Narrative Writing – Student Rubric – Kindergarten Establishment of Narrative Focus and Organization Development: Language and Elaboration Score Conventions Narrative Focus Organization Elaboration of Narrative Language & Vocabulary Sticks to one event. Provides a reaction. All story events told in order. Many details provided. Above grade level vocabulary used. Strong use of conventions. Few errors. Mostly sticks to one event. Provides some reaction. Some story events told in order. Some details provided. Grade level vocabulary used. Some errors. Somewhat sticks to one event. Provides little reaction. Few story events told in order. Few details provided. Some grade level vocabulary used. Many errors. Does not stick to one event. Provides no reaction. No story events told in order. No details provided. Grade level vocabulary not used. Errors make meaning unclear. 4 3 2 1 Did not complete the task. 0 Kindergarten – Narrative Writing Standard 3: Write narratives of a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened using a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing. Narrative Writing – Student Rubric – First Grade Establishment of Narrative Focus and Organization Development: Language and Elaboration Score Conventions Narrative Focus Organization Elaboration of Narrative Language & Vocabulary Story has more than two events told in order. Provides closure. Story follows plot line. Many details help tell what happened. Many temporal words used to show event order. Strong use of conventions. Few errors. Story has at least two events told in order. Provides some closure. Story mostly follows plot line. Some details help tell what happened. Some temporal words used to show event order. Some errors. Not all story events told in order. Provides little closure. Story somewhat follows plot line. Few details. Few temporal words used. Many errors. Story events not in order. Provides no closure. Story does not follow plot line. No details. Temporal words not used. Errors make meaning unclear. 4 3 2 1 Did not complete the task. 0 First Grade – Narrative Writing Standard 3: Write narratives in which students recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure. Narrative Writing – Student Rubric – Second Grade Establishment of Narrative Focus and Organization Development: Language and Elaboration Score Conventions Narrative Focus Organization Elaboration of Narrative Language & Vocabulary All story events are well-elaborated. Provides closure. Story follows plot line. Many details describe actions, thoughts and feelings. Many temporal words used to show event order. Strong use of conventions. Few errors. Most story events are well-elaborated. Provides some closure. Story mostly follows plot line. Some details describe actions, thoughts and feelings. Some temporal words used to show event order. Some errors. Few story events are well-elaborated. Provides little closure. Story somewhat follows plot line. Few details describe actions, thoughts and feelings. Few temporal words used. Many errors. Story events are not well-elaborated. Provides no closure. Story does not follow plot line. No details describe actions, thoughts and feelings. Temporal words not used. Errors make meaning unclear. 4 3 2 1 Did not complete the task. 0 Second Grade – Narrative Writing Standard 3: Write narratives in which students recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.