Brocca, L.1, Melone, F. 1, Moramarco, T.1, Penna, D.2, Borga, M.2, Matgen, P.3, Heitz, S.3
1 Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection, National Research Council, Via Madonna Alta 126,
06128 Perugia, Italy
2 Department of Land and Agroforest Environments, University of Padova, Agripolis, viale dell’Università, 16,
Legnaro IT-35020, Italy
3 Public Research Centre - Gabriel Lippmann, Rue du Brill 41, L - 4422 Belvaux - Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
Key words: rainfall-runoff model; experimental basin; soil moisture; hydrological processes, thresholds.
Notwithstanding the large number of studies in experimental hillslopes and in small catchments, our
understanding of processes at the base of the hydrological response of a basin is still limited, particularly if these
information have to be extended to larger areas (Sivapalan, 2005). Understanding catchment hydrological
behaviour can be considered as a first step toward a better assessment and prediction of possible land use and
climate change impacts on the catchments itself. For that, by trying to link the runoff response observed at the
catchment outlet to the corresponding runoff generating mechanisms can improve both the development and the
performance of rainfall-runoff models.
In this context, complex distributed rainfall-runoff models may provide insights on the relevant processes
operating at the hillslope scale (Camporese et al., 2010), but problems related to their parameterization and
application limit their use. On the other hand, simple conceptual rainfall-runoff models, due to their ease-of-use
and flexibility, represent a valid alternative that can be easily adopted following the more pragmatic "downward
approach" aiming at simulating the most relevant processes only (Grayson and Bloschl, 2000). Following this
way, Brocca et al. (2010) developed a parsimonious continuous rainfall-runoff model, named MISDc ("Modello
Idrologico Semi-Distribuito in continuo"), based on the results of an intense hydro-meteorological monitoring
activity in an experimental catchment located in central Italy which allowed the determination and the
description of the most important processes influencing runoff generation. Indeed, for a proper evaluation of the
assumptions that are underlying the development of a specific rainfall-runoff model, the use of auxiliary data set
(e.g. soil moisture, groundwater level, soil resistivity, water isotopic composition, etc.) together with the
classical rainfall-runoff data is of particular meaning (Beven, 2008).
In this study, the MISDc model was applied for three experimental catchments characterized by very different
climatic and topographic conditions: Colorso (central Italy), Cordevole (northern Italy) and Bibeschbach
(Luxembourg). This work mainly aims at: i) assessing the MISDc model reliability under different
physiographic and climatic conditions; ii) comparing the hydrologic behaviour of three experimental catchments
in Europe through the eyes of the MISDc model. In depth attention was given to the threshold-like behaviour
existing between soil moisture, SM, and runoff. This relationship can be considered as one of the most striking
hydrological signatures of a catchment (Zehe and Sivapalan, 2009; Graham and McDonnell, 2010).
The MISDc model is based on an extended formulation of the semi-distributed conceptual model developed by
Corradini et al. (1995) for rainfall-direct runoff transformation. The event-specific model is coupled with a
module for time continuous soil water balance, such as proposed by Brocca et al. (2008), for taking account of
variable antecedent wetness conditions. The model structure reflects some of the hypothesis of catchment
behaviour inferred by investigating the experimental catchments responses to external inputs. In particular,
rainfall-runoff observations at different scales as well as SM recordings were taken into consideration (Brocca et
al., 2009). A full description of the model can be found in Brocca et al. (2010). In this study, we used the lumped
version of the model and added a simple component for the simulation of baseflow in order to simulate the
discharge also during non-flood conditions.
Three experimental catchments were analyzed in this paper: Colorso, Cordevole and Bibeschbach (Figure 1).
The Colorso experimental catchment, COL, is located in an inland region of central Italy and covers an area of
12.9 km2 (Figure 1a). Elevations range between 312 and 798 m a.s.l. with a mean slope of 28.2%. The lithology
is a flysch formation and the land use is mainly composed by forest and pasture. Since July 2002, an
experimental plot (~1 ha) with continuous volumetric SM monitoring has been set up in the western part of the
catchment near its outlet. Water content was measured at 10, 20 and 40 cm depth; data at 10 cm depth for the
period 2002-2005 were used in this study. Four rain gauges are operating in the basin, which is characterized by
a Mediterranean climate with a mean annual rainfall of 930 mm.
Fig. 1 Morphology and hydrometeorological network for the three study catchments. In the table the main
characteristics of each catchment is also reported.
