is the official liaison to ETSI and referred to the document BRAN Submission Page 10Robert F. Heile, Invensys Metering Systems February, 2016 IEEE P802.15-02/087 22d084. 10:10 May Interim announcement: The chair asked members intending to go the Sydney meeting to please register now 10:15 New Business: JEDEC liaison by Benno Ritter (IEEE802.15-02/XXX) JC-61 Interface specification between RF and base-band and between PHY and MAC. Formed on March 10, 2002. First priority is IEEE802.11/802.15 devices. Next meeting is April 9-10 at Newport Beach, CA. Following meeting is in Denver, CO on May 7-8. Motion: Establish a liaison to JEDEC JC-61 committee to monitor and cooperate in implementation based standards activities for WPAN systems. Moved by Benno Ritter, seconded by J Allen. Vote result was 20/0/4, motion carries. 10:21 Joint opening session with 802.11 lead by WG chair. Ensuing discussion focused on reducing this meeting’s length, many believed it to be of limited value. Many comments centered around the idea of eliminating voting and motions in an effort to reduce the length of this meeting. Distribution of attendee list: no phone numbers or email addresses to avoid spam. B Shvodian commented that 802.11 does include company affiliations and addresses and he does not get spam from this listing. Numerous comments supporting the current method of not distributing out the list. Straw poll on need for this information? About 15 stated yes. Straw poll in favor of making this information voluntary at the time of registration was 20/1/3. Straw poll of people in favor of 802.11 method of using attendance list: 19/4/1. Will try to automate the first method in time for Sydney. Motion: to Make WNG a joint Standing Committee of 802.11 and 802.15. Moved by J Gilb and seconded by M Schrader. Vote was 24/0/1, motion passes. Submission Page 11Robert F. Heile, Invensys Metering Systems February, 2016 IEEE P802.15-02/087 11:54 Motion to adjourn was made by P Kinney, seconded by I Reede, motion carries, meeting is adjourned until interim meeting in Sydney Australia. Attendees of Record and percentage of attendance per Electronic Log-in Last Akahane Alfvin Allen Allen Arunachalam Bailey Bain Bajaj Barr Bose Bottoms Bourgeois Brabenac Callaway Chindapol Conkling Cypher Desai Diem Dydyk Ellis Foerster Froning Gandolfo Garg Gilb Golmie Gonia Gorday Harada Heberling Heile Herold Huang Ishii Submission First Masaaki Richard James James D. Arun Daniel Vernon Jay Rashmi John Pratik Stan Monique Chuck Ed Aik Craig David Prasanna Darrell Michael Jason L Jeff Ronald Michael Pierre Thierry Atul James Nada Patrick Steven Paul Yasuo Allen Robert Barry Bob Katsumi Percentage 100 100 12 100 87 100 100 87 62 100 100 100 100 100 50 75 87 87 100 100 87 75 87 100 100 100 75 75 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Page 12Robert F. Heile, Invensys Metering Systems February, 2016 Jamieson Karaoguz Kiat Kim Kinney Kleindl Kuroda Leeper Lefkowitz Lieman Liu Maa Mason McInnis Meyer Miura Morelli Moridi Naeve Ngo PARK Pardee Patton Pek-Yew Phang Pokrajac Poor Rasor Reede Richards Roberts Roberts Rofheart Rogers Salloum Salazar Santhoff Schantz Schrader Schuster Schylander Seals Shellhammer Submission IEEE P802.15-02/087 Phil Jeyhan Poh Boon Yung-Kyu Patrick Gunter Masahiro David G. Martin Daniel Bennett Shawn Yeong-Chang Ralph Michael D Jim Akira Tony Said Marco Chiu JONGHUN John B. Dave Tan Piao Chun Dalibor Robert D. Gregg Ivan Jim Richard William Martin Chris B Antonio E. 100 75 75 87 87 25 12 87 12 50 37 75 75 100 25 87 100 100 100 87 75 87 25 25 75 37 50 100 100 100 100 100 87 75 25 John H Hans Gregory Mark Tom Erik Michael Stephen J 37 100 100 87 75 87 100 Page 13Robert F. Heile, Invensys Metering Systems February, 2016 Shepherd Nick Shor Gadi Shvodian William Sivaprasad P.K Siwiak Kazimierz Snopko Paul Adam Song Wei-Jei Steck William Kenneth Sugaya Shigeru Takamura Kazuhisa Takaoka Katsumi Taylor Larry Tsuji Hiroyuki Van Dyck Robert E Vishwakarma Ritesh Voitovich Aleksey Walrant Thierry Watanabe Fujio Welborn Matthew Wilson Richard Wood Stephen Russell Young Song-Lin Yves-paul Nakache aiello roberto van Leeuwen Hans IEEE P802.15-02/087 100 100 100 100 100 12 12 37 100 100 100 100 100 62 87 62 12 75 87 100 75 100 62 87 37 Members count: 102 Submission Page 14Robert F. Heile, Invensys Metering Systems