presence molecule

1. The instructions for growth and development are in
a. proteins.
b. carbohydrates
c. DNA
d. energy
e. homeostasis
2. Hereditary instructions must
a. be unchanging most of the time.
b. pass from one generation to the next.
c. control a large number of different characteristics.
d. provide for the rare change in instructions.
e. all of these
3. A scientific principle is a(n)
a. observable fact of nature.
b. synthesis of several explanations of many observations.
c. scientific statement.
d. testable hypothesis.
e. experimental procedure.
4. Of the following, which is the first explanation of a problem? It is sometimes called an "educated guess."
a. principle
b. law
c. theory
d. fact
e. hypothesis
5. Hypotheses are
a. often in the form of a statement.
b. often expressed negatively.
c. sometimes crude attempts to offer a possible explanation for observations.
d. testable predictions.
e. all of these
6. Which statement is true about observations in the scientific process?
a. They are made directly.
b. They are made indirectly.
c. Special equipment may be necessary.
d. They may be made with an instrument such as a microscope.
e. all of these
7. In a scientific experiment, conditions that could affect the outcome of the experiment, but do not because they are held constant,
are called
a. independent variables.
b. dependent variables.
c. controlled variables.
d. statistical variables.
e. data set.
8. To eliminate the influence of uncontrolled variables during experimentation, one should
a. increase the sampling error as much as possible and suspend judgment.
b. establish a control group identical to the experimental group except for the variable being tested.
c. use inductive reasoning to construct a hypothesis.
d. all of these
9. Which represents the lowest degree of certainty?
a. hypothesis
b. conclusion
c. fact
d. principle
e. theory
10. In order to arrive at a solution to a problem, a scientist usually proposes and tests
a. laws.
b. theories.
c. hypotheses.
d. principles.
e. facts.
11. Which is the smallest portion of a substance that retains the properties of an element?
a. atom
b. compound
c. ion
d. molecule
e. mixture
12. The atom that represents the greatest weight in the human body is
a. hydrogen.
b. carbon.
c. nitrogen.
d. oxygen.
e. phosphorus.
13. The negative subatomic particle is the
a. neutron.
b. proton.
c. nitrogen.
d. oxygen.
e. phosphorus.
14. The positive subatomic particle is the
a. neutron.
b. proton.
c. electron.
d. neutron and proton.
e. proton and electron.
15. The neutral subatomic particle is the
a. neutron.
b. proton.
c. electron.
d. neutron and proton.
e. none of these
16. Which components of an atom do not have a charge?
a. electrons
b. protons
c. neutrons
d. electrons and protons
e. protons and neutrons
17. The atomic number refers to the
a. mass of an atom.
b. number of protons in an atom.
c. number of both protons and neutrons in an atom.
d. number of neutrons in an atom.
e. number of electrons in an atom.
18. The atomic number is determined by the number of
a. neutrons and protons.
b. neutrons and electrons.
c. protons and electrons.
d. protons only.
e. neutrons only.
19. All atoms of an element have the same number of
a. ions.
b. protons.
c. neutrons.
d. electrons.
e. protons and neutrons.
20. The nucleus of an atom contains
a. neutrons and protons.
b. neutrons and electrons.
c. protons and electrons.
d. protons only.
e. neutrons only.
21. Which includes the other four?
a. atoms
b. molecules
c. electrons
d. elements
e. protons
22. Which is NOT an element?
a. water
b. oxygen
c. carbon
d. chlorine
e. hydrogen
23. Which is NOT a compound?
a. salt
b. a carbohydrate
c. carbon
d. a nucleotide
e. methane
24. A molecule is
a. a combination of two or more atoms.
b. less stable than its constituent atoms separated.
c. electrically charged.
d. a carrier of one or more extra neutrons.
e. none of these
25. The bond in table salt (NaCl) is
a. polar.
b. ionic.
c. covalent.
d. double.
e. nonpolar.
