NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT History Annotated Bibliography for Scottish Independence 1286–1329 [ADVANCED HIGHER] Norman Shead First published 2000 Electronic version 2001 © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2000 This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes by educational establishments in Scotland provided that no profit accrues at any stage. Acknowledgement Learning and Teaching Scotland gratefully acknowledge this contribution to the Higher Still support programme for History. ISBN 1 85955 882 8 Learning and Teaching Scotland Gardyne Road Dundee DD5 1NY CONTENTS Introduction 1 Section 1: Narrative sources 3 Section 2: Records 5 Section 3: Collections of sources in translation 8 Section 4: Reference works 9 Section 5: Textbooks 11 Section 6: More specialised works 13 Section 7: Books of essays 17 Section 8: Articles in books and journals 19 HIST O RY iii iv HI ST O RY INTRODUCTION This field of study provides an opportunity to investigate a whole range of dimensions of Scottish history during a vitally important time of upheaval and the winning of independence. The resources available are very considerable and embrace a wide range of types and levels of difficulty. The resources have been arranged in a traditional manner in lists of sources and secondary works as follows: Primary sources Section 1: Narrative sources Section 2: Records Section 3: Collections of sources in translation Secondary works Section 4: Reference works Section 5: Textbooks Section 6: More specialised works Section 7: Books of essays Section 8: Articles in books and journals These resources include materials that can readily be put into stu dents’ hands and others whose usage may require teacher guidance. Certain texts provide a clear and broad coverage that make them invaluable; others probe more deeply into particular dimensions of the course. HIST O RY 1 2 HI ST O RY NA RR A TI V E SO U RC E S SECTION 1 Barbour, John, The Bruce (ed A A M Duncan), Edinburgh: Canongate Classics, 1997 The most useful edition: original text with modern version on facing pages and valuable historical notes. Essential reading; should be in ever y class/school library. Bow er, Walter, Scotichronicon (ed D E R Watt), Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, 9 volumes, 1987 –1998, volumes 6 and 7 Latin text with translation on facing pages. Although written in the fifteenth century, it contains earlier material not sur vi ving elsewhere. This edition has useful notes. Volume 9 includes an index for the whole work. Too large a wor k for school libraries, but it contains i mportant infor mation not available elsewhere (e.g. Baldred Bisset’s draft pleading of the Scottish case before the pope); useful for dissertations. Chronicon de Lanercost, 1201 –1346 (ed J St evenson), Edinburgh: Bannatyne and Maitl and Clubs, 1839 Latin text (for translation see next item) wit h appendix of documents in Latin and French, many of whi ch relate to this period. The Chronicle of Lanercost (trans Herbert Maxw ell), Glasgow : Maclehose, 1913 (also in instalments in SH R, 1909–1913, 6– 10) A basic source, coveri ng the whole period fr om the point of view of northern England, and therefore especially useful for the Scottish campai gns in northern England and the t ype of warfare used. Long out of print, but i mpor tant for dissertations. Fordun, John of , Chronica Gentis Scottorum (ed and trans W F Skene), Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas (Historians of Scotland Series), 2 volumes 1871 –2 ( Volum e 2, the tran slation f rom Latin, reprinted in t w o paperback volumes, Lampeter: Llanerch Publishers) Essential for the period, and now available again in translation; written after the event s of the war of independence and hostile to King John and the Comyns; it should be in t he class/school library. Gray, Sir Thomas, Scalacronica (ed J Stevenson), Edinburgh: Maitland Club, 1836 French text. For translation see next item. HIST O RY 3 NA RR A TI V E S O U RC E S The Scalacronica of Sir Thom as Gray (trans Herbert Maxw ell), Glasgow : Maclehose, 1907 (also in ins talments in SHR, 1906 –1908, 3–5) Like Lanercost, written from an English poi nt of view; the comments on Lanercost above generall y apply. Guisborough, The Chronicle of Walter of , ( ed H Rothw ell), London: The Royal Historical Society, Third Camden Series, 8 9, 1957 Latin text. Extracts translated by A A M Duncan in Scottish Independence (1100 –1328): An Archive Teaching Unit (see p 9). Written in Guisborough Prior y, Yor kshire, which had connections with the Bruce famil y. If the school has a copy of Duncan’s Archive Teaching Unit it would prove ver y usef ul; it has not been totally superseded by the more recent collection for schools, Sources f or the Study of the Scottish Wars of Independence (see p 8). Langtoft, The Chroni cle of Pierre de , translation of s ection covering 1297–1307 in Rothw ell, H (ed), English Historical Docum ents , 3, London: Eyre & Spottisw oode, 1975 The original a poem in French, written at Bri dlington Prior y by a canon who may have had connections with Bishop Antony Bek. Another English source, most easil y consulted in this translated version. The Siege of Caerlaverock (ed and trans N Harris Nicolas), London: J B Nichols & Son, 1828 Poem in French with English translation. The author’s main interest was heraldic, but the poem also illu strates the siege warfare of the period. Long out of print, but useful for dissertations; an abridged version of the translation appears in Sources for the Study of the Scottish Wars of Independence (see p 8). Vita Edwardi Secundi [Lif e of Edw ard II] (ed and trans N Denholm–Young), London and Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson & Sons (Nelson’s Medieval Texts), 1957 Latin text with translation on facing pages. Useful for dissertations, especially on Bannockburn. 