R. Pitt and S. Clark February 27, 2007 Module 4b: Characteristics and Monitoring of Stormwater Particulates Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Characteristics of Particulates in Stormwater ............................................................................................................... 2 Dissolved and Particulate Forms of Pollutants ......................................................................................................... 2 Litter and Floatables ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Litter, floatables, and settled solids control in CSOs and SSOs .......................................................................... 8 Sediment Sources and Effects ................................................................................................................................ 10 Erosion, Channel Stability, and Sediment ......................................................................................................... 11 Particle Size Distributions ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Particle Settling Velocities ..................................................................................................................................... 19 Pollutant Associations with Different Particle Sizes .............................................................................................. 22 Colloidal Analysis ............................................................................................................................................. 27 Strengths of Major Constituent and Heavy Metal Associations with Particulates ............................................ 27 Sediment Transport in Storm Drainage Systems ........................................................................................................ 29 Background ............................................................................................................................................................ 30 Modeling solids transport in sewers. ................................................................................................................. 30 Effects of Catchbasin and Street Cleaning ........................................................................................................ 31 Settling of Particulates in Flowing Water in Storm Drainage Systems .................................................................. 32 Resuspension of Settled Particulates in Storm Drainage........................................................................................ 36 Allowable Velocity and Shear Stress ................................................................................................................ 36 Criteria to Ensure Self-Cleaning in Sewerage ................................................................................................... 41 Accumulation of Sediment in Bellevue Inlet Structures and Storm Drainage ....................................................... 44 Summary of Sediment Transport in Sewers ........................................................................................................... 46 Required Sample Line Velocities to Minimize Particle Sampling Errors ......................................................... 46 Sediment Transport in Grass Swales .......................................................................................................................... 47 Methodology .......................................................................................................................................................... 47 Indoor Experiments ........................................................................................................................................... 48 Results and Discussions .................................................................................................................................... 50 Outdoor Swale Observations .................................................................................................................................. 52 Descriptions of the Site ..................................................................................................................................... 52 Sample Collection and Analytical Methods ...................................................................................................... 53 Results and Discussions .................................................................................................................................... 53 Sediment Trapping Model Development and Verification .................................................................................... 56 Concepts ............................................................................................................................................................ 56 Settling Frequency ............................................................................................................................................. 57 Predictive Model ............................................................................................................................................... 58 Comparisons of Indoor and Outdoor Swale Observations ..................................................................................... 61 Summary of Sediment Transport in Swales ........................................................................................................... 62 Sample Processing and Particulate Analyses in Water Samples ................................................................................. 62 Sample Preparation – Churn and Cone Splitters .................................................................................................... 62 Initial Laboratory Evaluations of the USGS/Dekaport Cone Splitter ................................................................ 63 Replicate Analyses of Solids Analyses using Churn and Cone Sample Splitters .............................................. 65 General Laboratory Processing for Particle Size Fractionation of Samples ........................................................... 66 Summary of Particulate Sampling and Analyses Issues ......................................................................................... 68 Summary of the Significance of Stormwater Particulates........................................................................................... 68 References ................................................................................................................................................................... 69 1 Introduction The characteristics of particulates in stormwater determine the effects of stormwater pollutants in the receiving waters and dramatically influence the treatability of stormwater. Many pollutants are mostly associated with particulates, and the removal of the particulates in common sedimentation devices also removes many of the pollutants of interest. The transport of particulates in urban areas is complex and the method of sampling and analysis of the particulates can have large effects on the measured values. This discussion summarizes different characteristics of stormwater particulates (pollutant associations, particle size distributions, and settling velocity), the transport of particulates in storm drainage systems, including grass swales and grass filters, and describes recommended sampling and analysis methods for stormwater particulates. Characteristics of Particulates in Stormwater Dissolved and Particulate Forms of Pollutants Table 1 summarizes the filterable fraction of heavy metals found in stormwater runoff sheet flows from many urban areas (Pitt, et al. 1995). Constituents that are mostly in filterable forms have a greater potential for affecting groundwater and are more difficult to control using conventional stormwater control practices that mostly rely on sedimentation and filtration principles. In most cases, most of the metals are associated with the non-filterable (suspended solids) fraction of the stormwaters. Likely exceptions include zinc that may be mostly found in the filtered sample portions. However, dry-weather flows in storm drainage tend to have much more of the toxicants associated with filtered sample fractions. Table 1. Reported Filterable Fractions of Stormwater Toxicants from Source Areas Constituent Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Nickel Zinc Filterable Fraction (%) 20 to 50 <10 <20 small amount <20 small amount >50 source: Pitt, et al. 1995 Pitt, et al. (1998) analyzed 550 samples for a broad list of constituents, including the total and filtered observations shown in Table 2. The samples were collected from telecommunication manhole vaults that were mostly affected by stormwater. However, some other contaminating water, and groundwater, sources likely also influenced these samples. These data are very similar to cold and warm season stormwater data collected during other projects. This is the largest data base available that contains both total and filtered metal analyses. These samples were obtained throughout the US and represent all seasons. Table 2. Average Particulate Fraction of Selected Constituents from 550 Nationwide Samples (mg/L, unless otherwise noted) Constituents Turbidity (NTU) COD Color (HACH) Copper (g/L) Lead (g/L) Zinc (g/L) Total Concentration 13 25 34 29 14 230 Filtered Concentration (after a 0.45 m membrane filter) 1.2 22 20 9.5 3 160 Percent Associated with Filterable Fraction 8% 86% 59% 33% 21% 70% Percent Associated with Particulates 91% 14% 41% 67% 79% 30% Pitt, et al. (1998) Sansalone (1996) investigated the forms of heavy metals in stormwater and snowmelt. It was found that Zn, Cd, and Cu were mainly dissolved in stormwater, while only Cd was mainly dissolved in snowmelt. Pb was associated with the finer particulate fractions in both stormwater and snowmelt. The dissolved fraction of the metals should be 2 immobilized by sorption, while the particulate bound metals should be immobilized by filtration in a partial exfiltration trench. Another study by Sansalone and Buchberger (1997) analyzed stormwater runoff at five sites on a heavily traveled roadway in Cincinnati, Ohio. They found that the event-mean concentrations (EMC) of Zn, Cd, and Cu exceeded surface-water-quality-discharge standards. Further, it was noted that Zn, Cd, and Cu are mainly in the dissolved form while other metals, i.e., Pb, Fe, and Al are mainly bound to particles. Sedlak, et al. (1997) used special analytical techniques to determine the speciation of Cu and Ni in point and nonpoint source (NPS) discharges. They found that the existence of strong metal-complexing ligands in wastewater effluent, and to a lesser degree, surface runoff, must be considered when evaluating metal treatability. Grout, et al. (1999) studied the colloidal phases in urban stormwater runoff entering Brays Bayou (Houston, Texas). Colloids in the filtrate (after 0.45 μm filtering) and further separation by ultracentrifuging, accounted for 79% of the Al, 85% of the Fe, 52% of the Cr, 43% of the Mn, and 29% of the Zn present in the filtrates. Changes in the colloidal composition were caused by changes in colloidal morphologies, varying from organic aggregates to diffuse gel-like structures rich in Si, Al, and Fe. Colloids were mostly composed of silica during periods of dry weather flow and at the maximum of the stormwater flow, while carbon dominated the colloidal fraction at the beginning and declining stages of the storm events. Garnaud, et al. (1999) examined the geochemical speciation of particulate metals using sequential extraction procedures for different runoff sources in Paris, France. They found that most metals were bound to acid soluble particulates in the runoff but that Cu was almost entirely bound to oxidizable and residual fractions. Barry, et al. (1999) identified salinity effects on the partitioning of heavy metals in the stormwater canals entering Port Jackson (Sydney), Australia. Cu, Pb, and Zn were found increasingly in dissolved phases as the salinity increased in the lower sections of the canals. During high flows, most of the metals seemed to be rapidly exported from the estuary as a discrete surface layer, while low flows contributed most of the metals to the estuary. Shafer, et al. (1999) investigated the partitioning of trace metal levels (Al, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) in Wisconsin rivers and found that the concentrations in the rivers were comparable to recent data collected in the Great Lakes and other river systems where ‘modern’ clean methods were used for sampling and analysis. They also found that the variation in the partitioning coefficients of each metal between sampling locations could be explained by the amount of anthropogenic disturbance in the watershed and by the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the water. Parker, et al. (2000) analyzed the particulates found in urban stormwater runoff in the Phoenix, Arizona, metropolitan area. They found that the inorganic content of the particulates was similar to that in soils that were not impacted by urban runoff. The metals concentrations (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) were higher, but below levels that would require remediation. Arsenic concentrations were above control levels; however, this contribution likely was geologic, and not anthropogenic. Sediment toxicity was seen, but could not be explained based on their chemical results. Krein and Schorer (2000) investigated heavy metals and PAHs in road runoff and found, as expected, an inverse relationship existed between particle size and particle-bound heavy metals concentrations. Sutherland, et al. (2000) investigated the potential for road-deposited sediments in Oahu, Hawaii, to bind contaminants, and thus transporting these bound contaminants to the receiving water as part of the runoff. In the sediment fractions smaller than 2 mm in diameter, the origins of the Al, Co, Fe, Mn and Ni were determined to be geologic. Three of the metals concentrations (Cu, Pb and Zn) were found to be enhanced by anthropogenic activities. Sequential extraction of the sediment determined the associations of the metals with the following fractions: acid extractable, reducible, oxidizable, and residual. The fate and transport of metallic pollutants through a watershed were related to the characteristics of the solid particles to which they are bound (Magnuson, et al. 2001). Because the particles are most often associated with metal pollution having nominal diameters of < 50 µm, split-flow thin-cell (SPLITT) fractionation was investigated as a means to study the metal loading as a function of particle settling rate. Sansalone, et al. (2001) reported that urban stormwater levels of Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, Cr, and Ni can be significantly above ambient background levels, and for many urban and transportation land uses, often exceed surface water discharge criteria for both dissolved and particulate-bound fractions. They advocated a multiple-unit-operation approach to stormwater treatment. 