The Cordevole catchment, COR, is located in the central-eastern Italian Alps and covers an area of 7.1 km2 (see
Figure 1b). Elevations range between 1835 and 3152 m a.s.l. with a mean slope of 45.4%. The lithology is
formed by Triassic dolomite and conglomerate lava and the land use is mainly composed by bare rock in the
upper part, pasture and ski fields in the lower portion. Volumetric SM data were collected in the small
experimental Larch Creek sub-catchment (LCC, 0.033 km2) at four locations. In this study, the 2008 summer
data set was used considering the average SM value at 0-30 cm depth. Three rain gauges are operating in the
basin, which is characterized by a typical alpine climate with a mean annual rainfall of about 1220 mm where
49% falls as snow.
The experimental Bibeschbach catchment (10.8 km2), BIB, is located in the southern part of the Alzette River
basin, Luxembourg (see Figure 1c). Elevations range between 268 and 350 m a.s.l. with a mean slope of 6.4%.
The site is mainly characterized by forest and agriculture (i.e. cropland and pasture) on loamy soils. Since 2005,
the basin has been equipped with a set of 40 SM sensors over four sites (Figure 1c) measuring the volumetric
soil water content of the topsoil layer at a depth of 4 to 7 cm. The soil probes have been installed at different
locations in accordance with land use, geology and pedology. For this study, the temporal patterns of the average
SM over all sites was used; the period 2007-2008 was selected for the analysis. Two rain gauges are operating in
the vicinity of the basin which is characterized by a typical humid temperate climate with a mean annual rainfall
of about 860 mm.
For each catchment, the seven parameters of the MISDc model were calibrated considering the same range of
variability and applying a standard gradient-based automatic optimization method (the low number and the
independence of the parameters do not require a more sophisticated method). The maximization of the NashSutcliffe efficiency index, NS, was used as performance measure for discharge, whereas the determination
coefficient, R2, was considered for SM. The model was calibrated using only discharge observations, then the
comparison against SM observations was also performed for model validation. As such, it has to be noticed that
the optimal layer depth simulated in the MISDc model was found ranging between 1.2 and 1.7 m. Therefore, for
a coherent comparison between the simulated and observed SM, a surface layer with the same depth of the
observations, and having the same characteristics of the soil layer, was included in the model. Figure 2 shows
the comparison in terms of discharge and saturation degree (computed from SM data) for each catchment.
Fig. 2 Observed versus simulated discharge (left) and saturation degree (right) for : a,b) Colorso, c,d) Cordevole,
and e,f) Bibeschbach catchments.
As expected, the best results in terms of discharge simulations, were obtained for COL (NS=0.88), for which the
model was initially implemented. However, the model shows good performance for COR (NS=0.86) while a
slight decrease of NS was observed for BIB (NS=0.74), mainly during low flow conditions. Considering the
saturation degree simulations, the same model performance ranking was revealed, i.e. the best results for COL,
R2=0.84, and the worst for BIB, R2=0.67. The discrepancies between observed and simulated data, likely due to
both model inconsistency and input/output data error, will be investigated in detail in future studies. In general,
the model can be considered fairly accurate in the simulation of both discharge and SM and, hence, can be used
as an appropriate tool to investigate catchment hydrological behaviour.
A further analysis was conducted relating the observed (and simulated) saturation degree to the observed (and
simulated) discharge. In Figure 3 we can observe a clear threshold effect that was accurately reproduced by the
model. Moreover, COL and BIB catchments show a non-linear response that is more pronounced and visible
than COR basin. This is in contrast with the behaviour expected by looking at the topography of the catchments,
which should play a major role on the runoff response. A possible explanation can be related to thinner soils and
bigger slopes which reduce the dampening effect of soil in alpine catchments; however, for that a more detailed
investigation is also required.
Fig. 3 Relation between the observed (simulated) saturation degree, SD, and the observed (simulated) discharge,
Q, for: a) Colorso, b) Cordevole, and c) Bibeschbach catchments.
The application of the MISDc model on three different experimental catchments across Europe provided insights
both on model reliability as well as on the catchments hydrological behaviour. In particular, MISDc showed its
reliability for simulating both discharge and SM for the three basins. Moreover, it highlighted and reproduced a
clear threshold between wetness conditions and runoff. Based on these preliminary results, further investigations
on these experimental catchments functioning (response time of runoff, input/output data uncertainty) as well as
on the possibility to use SM observations for model calibration and improvements will be performed.
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