4 HI ST O RY RE CO RD S SECTION 2 Many of the documents in the following titles are beyond the reach of students. It is hoped that teachers may be able to help candidates with a document or documents of importance to their dissertations. The Acts of the Parliam ents of Scotland (eds T Thomson and C Innes), Volume i, 1124 –1423, Edinburgh: HMSO, 1844 Texts in Latin and French; not si mpl y acts of parliament, but a miscellaneous collection of documents, printed with special t ype to try to reproduce the contractions of words in the original documents. Language and contract ions mak e this inaccessible to students. Bain, J (ed), Calendar of Docum ents Relating to Scotland , Edinburgh: HMSO, 4 volumes, 1881 –89; volume v (eds Grant G Simpson and J D Gal braith), Edinburgh: HMSO, 1986, vol 2, 1272 – 1307; vol 3, 1307 –1357; vol 4, 1357 –1509 w ith Addenda 1221 –1435; v (Supplementary), 1108 –1516 Summaries in English of documents in the English records. Of the greatest i mportance for dissertations; the first four volumes have long been out of print. The Exchequer Rolls Of Scotland (eds J St uart and G Burnett), volume 1, 1264 –1359, Edinburgh: HMSO, 1878 Latin texts, but onl y the accounts for 1288 –90 and 1326–9 sur vi ve from this period. There is a useful preface by the editors. Language makes the documents themsel ves i naccessible to student s. National Manuscripts of Scotland in Facsimile, 1029 –1649 (ed C Innes), Southampton: Ordnance Survey, 1867 –71, vol 1, 1097 –1296; vol 2, 1296–1488 Documents in Latin and French; includes transcripts and translations. A relati vely small number of relevant documents for dissertations. Neville, C J (ed), ‘ A Plea Roll of Edw ard I’s Army in Scotland, 1296’ in Scottish History Society Miscellany XI , Edinburgh: Scottish History Soci ety, 1990 Latin text with introduction by the editor. For dissertations; the introduction is likel y t o prove the more usef ul part. HIST O RY 5 RE CO RD S Palgrave, Francis (ed), Docum ents and Records Illustrating the History of Scotland, 1237 –1307, vol 1 (no others published), London: Record Com mission, 1837 Documents in Latin and French printed with spec ial type to tr y to reproduce the contract ions of the words in the original documents. Language and contract ions make this inaccessible to students. Regesta Regum Scotorum , vol 5, The Acts of Robert I, 1306 –1329 (ed A A M Duncan), Edinburgh: Edinburgh Uni versity Press, 1988 Documents mainl y in Latin (a few in French) issued in the name of Robert I, with brief summaries in English at the beginning of each document. A long intr oduction by the editor; some of it ( but by no means all) ver y technical. Cost seems likel y to put this beyond general use, but perhaps a single copy for consul tation should be available in the class/school library. Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum (ed J M Thomson), vol 1, 1306–1424, Edinburgh: HMSO, 1912 ( Reprint by Scottish Record Society in conjunction w ith Clark Const able, 1984) Documents issued under the Great Seal; text s in Latin. Language makes this inaccessibl e to students. Rotuli Scotiae, 1291 –1516 (ed D Macpherson et al), vol 1, 1291 – 1377, London: Record Commission, 1814 English government documents relating to Scotland; texts in Latin and French, printed wi th special type to tr y t o reproduce the contractions of words in the original documents. Language and contractions make this inaccessible to students. Rymer, T (ed), Foedera, Conventiones et Li tterae , London: Record Commission, 1816 –69 (vol. 1.2, 1272 –1307; vol. 2.1, 1307 –27; vol.2.2, 1327–43) Texts in Latin and French. Language makes this i naccessible to student s. Scotland in 1298 (ed H Gough), Paisley and Lond on: Alexander Gardner, 1888 Documents in Latin and French dealing with the Fal kirk campai gn. Language makes this i naccessible to student s. Stevenson, J (ed), Docum ents Illustrative of the History of Scotland, 1286–1306, 2 vols, London: HMSO, 1870 Texts in Latin and French. Of the greatest i mportance, but language makes this inaccessible to students. 