3 Glenn, et al. (2001a and 2001b) described their research at highway test sites in Cincinnati, OH, investigating the effects of traffic activities and winter maintenance on the behavior of particulates in the runoff. They found that urban snow has a much greater capacity to accumulate traffic-related pollutants, as compared to stormwater, due to longer residence times before melting, and the snow’s porous matrix. Parameters such as residence time, solids loadings, alkalinity, hardness and pH influence the heavy metal partitioning in the snow. They found that Pb, Cu, Cd, Zn, Al, Mg, and Fe were mostly particulate bound, while Na and Ca were mostly dissolved. Partition coefficients for most heavy metals in snowmelt water ranged from 103 to 106 L/kg. Significant amounts of non-point source runoff were shown to enter the Santa Monica Bay (CA) from the Ballona Creek Watershed during wet weather flow during monitoring by Buffleben, et al. (2001). The watershed is developed mostly with residential, commercial and light industrial land uses. They found that the suspended solids phase primarily transported the mass for five of the six metals studied: Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Ni. Arsenic was found primarily in the aqueous phase. Mosley and Peake (2001) characterized urban runoff from a catchment in Dunedin, New Zealand, during base flows and storm flows from five rainfall events. Fe and Pb were found to be predominantly particle-associated (>0.4 µm) with concentrations being significantly elevated at the beginning of storm event. In contrast, the majority of Cu and Zn was found in the <0.4 µm fraction prior to rain but a significant proportion was present in the > 0.4 µm fraction during the initial period of storm flows. The results indicate that Cu and Zn may be more bioavailable, and more difficult to remove by stormwater treatment, than Pb. The pH level and the concentration of major ions (Ca +2, Na+, Mg+2, K+), dissolved PO4-P, and NO3 generally decreased during storm flows due to rainwater dilution. Concentrations of total N and P often increased during the initial period of storm runoff, likely because of washoff of particulate plant material. Fan, et al. (2001b) reviewed the transport of toxic pollutants through multiple media and drainage systems in urban watershed during wet-weather periods and found that a major portion of priority pollutants (including benzene, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides, and heavy metals) are in particulate form, or sorbed onto particles. Table 3 summarizes inlet and outlet concentrations for total and dissolved metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, and Zn), TSS, hardness and total oil and grease for a retrofitted pond in Sunnyvale, CA. The metals removal data indicated that the removal of total Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn were well correlated with TSS removal. Tables 4 through 6 also summarize the particulate and filterable fraction of stormwater heavy metals from a number of studies. In almost all cases, the heavy metals are mostly associated with particulates, except for Zn that is mostly associated with the filterable fraction for most areas. Interesting exceptions are noted, however. As an example, zinc stormwater concentrations from Birmingham, AL, industrial storage areas were found to be almost completely associated with the particulate fraction. These samples were apparently not affected by runoff from areas having galvanized metals, but were affected by heavy truck traffic, where the particulate forms of Zn would be mostly from tire wear. 4 Table 3. Average Inlet and Outlet Observed Concentrations and Pollutant Removals (Sunnyvale, CA) nf: non-filtered (total) f: filtered (“dissolved”) removals are only given if most observations were >PQL 5 Table 4. Filterable Fraction of Heavy Metals Observed at the Inlet to the Monroe St. Wet Detention Pond, Madison, WI (average and standard deviation) Number of observations Average total concentration Average filtered concentration Average percentage filterable Average percentage associated with particulates Copper 60 to 64 Lead 59 to 64 Zinc 57 to 64 50 (14) 85 (52) 152 (136) 6.4 (3.3) 3.5 (1.7) 51 (34) 13% 4.1% 34% 87% 96% 66% Data from: House, et al. 1993. Table 5. Milwaukee and Long Island NURP Source Area Heavy Metal Associations (based on mean concentrations observed) Residential roof runoff % filt % part Arsenicb Cadmiumb Chromiumb Leada Leadb a b 6 8 92 Commercial parking runoff % filt % part 25 75 18 82 24 76 3 97 16 84 Bannerman, et al. 1983 (Milwaukee) (NURP) STORET Site #59629A6-2954843 (Huntington-Long Island, NY) (NURP) Table 6. Birmingham, AL, Source Area Heavy Metal Particulate Associations (based on mean concentrations observed) a na: not available, too few detectable observations for calculation Pitt, et al. 1999 7 Johnson, et al. (2003) conducted tests to examine the treatability of stormwater heavy metals, and some major constituents and nutrients, and their associations with different-sized particulates in stormwater. The binding strengths of these pollutants to the particulates were also examined by using a sequential extraction procedure using different acids and bases under a wide range of pH and Eh conditions. Experiments examining the characteristics of the filterable (<0.45 m) portion of the heavy metals were also conducted. Some of these results are summarized in later sections of this module. Litter and Floatables Floatables are another form of the solids in runoff that are receiving attention. They obviously interfere with aesthetics and recreation, along with having potential adverse biological effects. A current ASCE tack force, headed by Betty Rushton, is developing a protocol for monitoring floatables in stormwaters, including methods to evaluate floatable trapping benefits of stormwater control measures. In all cases, a complete mass balance is necessary to adequately evaluate controls (and to verify the accuracy of the monitoring and lab analyses). Influent, effluent, and trapped material must all be quantified for the period of study. Armitage and Rooseboom (2000a) demonstrated that large quantities of litter are being transported in South Africa stormwater runoff, and that the amount of litter produced was related to land use, vegetation, level of street cleaning and type of rainfall. The benefits of litter reduction were documented using work from Australia and New Zealand, and design equations for sizing litter traps were proposed (Armitage and Rooseboom 2000b). Newman, et al. (2000a) characterized the floatables found in urban stormwater runoff. Riverine litter and floatables occupy a spatial and temporal position in any systematic analysis of river systems and represent a problem that was increasing in scale. Quantifiable source factors of litter in the river Taff, South Wales, United Kingdom, system were found to be mainly sewage inputs through CSO and fly tipping (Williams and Simmons 1997a). Sewage-derived material constituted approximately 23% of all items on the river, large quantities of waste, especially plastic sheeting, originated from fly tipping sites (Williams and Simmons, 1999). River bank clearances provided valuable information on litter accumulation. Tracking also showed a distinctive correlation between flood events and litter movement. Some litter types have an increased input during flood events, e.g., sanitary-wastewater-derived material from combined sewer outfalls, while accumulation of other litter types could be due to their distribution throughout the catchment (Williams and Simmons 1997b). Litter, floatables, and settled solids control in CSOs and SSOs Much information exists on the removal of litter and floatables from combined sewer overflows, while less is available concerning litter control from separate stormwater. Some of the CSO data may be applicable to stormwater conditions and processes. McGregor (2003) made the case for cleaning sanitary sewers to prevent SSOs. The case study presented in the paper showed that an overflow problem might not have occurred if the municipality had adhered to a more proactive maintenance program. Pisano, et al. (2003) summarized the design of passive automatic flushing systems installed in the City of Cambridge's storm and sanitary sewer system tributary to the Alewife Brook as part of a $75 million sewer separation program. The flushing systems were sized to achieve wave velocity of 1 m/s at the end of the flushing segment with flush vault volumes ranging from 11 to 40 m3 for the storm drain systems and 6 m3 for the sanitary system. Pollert and Stransky (2003) evaluated the separation efficiency of solids from CSOs through the use of a combined 1D and 3D models. Charts of concentration dynamics of suspended solids on the CSO inflow, outflow and overflow were presented (for particles with different characteristics). Fischer and Turner (2002) reviewed the North Bergen, NJ Solids and Floatables Control facility, which uses a system of nine Netting TrashTrap® system and one mechanical screen, which cost 300% less than the next least expensive technology evaluated. Operations and maintenance costs on the facility are approximately $57,000 per year. Irvine (2002) discussed the Buffalo River (NY) floatables control program that uses a floatables trap and continuous water quality monitoring. Mean accumulations rates in the trap were significantly greater for CSO periods than for dry weather and the distributions in the traps had more wood and less plastic than floatables traps in 8 New Jersey. The average mass trapped per unit volume was also less for the Buffalo watershed than for the two New Jersey watersheds monitored, possibly due to the inlet hoods installed in the Buffalo watershed. Dettmar, et al. (2002) investigated the performance and operation of flushing devices in both German field and laboratory studies. The results showed that the generated flushing wave shear stresses of the investigated gates surpass 14 N/m2. The yields from the cleaning operations netted 0.5 kg sediment per m3 of flushing water. The paper by Fan, et al. (2001a) reviewed the causes of sewer deterioration and the control methods that can be used to prevent or postpone this deterioration. The remedy reviewed in the paper was inline and combined sewer overflow tank flushing systems to remove sediments and thus minimize hydrogen sulfide production in the sewer system. The two technologies reviewed were the tipping flusher and the flushing gate, both of whom have been demonstrated to perform well in facilities in Germany, Canada and the United States. Fan and Field (2002) extended their overview of the causes of combined-sewer deterioration and associated large pollutant discharges, along with a discussion of their control methods. Their results indicated that both the tipping flusher and the flushing gate technologies appear to be cost-effective for flushing solids and debris from CSO storage tanks, while the flushing gate appears to be the most efficient method for controlling combined-sewer sediment. The use of slotted invert traps for managing sewer sediments was reviewed by Buxton, et al. (2002). The paper presented the results from a laboratory investigation that compared the trapping performance of three slot-size configurations of a laboratoryscale invert trap and from 2-D modeling of stochastic particle tracking. The comparison of the two procedures showed that the modeling consistently overpredicted retention efficiencies compared to the laboratory observations. The effects of a manhole drop on the hydraulics of combined sewer flow were investigated by De Martino, et al. (2002). The main wave features were analyzed to give expressions that contain both the upstream filling ratio and the Froude number of the approach flow. The discharge capacity was also investigated and photographs were presented to show typical drop flow in combined sewer manholes. Sewer solids which are deposited in combined and sanitary sewers during dry weather, and are then flushed during overflows, make up a significant component of CSO and SSO pollutant