26. How do hydrophobic molecules react with water?
a. attracted to
b. absorbed by
c. repelled by
d. mixed with
e. polarized by
27. The shape (or tertiary form) of large molecules is often controlled by what kind of bonds?
a. hydrogen
b. ionic
c. covalent
d. inert
e. single
28. A hydrogen bond is
a. a sharing of a pair of electrons between a hydrogen and an oxygen nucleus.
b. a sharing of a pair of electrons between a hydrogen nucleus and either an oxygen or a nitrogen nucleus.
c. an attractive force that involves a hydrogen atom and an oxygen or a nitrogen atom that are either in two different molecules or
within the same molecule.
d. none of these
e. all of these
29. Water is an excellent solvent because
a. it forms spheres of hydration around charged substances and can form hydrogen bonds with many nonpolar substances.
b. it has a high heat of fusion.
c. of its cohesive properties.
d. it is a liquid at room temperature.
e. all of these
30. In a lipid bilayer, __________ tails point inward and form a region that excludes water.
a. acidic
b. basic
c. hydrophilic
d. hydrophobic
e. none of these
31. Glucose dissolves in water because it
a. ionizes.
b. is a polysaccharide.
c. is polar and forms many hydrogen bonds with the water molecules.
d. has a very reactive primary structure.
e. none of these
32. A reaction of an acid and a base will produce water and
a. a buffer.
b. a salt.
c. gas.
d. solid precipitate.
e. solute.
33. Cellular pH is kept near a value of 7 because of
a. salts.
b. buffers.
c. acids.
d. bases.
e. water.
34. Four of the five answers listed below are alkaline (pH above 7). Select the exception.
a. milk of magnesia
b. household ammonia
c. Tums
d. phosphate detergent
e. wine
35. Four of the five answers listed below are acidic (pH below 7). Select the exception.
a. vinegar
b. soft drink
c. soap
d. lemon juice
e. beer
36. Four of the five answers listed below are positively charged ions. Select the exception.
a. potassium ion
b. hydrogen ion
c. calcium ion
d. magnesium ion
e. chlorine ion
37. Four of the five answers listed below are characteristics of water. Select the exception.
a. stabilizes temperature
b. common solvent
c. cohesion and surface tension
d. produces salts
e. changes shape of hydrophilic and hydrophobic substances
38. The three most common atoms in your body are
a. hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon.
b. carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen.
c. carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen.
d. nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen.
e. carbon, oxygen, and sulfur.
39. Carbon usually forms how many bonds with other atoms?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
e. 6
40. The atom diagnostically associated with organic compounds is
a. carbon.
b. oxygen.
c. nitrogen.
d. sulfur.
e. hydrogen.
41. Which are NOT macromolecules?
a. proteins
b. starches
c. nucleotides
d. lipids
e. nucleic acids
42. Which compound is hydrophobic?
a. ethyl alcohol
b. simple sugar
c. hydrocarbon
d. glycerol
e. amino acid
43. An —OH group is a(n) __________ group.
a. carboxyl
b. hydroxyl
c. amino
d. methyl
e. ketone
44. A <<<EQUATION>>> group is a(n) __________ group.
a. carboxyl
b. hydroxyl
c. amino
d. methyl
e. ketone
45. An <<<EQUATION>>> group is a(n) __________ group.
a. carboxyl
b. hydroxyl
c. amino
d. methyl
e. ketone
46. A —COOH group is a(n) __________ group.
a. carboxyl
b. hydroxyl
c. amino
d. methyl
e. ketone
47. Amino acids are the building blocks for
a. proteins.
b. steroids.
c. lipids.
d. nucleic acids.
e. carbohydrates.
48. Nucleotides are the building blocks for
a. proteins.
b. steroids.
c. lipids.
d. ATP, <<<EQUATION>>>, and FAD.
e. carbohydrates.
49. The formation of large molecules from small repeating units is known as what kind of reaction?
a. oxidation
b. reduction
c. condensation
d. hydrolysis
e. decarboxylation
50. The breakdown of large molecules by the enzymatic addition of water is an example of what kind of
a. oxidation
b. reduction
c. condensation
d. hydrolysis
e. decarboxylation
51. Which reaction results in the breakdown of a chemical into simpler substances?
a. synthesis
b. hydrolysis
c. condensation
d. polymerization
e. both hydrolysis and condensation
52. Which is a "building block" of carbohydrates?
a. glycerol
b. nucleotide
c. simple sugar
d. monosaccharide
e. either simple sugars or monosaccharides
53. Which substance is the most common in cells?
a. carbohydrates
b. salts and minerals
c. proteins
d. fats
e. water
54. Which of the following includes all the others?
a. sucrose
b. glucose
c. cellulose
d. glycogen
e. carbohydrate
55. Which of the following is composed of a 1:2:1 ratio of carbon to hydrogen to oxygen?
a. carbohydrate
b. protein
c. lipid
d. nucleic acid
e. steroid
56. Which is NOT a monosaccharide?
a. glucose
b. fructose
c. deoxyribose
d. starch
e. ribose
57. Cellulose is
a. a material found in cell walls.
b. a component of cell membranes.
c. a plant protein.
d. formed by photosynthesis.
e. the most complex of the organic compounds.