6 HI ST O RY RE CO RD S Stevenson, J (ed), Docum ents Illustrative of Sir William Wallace, his life and tim es , Glasgow: Maitland Club, 1841 Texts in Latin and French. Language mak es this inaccessible to students. Stones, E L G (ed), Anglo–Scottish Relations 1178 –1328, London and Edinburgh: Nelson, 1965 (Nelson’s Medieval Texts) ( Reissued Oxf ord: Clarendon P ress, 1970 [Oxf ord Medieval Texts]) Documents in Latin and French with tran slations on facing pages; introduction by the editor. Important, especiall y as many of the texts relate to the war of independence, and not merel y for dissertations; there should be a copy in the class/school library. Stones, E L G and Si mpson, Grant G ( eds) , Edward I and t he Throne of Scotland , 2 vols, O xf ord: Oxf ord University Press, 1978 Documents, not all official, in Latin and French relating to the Great Cause of 1290 –92 in vol 2; vol 1 cont ains the introduction by the editors, some of it, but by n o means all, r ather technical. Volume 1 is the most detailed study of the Great Cause, and essential for dissertations that invol ve that subj ect. HIST O RY 7 CO L LE C T IO N O F SO UR CE S I N TR AN S LA T IO N SECTION 3 Almost all of these should be available in the class/school library. Dickinson, W C; Donaldson , G and Milne, I A (eds), A Source Book of Scottish History , vol 1, From earliest times to 1424, 2nd edn, Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1958 Donaldson, G (ed) , Scottish Historical Docum ents , Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1970 ( Reprint w ith correc tions, Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 1974) Rothw ell, H (ed), English Historical Documents , vol 3, 1189 –1327, London: Eyre & Spottisw oode, 1975 Contains translations of the Declaration of Arbroath, and of selections from the chronicles of Langtoft and L anercost. As the title indicates, this is the least useful of the titles in this section. Scottish Independence (1100 –1328), An Archive Teaching Unit (ed A A M Duncan), Scottish Centre f or Social Subjects, n.d. ( c. 1975/ 6) Particularly valuable f or the t ranslation of extracts from the chronicle of Walter of Guisborough. Now unavailable, but copies must sur vi ve in some schools. Sources for t he Study of the Scottish Wars of Independence 1249 – 1329 (eds E Carmichael, E Hamilton and N Shead), Dundee: Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum, 1998 A copy of this was sent to ever y secondar y school in Scotland in March 1998, but there is a case for recommending that each student should have a copy to serve as a basic source book for this field of study. 8 HI ST O RY RE F ER E NC E WO RK S SECTION 4 Books in this section are likely to be most useful for checking facts for dissertations. Cheney, C R (ed), Handbook of Dates for Students of English History, London: Royal Historical Society, 1955 [New edition: Jones, M (ed), Handbook of Date s for St udents of British History , Cambridge Universit y Press f or the Royal Historical Society, 2000] Gi ves calendars for every year, saints’ days, the Roman calendar, and the dates of each pontificate, among other things. Useful wor k of reference for the class/school library. Cokayne, G C; Gi bbs, V, et al (eds), The Com plete Peerage , 13 vols, London: St Catherine’s Press, 1910 –59 Arranged alphabeticall y. Dow den, J, The Bishops of Scotland , Glasgow : Maclehose, 1912 Dunbar, A H, Scottish Kings, 1005 –1625, 2nd edn, Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1906 Fryde, E B; Greenw ay, D E; Porter, S and Roy, I (eds), Handbook of British Chronology , 3rd edn, London: Royal Historical Society, 1986 Gi ves lists of bishops, earls and royal offici als; the Scottish entries are not always up to date. Useful wor k of reference for the class/school library. McNeill, P G B and MacQueen, H L (eds) , Atlas of Scottish History to 1707, Edinburgh: The Scottish Medievalists and the Departm ent of Geography, University of Edinburgh, 1996 Essential for the class/school library. Moor, C, The Knights of Edward I , London: Harleian Society, 5 vols, 1929 –32 Biographies in alphabetical order. Paul, J B (ed), The Scots Peerage , 9 vols, Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1904 –14 Arranged alphabeticall y. HIST O RY 9 RE F ER E NC E WO RK S Watt, D E R, A Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Graduates to A.D. 1410 , O xf ord: Clarendon Press, 1977 Useful for the careers of i mportant clerics, i ncluding those who di d not become bishops, e.g. Baldred Bisset. Watt, D E R (ed), Fasti Ecclesiae Scot icanae Medii Aevii ad annum 1638, second draf t, St Andrew s: Fasti Committee, Department of Mediaeval History, St Salvator’s College, 1969 (Also Edinburgh: Scottish Record Society, new series,1, 1969) Lists bishops and cathedral dignitaries; more up to date on the dating of bishops than Dowden (above), but Dowden is still necessary for biographical detail. 