discharges. Detailed research investigating all aspects of solids in sewer systems has been underway in Europe for nearly two decades. Recent research has characterized the nature of the solids getting into sewer systems, how they behave in terms of transport, and some of the main aspects of their effects. Ashley, et al. (2000) has demonstrated that in a number of catchments, the majority of pollutants found in suspension during storms, and likely to be discharged from overflows, originate from the predominantly organic 'near bed solids' which accumulate in systems during dry weather. This knowledge has been used to improve the modeling of sewer solids behavior. The USEPA has also investigated the causes of sewer solids deposition and the development/evaluation of control methods to prevent sediment accumulation. Control of sewer sediment not only protects urban receiving water quality but also protects sewer structural integrity (Fan, et al. 2000b). Chen and Leung (2000) demonstrated that the sediment phase played a key role in oxygen utilization in a sanitary gravity sewer. Their study indicated that the sediment phase contained more active biomass than the sewage phase. Del Giudice, et al. (2000) examined supercritical flow in a bend manhole used in sanitary sewers, and introduced the bend cover, which allows air entrainment into the downstream sewer. The bend cover may significantly increase the performance and capacity of bend flow and may easily be added to existing manholes. A three-dimensional particle settling model was used to predict the benthic exposure zone to sewage solids for a large marine outfall and diffuser serving Nanaimo, Canada. The predicted exposure zone was determined largely by horizontal advection, and to a lesser extent by the relative amounts of floc and non-floc solids settling at two different rates (Hodgins, et al. 2000). Burgess, et al. (1999) reported that the City of Indianapolis developed five CSO control facilities as "pilot" facilities, for the purpose of establishing and demonstrating the local suitability and effectiveness of the various technologies that they employ. Preliminary results, with emphasis on the capture characteristics of the floatable debris netting trap facilities, were presented. Bridgeport's (Connecticut) Water Pollution Control Authority has recently faced the problem of floating debris and the sound’s high tide. These drainage problems have been successfully solved by building new flow-control regulators with integrated automatic radio (wireless) and telephone-modem (wired) control, water-flow, and instrumentation technologies (Morrill and Sound, 1999). 9 Arthur and Ashley (1998) examined near-bed solids transport in combined sewers, developed a method to estimate the rate of sediment transport near the bed in sewers and concluded that near-bed transport of sediment may contribute to the first foul flush phenomenon in sewers. A study to quantify the first flush phenomenon in stormwater runoff failed to identify any consistent, strong indication that the first flush runoff from a storm contains higher concentrations of pollutants than the event average. Analysis of SS in the River Seine (Paris, France), both upstream and downstream of major CSOs, showed that SS from wet-weather events settled rapidly, after which they are gradually mobilized from the river bed during dry weather (Estèbe, et al. 1998). Dimensionless mass versus volume curves for 197 runoff events in 12 separate and combined sewer systems depended on the pollutant, the site, the rainfall event and the workings of the sewer system. No general relationships were established because of the complexity of the phenomena involved and the multiplicity of influencing factors (Bertrand-Krajewski, et al. 1998). Only slight first flush effects for SS and conductivity of storm runoff were observed at single road inlets for two catchments in Yugoslavia and Sweden and no first flush effect was recorded for pH or temperature. After a year of study, conclusions were that the first flush, if strongly present at the end of a drainage system, is not generated by the first flush of pollution input and that regression curves are not very reliable for prediction of the first flush load of pollution input into drainage systems (Deletic 1998). Sediment Sources and Effects Rossi, et al. (2005) performed stochastic modeling of TSS in urban areas during rain events. The model predicted the probability of TSS loads arising from CSOs as well as from stormwater in separate sewer systems. The different washoff behaviors of coarse versus fine suspended solids was observed in highway runoff by Aryal, et al. (2005a). The concentration of the fines was more consistent compared to the coarse fraction, as was the PAH content measured in the fine fraction. Fan, et al. (2003) reviewed the sewer sediment control projects conducted by the Wet-Weather Research Program of the US EPA. The projects focused on the relationship between wastewater characteristics and flow-carrying velocity, on the abatement of solids deposition and solids resuspension in sewers, and on the sewerline flushing systems for removal of sewer sediment. Goodwin, et al. (2003) investigated the temporal and spatial variability of sediment transport and yields in the Bradford Beck catchment (UK). The results demonstrated that for individual storms the sediment yields from the urban sub-catchment were generally higher than those from the rural system although the annual yields were comparable. For large events, urban sediment transport was dominated by the impact of CSO discharges. Cristina, et al. (2003) defined “first-flush” criteria for solids from small impervious watersheds, dividing the category into two types. They were a concentration-based first flush and a mass-based first flush, and the operational definition should define treatment design and operational efficiency. Paul, et al. (2002) evaluated the quantitative relationships that had been previously developed between landscape metrics and sediment contamination in 75 small estuarine systems across the mid-Atlantic and southern New England regions of the U.S. The landscape metrics important for explaining the variation in sediment metals levels (R2 = 0.72) were the percent area of nonforested wetlands (negative contribution), percent area of urban land, and point source effluent volume and metals input (positive contributions). The metrics important for sediment organics levels (R2 = 0.5) and total PAHs (R2 = 0.46) were percent area of urban land (positive contribution) and percent area of nonforested wetlands (negative contribution). Nelson (1999) described the sediment budget of Issaquah Creek, a 144 km2 mixed-use, urbanizing watershed near Seattle, WA. The water quality of Lake Sammamish, located at the outlet of the basin, was degrading with time, and fine sediment entering the lake from the watershed was a likely source of phosphorus during periods of lake anoxia. Another potential in-channel concern was the effect of fine sediment on spawning gravel for the salmon species that occupy Issaquah Creek. The sediment balance was being used to identify the major sources of sediment, and thus guide the most effective remedial measures. Nelson and Booth (2002) reported on sediment sources in the Issaquah Creek watershed. Human activity in the watershed, particularly urban development, has caused an increase of nearly 50% in the annual sediment yield, now estimated to be 44 tons km-2 yr-1. The main sources of sediment in the watershed are landslides (50%), channel-bank erosion (20%), and road-surface erosion (15%). 10 Benoit, et al. (1999a) studied sources of sediment entering Jordan Cove, Connecticut. Recent sediment accumulation rates were found to be decreasing (from 0.84 cm/yr to 0.40 cm/yr) but were slightly faster than relative sea-level rise at this site (0.3 cm/yr). Long Island Sound was found to be an important source of sediment to the cove; a minor part of total sediment was supplied from the local watershed. Benoit, et al. (1999b) also studied sources and the history of heavy metal contamination and sediment deposition in Tivoli South Bay, Hudson River, New York. The measured sedimentation rate ranged from 0.59 to 2.9 cm/yr suggesting that rapid accumulation occurred during the time period represented by the length of the cores (approximately the past 50 yrs). The sources of this material were expected to be upland streams, or the Hudson River, during storm events. Concentrations of Pb, Cu and Zn correlated with each other within individual cores at five of the six sites tested, suggesting a common proximate source. Erosion, Channel Stability, and Sediment Tetzlaff, et al. (2005) used hydrological criteria to assess changes in the flow dynamic in urbanized catchments. Flow acceleration, peak discharge and discharge dosage were studied. Miller, et al. (2005) investigated the impact of urbanization and the associated hydrology and channel morphology on fundamental ecosystem processes such as leaf litter decomposition and transport, which is a crucial part of restoring urban watersheds and streams. Yeager, et al. (2005) discussed urbanization-induced stream erosion in southern California. The variability in stream response to urbanization was assessed. Eyles, et al. (2003) investigated the impacts of urbanization on the geophysical and sedimentological characteristics in a Lake Ontario watershed. The urban-impacted watershed empties into the shallow, semi-enclosed coastal lagoon of Frenchman's Bay, which served as a trap for fine-grained contaminated sediment. Blazier, et al. (2003) investigated particle agglomeration in runoff and treatment processes, including the effects of pH, ionic strength and Camp and Stein’s velocity gradient. Agglomeration rates increased with lower pH and were optimized when mixing rates were set to avoid particle sedimentation and to avoid fluid shears. An emerging concept in channel design uses sediment transport as the basis for quantifying channel stability. Byars and Kelly (2001) examined channel stability in the Austin, TX, area. They concluded that a channel that is not undergoing excessive erosion or sedimentation has a function and form similar to a natural stream and should be the goal of good channel design. This approach, however, requires a more comprehensive understanding of the local climate, geology, hydrology, and stream mechanics than historically utilized. Hunt and Grow (2001) describe a field study conducted to determine the qualitative and quantitative impact to a stream from a poorly controlled construction site. They used fish electroshocking, Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index, and zigzag pebble count studies. The 33 acre construction site consisted of severely eroded silt and clay loam subsoil and was located within the Turkey Creek drainage, Scioto County, OH. The number of fish species declined (26 to 19) and the number of fish found (525 to 230) decreased significantly when comparing upstream unimpacted reaches to areas below the heavily eroding site. The Index of Biotic Integrity and the Modified Index of Well-Being, common fisheries indexes for stream quality, were therefore reduced from 46 to 32 and 8.3 to 6.3, respectively. Upstream of the area of impact, Turkey Creek had the highest water quality designation available (Exceptional Warm Water Habitat); but fell to the lowest water quality designation (Limited Resource Water) in the area of the construction activity. Water quality chemical analyses conducted on samples from upstream and downstream sites verified that these impacts were not from chemical affects alone. Morrisey, et al. (2000) described the sampling program used to confirm a predictive model of metal contaminant build-up (Cu, Pb, and Zn) in the sediments of sheltered urban estuaries in Aukland, New Zealand that have been subjected to urban runoff inflows. The results of their testing showed good general agreement between the model predictions and the observed concentrations of metals in the sediments. The paper by Butcher, et al. (2000) described the problems encountered when developing mercury TMDLs for the Arivaca and Pena Blanca Lakes in Arizona. These two lakes lacked point-source discharges of mercury; however, the concentrations of mercury in fish bodies were sufficiently high to trigger TMDL development. The resultant TMDL addressed the problems inherent with controlling pollutants entering the lake when the lake sediment was found to be a primary source of the pollutant. Rate, et al. (2000) investigated the concentration of heavy metals in sediments of the Swan River estuary in Perth, Australia. They found that the concentration of lead was elevated near stormwater drain outfalls when 11 compared to areas away from the outfalls, likely due to vehicular material; no similar effect was seen for copper or cadmium. They also noted that since the vast majority of all heavy metals were bound to iron oxides or organic sediments, most of the metals are not bioavailable. The results of the study performed by Rochfort, et al. (2000) on the effects of stormwater and CSO discharges on the benthic community showed that the levels of metals and PAHs in sediments below these discharges were high. However, biological effects were not seen - neither the toxicity endpoints nor the benthic community descriptors could be related to the sediment contaminant levels. Ghani, et al. (1999) found that the thickness of a sediment deposit on the bottom of a rigid rectangular channel greatly affects its erodibility of the deposits. They developed channel erosion equations that included terms for the