“Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa” (GKMS) -Chennai (Issued jointly by Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, & India Meteorological Department) Weather Advisory Bulletin – Chennai District (Period 23th to 27th Sept.2015) A. Weather for the past four days (18.09.2015 to 21.09.2015) During past four days around Chennai area, the sky was partly cloudy to mostly cloudy with 33.0 mm of rainfall. Maximum temperature was 34.0-37.0°C and Minimum temperature was 25.028.0oC. Wind speed was 6-8 km per hour. Relative humidity was recorded between 66-92%. B. Weather forecast for next five days (Until 0830 hrs of 27.09.2015) Parameters 23-Sept-15 24-Sept-15 25-Sept-15 26-Sept-15 27-Sept-15 Cloud Cover Mostly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy Rainfall (mm) 2 3 4 4 8 Wind Speed Kmph Wind direction Temperature ºC Maximum Minimum Relative Humidity % 6 South East 35 26 78-80 6 South East 6 South East 35 34 26 25 78-80 80-82 Agrometeorological Advisories 6 South East 6 South East 34 25 80-82 34 25 82-84 Livestock: 1. Light rainfall may be expected next five days. 2. Farmers are advised to do pre monsoon vaccination against Black Quarter and Hemorrhagic Septicemia for cattle in the endemic areas. 3. Farmers are advised not to allow their animals to graze near pond or lake areas to avoid fluke infestation. 4. High humidity and temperature will facilitate vector multiplication. Hence farmers are advised to clean the animals shed regularly and store manure in the covered area and apply fly repellent to avoid vector bone diseases. 5. Sheep, goats and young calves should be dewormed by using suitable anthelmintics. Agriculture (Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kattupakkam) Imp.Crops: Rice, Sugarcane and Groundnut 1. Weeding operation should be carried out in groundnut crops. 2. Paddy growing areas, Brown spot incidence was found. Hence, farmers are advised to spray mancozeb (2.0g/lit) 2 to 3 times at 10 - 15 day intervals, based on the intensity of disease. 3. In Bhendi white fly infestation if noticed spray methyl dematon 2ml/litre or imidacloprid 17.8SL 0.2ml/litre or dimetheoate 2ml/litre of water so as to avoid yellow vein mosaic disease. 4. In chillies to manage fruit borers set up pheromone traps @ 5/acre to attract adult moths. Nodal Officer, GKMS and Professor and Head, Department of Livestock Production Management Madras Veterinary College, Chennai – 7