10 HI ST O RY T EX TB O O K S SECTION 5 Barrow , G W S , Kingship and Unity: Scotland 1000 –1306, London: Edw ard Arnold, 1981 (Reprinted Edi nburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1989) This is a basic text which should be made available to students, along with Grant, listed below. Davies, R R, Dom ination and Conquest: The Experience of Ireland, Scotland and Wales 1100 –1300, Cambridge: Cambridge Universi ty Press, 1990 Rather general for this subj ect, but has interesting ideas and fits Scotland into the ‘ British’ context, as the titl e shows; class/school library. Dickinson, W C, Scotland from the Earliest Tim es to 1603 , 3rd edn revised and edited by A A M Duncan, O xf ord: The Clarendon Press, 1977 Chapters 13, 14 and 15. A good introduction to the subj ect; class/school library. Frame, R, The Political Developm ent of the British Isles 1100 –1400, Oxf ord: Oxf ord University Press, 1990 Less general than Davies, listed above, but also i mportant for ideas and for putting Scotland into a ‘British’ context; class/school library. Grant, A, Independence and Nationhood: Scotland 1306 –1469 , London: Edw ard Arnold, 1984 (Repri nted Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1991) This is a basic text which s hould be made available to candidates along with Barrow, listed above. Lynch, M, Scotland: A New History , revised edn, London: Pimlico, 1992 Chapter 8 , The Wars of Scotland, provides a good starting point for this subj ect. Nicholson, R G, Scotl and: The Later Middl e Ages , Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1974 (The Edinburgh Hist ory of Scotland) (Reprinted Edinburgh: Mercat Press, 1989) Although no longer new, this is the most det ailed textbook treatment of Scottish i ndependence, and should be made available to students. HIST O RY 11 T EX TB O O K S Pow icke, F M, The Thirteenth Cent ury, 1216 –1307, 2nd edn, Oxf ord: The Clarendon Press, 1962 (The Oxf ord History of England) No longer new, but Powicke was perhaps the first English historian to understand that Edward I’s dealings with Scotland co uld not be written without study of the Scottish evidence; class/school library. Prestw ich, M, The Three Edwards: War and State in England 1272 – 1377, London: Weidenf eld & Nicolson, 1980 Rather general, but wr itten by an authorit y on this period; class/school library. 12 HI ST O RY M O RE S P EC IA L I S ED WO R K S SECTION 6 In addition to the specific titles listed below, there are the volumes published by the Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland, the series Exploring Scotland’s Heritage (HMSO), and the series of books published by Historic Scotland in conjunction with B T Batsford, only three of which are listed below. These are particularly valuable for local studies. Barron, E M, The Scottish War of Independence , 2nd edn, Inverness: Robert Carruthers & Sons, 1934 Cannot be ignored, but has to be checked against more recent wor ks. Most likel y to be usef ul for dissertations. Barrow , G W S, Robert Bruce and the Com m unity of the Realm of Scotland, 3rd edn, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1988 Essential for the stud y of this period. Should be made available to students. Barrow , G W S, Robert the Bruce and t he Scottish Identity , Edinburgh: The Saltire Society, 1984 (pam phlet) Boase, T S R, Boniface VIII , London: Constable & Co., 1933 The only book in Engl ish on thi s pope; perhaps mi ght be used for dissertations. Brow n, M, The Black Douglases , East Linton: Tuckw ell Press, 1998 The first chapter includes a section on Sir James Douglas; class/school library. Brow n, R A; Colvin, H M and Taylor A J, The History of the Ki ng’s Works, vol 1, The Middle Ages , London: H MSO, 1963 Chapter 7 deals with t he English king’s buil ding wor ks in Scotland. Useful for dissertations, not onl y on building, but also on warfare, because it deals with f ortifications. Christison, P, Bannockburn: the Story of t he Battle , Edinburgh: National Trust f or Scotland, rev edn,1962 See the warnings gi ven by E L G Stones in his review of the original edition, SHR, 1962, 41, pp 77 –9, but may be useful in discussing conflicting views on Bannockburn in a dissertation. HIST O RY 13 M O RE S P EC IA L I S ED WO R K S Cosgrove, A (ed), A New History of Ireland: Medieval Ireland 1169–1534, O xf ord: Clarendon Press, 1987 Useful for the Bruce i nvasion of Ireland. Cruden, S, The Scotti sh Castle , 3rd edn, Edinburgh: Spurbooks, 1981 Duncan, A A M, The Nation of the Scots and the Declaration of Arbroath, London: The Historical Association, 1970 (pamphlet) Faw cett, R, Stirling Castle , London: B T Batsf ord Ltd/Historic Scotland, 1995 Fergusson, J, The Declaration of Arbroath , Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1970 May be useful in discussing conflicting views on the Declaration in a dissertation. Fisher, A, William Wallace , Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers, 1986 The standard book on Wallace; essential for class/school library. Fraser, C, A History of Antony Bek , O xf ord: The Clarendon Press, 1957 For dissertations. Fryde, N, The Tyranny and Fall of Edward II 1321 –1326, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979 For dissertations. Goldstein, R J, The Matter of Scotland: H istorical Narrative in Medieval Scotland, Li ncoln (Nebraska) and London: Nebraska University Press, 1993 Important on the writing of histor y and on propaganda. Most likel y to be usef ul for dissertations. Gransden, A, Histori cal Writing in England c.550 to c.1307 , London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1974 Discusses the English chronicles for the rei gn of Edward I. Gransden, A, Historical Writing in England II: c.1307 to the Early Sixteenth Century, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982 Discusses the English chronicles for the rei gns of Edw ard II and Edward III. McDonald, R A, The Kingdom of the Isles: Scotland’s Western Seaboard c.1100 –c.1336, East Linton: Tuckw ell Press, 1996 Essential for class/school library. 