deposit’s thickness. Keshavarzy and Ball (1999) studied the entrainment of sediment particles in water and found that the number of entrained particles per unit time per unit area was found to be related to the instantaneous shear stress at the bed. These results were used to modify the Shields diagram. Rhoads and Cahill (1999) studied the elevated concentrations of chromium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc that were found in sediments near storm sewer outfalls. They noted that copper and zinc concentrations were greater in the bedload compared to the bed material and therefore were more likely to be mobilized during runoff events. Stormwater impacts to streams are not limited to the relatively short duration of runoff events. As an example, sediments can dominate the aquatic physiochemical and biological processing of nutrients; sediment contaminated by stormwater pollutants has a detrimental effect on the receiving-water-biological community. The EPA and other regulatory agencies are attempting to develop sediment quality criteria to determine where excessive concentrations of chemical constituents are present in sediments at sufficient concentrations and in chemical forms to be significantly adverse to the designated beneficial uses of the associated water body. Lee and Jones-Lee (1996a) presented the issues that need to be considered in evaluating the results of a sediment quality assessment procedure to determine whether the toxicity or excessive concentration found is a potentially significant cause of real water quality deterioration in the water body of concern. Particle Size Distributions Knowing the settling velocity characteristics associated with stormwater particulates is necessary when designing wet detention ponds and other stormwater control devices that rely on sedimentation processes. Particle size is directly related to settling velocity (using Stokes law, for example, and using appropriate shape factors, specific gravity and viscosity values) and is usually used in the design of detention facilities. Particle size can also be much more rapidly measured in the laboratory than settling velocities. Settling tests for stormwater particulates need to be conducted for about three days in order to quantify the smallest particles that are of interest in the design of wet detention ponds. If designing rapid treatment systems (such as grit chambers or vortex separators for CSO treatment), then much more rapid settling tests can be conducted. Probably the earliest description of conventional particle settling tests for stormwater samples was made by Whipple and Hunter (1981). Whipple and Hunter (1981) contradicted the assumption sometimes used in modeling detention pond performance that pollutants generally settle out in proportion to their concentrations (first-order rate equations). However, Grizzard and Randall (1986) have shown a relationship between particulate concentrations and particle size distributions. High particulate concentrations were found to be associated with particle size distributions that had relatively high quantities of larger particulates, in contrast to waters having low particulate concentrations. The water having high particulate concentrations would therefore have increased particulate removals in detention ponds. This relationship is expected to be applicable for pollutants found mostly in particulate forms (such as suspended solids and most heavy metals), but the relationship between concentration and settling would be much poorer for pollutants that are mostly in soluble forms (such as filterable residue, chlorides and most nutrients). Therefore, the partitioning of specific pollutants between the “particulate” and “dissolved” forms, and eventually for different particulate size fractions, is needed. Smith (1982) also states that settleability characteristics of the pollutants, especially their particle size distribution, are needed before detention pond analyses can be made. Kamedulski and McCuen (1979) report that as the fraction of larger particles increase, the fraction of the pollutant load that settles also increases. Randall, et al. (1982), in settleability tests of urban runoff, found that non-filterable residue (suspended solids) behaves liked a mixture of discrete and flocculent particles. The larger discrete particles settled out rapidly, while the flocculent particles 12 (having small specific gravities) were very slow to settle out. Therefore, simple particle size information may not be sufficient when flocculent particles are also present. Particle size analyses should include identification of the particle by microscopic examination to predict the extent of potential flocculation. Detailed pond studies have provided additional in-sight to the particle sizes in stormwater and their behavior in wet ponds. Greb and Bannerman (1997) reported on a long-term pond study for Madison, WI. They found that the influent particle-size distribution affected the efficiency of the wet pond’s performance on sediment and associated pollutant removal. Krishnappan, et al. (1999) monitored in-pond particle sizes using a submersible laser particle size analyzer, reducing potential changes in particle characteristics that may occur during sampling. The suspended solids were mostly composed of flocs, and were about 30 μm in size during winter surveys and about 210 μm during the summer surveys. Three seasonal surveys of suspended solids were carried out in an on-stream stormwater management pond, by means of a submersible laser particle size analyzer. Size distributions were measured at up to 17 points in the pond, and water samples collected at the same locations were analyzed for primary particles aggregated in flocs. Using a relationship defining the floc density as a function of floc size and Stokes’ equation for settling, an empirical relationship expressing the free fall velocity as a function of floc size was produced (Krishnappan, et al. 1999). It is possible that the flocs formed were associated with in-pond chemical and biological processes and were not representative of influent particle size conditions. Pettersson (2002) investigated the characteristics of suspended particles in a small stormwater pond. The results showed the particle volume in the stormwater (particle volume per stormwater volume) predominately consisted of very fine particles and that the smallest particles comprised most of the surface area. The stormwater pollutants exhibited strong correlations with particle characteristics. Petterson (1999) examined the partitioning of heavy metals in particulate-bound and dissolved phases in a stormwater pond in Goteborg, Sweden. The results showed a clear variation in lead partitioning affected by specific conductivity. Figure 1 shows approximate stormwater particle size distributions derived from several upper Midwest and Ontario analyses, from all of the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) data (EPA 1983; Driscoll 1986), and for several eastern sites that reflect various residue concentrations (Grizzard and Randall 1986). Pitt and McLean (1986) microscopically measured the particles in selected stormwater samples collected during the Humber River Pilot Watershed Study in Toronto. The upper Midwest data sources were two NURP projects: Terstriep, et al. (1982), in Champaign/Urbana Ill. and Akeley (1980) in Washtenaw County, Michigan. 13 Figure 1. Particle size distributions for various stormwater sample groups. Over the years, relatively few samples have been analyzed for stormwater particle sizes and no significant trends have been identified relating the particle size distribution to land use or storm condition. However, the work by Grizzard and Randall (1986) does indicate significantly different particle size distributions for stormwaters from the same site having different suspended solids concentrations. The highest suspended solids concentrations were associated with waters having relatively few small particles, while the low suspended solids concentration waters had few large particles. The particle size distribution for the upper Midwest urban runoff samples falls between the medium and high particulate concentration particle size distributions. For many urban runoff conditions, the median stormwater particle size is estimated to be about 30 m, (which can be much smaller than the median particle size of some source area particulates). Very few particles larger than 1000 m are found in stormwater, but particles smaller than 10 m are expected to make up more than 20 percent of the stormwater total residue weight. Specific conditions (such as source area type, rain conditions and upstream controls) have been shown to have dramatic effects on particle size distributions. Randall, et al. (1982) monitored particle size distributions in runoff from a shopping mall that was cleaned daily by street cleaning. Their data (only collected during the rising limb of the hydrographs) showed that about 80 percent of the particles were smaller than 25 m, in contrast to about 40 percent that were smaller than 25 m during the outfall studies. They also only found about two percent of the runoff particles in sizes greater than 65 m, while the outfall studies found about 35 percent of the particles in sizes greater than 65 m. Limited data is also available concerning the particle size distribution of erosion runoff from construction sites. Hittman (1976) reported erosion runoff having about 70 percent of the particles (by weight) in the clay fraction (less than four m), while the exposed soil being eroded only had about 15 to 25 percent of the particles (by weight) in the clay fraction. When the available data is examined, it is apparent that many factors affect runoff particle sizes. Rain characteristics, soil type, and on-site erosion controls are all important. 14 Tests have also been conducted to examine the routing of particles through the Monroe St. detention pond in Madison, Wisconsin (Roger Bannerman, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, personal communication). This detention pond serves an area that is mostly comprised of medium residential, with some strip commercial areas. This joint project of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Geological Survey has obtained a number of inlet and outlet particle size distributions for a wide variety of storms. The observed median particle sizes ranged from about 2 to 26 m, with an average of 9 m. The following list shows the average particle sizes corresponding to various distribution percentages for the Monroe St. outfall: Percent larger than size Particle Size (m) 10 % 25 50 75 90 450 97 9.1 2.3 0.8 These distributions included bedload material that was also sampled and analyzed during these tests. This distribution is generally comparable to the “all NURP” particle size distribution presented previously. The critical particle sizes corresponding to the 50 and 90 percent control values are as follows for the different data groups: Monroe St. All NURP Midwest Low solids conc. Medium solids conc. High solids conc. 90 % 50% 0.8 1 3.2 1.4 3.1 8 9.1 m 8 34 4.4 21 66 The particle size distributions of stormwater at different locations in an urban area greatly affect the ability of different source area and inlet controls in reducing the discharge of stormwater pollutants. A series of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) funded research projects has examined the sources and treatability of urban stormwater pollutants (Pitt, et al. 1995). This research has included particle size analyses of 121 stormwater inlet samples from three states (southern New Jersey; Birmingham, Alabama; and at several cities in Wisconsin) in the U.S. that were not affected by stormwater controls. Particle sizes were measured using a Coulter Counter MultiSizer IIe and verified with microscopic, sieve, and settling column tests. Figures 2 through 4 are grouped box and whisker plots showing the particle sizes (in m) corresponding to the 10th, 50th (median) and 90th percentiles of the cumulative distributions. If 90 percent control of suspended solids (by mass) was desired, then the particles larger than the 90th percentile would have to be removed, for example. In all cases, the New Jersey samples had the smallest particle sizes (even though they were collected using manual “dipper” samplers and not automatic samplers that may miss the largest particles), followed by Wisconsin, and then Birmingham, Alabama, which had the largest particles (which were collected using automatic samplers and had the largest rain intensities). The New Jersey samples were obtained from gutter flows in a residential neighborhood that was xeroscaped, the Wisconsin samples were obtained from several source areas, including parking areas and gutter flows mostly from residential, but from some commercial areas, and the Birmingham samples were collected from a long-term parking area on the UAB campus. Generally, source area samples have larger particles, while outfall samples do not have the largest particles that washoff from the source areas. The largest particles accumulate in the drainage system and the runoff water does not have the power to transport these materials to the outfall. 15 Figure 2. Tenth percentile particle sizes for stormwater inlet flows (Pitt, et al. 1997). Figure 3. Fiftieth percentile particle sizes for stormwater inlet flows (Pitt, et al. 1997). 