58. Monosaccharides are characterized by all EXCEPT which of the following?
a. a carboxyl group
b. carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio
c. a molecule of three to seven carbon atoms
d. possession of one or more hydroxyl groups
e. the presence of glycerol and fatty acids
59. Fructose and glucose are
a. isotopes.
b. monosaccharides.
c. disaccharides.
d. six-carbon sugars.
e. both monosaccharides and six-carbon sugars.
60. Fructose and glucose are
a. hexoses.
b. structurally different.
c. monosaccharides.
d. simple sugars.
e. all of these
61. Glucose and ribose
a. have the same number of carbon atoms.
b. have the same structural formulas.
c. are the two components of sucrose.
d. are monosaccharides.
e. are molecules whose atoms are arranged the same way.
62. Sucrose is composed of
a. two molecules of fructose.
b. two molecules of glucose.
c. a molecule of fructose and a molecule of glucose.
d. a molecule of fructose and a molecule of galactose.
e. two molecules of fructose.
63. The combination of glucose and galactose forms
a. fructose.
b. maltose.
c. lactose.
d. sucrose.
e. mannose.
64. Oils are
a. liquid at room temperatures.
b. unsaturated fats.
c. found only in animals.
d. complex carbohydrates.
e. liquid at room temperature and unsaturated fats.
65. Which of the following are lipids?
a. steroids
b. triglycerides
c. oils
d. waxes
e. all of these
66. An example of a saturated fat is
a. olive oil.
b. corn oil.
c. butter.
d. oleo.
e. soybean oil.
67. Lipids
a. serve as food reserves in many organisms.
b. include cartilage and chitin.
c. include fats that consist of one fatty acid molecule and three glycerol molecules.
d. are composed of monosaccharides.
e. none of these
68. Plasma membranes are characterized by the presence of
a. triglycerides.
b. phospholipids.
c. unsaturated fats.
d. steroid hormones.
e. fatty acids.
69. Oils are
a. liquid at room temperatures.
b. unsaturated fats.
c. found only in animals.
d. complex carbohydrates.
e. liquid at room temperature and unsaturated fats.
70. Which of the following are lipids?
a. steroids
b. triglycerides
c. oils
d. waxes
e. all of these
71. An example of a saturated fat is
a. olive oil.
b. corn oil.
c. butter.
d. oleo.
e. soybean oil.
72. Lipids
a. serve as food reserves in many organisms.
b. include cartilage and chitin.
c. include fats that consist of one fatty acid molecule and three glycerol molecules.
d. are composed of monosaccharides.
e. none of these
73. Plasma membranes are characterized by the presence of
a. triglycerides.
b. phospholipids.
c. unsaturated fats.
d. steroid hormones.
e. fatty acids.
74. A fully functional molecules of hemoglobin is a good example of _____ protein structure.
a. primary
b. secondary
c. tertiary
d. quaternary
e. none of these
75. Cholesterol freely circulating in human blood is mostly likely
a. complexed with carbohydrates.
b. unattached to any other molecule.
c. in the form of a lipoprotein.
d. attached to a fatty acid.
e. a glycoprotein.
76. Which of the following is NOT found in every nucleic acid?
a. ribose
b. phosphate group
c. purine
d. pyrimidine
e. all of these are characteristic of every nucleotide
77. Nucleotides contain what kind of sugars?
a. three-carbon
b. four-carbon
c. five-carbon
d. six-carbon
e. seven-carbon
78. DNA
a. is one of the adenosine phosphates.
b. is one of the nucleotide coenzymes.
c. contains protein-building instructions.
d. all of these
e. none of these
79. The phospholipid molecules of most membranes have
a. a hydrophobic head and a hydrophilic tail.
b. a hydrophobic head and a hydrophobic tail.
c. a hydrophobic head and two hydrophobic tails.
d. a hydrophilic head and two hydrophobic tails.
e. none of these
80. Hydrophobic reactions of phospholipids may produce clusters of their fatty acid tails,
which form
a. a lipid bilayer.
b. hydrolysis of the fatty acids.
c. a protein membrane.
d. a cytoskeleton.
e. a nonpolar membrane.