14 HI ST O RY M O RE S P EC IA L I S ED W O R K S MacGibbon, D and Ross, T, The Castellated and Dom estic Architecture of Scotla nd, 5 vols, Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1887 – 1892, vol 1 MacIvor, I, Edinburgh Castle , London: B T Batsf ord Ltd/Historic Scotland, 1993 Deals onl y ver y briefly with this period, but useful on the site and excavation. McNamee, C, The Wars of the Bruces 1306 –1329, East Linton: Tuckw ell Press, 1997 Essential for class/school library. Maddicott, J R, Thom as of Lancaster 1307 –1322, Oxf ord: O xf ord University Press, 1970 For dissertations. Menache, S, Clem ent V, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988 Pages 269–75 deal wit h papal policy towards Scotland, 1305 –14. For dissertations. Miller, T, The Site of the Battle of Bannockburn , London: The Historical Association, 1931 (pamphlet) See comment on Christison (p 1 3). Morris, J E, Bannockburn, Cambridge: Cambr idge University Press, 1914 Useful not onl y on the battle, but on the English ar my. Nicholson, R, Edward III and t he Scots , Oxf ord: Oxf ord University Press, 1965 The first four chapters deal with this period. Useful for dissertations. Phillips, J R S, Aym er de Valence, Earl of Pem broke 1307 –1324 , Oxf ord: The Clarendon Press, 1972 For dissertations. Prestw ich, M C, War, Politics and Finance under Edward I, London: Faber & Faber, 1972 Useful for dissertations. Prestw ich, M C, Edward I, London: Methuen 198 8 (New edn, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1997) The best biography of Edward I. Obviousl y not centred on Edward’s dealings wit h Scotland, but should be in the class/school library. HIST O RY 15 M O RE S P EC IA L I S ED WO R K S Prestw ich, M C, Arm ies and Warfare in the Middle Ages: The English Experience , New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1996 Arranged thematically, it provides a good coverage of all aspects of warfare with illustrations; the index provi des numerous references to Scotland in the rei gns of Edward I and Edward II. Useful for dissertations. Summerson, H, Medi eval Carlisle , vol 1, K endal: The Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, extra series, 25, 1993 Contains substantial i nfor mation on the Anglo –Scottish war. Useful for dissertati ons. Tabraham, C, Scotland’s Castles , London: B T Batsf ord Ltd/ Historic Scotland, 1997 Watson, F J, Under the Hamm er: Edward I and Scotland, 1286 – 1306, East Li nton: Tuckw ell Press, 1988 An essential book; should be made available to students. Webster, B, Scotland from the Eleventh Century to 1603 , London: The Sources of History Limited, 1975 The only book to offer a comprehensi ve discussion of Scottish source material. Young, A, Robert the Bruce’s Rivals: The Com yns, 1212 –1314, East Linton: Tuckw e ll Press, 1997 Essential for school/class library. 16 HI ST O RY B O O K S O F ES S AY S SECTION 7 Publication of new work in a collection of essays rather than in a j ournal has become much more common in r ecent years. Apart from those volumes which contain the collected essays of an indi vidual scholar, the titles that follow rarely contain more than one relevant item. In the case of the for mer, it is often better to consult the vol ume of collected essays rat her than the ori ginal article, since someti mes the opportunit y has been taken t o revise it. In Section 8 these books will not be cited in ful l. Barrow , G W S, The Kingdom of the Scots , London: Edw ard Arnold, 1970 Barrow , G W S, Scotl and and its Neighbours in the Middle Ages , London and Rio Grande: The Hambledon Press, 1992 Barrow , G W S (ed), The Scottish Tradition , Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1974 Bjorn, C; Grant, A and Stringer, K J (eds), Nation, Nationalism and Patriotism in the European Past , Copenhagen: Academic Press – Copenhagen, 1994 Brotherstone, T and Ditchbur n, D (eds), Freedom and Authority , East Linton: Tuckw ell Press, 2000 Broun, D; Finlay, R J and Lynch, M (eds) , Im age and Identity: the Making and Rem aking of Scotland , Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers, 1998 Bullough, D A and St orey, R L (eds), The Study of Medieval Records, O xf ord: O xford University Press, 1971 Cooper, T ( Lord Cooper of Culross), Supra Crepidam , London and Edinburgh: Nelson & Son, 1951 Cooper, T ( Lord Cooper of Culross), Selected Papers , Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1957 Reprints Supra Crepidam, listed above. Coss, P R and Lloyd, S D (eds), Thirteenth Century England V, Woodbridge: Boydell & Brew er, 1995 Davies, R R (ed), The British Isles 1100 –1500, Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers, 1988 HIST O RY 17 B O O K S O F ES S AY S Davis, R H C and Wallace -Hadrill, J M (eds), The Writing of History in the Middle Ages, O xf ord: Oxf ord University Press, 1985 Grant, A and Stringer, K (eds), Medieval Scotland: Crown, Lordship and Comm unity , Edinburgh: Edi nburgh University Press, 1993 Hayes-McCoy, G A (ed), Historical Studies IV, London: Bow es & Bow es, 1963 Jones, M and Vale, M (eds), England and her Neighbours 1066 – 1453, London and Ri