16 Figure 4. Ninetieth percentile particle sizes for stormwater inlet flows (Pitt, et al. 1997). The median particle sizes ranged from 0.6 to 38m and averaged 14m. The 90th percentile sizes ranged from 0.5 to 11m and averaged 3m. These particle sizes are all substantially smaller than have been typically assumed for stormwater. Stormwater particle size distributions typically do not include bed load components because automatic sampler intakes are usually located above the bottom of the pipe where the bed load occurs. During the Monroe St. (Madison, WI) detention pond monitoring, the USGS and WI DNR installed special bed load samplers that trapped the bed load material for analysis. The bedload samplers were liter-sized wide mouth containers which were placed in bored holes in the bottom of the enclosed flat bottomed concrete small box channels right before the pond. Three units were placed in the channel bottom, each having different width slots cut in their lids. The mass of material trapped was directly related to the ratio of the width of the slot to the width of the channel. The material was removed, dried and weighed, and sieved. This particle size distribution was combined with the flow-weighted particle distributions obtained for the runoff events monitored during the same exposure period. Practically all events were monitored, with little flow not represented in these analyses. Figure 5 shows the measured particle size distributions for 16 seasonal samples (each having several runoff events), also including the bedload particle size distributions. The bedload samplers were in place for several weeks at a time in order to accumulate sufficient sample for analyses. The bedload material was comprised of the largest material represented on this figure (generally about 300 or 400 m and larger particulates) and comprised about 10 percent of the annual total solids loading, but ranged from about 2 to 25 percent for individual periods. The bed load component in Madison was most significant during the early spring rains when much of the traction control sand that could be removed by rains was being washed from the streets. This is not a large fraction of the solids, but it represents the largest particle sizes flowing in the stormwater and it can be easily trapped in most detention ponds or catchbasins. 17 Figure 5. Inlet particle size distributions observed at the Monroe St. wet detention pond. Figure 6 shows a typical “delta” of large material immediately near the influent to a wet detention pond, along with an accumulation of material along the invert of the corrugated steel drainage pipe. This photo was taken at a pond in Snowmass, CO, in an area of heavy sand applications for traction control in the winter. The bedload sediment material in this photo is quite large, several mm in diameter, and near the upper range of the particle size distribution shown previously. This drainage pipe is relatively short, connected to an adjacent parking area. It is rare for this large material to be transported great distances in drainage systems. If it does enter a pond, or any type of sediment device, it is easily trapped near the inlet. However, moderate sized particulates can easily be transported quite some distance in the drainage system and be deposited well away from the inlet when discharged into wet detention ponds. The use of forebays, or small pre-settlement ponds, will trap much of the moderate-sized particulates (down to about 25m) within a relatively small area for easier removal during maintenance operations. The finer particulates (down to just a few m), containing most of the pollutants, would be trapped in the main pond area, although the sediment mass is relatively small. 18 Figure 6. Bedload sediment accumulation in sewerage and near outlet in pond (Snowmass, CO). Particle Settling Velocities The settling velocities of discrete particles are shown in Figure 7, based on Stoke’s and Newton’s settling relationships. Probably more than 90% of all stormwater particulates are in the 1 to 100 m range, corresponding to laminar flow conditions, and appropriate for using Stoke’s law. This figure also illustrates the effects of different specific gravities on the settling rates. In most cases, stormwater particulates have specific gravities in the range of 1.5 to 2.5. This corresponds to a relatively narrow range of settling rates for a specific particle size. Particle size is much easier to measure than settling rates and it is generally recommended to measure particle sizes using automated particle sizing equipment (such as a Coulter Counter Multi-Sizer III) and to conduct periodic settling column tests to determine the corresponding specific gravities. If the particle counting equipment is not available, then small scale settling column tests (using 50 cm diameter Teflon columns about 0.7 m long) can be easily used. 19 Figure 7. Type 1 (discrete) settling of spheres in water at 10 C (Reynolds 1982). Particle settling observations in actual detention ponds have generally confirmed the ability of well designed and operated detention ponds to capture the “design” particles. Gietz (1983) found that particles smaller than 20 m were predominate (comprised between 50 to 70 percent of the sediment) at the outlet end of a “long” monitored pond, while they only made up about ten to 15 percent of the sediment at the inlet end. Particles between 20 and 40 m were generally uniformly distributed throughout the pond length, and particles greater than 40 m were only found in the upper (inlet) areas of the pond. The smaller particles were also found to be resuspended during certain events. Pisano and Brombach (1996) summarized numerous solids settling curves for stormwater and CSO samples. They are concerned that many of the samples analyzed for particle size are not representative of the true particle size distribution in the sample. As an example, it is well known that automatic samplers do not sample the largest particles that are found in the bedload portion of the flows. Particles having settling velocities in the 1 to 15 cm/sec range are found in grit chambers and catchbasins, but are not seen in stormwater samples obtained by automatic samplers, for example. It is recommended that bedload samplers be used to supplement automatic water samplers in order to obtain more accurate particle size distributions (Burton and Pitt 2002). Selected US and Canadian settling velocity data are shown in Table 7. The CSO particulates have much greater settling velocities than the other samples, while the stormwater has the smallest settling velocities. The corresponding “Stoke’s” particle sizes for the 20 geometric means are about 100 m for the CSOs, about 50 m for the sanitary sewage, and about 15 m for the stormwater. Table 7. Settling Velocities for Wastewater, Stormwater, and CSO (Pisano and Bromback 1996) Samples CSO dry weather wastewater (sanitary sewage) stormwater Geometric Means of Settling Velocities Observed (cm/sec) 0.22 0.045 0.011 Range of Medians of Settling Velocities Observed (cm/sec) 0.01 to 5.5 0.030 to 0.066 0.0015 to 0.15 More than 13,000 CSO control tanks have been built in Germany using the ATV 128 rule (Pisano and Bromback 1996). This rule states that clarifier tanks (about 1/3 of these CSO tanks) are to retain all particles having settling velocities greater than 10 m/hr (0.7 cm/sec), with a goal of capturing 80% of the settleable solids. Their recent measurements of overflows from some of these tanks indicate that the 80% capture was average for these tanks and that the ATV 128 rule appears to be reasonable. Bzdusek, et al. (2005) investigated the potential for fine-grained sediment transport and deposition in Wisconsin using sediment-core tracer profiles. Cesium-137 activity versus depth showed distinct peaks related to peak river discharges in specific years. Sediment deposition has continued near one urban bridge. Furumai, et al. (2002b) studied the dynamic behavior of suspended pollutants and particle size distributions in highway runoff. Except for Pb, the concentrations of TSS and heavy metals in runoff were within the range of the EMC reported in recent highway runoff research. Particle-bound heavy metals (Zn, Pb, and Cu) accounted for more significant pollutant loads than soluble fractions. Their content decreased with increasing total SS concentration in runoff samples. The results of particle size distribution (PSD) analysis of runoff samples indicate that high TSS concentration samples contained coarser particles. Based on the PSD results, a stepwise wash-off phenomenon of TSS under varying runoff rate conditions was explained by the different washoff behavior of fine (less than or equal 20 μm) and coarser particles. Hijioka, et al. (2000) investigated the behavior of suspended solids in runoff from a 67-ha urban watershed by looking at the behavior of two separate fractions (fine – less than 45 um; coarse – greater than 45 um). They found that the two fractions behaved similarly; however, the pollutant loadings were different with the coarse fraction needing a more intense storm to generate runoff containing that fraction. The composition and morphology of colloidal materials entering an urban waterway (Brays Bayou, Houston, Texas) during a storm event was investigated. Analyses of organic carbon, Si, Al, Fe, Cr, Cu, Mn, Zn, Ca, Mg, and Ca were performed on the fraction of materials passing through a 0.45 μm filter. This fraction, traditionally defined as "dissolved", was further fractionated by ultra-centrifugation into colloidal and dissolved fractions (Grout, et al. 1999). Lloyd and Wond (1999) presented examples of particulate size fraction distributions for road and highway runoff collected in Australia and compared the information with United States and European samples. They found that the particle size distribution of suspended solids in stormwater runoff from roads and highways in Australia were relatively finely graded. Sansalone and Hird (1999), in contrast, found that the particle sizes of stormwater particulates investigated at a freeway site in Cincinnati, Ohio were much larger than typically found elsewhere. In their samples, particles several hundred μm in size were common. They stressed the need to carefully collect stormwater samples for particle size analyses considering the difficulty of representing large particles in samples collected with automatic samplers. Pitt, et al. (1999), during pilot-scale testing of a critical-source-area-treatment device, monitored particle size characteristics both in the influent and effluent. The parking lot stormwater had median particle sizes ranging from 3 to 15 μm. They also monitored particle sizes from 75 source areas in the Birmingham, Alabama, area as part of treatability tests during an earlier phase of this research and found similar 21 small-sized particles. Corsi, et al. (1999) measured stormwater particle sizes as part of a treatment system evaluation at a public works yard in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and found median particle sizes in the influent of about 18 μm. Andral, et al. (1999) analyzed particle sizes and particle settling velocities in stormwater samples collected from eight storm events from the A9 motorway in the Kerault Region of France. They concluded that to effectively treat runoff, particles smaller than 50 μm in diameter (which represented approximately three-quarters of the particulates analyzed, by weight) must be captured. The median particle size for their samples averaged about 15 μm. Settling velocities of these particulates were also studied. The median settling velocities of the particulates smaller than 50 μm ranged from 2.5 to 3.3 m/h, while the larger particles between 50 to 100 μm in diameter had median settling velocities ranging from 5.7 to 13 m/h. Krishnappan, et al. (1999) examined particle size distributions of suspended solids in a wet detention pond. They used a submersible laser particle size analyzer that enabled them to examine the particulate characteristics without disturbance by sampling. They found that the suspended solids were mostly composed of flocs, with maximum sizes ranging from 30 (winter) to 212 μm (summer). They concluded that flocs in the size range from 5 to 15 μm would settle faster than both smaller primary particles of higher density, and somewhat larger flocs of lower density. The larger flocs were also found to be susceptible to break up by turbulence. Organic matter in sediments from pipes and silt traps in combined sewers was divided into fractions with different settling velocities. The largest fraction of organic material was found in the faster settling material, however the faster settling material had a slower biodegradability than the slower settling fraction (Vollersten, et al., 1998). The efficiencies estimated using particle size distribution and settling velocities as suggested in the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Stormwater Management Practices Planning and Design Manual of Ont., Can., which is used to design best management practices (BMP), were less than those estimated using the observed particle distribution and settling velocities estimated from these sites. Suspended solid removal estimation based on the manual would result in removal efficiencies more conservative than observed (Liang, et al. 1998). Jones and Washburn (1998) mapped the three-dimensional distribution of dissolved and particulate components associated with stormwater runoff in Santa Monica Bay, Calif. The three major particles types in the bay were particles associated with the stormwater runoff, phytoplankton in the water column, and resuspended sediments. Water quality and particle-size distribution were characterized from urban-stormwater runoff from two storms that indicated potential relationships between zinc (Zn)/organic carbon