81. Unsaturated tails of lipids
a. are hydrophilic.
b. are unstable and tend to break apart.
c. have kinks in them and lessen the interaction between adjacent fat
d. will break whenever exposed to phosphate ions.
e. all of these
82. The relative impermeability of membranes to water-soluble molecules is a result of the
a. nonpolar nature of water molecules.
b. presence of large proteins that extend through both sides of membranes.
c. presence of inorganic salt crystals scattered through some membranes.
d. presence of cellulose and chemicals such as cutin, lignin, pectin, and suberin in the membranes.
e. presence of phospholipids in the lipid bilayer.
83. Which statement is NOT true?
a. Membranes are often perforated by proteins that extend through both sides of the membrane.
b. Some membranes have proteins with channels or pores that allow for the passage of hydrophilic substances.
c. Hydrophilic substances have an easier time passing through membranes than hydrophobic substances do.
d. The current concept of a membrane can be best summarized by the fluid mosaic model.
e. The lipid bilayer serves as a hydrophobic barrier between two fluid regions.
84. Which of the following membrane proteins is responsible for binding hormones that can switch on a cell?
a. recognition proteins
b. receptor proteins
c. transport proteins
d. adhesion proteins
85. Which of the following are made of two subunits and are composed of RNA and protein?
a. Golgi
b. mitochondria
c. chloroplasts
d. ribosomes
e. endoplasmic reticula
86. Organelles composed of a system of canals, tubes, and sacs that transport molecules inside the cytoplasm are
a. Golgi bodies.
b. ribosomes.
c. mitochondria.
d. lysosomes.
e. endoplasmic reticula.
87. These are the primary cellular sites for the recapture of energy from carbohydrates
a. Golgi bodies
b. ribosomes
c. mitochondria
d. lysosomes
e. endoplasmic reticula
88. These are the primary structures for the packaging of cellular secretions for export from the cell.
a. Golgi bodies
b. ribosomes
c. mitochondria
d. lysosomes
e. endoplasmic reticula
89. Cell part responsible for maintaining cell shape, internal organization, and cell movements is the
a. vesicle.
b. nucleus.
c. endoplasmic reticulum.
d. cytoskeleton.
e. ribosome.
90. What cell organelle is found in plant cells but NOT in animal cells?
a. nucleoplasm
b. cell wall
c. plasma membrane
d. Golgi body
e. microtubules
91. An organelle found in the nucleus is a
a. plastid.
b. vacuole.
c. microvillus.
d. nucleolus.
e. basal body.
92. Which of the following is NOT true concerning the nuclear envelope?
a. It has two lipid bilayers.
b. There are pores in the membrane.
c. Ribosomal subunits can pass out of the nucleus.
d. DNA molecules are transported out through the pores.
e. Protein filaments are attached to the inner surface.
93. Scientists use the word "chromosome" to describe
a. an individual DNA molecule.
b. any hereditary material in the nucleus.
c. the total collection of DNA in a cell.
d. hereditary material that is not duplicated.
e. all of these
94. These are sometimes referred to as rough or smooth, depending on the structure.
a. Golgi bodies
b. ribosomes
c. mitochondria
d. lysosomes
e. endoplasmic reticula
95. These are the primary cellular sites for the production of proteins.
a. Golgi bodies
b. ribosomes
c. mitochondria
d. lysosomes
e. smooth endoplasmic reticula
96. This organelle's appearance has been likened to a stack of pancakes.
a. Golgi body
b. ribosome
c. mitochondria
d. lysosome
e. vesicle
97. These contain enzymes and are the main organelles of intracellular digestion.
a. Golgi bodies
b. ribosomes
c. mitochondria
d. lysosomes
e. endoplasmic reticula
98. Animal cells dismantle and dispose of waste materials by
a. using centrally located vacuoles.
b. several lysosomes fusing with a sac that encloses the wastes.
c. microvilli packaging and exporting the wastes.
d. mitochondrial breakdown of the wastes.
e. all of these
99. Animal cells dismantle and dispose of waste materials by
a. using centrally located vacuoles.
b. several lysosomes fusing with a sac that encloses the wastes.
c. microvilli packaging and exporting the wastes.
d. mitochondrial breakdown of the wastes.
e. all of these
100. Fluid-filled sacs that may store food or water in cells are called
a. plastids.
b. vacuoles.
c. microvilli.
d. nucleoli.
e. Golgi.