o Grande: Hambledon Press, 1989 Lydon, J F (ed), England and Ireland in the Later Middle Ages , Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1981 MacNiocoill, G and Wallace, P F (eds), Keim elia, Galw ay: Galw ay University Press, 1988 Mason, R (ed), Scotland and England 1286 –1815, Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers, 1987 Prestw ich, M C; Britnell, R and Frame, R (eds), Thirteenth Cent ury England VI, Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 1997 Simpson, Grant G (ed), The Scottish Soldier Abroad 1247 –1967 , Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers, 1992 Simpson, Grant G (ed), Scotland and the Low Countries 1124 –1994, East Linton: Tuckw ell Press, 1996 Stringer, K J (ed), Essays on the No bility of Medieval Scotland , Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers, 1985 Walker, S S (ed), Wife and Widow in Medieval England , Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1993 18 HI ST O RY AR T IC L E S IN B O O K S AN D J O UR NA L S SECTION 8 It is assumed that these would be useful only for dissertations, unless otherwise stated; the titles usually indicate the contents of the article. Abbreviations: AA BIHR CWAAS – – – EHR IHS IR IS NH SHR TDGAS – – – – – – – TRHistS – Archaeologia Aeliana Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society English Historical Review Irish Historical Studies Innes Review The Irish Sword Northern History Scottish Historical Review Transactions of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society Transactions of the Royal Historical Society Ash, M, ‘William Lamberton, Bishop of St Andrew s, 1297 –1328’, in Barrow , The Scottish Tradition , pp 44–55 Barnes, P M and Barrow , G W S, ‘ The Movements of Robert Bruce betw een September 1307 and May 1308’, SHR, 1970, 49, pp 46 –59 Barrow , G W S, ‘The Scottish Clergy in the War of Independence’, SHR, 1962, 41, pp 1 –22 (Also in The Kingdom of the Scots , pp 233– 54) Barrow , G W S, ‘The Highlands in t he Lif etime of Robert the Bruce’, The Stewarts , 1962, 12, pp 26 –70 ( Also in The Kingdom of the Scots, pp 362–83) Barrow , G W S, ‘Lot hian in the First War of Independence, 1296 – 1328’, SHR, 1976, 55, pp 151 –71 ( Also in Scotland and its Neighbours in the Middle Ages , pp 155–76) Barrow , G W S, ‘The Af termath of War: Scotland and England in the late thirteenth and early f ourteenth centuries’, TRHistS, 5t h series, 1978, 28, pp 103 –25 ( Also in Scotland and its Neighbours in the Middle Ages , pp 177–200) HIST O RY 19 AR T IC L E S IN B O O K S AN D J O UR NA L S Barrow , G W S, ‘The Idea of Freedom in Late Medieval Scotland’, IR, 1979, 30, pp 16 –34 Deals lar gel y with this period. Barrow , G W S, ‘A Kingdom in Crisis: Scotland and the Maid of Norw ay’, SHR, 1990, 69, pp 120 –41 Barrow , G W S, ‘The Battle betw een John MacDougall of Lorn and Robert Bruce in 1308 or 1309’, West Highland Notes and Queries , series 2, 1999, no.19, pp 3 –11 Barrow , G W S and Royan, A, ‘James f ifth Stew art of Scotland’ in Stringer, Essays on t he Nobility of Medieval Scotland , pp 166–94 Blair, C H, ‘Northern Knights at Falkirk , 1298’, AA, 4th series, 1947, 25, pp 68 –114 Brotherstone, T and Ditchburn, D, ‘1320 and A’ That: the Declaration of Arbroath and the Remaking of Scottish History’, in Brotherstone and Dit chburn, Freedom and Authority , pp 10–31 The most useful part i s the section on pages 19 –27. Christison, P, ‘Bannockburn, 23 and 24 June 1314: a study in military history’, Proceedings of the Societ y of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1956–7, 90, pp 170 –9 See the comments on t he same author’s pamphlet on Bannockburn (p 15). Cooper, T, ‘The Decl aration of Arbroath Revisited’ in Supra Crepidam , pp 48–72, and Selected Papers , pp 324 –42 Cow an, E J, ‘Identity, Freedom and t he Declaration of Arbroath’, in Broun, Finlay and Lynch, Im age and Identity: the Making and Rem aking of Scotlan d, pp 38–68 Crawf ord, B E, ‘Nort h Sea Kingdoms, North Sea Bureaucrat: a Royal Off icial w ho Transcended National Boundaries’, SHR, 1990, 69, pp 175–84 Master Weland of Sti klaw and Scoto –Norwegian diplomacy. Dilley, J W, ‘German Merchants in Scotland, 1297 –1327’, SHR, 1948, 27, pp 142 –55 Dilley, J W, ‘Scottish –German Diplomacy, 1297 –1327’, SHR 1957, 36, pp 80–7 20 HI ST O RY AR T IC L E S IN B O O K S AN D J O UR NA L S Donaldson, G, ‘ The P ope’s Reply to the Scottish Barons in 1320’, SHR, 1950, 29, pp 119 –20 Duf f y, S, ‘The Bruce Brothers and the Irish Sea World 1 306–29’, Cam bridge Medieval Celtic Studies, 1991, 16, pp 55 –86 Duncan, A A M, ‘The Early Parliaments of Scotland’, SHR, 1966, 45, pp 36–58 Duncan, A A M, ‘The Community of the Realm and Robert Bruce’, SHR, 1966, 45, pp 184 –201 An article reviewing t he fi rst edition of Barr ow’s book on Bruce. Duncan, A A M, ‘The Making of the Declaration of Arbroath’, in Bullough and Storey, The St udy of Medieval Records, pp 174–88 Duncan, A A M and Dunbar, J G, ‘Tarbert Castle: A contributi on to the history of Argyll’, SHR, 1971, 50, pp 1 –17 Duncan, A A M, ‘The Scots Invasion of Ireland, 1315’ in Davies, The British Isles 1100 –1500, pp 100–17 More wide -ranging than the title suggests. Duncan, A A M, ‘The Process