and iron (Fe)/macrocolloid (0.45 μm — 20 μm) pairs. Results also indicated that concentrations of particle ion number, organic carbon, suspended solids (SS), Fe, and Zn increased during storms but showed no evidence of the “first flush” (Characklis and Wiesner, 1997). Solids-settling characteristics are very important for designing many CSO and stormwater-sedimentation-control facilities. Pisano (1996) summarized more than 15 years of settling data obtained in the United States, separated by wastewater types. Pollutant Associations with Different Particle Sizes During analyses conducted by Johnson, et al. (2003), all samples were divided into three portions for particle size analyses: >106 m, <0.45 m, and the intermediate range from 0.45 to 106 m. The Coulter Counter (Multi-Sizer 3) results for the intermediate size range were compiled with results from the other two size ranges to obtain the complete particle size distribution. The last section of this module describes a recommended analytical protocol for particulate analyses. In a follow-up study to Johnson, et al. (2003), Morquecho (2005) examined about 10 separate particle size categories for chemical analyses. Most of the analytes had large decreases with filtration, especially for the more contaminated samples (turbidity, phosphorus, phosphate, magnesium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, and zinc). Total solids and COD had much smaller changes with filtration, with substantial fractions associated with the filterable (<0.45 m) fraction. Constituents that did not change significantly with filtration included nitrate and sodium, as expected. Other analytes (COD and cadmium) also had little change, except for a single sample in each case. Table 8 summarizes the calculated “potency” factors for several size ranges for the heavy metals during these tests. These are the masses of these constituents associated with the particulates, expressed as mg constituent per kg of 22 suspended solids. As expected, these values increase with decreasing particle size, except for iron that is seen to generally remain constant. The iron measurements show that these stormwater particulates were about 1.5 to 3% iron, by mass. There were also large zinc components for the smallest sizes. Typical soil values for iron are about 50,000 mg Fe per kg solids, somewhat higher than these observations, while observed copper, lead, and zinc are all higher than typical soil values of about 100 mg/kg (Lindsay 1979). Typical street dirt (mostly for the smallest <43 m size particles) contents of these heavy metals are about 100 to 500 mg/kg for copper, about 500 to 7,500 mg/kg for lead, and about 250 to 1,200 mg/kg for zinc (Bannerman, et al. 1983, Pitt 1979, Pitt 1985, Pitt and McLean 1986, Pitt and Sutherland 1982, and Terstrip, et al. 1982). The lead values found were much less than the earlier street dirt values, due to the decreased use of lead in gasoline. However, the copper and zinc values observed are much greater than the street dirt values. In Toronto, Pitt and McLean (1986) found copper values of about 30 to 200 mg/kg for most residential and commercial source area particulates (<125 m), but from 100 to over 1,000 mg/kg at industrial areas. Similar values for residential and commercial area lead soil concentrations were generally from 200 to 1,000 mg/kg and slightly higher in industrial areas. Zinc ranged from 50 to 2,000 mg/kg in all land use areas. Again, the observed copper and zinc values were much greater than these previous measurements, while the lead values were much less. Table 8. Summary Table Pollutant Associations for Different Particle Sizes (Morquecho 2005) particle size (m) >250 106 to 250 45 to 106 10 to 45 2 to 10 0.45 to 2 Copper mg Cu/kg COV SS 50 na 2,137 1.45 1,312 1.16 735 0.97 4,668 1.60 2,894 1.21 Iron mg Fe/kg COV SS 28,604 1.50 21,730 0.85 14,615 0.72 26,221 0.54 18,508 1.16 29,267 1.31 particle size (m) >250 106 to 250 45 to 106 10 to 45 2 to 10 0.45 to 2 COD mg COD/kg COV SS 672,000 1.4 373,000 1.3 586,000 1.0 629,000 1.7 1,940,000 0.7 2,330,000 1.6 Total Phosphorus Mg TP/kg COV SS 6,440 1.2 17,200 3.4 2,160 0.9 6,640 0.9 78,800 1.3 57,500 1.8 Lead mg Pb/kg SS 117 375 226 229 868 199 COV 0.58 1.03 0.85 0.50 0.78 1.40 Zinc mg Zn/kg SS 266 3,486 2,076 1,559 13,641 13,540 COV 0.88 0.79 0.88 0.74 1.88 1.56 Randall, et al. (1982), recognized the strong correlation between pollutant removal effectiveness in wet detention ponds and pollutant associations with suspended solids. High lead removals were related to lead's affinity for suspended solids, while much smaller removals of BOD5 and phosphorus were usually obtained because of their significant soluble fractions. Wet detention ponds also are biological and chemical reactors. Changes in many pollutants can take place in the water column or in the sediments of ponds. Dally, et al. (1983) monitored heavy metal forms in runoff entering and leaving a wet detention pond serving a bus maintenance area. They found that metals entering the monitored pond were generally in particulate (nonfilterable) forms and underwent transformations into filterable (smaller than 0.2 m in size) forms. The observed total metal removals by the pond were generally favorable, but the filterable metal outflows were much greater than the filterable metal inflows. This effect was most pronounced for cadmium and lead. Very little changes in zinc were found, probably because most of the zinc entering the pond was already in filterable forms. These metal transformations may be more pronounced in wet detention ponds that in natural waters because of potentially more favorable (for metal dissolution) pH and ORP conditions in wet pond sediments. Other studies have found similar transformations in the forms and availability of nutrients in wet detention ponds, usually depending on the extent of algal growth and algal removal operations. 23 Table 9 can be used to estimate the approximate controls for pollutants in wet detention ponds, related to particulate removals. These ratios of pollutant removals to suspended solids removals are based on many field observations (mostly from the NURP studies, EPA 1983) of detention pond performance and can vary significantly. Three general groupings were identified: total lead and total copper were most efficiently removed, while organic nitrogen was the least efficiently removed. Many of the nutrients showed “negative” removals during monitoring, possibly because of biological cycling of the nutrients in the ponds. Wet detention ponds should not be expected to provide significant removals of any pollutants in “soluble” forms (associated with very small particles, colloids, or truly dissolved). Table 9. Approximate Control of Stormwater Pollutants in Wet Detention Ponds Constituent Group Lead and copper COD, BOD5, soluble and total phosphorus, nitrates, and zinc Organic nitrogen Control as a Fraction of Suspended Solids Control 0.75 to 1.00+ 0.6 0.4 Example: If 85% control of suspended solids, then: Lead and copper: 0.75 to 1.0+ of 85% = 64 to 85+% COD, etc.: 0.6 of 85% = 51% Organic nitrogen: 0.4 of 85% = 34% The relationship between solids retention and pollution retention is important for wet detention ponds. Becker, et al. (1995) used settling column tests to measure the settling characteristics of different pollutants in sanitary sewage. They found that the majority of the particulate fractions of COD, copper, TKN, and total phosphorus was associated with particles having settling velocities of 0.04 to 0.9 cm/sec. Figure 8 is an example plot showing the relationship of particulate COD and different settling velocity fractions. Figure 8. COD and particulate settling velocity (Butler, et al. 1995). Particulate pollutant strength (or potency factor) is the ratio of a particulate pollutant concentration to the suspended solid concentration, expressed in mg/kg. The strengths of stormwater particulates were calculated for each pollutant with a particulate form and plotted on a probability versus strength chart for the Madison, WI, data from House, et al. (1993) (Figure 9 for Zn). All pollutants had higher outlet than inlet strength values due to preferential removals of large particles in the detention pond, leaving relatively more small particles in the discharge water. The small particles in stormwater have higher pollutant strengths than the large particles. 24 Figure 9. Particulate pollutant strengths for zinc (data from House, et al. 1993). Vignoles and Herremans (1995) also examined the heavy metal associations with different particles sizes in stormwater samples from Toulouse, France. They found that the vast majority of the heavy metal loadings in stormwater were associated with particles less than 10 m in size, as shown on Table 10. They concluded that stormwater control practices must be able to capture the very small particles. Table 10. Percentages of Suspended Solids and Distribution of Heavy Metal Loadings Associated with Various Stormwater Particulate Sizes (Toulouse, France) (Percentage associated with size class, concentration in mg/kg). Suspended solids Cadmium Cobalt Chromium Copper Manganese Nickel Lead Zinc >100 m 15% 50 to 100 m 11% 40 to 50 m 6% 32 to 40 m 9% 20 to 32 m 10% 10 to 20 m 14% <10 m 35% 18 (13) 9 (18) 5 (21) 7 (42) 8 (86) 8 (31) 4 (104) 5 (272) 11 (11) 5 (16) 4 (25) 8 (62) 4 (59) 5 (27) 4 (129) 6 (419) 6 (11) 4 (25) 2 (26) 3 (57) 3 (70) 4 (31) 2 (181) 3 (469) 5 (6) 6 (20) 6 (50) 4 (46) 3 (53) 5 (31) 4 (163) 5 (398) 5 (5) 6 (18) 3 (23) 4 (42) 4 (54) 5 (27) 5 (158) 5 (331) 9 (6) 10 (22) 9 (39) 11 (81) 7 (85) 10 (39) 8 (247) 16 (801) 46 (14) 60 (53) 71 (134) 63 (171) 71 (320) 63 (99) 73 (822) 60 (1,232) Source: Vignoles and Herremans (1995) Table 11 lists the remaining concentrations for several monitored pollutants after controlling for particle sizes ranging from 20 to 0.45 m (Morquecho 2005). The corresponding percentage reductions are shown in Table 12. Some pollutants can be reduced by a reduction in particulates, such as suspended solids, total phosphorus and most heavy metals. Other pollutants, such as nitrates, are reduced much less, even after filtration down to 0.45 m. 25 Table 11. Average Remaining Concentrations after Controlling for Different Sized Particles (Morquecho 2005) Total Solids Suspended Solids Turbidity (NTU) Total-P Total-N Nitrate Phosphate COD Ammonia pH (pH units) Cadmium (g/L) Chromium (g/L) Copper (g/L) Iron (g/L) Lead (g/L) Zinc (g/L) Residual Concentration after Removing all Particulates Greater than Size Shown (mg/L, unless otherwise noted) Unfiltered 20 m 5 m 1 m 0.45 m 178 106 102 86 84 94 22 18 2 0 53 30 24 4 2 0.38 0.12 0.07 0.04 0.03 2.13 1.50 1.25 1.38 1.63 0.6 0.60 0.60 0.53 0.50 0.8 0.23 0.18 0.15 0.10 99 51 48 47 52 0.26 0.17 0.14 0.12 0.11 7.35 7.45 7.66 7.39 7.53 4.9 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.8 15.4 4.7 3.8 2.8 2.5 24.6 18.3 16.2 17.8 15.6 2830 1350 1050 140 80 15.7 9.2 6.0 3.7 2.8 179 64 53 53 51 Table 12. Average Percentage Reduction in Pollutants after Controlling for Different Particle Sizes (Morquecho 2005) Total Solids Suspended Solids Turbidity Total-P Total-N Nitrate Phosphate COD Ammonia Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Zinc Percent Pollutant Reduction after Removing all Particulates Greater than Size Shown 20 m 5 m 1 m 0.45 m 40% 43% 52% 53% 76 81 98 100 43 55 92 96 68 82 89 92 30 41 35 23 0 0 12 17 71 78 81 88 48 52 52 47 35 46 54 58 20 22 22 22 69 81 82 84 26 34 34 37 52 63 95 97 41 62 76 82 64 70 70 72 Most well designed wet detention ponds remove most particulates down to about 1 to 5 m for long-term conditions, depending on the rain conditions and drainage area. Smaller ponds may only be able to remove the particulates down to about 20 m, while no pond can remove the filterable fraction by physical removal processes alone. The following list shows which constituents can be controlled to different levels and the associated particulate removal targets, based on many field observations of actual wet pond performance: >90% suspended solids (0.45 to 1 m) turbidity (0.45 to 1 m) total phosphorus (0.45 m) iron (0.45 to 1 m) 26 80 to 89% suspended solids (5 m) turbidity (2 m?) total phosphorus (1 to 5 m) phosphate (0.45 to 1 m) chromium (0.45 to 5 m) lead (0.45 m) 70 to 79% suspended solids (20 m) turbidity (3 m?) phosphate (5 to 20 m) lead (1 m) zinc (0.45 to 5 m) all <50% total nitrogen nitrate COD cadmium copper Of course, samples for other locations and situations would likely result in different levels of control. However, the predicted level of control associated with particulate control at least to 1 to 5 m are close to what is expected for a well-designed wet detention pond designed for the control of these particulates, with the exception of copper which would normally be better controlled than indicated with this data. These data enable us to specify the level of treatment of particulates to obtain specific pollutant treatment goals. Colloidal Analysis Chelex-100 resin was added to portions of the filtered (0.45 m filter) stormwater samples collected in Birmingham and Tuscaloosa, AL (Johnson, et al, 2003 and Morquecho 2005). After shaking for one hour, the samples were again filtered (again using a 0.45 m filter). Ionic forms of the metals will bond to the Chelex, while colloidal bound metals and metals strongly bound to ligands will remain in solution and be filtered. Therefore, the “after” Chelex exposed concentrations reflects these bound metals, while the differences in the “before” and “after” exposure concentrations reflects the portions associated with free ionic forms. The Chelex-100 tests indicated that almost all of the