101. Organelles in plant cells that function in photosynthesis or storage are called
a. stroma.
b. grana.
c. plastids.
d. vacuoles.
e. mitochondria.
102. Stroma and grana are portions of
a. chloroplasts.
b. mitochondria.
c. ribosomes.
d. chromosomes.
e. Golgi bodies.
103. Structural features that contain the protein actin and help to control the shapes of cells are
a. plastids.
b. vacuoles.
c. microvilli.
d. nucleoli.
e. microfilaments.
104. Organelles used to move chromosomes are the
a. cilia.
b. flagella.
c. microtubules.
d. microfilaments.
e. Golgi apparatuses.
105. Organelles that dramatically increase the cell size and surface area are
a. plastids.
b. vacuoles.
c. chloroplasts.
d. nucleoli.
e. microfilaments.
106. The organelle that is compared to a whip is a
a. microfilament.
b. cilium.
c. microvillus.
d. flagellum.
e. microtubule.
107. A 9+2 array refers to
a. microtubules.
b. Golgi bodies.
c. ribosomes.
d. cilia.
e. both mictotubules and cilia but not Golgi bodies or ribosomes.
108. Microtubule-producing centers are most closely associated with
a. chromosomes.
b. centrioles.
c. central vacuoles.
d. chloroplasts.
e. cytoskeletons.
109. Which is NOT found as a part of all cells?
a. cell membrane
b. cell wall
c. ribosomes
d. DNA
e. RNA
110. Which of the following statements concerning cell walls is NOT true?
a. The cell wall is located outside the plasma membrane.
b. Water cannot move through a cell wall.
c. The cell wall is more rigid than the plasma membrane.
d. Cell walls cannot form connections to one another.
111. Which are examples of prokaryotes?
a. Protozoa
b. Bacteria
c. Algae
d. Fungi
e. Mosses
112. Prokaryotic cells do NOT have
a. nucleoid regions.
b. membrane bound nuclei.
c. cytoplasm.
d. plasma membrane.
e. DNA.
113. Prokaryotes
a. have DNA regions.
b. are unicellular.
c. have cell walls.
d. are bacteria.
e. all of these
114. Four of the five answers listed below are bound by membranes. Select the exception.
a. mitochondria
b. ribosome
c. chloroplast
d. vacuole
e. lysosome
115. Four of the five answers listed below are characteristics of the plasma membrane. Select the exception.
a. phospholipid
b. fluid mosaic
c. lipid bilayer
d. inert and impermeable
e. hydrophobic tails
Answer Key
1. > c
2. > e
3. > b
4. > e
5. > e
6. > e
7. > a
8. > b
9. > a
10. > c
11. > a
12. > d
13. > c
14. > b
15. > a
16. > c
17. > b
18. > d
19. > b
20. > a
21. > b
22. > a
23. > c
24. > a
25. > b
26. > c
27. > a
28. > c
29. > e
30. > d
31. > c
32. > b
33. > b
34. > e
35. > c
36. > e
37. > d
38. > a
39. > c
40. > a
41. > c
42. > c
43. > b
44. > d
45. > c
46. > a
47. > a
48. > d
49. > c
50. > d
51. > b
52. > e
53. > e
54. > e
55. > a
56. > d
57. > a
58. > e
59. > e
60. > e
61. > d
62. > c
63. > c
64. > e
65. > e
66. > c
67. > a
68. > b
69. > e
70. > e
71. > c
72. > a
73. > b
74. > d
75. > c
76. > a
77. > c
78. > c
79. > d
80. > a
81. > c
82. > e
83. > c
84. > d
85. > d
86. > e
87. > c
88. > a
89. > d
90. > b
91. > d
92. > d
93. > a
94. > e
95. > b
96. > a
97. > d
98. > b
99. > b
100. > b
101. > c
102. > a
103. > e
104. > c
105. > b
106. > d
107. > e
108. > b
109. > b
110. > a
111. > b
112. > b
113. > e
114. > b
115. > d