of Norham, 1291’ in Coss and Lloyd, Thirteenth Century En gland V, pp 207–30 Throws doubt on the accuracy of the official account of the proceedings of the Great Cause recorded on t he Great Roll of John of Caen ( printed by Stones and Si mpson [see p 7]). Professor Duncan has subsequently modified his views, not o n the question of inaccuracy, but on specific individual dates. Duncan, A A M, ‘The War of the Scots, 1306 –1323’, TRHistS, 6th series, 1992, 2, pp 125 –51 Probabl y central to the subj ect rather than simpl y useful for dissertations. Duncan, A A M, ‘The Bru ces of Annandale 1100 –1304, TDGAS, 3rd series, 1994, 69, pp 89 –102 Duncan, A A M, ‘The battles of Ben Cruachan, 1308’, West Highland Notes and Queries, series 2, 1999, no.20, pp 3 –30 Revises views expressed in the notes to Prof essor Duncan’s edition of Barbour (see p 3) on the battle traditionally placed in the Pass of Brander. Easson, D E, ‘ The Scottish Abbeys and the War of Independence: a Footnote’, Records of the Scottish Church History Society, 1951 –3, 11, pp 63–81 More substantial than the word ‘foo tnote’ suggests. HIST O RY 21 AR T IC L E S IN B O O K S AN D J O UR NA L S Frame, R, ‘The Bruces in Ireland, 1315 –1318’, IHS, 1974, 19, pp 3 – 37 Frame, R, ‘The Campaign against t he Scot s in Munster’ IHS, 1985, 24, pp 361–72 Freeman, A Z, ‘Wall –breakers and river –bridgers: military engineers in t he Scott ish w ars of Edw ard I’, Journal of British Studies, 1971, 10, pp 1 –16 Goldstein, R J, ‘The Scottish Mission to B onif ace VIII in 1301’, SHR, 1991, 70, pp 1 –15 Grant, A, ‘Aspects of National Consciousness in Medieval Scotland’ in Bjorn, Grant and Stringer, Nation, Nationalism and Patriotism in the European Past , pp 68–95 Ranges widel y, but contains much on this period. Greeves, J R H, ‘Robert I and t he de Mandevilles of Ulster’, TDGAS, 3rd series, 1955 –6, 34, pp 59 –73 Griff iths, R A, ‘Edw ard I, Scotland, and the c hronicles of English religious houses’, Journal of the Society of Archivists , 1979, 6, pp 191–9 Hand, J G, ‘The Opi nion of the Paris Law yers upon the Scottish Succession’, The Irish Jurist , 1970, 5, pp 141 –155 Helle, K, ‘Norw egian Foreign Policy and the Maid of Norw ay’, SHR, 1990, 69, pp 142 –56 Hill, R, ‘An English Archbishop and the Scottish War of Independence’, I R, 1971, 22, pp 59 –71 Archbishop William Melton of Yor k (1317 –40). Johnson, C, ‘A Preliminary Draf t of the Truce of Bishopsthorpe, 1323’, EHR, 1920, 35, pp 231 –3 Text in French. Keeney, B C, ‘ The Medieval Idea of the State: the Great Cause 1291–2’, University of Toronto Journal , 1949, 8, pp 48 –71 Kershaw , I, ‘A note on the Scots in the West Riding, 1318 –19’, NH, 1981, 17, pp 231 –9 Includes a useful map. 22 HI ST O RY AR T IC L E S IN B O O K S AN D J O UR NA L S Kossman-Putto, J A, ‘Florence V Count of Holland, Claimant to the Scottish Throne in 1291 –2: his personal and political background’, in Simpson, Scotland and the Low Countries 1124 – 1994, pp 15 –27 Legge, M D, ‘La Piere D’Escoce’ , SHR, 1959, 38, pp 109–13 A song in French (wit h translation) on the st one of Scone, composed soon after Edward I’s death. Linehan, P, ‘A Fourt eenth Century History of Anglo –Scottish Relations in a Spanish Manuscript’, BIHR, 1975, 48, pp 106 –22 This manuscript preser ves the Scottish case put forward during the Anglo–Scottish negoti ations at Bambur gh in 1321. Longley, K M, ‘The Scottish Invasion of 1327: a Glimpse of the Af termath’, CWAAS , 2nd series, 1983, 83, pp 63 –72 Lydon, J F, ‘ An Irish Army in Scotland, 1296’, IS, 1961 –2, 5, pp 184–9 Lydon, J F, ‘Irish Levies in the Scottish Wars, 1296 –1302’, IS, 1961–2, 5, pp 207 –17 Lydon, J F, ‘ The Bruce Invasion of Ireland’, in Hayes –McCoy, Historical Studies IV, pp 111–25 Lydon, J F, ‘ Edw ard I, Ireland and Scotland 1303 –04’, i n Lydon, England and Ireland i n the later Middle Ages, pp 43–9 Lydon, J F, ‘ The Dublin Purveyors and the Wars in Scotland 1296 – 1324’ in MacNiocoill and Wallace, Keim elia, pp 435–48 Lydon, J F, ‘ The Scot tish Soldier in Medieval Ireland: the Bruce invasion and the galloglass’, in Simpson, The Scottish Soldier Abroad, pp 1–15 MacIomhair, D, ‘Bruce’s Invasion and t he First Campaign in County Louth’, IS, 1971–2, 10, pp 188 –212 McMichael, T, ‘ The Feudal Family of de Soules’, TDGAS, 3rd series,1949, 26, pp 163–93 McNamee, C, ‘William Wallace’s Invasion of Northern England, 1297’, NH, 1990, 26, pp 40 –58 McNamee, C, ‘Buying off Robert Bruce; An Account of Monies Paid to the Scots by Cumberland Communities in 1313 –14’, CWAAS, new series, 1992, 92, pp 77 –89 HIST O RY 23 AR T IC L E S IN B O O K S AN D J O UR NA L S Marshall, D W Hunter, ‘On a supposed Provincial Council of the Scottish Church at Dundee in February 1310’, SHR, 1926, 33, pp 280–93 Marshall, D W Hunter, ‘Tw o early English occupations in Scotland – their administrative organisation’, SHR, 1928, 25, pp 20–40 Menache, S, ‘The f ailure of John XXII’s policy tow ards France and England: reasons and outcomes 1316 –1334’ , Church History , 1986, 55, pp 423–37 Despite the title, much on Scotland. Neilson, G, ‘ Annals of the Solw ay to 1307’, Transactions of the Glasgow Archaeological Society, 1899, 3, pp.245 –308 (Also published as a separate