filterable (through 0.45 m filters) heavy metals (and major ions) were not associated with colloids and organo-metallic complexes, but occurred as free ions. The main exception was cadmium, with only about 30% of the filterable cadmium in ionic forms, and copper with about half of the filterable copper in ionic forms. The UV exposure tests used to indicate likely organo-metallic complexes were quite uncertain due to the low concentrations of all complexed metals in the filterable sample fraction and the imprecision of the toxicity tests at such low values. Strengths of Major Constituent and Heavy Metal Associations with Particulates Most of the heavy metals in stormwater are associated with the particulates larger than 0.45 m in size, although some exceptions exist (usually zinc, and sometimes copper, can predominantly be associated with the filterable fraction of stormwater). The fate of these particulate-bound heavy metals is of interest when designing stormwater controls. Specifically, do these metals stay bound to the particulates under typical environmental conditions of pH and Eh? This is of special interest when considering sediment in urban streams, and captured sediment in stormwater controls. Additional tests were therefore conducted by Johnson, et al. (2003) and Morquecho (2005) to examine the strengths of association between the pollutants and the particulates. It was expected that the filtered 27 concentrations after exposure to varying pH conditions would be intermediate between the original filterable (filtered through 0.45 m filters and digested) and the initial total (unfiltered and digested) concentrations. If the concentrations under all pH conditions were similar to the concentrations of the original filtered samples, then the particulate bound metals are strongly associated with the particulates and are unlikely to enter the overlying water column in a pond. However, if the concentrations approached the total metal concentrations, and were much higher than the filtered metal concentrations, then the metals are weakly associated with the particulates and my become disassociated during normal environmental conditions, with potentially adverse water quality consequences. Experiments were conducted to examine the likelihood of the metals disassociating from the particulates under pH conditions ranging from about 4 to 11. In addition, tests were conducted with both weak and strong acids. Related tests were conducted to measure the disassociation potential of heavy metals (and nutrients) under aerobic and anaerobic conditions having extreme Eh values. Figure 10 is an example plot for the copper tests. Table 13 summarizes the results of these tests, indicating if the major constituents and heavy metals can be disassociated from the particulates under different pH conditions. The major constituents (calcium, potassium and sodium) had very little change for any pH exposure condition; all concentrations were very similar. Magnesium also had several samples that had better retention at high pH, compared to low pH conditions. There was also no apparent difference between exposure to the strong or the weak acids at the two low pH conditions for any constituent. Figure 10. Leachability of copper under different pH conditions. 28 Table 13. Summary of Strengths of Associations of Major Constituents and Heavy Metals with Particulates under Varying pH Exposure Conditions (Morquecho 2005) Calcium Magnesium Potassium Sodium Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Zinc pH exposure conditions (after 3 days on shaking table) pH = 4 pH = 5.5 neutral pH = 9 pH = 11 dissolved1 dissolved dissolved dissolved dissolved weak2 moderate3 moderate moderate strong4 strong strong strong strong strong dissolved dissolved dissolved dissolved dissolved precipitated precipitate precipitated precipitated precipitated 5 d strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong weak strong strong precipitated precipitated 1 dissolved constituents occur then the exposed concentrations were close to the original filterable concentration, and most of the constituent was in the dissolved (filterable) fraction. 2 weak associations occur when the exposed concentrations are close to the original total concentration which was substantially larger than the dissolved concentration. 3 moderate associations occur when the exposed concentrations are intermediate between the original total and filterable concentrations. 4 strong associations occur when the exposed concentrations remain close to the original filterable concentration which is substantially smaller than the total concentration. 5 precipitation may have occurred when the exposed concentrations are less than the original filterable concentration. These tests indicate that the heavy metals of concern remain strongly bound to the particulates during long exposures at the extreme pH conditions likely to occur in receiving water sediments. They will also likely remain strongly bound to the particulates in stormwater control device sumps or detention pond sediments where particulate-bound metals are captured. The associated tests examining metal binding to filtration media under aerobic and anaerobic conditions also found that the heavy metals likely remain strongly associated with a variety of organic and inorganic media under varying Eh conditions. However, those other tests did indicate that captured nutrients are likely to come off the media under anaerobic conditions. Sediment Transport in Storm Drainage Systems Much research has been conducted on the transport, settling, and scour of gross solids in sanitary sewers and in combined sewers, especially in Europe, during recent years (Ashley, et al. 1999; 2000; 2002; Butler and Karunaratne 1995; Butler, et al. 1995; Cigana, et al. 1998a, 1998b, 1998c, 1999, 2000, 2001; plus reviews by Pisano, et al. 1998, amongst others). However, relatively little research has been conducted concerning the fate of larger particulates that enter separate stormwater drainage systems. Historical design approaches are intended to minimize particulate deposition in sewerage, and usually present a minimum pipe slope or a minimum velocity objective. If followed, these guidelines usually result in minimal maintenance problems associated with particulate accumulations in the storm drainage system. However, it is still important to minimize erosion sources in the watershed. In addition, catchbasin sumps have also been used to trap the larger particulates that enter storm drainage inlets. Therefore, particulate transport in separate storm drainage has not been considered to be a significant problem for public works managers. However, much more is needed to be known about particulate transport in stormwater drainage systems when conducting stormwater quality investigations, especially when examining the effects of source area controls on outfall quality. Prior studies have conducted mass balances in urban drainage systems and have found significant accumulations of solids in the drainage systems. These accumulations are mostly of the largest particulates that enter the drainage system, effectively preventing these from being discharged to the receiving waters. Many source area stormwater quality controls, such as street cleaning and the use of catchbasins, also preferentially remove the largest particulates. Simple modeling of the benefits of these controls therefore typically leads to inaccurate conclusions concerning reduced discharges of these particulates, and associated pollutants. The pollutants being removed would not likely be effectively transported through the drainage system, but would instead accumulate. In addition, source area and inlet samples frequently indicate much larger amounts of 29 large particulates than would be discharged to the receiving water. This also misleads management strategies pertaining to stormwater quality. This module section presents observations from an urban area mass balance investigation along with some traditional particulate transport approaches in an attempt to explain some of these observations. McIlhatton, et al. (2002) reviewed the influence of solids eroded from the bed of the combined sewer on receiving waters and treatment plants using data obtained from field studies carried out in the main Dundee interceptor sewer in Scotland. In addition, the paper described some of the methods used to investigate the pollutant characteristics associated with the solids erosion in combined sewers. Sakrabani, et al. (2002) described the efforts using an endoscope that allowed visualization of combined sewer deposits (Near-Bed Solids) in a non-destructive way. Based on this work, several models have been proposed to estimate near-bed solids and predict the pollutant loads of consequence from CSOs. Pollert and Stansky (2002) reported on the use of computational techniques (a 1-D MOUSE model and the 3-D FLUENT model) to evaluate the separation efficiency of suspended solids in a CSO system. A combination of the two models was used to describe the CSO behavior. Modeling the transport of sediment and other debris in sewers was investigated by Babaeyan-Koopaei, et al. (1999). Using the correct velocity distributions was found to be critical in order to obtain accurate predictions of sediment transport. A sensitivity analysis investigated the influence of some important parameters involved in the model, especially the drag coefficient, the lift coefficient, solid density, and pipe roughness. Arthur, et al. (1999) proposed a new design approach to minimize sedimentation in sewers. They also compared the results of laboratory investigations with real sewer conditions. Johnstone, et al. (1999) described on-going research concerning the disposal of large sanitary solids in combined sewers, assessing the relative sustainability of conventional disposal methods using an integrated, holistic approach, incorporating economics, sociology, life cycle data, and a risk assessment. They also described a project designed to study the behavior of the sanitary solids in the sewerage system through laboratory, field, and modeling studies. Skipworth, et al. (1999) sampled and analyzed combined sewer sediment deposits and found coarse, loose, granular, predominantly mineral material that was overlain by a mobile, fine-grained cohesive-like sediment deposit in the invert of pipes. The erosion of this more mobile fraction was identified as the major source of the first flush of pollutants associated with CSO events. They presented a new approach to model the erosion and subsequent transport of these mobile sediments. Rushforth, et al. (1999) examined the relationships between the erosion of in-sewer organic deposits and the sediment composition. They found that sewer sediments consist of mixtures of organic and inorganic material and exhibit a much wider range of particle sizes and densities than typically assumed. Specifically, the characteristics of the fine organic sediment found in combined sewer deposits fall outside the applicable range of grain size and density for typically used sediment transport models. Their laboratory experiments showed that the addition of granular material in sewer deposits significantly increases the amount of organic material eroded, compared to a deposit composed entirely of organic material. Background Modeling solids transport in sewers. Many computational models are available to simulate the flow and transport of suspended solids and other water quality pollutants through urban drainage systems to wastewater treatment facilities and CSOs. However, models capable of predicting the quantity and temporal distribution of gross solids entering treatment works and CSOs are less available. Digman, et al. (2002) developed a model to predict the movement of gross solids in a combined sewerage system. The Gross Solids Simulator (GSS) links directly with Hydroworks to obtain network data and flow depth and velocity. The model also uses a series of diurnal solids profiles based on work performed at the Imperial College in London. The GSS has been calibrated using an extensive set of data sampled from combined sewerage systems. In a separate study, results from a thorough analysis of the water quality modeling components of MOUSE and HydroWorks/InfoWorks CS suggests that results obtained for pollutant transport in the sewers is not as accurate as for hydrodynamics (Bouteligier, et al. 2002). Consequently, caution should be exercised when using the water quality modules of the two software packages. Zug, et al. (2002) are creating an integrated model (sewer networks, storage tank, and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP)) for the Grand Couronne sewer system and parts of the Berlin sewer system. The integrated model has 30 been built, calibrated, and validated for hydraulic and pollution load prediction during dry and wet weather. Mark, et al. (2002) used integrated modeling of the drainage system, WWTP, and receiving water to evaluate real time control and alternative WWTP operations to protect beachfront water quality. The integrated modeling used MOUSE TRAP to simulate the drainage system, historical data to represent the WWTP operation, and MIKE21 to represent the beach water quality in two dimensions. An assessment of the benefits of an integrated urban drainage modeling approach linking the operation of the sewer system, WWTP, and receiving water was evaluated by Erbe, et al. (2002). Mailhot, et al. (2002) evaluated the impacts of watershed management and wastewater treatment activities on water quality of the Chaudiere River using an integrated modeling system. Wolff, et