International Linkage Proposal

As put forth in the University Mission Statement, Wright State University is committed to
“cultural enhancement, and international understanding while fostering collegial involvement
and responsibility for continuous improvement of education and research.” The University,
therefore, encourages those linkages with higher education institutions abroad that offer mutual
benefits and advance the Wright State University Mission Statement and strategic goals.
Linkage proposals may be initiated at any level of the University; however, approval from the
administrators providing resources is required. To assure coordination with academic priorities
and to avoid redundancy:
All linkage proposals must be reported to the Advisory Committee of the University
Center for International Education;
Linkages may be initiated by a specific unit, such as a program, department, or college,
or the linkage may be initiated by the university administration;
All linkage proposals must be reviewed and approved by the unit chair or director; the
unit’s dean; the Advisory Committee of the University Center for International
Education; and the Office of Legal Affairs;
The final linkage agreement, together with the revised International Linkage Proposal
form, must be reviewed by the UCIE Advisory Committee, approved by the provost, and
sent to the president for final review and approval.
A preliminary agreement of intent which carries no commitment of resources may be initiated
with the approval of the relevant chair and dean.
No further commitment beyond the agreement of intent may be initiated without
conforming to the policy and procedures established for linkage proposals;
A copy of the agreement of intent must be placed on file in the University Center for
International Education.
The Advisory Committee for the University Center for International Education will base its
recommendation for approval on the degree to which the University program priorities and other
issues included in the International Linkage Proposal form are satisfactorily addressed.
International Linkage Proposal
Wright State University Unit Proposing the Linkage Agreement
Proposed Linkage Partner Institution(s) Abroad
Wright State University Contact People
a) Describe how the proposed international linkage contributes to the Wright
State University’s mission and promotes the teaching and/ or research and/or
community engagement priorities of the unit sponsoring the linkage;
b) Describe the estimated impact of the agreement for both institutions on the
following areas: local economy, regional development; local social/cultural
milieu and networks;
Describe the direct and indirect benefits that will accrue to Wright State
University from the proposed linkage;
Describe the ways in which the proposed linkage will benefit the linkage
Identify the funding sources for the proposed linkage and the adequacy of
these funds to sustain a short-term or long-term linkage;
f) Provide documentation to demonstrate a strong commitment and support for
the linkage, both at Wright State University and at the linkage partner
institution(s). Identify the unit(s) and administrator(s) responsible
for supporting and sustaining the linkage;
g) Describe the forms of institutional support, such as space, equipment, and
language instruction, at each of the partner institutions to sustain the
programs. Provide documentation to show that this support is adequate;
h) When relevant, document the requirements that students/faculty in exchange
programs will meet for admission/affiliations into the partner institution;
i) If additional preparation in a specific language is required for the exchange,
indicate the source of payment for this preparation;
j) Indicate for participating students; full-time status in an academic program
(or) participation in training/internship program, research program, or
patient/healthcare program;
k) Describe the provisions established for review and evaluation of the
international linkage.