pamphlet) Neilson, G, ‘Bruce versus Balliol, 1291 –2: the model f or Edw ard I’s tribunal’, SHR, 1919, 6, pp 1 –4 Neville, C J, ‘The Political Allegiance of the Earls of Strath earn during the War of Independence’, SH R, 1986, 65, pp 133 –53 Neville, C J, ‘Widow s of War: Edw ard I and the Women of Scotland during t he War of Independence’, in Walker, Wife and Widow in Medieval England , pp 109–39 Nicholson, R, ‘The Franco –Scottish and Franco–Norw egian Treaties of 1295’, SH R, 1959, 38, pp 114 –32 Nicholson, R, ‘The Last Campaign of Robert Bruce’, EHR, 1962, 77, pp 233–46 Nicholson, R, ‘A Sequel to Edw ard Bruce’ s Invasion of Ireland’, SHR, 1963, 42, pp 30 –40 Oram, R, ‘Bruce, Bal liol and the lordship of Gallow ay: the sout h – w est and the w ars of independence’, TDGAS, 3rd series, 1992, 67, pp 29–47 Penman, M, ‘ A fell conjuracion agayn Robert the douchty king : t he Soules conspiracy of 1318 –1320’, IR, 1999, 50, pp 25 –57 Important as the o nl y detailed investi gation of the Soules conspiracy, and therefore useful for more than si mpl y dissertations. Phillips, J R S, ‘Documents on the Early Stages of the Bruce Invasion of Ireland 1315 –1316’, Proceedi ngs of the Royal Irish Academ y, 1979, 79, pp 247–70 24 HI ST O RY AR T IC L E S IN B O O K S AN D J O UR NA L S Prestw ich, M C, ‘The English Campaign in Scotland i n 1296, and the surrender of John Balliol: some supporting evidence’, BIH R, 1976, 49, pp 135 –8 Prestw ich, M C, ‘Col onial Scotland: the English in Scotland under Edw ard I’, in Mason, Scotland and England 1286–1815, pp 6–17 Prestw ich, M C, ‘England and Scotland during the Wars of Independence’ in Jones and Vale, England and her Neighbours 1066–1453, pp 181 –97 Prestw ich, M C, ‘Edw ard I and the Maid of Norw ay’, SHR, 1990, 69, pp 157–74 Reid, R C, ‘ Edw ard I’s Pele at Lochmaben’, TDGAS, 3rd series, 1952–3, 31, pp 58 –73 Reid, N H, ‘Margaret “Maid” of Norw ay and Scottish Queenshi p’, Reading Medieval Studies, 1982, 8, pp 75 –92 Reid, N H, ‘The Kingless Kingdom: the Scottish Guardianships of 1286–1306’, SHR, 1982, 61, pp 105 –29 Reid, N H, ‘ Crow n and Community under Robert I’, in Grant and Stringer, Medieval Scotland: Crown , Lordship and Comm unity pp 203–22 Reid, W Stanf ord, ‘The Papacy and the Scottish Wars of Independence’, Catholic History Review, 1945, 31, pp 282–301 Reid, W Stanf ord, ‘Trade, Traders and Scottish Independence’, Speculum , 1954, 29, pp 210–22 Reid, W Stanf ord, ‘The Scots and the Staple Ordinance of 1313’ , Speculum , 1959, 34, pp 598–610 Reid, W Stanf ord, ‘Sea -pow er in the Angl o –Scottish w ar, 1296 – 1328’, Mariners Mirror , 1960, 46, pp 7 –23 Richardson, H G and Sayles, G O, ‘ The Scottish Parliaments of Edw ard I’, SHR, 1928, 25, pp 300 –17 Sayles, G O, ‘The Guardians of Scotland and a parliament at Rutherglen in 1300’, SHR, 1927, 24, pp 24 5–50 Sayles, G O, ‘The Siege of Carrickf ergus Castle 1315 –16’, IHS, 1956–57, 10, pp 94 –9 HIST O RY 25 AR T IC L E S IN B O O K S AN D J O UR NA L S Scammell, J, ‘Robert I and t he North of England’, EHR, 1958, 73, pp 385 –403 Simpson, Grant G, ‘The Claim of Florence, Count of Holland, to the Scottish Throne, 129 1–2’, SHR, 1957, 36, pp 111 –24 Simpson, Grant G, ‘Why w as John Balliol called “Toom Tabard”’, SHR, 1968, 47, pp 196 –9 Simpson, Grant G, ‘The Declaration of Arbroath revitalised’, SHR, 1977, 56, pp 11 –33 Smallw ood, T M, ‘An unpublished early account of B ruce’s murder of Comyn’, SHR, 1975, 54, pp 1 –10 Stell, G, ‘ The Balliol Family and the Great Cause of 1291 –92’, i n Stringer, Essays on t he Nobility of Medieval Scotland , pp 150–65 Stevenson, A, ‘The Flemish Dimension of the Aul d Alliance’, in Simpson, Scotland and the Low Countries 1124 –1994, pp 28–42 Stones, E L G, ‘The English Mission to Edinburgh in 1328’, SHR, 1949, 27, pp 121 –32 Stones, E L G, ‘An Addition to the “Rot uli Scotiae”’, SH R, 1950, 29, pp 23–51 Relates to the negotiat ions for the peace tr eaty of 1328. Stones, E L G, ‘The Anglo –Scottish Negot iations of 1327’, SHR, 1951, 30, pp 49 –54 Stones, E L G, ‘Historical Revision: The Treaty of Northampton, 1328’, History, 1953, 38, pp 54 –61 Stones, E L G, ‘The Submission of Robert Bruce to Edw ard I , c.1301–1302’, SH R, 1955, 24, pp 122 –34 Stones, E L G, ‘The Appeal to History in Anglo –Scottish Relati ons betw een 1291 and 1401’, Archives, 1969, 9, pp 11 –21 and pp 80 –3 Stones, E L G, ‘English Chroniclers and the Af f airs of Scotland 1286–1296’, in Davi s and Wallace-Hadrill, The Writing of History in the Middle Ages , pp 323–48 Stones, E L G, ‘The Mission of Thomas Wale and Thomas Delisle f rom Edw ard I to Bonif ace VIII in 1301’, Nottingham Medieval Studies, 1982, 26, pp 8 –28 26 HI ST O RY AR T IC L E S IN B O O K S AN D J O UR NA L S Stones, E L G and Blount, M N, ‘ The Surrender of King John of Scotland to Edw ard I in 1296: Some New Evidence’, BIHR, 1975, 48, pp 94–106 Watson, F J, ‘Settling the Stalemate: Edward I’s Peace in Scotland 1303–1305’ in Prestwich, Britnell and Frame, Thirteenth Century England VI, pp 127–43 Watson, F J, ‘ The Enigmatic Lion: Scotland, Kingship and National Identity’ in Broun, Finlay and Lynch, Im age and Identity: the Making and Rem aking of Scotland , pp 18–37 HIST O RY 27