CENTER FOR CONTINUING STUDIES | ST. CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITY Senior to Sophomore Program Syllabus Writing 101: Guidelines for Creating a Senior to Sophomore Syllabus Each Senior to Sophomore class must have a course syllabus. The first section of this document includes specific guidelines and suggestions to help you in the course planning process. The next section is a template you can use to build your syllabus. Below you'll find how-to information, for the following syllabus components: Instructor Name, Contact Information, Office Hours, Class Meeting Times and Location Mentor Information Course Name, Number, and Prerequisites Course Description Course Objectives Course Content Required Course Materials Course Requirements Course Schedule Course Policies Grading Study Tips INSTRUCTOR, NAME, CONTACT INFORMATION, OFFICE HOURS, CLASS MEETING TIMES/LOCATION Include your name, class meeting times and location. Also include how students can contact you. You may also want to include any relevant background information about yourself. SCSU MENTOR INFORMATION Include the name of the SCSU Mentor, and contact information if appropriate. You may also want to include background information and information about faculty visits to the class and class visits to the SCSU campus. COURSE NAME, NUMBER, AND PREREQUISITES Insert the official course name and number, taken from the SCSU Undergraduate Bulletin. You may also want to list the appropriate High School name and course number. Next, state any prerequisites for the course. For on-campus courses these are typically taken directly from the Undergraduate Bulletin. For Senior to Sophomore courses, include the standard PSEO prerequisites: (A Junior who ranks in the top 1/3 of their class or a Senior who ranks in the top ½ of their class) AND/OR any special prerequisites (ex. “All students must be in the top 1/3 of their class”, or “Students must have completed __________ before enrolling in the course”). COURSE DESCRIPTION "Here, in quotation marks and in italics, you would put the Undergraduate Bulletin course description and note the number of credit hours." COURSE OBJECTIVES Here you would list 4-5 broad statements of what it is that you hope students will achieve. What do you hope that your students will be able to do, to know or to have experienced as a result of taking your course? COURSE CONTENT You may want to expand on the official course description. What will be covered in this course? Let your students know a little more about what the course will contain. Your discussion might include topics such as: What will be covered in this course? What won't be covered? What is your approach to teaching this content? How will this relate to the material that was covered in the prerequisite course(s)? Is there any other body of content that it will draw on? (For example, a science course might draw on calculus concepts, even if calculus is not an official prerequisite.) What will be expected of you, the student? This is a good place for a discussion of what you, and St. Cloud State, will expect from the student. You might address issues such as these: How much time do you expect them to devote to your course? Do you expect them to interact with fellow students? Participate in class discussions? How do you expect them to conduct themselves in their interactions with you and/or their fellow students? Include any information that you think will help your students get a better understanding of your expectations. REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS In this section, list any materials that students will be required to have for this course, including the textbook(s), other print materials, special software, etc. You should note those materials that the student will be responsible for obtaining. COURSE REQUIREMENTS This section is used to summarize all course requirements, such as assignments and exams. Information about each item's point value and/or percentage of course grade is usually included. COURSE SCHEDULE This section should include due dates for all assignments. It might also include the expected timetable for covering specific topics. COURSE POLICIES Here we typically include information about any course policies such as: Assignment Policies o How to submit your assignments: How do you want students to submit assignments? Do you want them to include any particular identifying information on their assignments? Will assignments be returned to them, or will they just see a posted grade? Anything else that they'd need to know? o Assignment due dates: Since the Course Schedule section (above) will spell out specific due dates, this section is used to describe any late penalties and any particulars about exactly when items are due. o Writing style: Are students supposed to use any particular writing style, such as APA or Chicago Manual? Are there any on-line writing resources that might be helpful to your students as they prepare their assignments? What if English is not their native help available to them? These are the kinds of issues addressed in this section. Late Policy Academic Honesty o Suggested Wording - "As a reminder, SCSU (and/or ________ High School) has a policy on academic honesty. You are expected to abide by the procedures set forth in the SCSU Student Handbook. o See: for specifics. Accommodating Disabilities o Suggested Wording - "Any student in this course who has a disability that may prevent him or her from fully demonstrating his or her abilities should contact me personally as soon as possible, so we can discuss accommodations necessary to ensure full participation and facilitate your educational opportunity." GRADING Here you would state the University grading policy, as well as your own grading policy for assignments if that varies at all from the University's. It is also a good place to let students know when, and how, they will find out their grades on assignments, projects, and/or exams. STUDY TIPS This section is the place to provide your students with any advice you might have regarding the best way to take your particular course. Are there particular study strategies that work well in your subject area? Are there any on-line or print resources that you might refer them to? REFERENCES Penn State World Campus. (n.d.). Syllabus Writing 101. Retrieved June 2, 2003, from CENTER FOR CONTINUING STUDIES | ST. CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITY Senior to Sophomore Program Syllabus Template This syllabus template is designed to be used for Senior to Sophomore courses. Fill in information for the following syllabus components: Instructor Name, Contact Information, Office Hours, Class Meeting Times and Location Mentor Information Course Name, Number, and Prerequisites Course Description Course Objectives Course Content Required Course Materials Course Requirements Course Schedule Course Policies Grading Study Tips (The lines by each section are just place holders and can be removed as you fill in content.) INSTRUCTOR, NAME, CONTACT INFORMATION, OFFICE HOURS, CLASS MEETING TIMES/LOCATION _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ SCSU MENTOR INFORMATION __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ COURSE NAME, NUMBER, AND PREREQUISITES Course Name and Number: _______________________ Prerequisites: __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ COURSE DESCRIPTION _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ COURSE OBJECTIVES _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ COURSE CONTENT ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ COURSE REQUIREMENTS ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ COURSE SCHEDULE ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ COURSE POLICIES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ GRADING ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ STUDY TIPS ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________