VETERINARIAN CERTIFICATE OF EXAMINATION FOR FOAL MORTALITY INSURANCE The following must be completed by a licensed veterinarian NOTE: ORPHAN FOALS UNDER 90 DAYS OF AGE ARE UNINSURABLE Horses being examined for insurance should be moved about outside the stall and viewed from front and back to demonstrate soundness of limb and freedom of movement. Careful observation and inquiry should be made as to housing conditions and the presence of contagious diseases. This certificate should be completed by the examining veterinarian to the best of their ability as a licensed veterinarian and forwarded to the insurance agent without delay. FOAL HISTORY Sire ___________________________________________ Dam _____________________________________________________________ Date of Birth _____________________________________Hour of Birth __________________________________________________ Color _________________________ Sex ______________Markings ___________________________________________________ EXAMINING VETERINARIAN, PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IF AVAILABLE TO YOU: 1. Was parturition complicated in any way? ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Time lapsed prior to foal first receiving colostrum? __________________________________________________________________ 3. (Did) (Does) the mare have adequate milk? _____________________________________________________________________ 4. (Is) (Was) supplement milk being fed? If so, give particulars _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Did the mare drip or stream milk prior to parturition? ________________________________________________________________ 6. Does the mare have a history of producing jaundiced (neonatal isoerythrolysis) foals? _______________________________________ 7. How many live foals has the mare produced previously? ______________________________________________________________ 8. How many of the mare s foals have survived the weaning age? _________________________________________________________ 9. If mare lost any foals, give year lost and cause of death _______________________________________________________________ 10. How long was the gestation period? ______________________________________________________________________________ EXAMINATION (Not to be completed prior to 24 hours of age) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Approximate weight of the foal at the time of examination ___________________________________________________________ Time lapse prior to the foal nursing the mare unassisted _____________ Time lapse before the foal stood unassisted _____________ Does mare have to be restrained or will she allow foal to nurse freely? __________________________________________________ Temperature _________________ Heart Rate ______________________ Respiratory Rate _________________________________ Has all of the meconium been passed? _________ What is the consistency of the stool? ___________ _________________________ Has the foal urinated normally? ________________________________ 6. Do the heart and lungs sound normal? ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. Is umbilical or scrotal hernia present? ____________________________________________________________________________ 8. Are both eyes normal? ________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Are the limbs straight? If not, how are they deviated? _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Are any joints distended? _______ Is the foal lame? ___________ Give Particulars ________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Is milk regurgitated from the nose following nursing? _______________________________________________________________ 12. What were the results from the performed IGg assay or serum protein electrophoresis? _____________________________________ 13. Is the farm management and sanitation program good? ____ Is there adequate shelter? ____ Is fencing safe and adequate?_________ 14. Are there any infectious diseases present on the farm? _____ If so, give particulars ________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: Are there any other areas you feel are relevant to the health of this foal? _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Owner ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Examining Veterinarian __________________________________ Date & Time_____________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________ Office Phone (_______) ____________________________________ City__________________________ State ________ Zip ________Office Fax (______) ____________________________ Signature of Veterinarian _________________________________ License # _________________________ State _________________ Veterinary Certificates are Not Acceptable Unless Received Within 15 Days of Examination. Equine Insurance Etc. PO Box 288 Purcell, OK 73080 (817) 457-9362 Fax (817) 446-0034