al. (2002) assessed the use of hydraulic models of the collection system coupled with steady state models of the WWTP hydraulics. Willems and Berlamont (2002b) used deterministic and probabilistic modeling to simulate the impact of combined urban drainage and WWTP system discharges on receiving water quality. Effects of Catchbasin and Street Cleaning A study was conducted in Bellevue, Washington (Pitt 1985), in two mixed residential and commercial study areas, as part of the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (EPA 1983). One task of this research included the monitoring of catchbasins, simple inlets, man-holes, and sewerage sediment accumulations at more than 200 locations for a period of three years. The sediment in the catchbasins and the sewerage was found to be the largest particles that were washed from the streets. The sewerage and catchbasin sediments had a much smaller median particle size than the street dirt and were therefore more potentially polluting than the particulates that can be removed by street cleaning. Cleaning catchbasins twice a year was found to allow the catchbasins to capture particulates most effectively. This cleaning schedule was found to reduce the total residue and lead urban runoff yields at the outfalls by between 10 and 25 percent, and COD, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, total phosphorus, and zinc by between 5 and 10 percent (Pitt and Shawley 1982). This research examined two study areas, Lake Hills and Surrey Downs, both similar medium density residential areas. Each study area was examined with four separate experimental conditions: no controls, street cleaning alone, catchbasin cleaning alone, and both street cleaning and catchbasin cleaning together. This research was therefore conducted in a replicated complete block design, allowing runoff quality comparisons between periods having these different public works practices. The eight experimental categories were as follows: 1. Lake Hills, Active CB, No SC (catchbasins were accumulating material, but no street cleaning operations were being conducted during this project period). 2. Lake Hills, Active CB, SC (catchbasins were accumulating material, and street cleaning operations were being conducted during this project period). 3. Lake Hills, Full CB, No SC (catchbasins were full and not accumulating material, and no street cleaning operations were being conducted during this project period). 4. Lake Hills, Full CB, SC (catchbasins were full and not accumulating material, street cleaning operations were being conducted during this project period). 5. Surrey Downs, Active CB, No SC (catchbasins were accumulating material, but no street cleaning operations were being conducted during this project period). 6. Surrey Downs, Active CB, SC (catchbasins were accumulating material, and street cleaning operations were being conducted during this project period). 7. Surrey Downs, Full CB, No SC (catchbasins were full and not accumulating material, and no street cleaning operations were being conducted during this project period). 8. Surrey Downs, Full CB, SC (catchbasins were full and not accumulating material, street cleaning operations were being conducted during this project period). 31 Catchbasins were cleaned and surveyed at the beginning of the project. The accumulation of material was then monitored through periodic measurements. The project periods were therefore categorized as “active” or “full.” The active periods were when accumulation was taking place in the catchbasins, while the full periods were when the catchbasins were at equilibrium, with no additional accumulation of material. The following are Student t test results to measure the significance of the difference between selected data groups for outfall total solids concentrations. There would have to be a 50 to 75% difference between the sample means of the two categories to identify a significant difference, with 10 to 15 storms representing each of the two categories for each test site, using a power of 80%, and assuming a typical COV of about 0.75 (Burton and Pitt 2002). P values smaller than 0.05 are usually considered as being significantly different (at the 95% confidence level), while larger P values indicate that not enough data are available to distinguish the data groups at the measured differences. Student’s t-test results: 2 vs. 6: both street and catchbasin cleaning in both areas, LH vs. SD P value: 0.71 (not enough data to detect a difference) 3 vs. 7: nothing in both areas, LH vs. SD P value: 0.031 (significantly different) 2 vs. 3 LH both street and catchbasin cleaning vs. nothing P value: 0.037 (significantly different) 6 vs. 7 SD both street and catchbasin cleaning vs. nothing P value: 0.99 (not enough data to detect a difference) When both street and catchbasin cleaning was being conducted in both areas, the outfall total solids concentrations appeared to be the same (as expected). However, when no controls were in use in either area, the outfall total solids concentrations were significantly different (Lake Hills had lower total solids concentrations compared to Surrey Downs), which was not expected. When both street and catchbasin cleaning was conducted in Lake Hills, the outfall total solids concentrations were significantly larger than when no cleaning was being conducted, which also was not expected. In Surrey Downs, no differences were detected when cleaning was conducted compared to no cleaning. These results are counter-intuitive. The hypothesis was that the two watersheds would behave in a similar manner when similar activities were being conducted in each, and that the cleaning would reduce the outfall total solids discharges. Over the years, a number of reasons have been given for the observed odd behavior. Older street cleaning equipment was not very efficient in removing the particles that are washed off, and in fact, have been found to actually remove the larger particles that actually armour the finer materials, potentially increasing the solids discharges. However, the catchbasins are removing particles that have washed off the watershed area and have been transported to the drainage system, but this material likely would not have been transported all the way to the outfall. Ashley, et al. (1999, 2000, 2002) has extensively researched the transport of solids in combined sewerage. Unfortunately, similar information is currently lacking for separate storm drainage. The initial objective for the use of catchbasin sumps was to reduce the accumulation of coarse debris in the sewerage. These Bellevue tests seem to indicate the substantial benefit of the removal of this material that may otherwise cause potential flow obstruction problems in the drainage system. However, it is quite likely that this large material would rarely flow completely to the outfalls, at least under the relatively mild Bellevue rain conditions and during the time frame of this study. Settling of Particulates in Flowing Water in Storm Drainage Systems After the stormwater particulates enter the storm drainage, they will tend to settle as they flow towards the outfall to the receiving water. If they settle slowly, such as occurs for small particles, they will remain suspended and not become part of the bed load or sediment in the sewerage. However, if they settle to the bottom of the pipe before reaching the outfall, they may become part of the bed load which will bounce along the pipe bottom, or become trapped with other settled debris. When the flow stops, the sediments will tend to dry and become more consolidated. The next runoff event may cause some of this settled material to become resuspended and may move 32 towards the outfall. Therefore, there are three phases to particulate transport in storm drainage systems: 1) settling of the particulates in the flowing water, 2) movement as bed load during the event, 3) accumulating as sediment and potentially subsequent scour. The following discussion describes these sediment transport phases. Table 14 presents settling conditions for particulates moving in pipes ranging from 1 to 5 ft in diameter, and for flow depths ranging from 10% to 100% of the pipe diameters. Pipe slopes ranging from 0.1 to 2% and particles from 1 to 10,000 µm, all with specific gravities of 2.5, are used in these calculations. This table shows the distances the particles would travel before they would settle to the bottom of the pipe, if starting from the surface of the flow, using Manning’s equation to calculate the stormwater velocity, and the combination of Stoke’s and Newton’s laws for settling rates. A particle settling to the pipe bottom doesn’t imply that the particles would be permanently trapped as sediment, but the particles may move (relatively slowly) as part of a mobile bedload. Obviously, the flow distances required for settling for the smallest particles are very long and would remain suspended. Some of the 100 µm particle flow conditions are shown to result in relatively short settling distances, while most of the 1,000 and 10,000 µm particles would most certainly settle to the pipe bottom before reaching the outfall. If the flow and associated bed load movement stops before the particles reach the outfall, they will form a more compact sediment requiring more energy during subsequent rains to scour. 33 Table 14. Settling Distance (ft) for Particles Flowing in Pipes having Various Diameters and Slopes (n=0.013) 1 µm particles (2.5 specific gravity) 10 µm particles (2.5 specific gravity) Pipe Diameter (ft) flow depth/pipe diameter ratio 1 0.1 >10,000 >10,000 >10,000 >10,000 180 390 550 780 1 0.3 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 1000 2300 3200 4600 1 0.5 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 2200 4895 6900 >10,000 1 0.8 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 4000 8929 >10,000 >10,000 1 1 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 4400 9790 >10,000 >10,000 1.5 0.1 >10,000 >10,000 >100,000 >100,000 350 770 1100 1500 1.5 0.3 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 2000 4500 6400 9000 1.5 0.5 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 4300 9629 >10,000 >10,000 1.5 0.8 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 7900 >10,000 >10,000 >10,000 1.5 1 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 8600 >10,000 >10,000 >10,000 2 0.1 >10,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 560 1300 1800 2500 2 0.3 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 3300 7300 >10,000 >10,000 2 0.5 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 7000 >10,000 >10,000 >10,000 2 0.8 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >10,000 >10,000 >10,000 >10,000 2 1 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >10,000 >10,000 >10,000 >10,000 3 0.1 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 1100 2500 3500 4900 3 0.3 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 6400 >10,000 >10,000 >10,000 3 0.5 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >10,000 >10,000 >10,000 >10,000 3 0.8 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >10,000 >10,000 >10,000 >100,000 3 1 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >10,000 >10,000 >10,000 >100,000 5 0.1 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 2600 5800 8100 >10,000 5 0.3 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >10,000 >10,000 >10,000 >10,000 5 0.5 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >10,000 >10,000 >100,000 >100,000 5 0.8 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >10,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 5 1 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 >10,000 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 0.001 slope 0.005 slope 0.01 slope 0.02 slope 0.001 slope 0.005 slope 0.01 slope 0.02 slope 34 Table 14. Settling Distance (ft) for Particles Flowing in Pipes having Various Diameters and Slopes (n=0.013) (cont.) 100 µm particles (2.5 specific gravity) 1,000 µm particles (2.5 specific gravity) Pipe Diameter (ft) flow depth/pipe diameter ratio 1 0.1 1.9 4.4 6.2 8.7 1 0.3 11 25 36 51 1 0.5 24 54 77 1 0.8 44 99 140 1 1 49 110 150 1.5 0.1 3.8 8.6 1.5 0.3 22 50 1.5 0.5 48 1.5 0.8 0.001 slope 0.005 slope 0.01 slope 0.02 slope 0.001 slope 10,000 µm particles (2.5 specific gravity) 0.005 slope 0.01 slope 0.02 slope 0.001 slope 0.005 slope 0.01 slope 0.02 slope 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.5 1.1 1.6 2.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 110 1.1 2.4 3.5 4.9 0.2 0.5 0.7 1.0 200 2.0 4.5 6.3 8.9 0.4 0.9 1.3 1.8 220 2.2 4.9 6.9 10 0.4 1.0 1.4 2.0 12 17 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 71 100 1.0 2.3 3.2 4.5 0.2 0.5 0.6 0.9 110 150 210 2.2 4.8 6.8 10 0.4 1.0 1.4 1.9 87 200 280 390 3.9 8.8 12 18 0.8 1.8 2.5 3.5 1.5 1 96 210 300 430 4.3 10 14 19 0.9 1.9 2.7 3.9 2 0.1 6.2 14 20 28 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 2 0.3 36 81 120 160 1.6 3.6 5.2 7.3 0.3 0.7 1.0 1.5 2 0.5 77 170 250 350 3.5 7.8 11 16 0.7 1.6 2.2 3.1 2 0.8 140 320 450 630 6.4 14 20 28 1.3 2.8 4.0 5.7 2 1 160 350 490 690 7.0 16 22 31 1.4 3.1 4.4 6.2 3 0.1 12 27 39 55 0.5 1.2 1.7 2.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 3 0.3 71 160 230 320 3.2 7.2 10 14 0.6 1.4 2.0 2.9 3 0.5 150 340 480 680 6.9 15 22 31 1.4 3.1 4.3 6.1 3 0.8 280 620 880 1200 13 28 40 56 2.5 5.6 7.9 11 3 1 310 680 960 1400 14 31 43 61 2.7 6.1 8.7 12 5 0.1 29 64 90 130 1.3 2.9 4.1 5.8 0.3 0.6 0.8 1.2 5 0.3 170 370 530 750 7.5 17 24 34 1.5 3.4 4.8 6.7 5 0.5 360 800 1130 1600 16 36 51 72 3.2 7.2 10 14 5 0.8 650 1500 2100 2900 29 66 93 130 5.9 13 19 26 5 1 710 1600 2300 3200 32 72 100 140 6.4 14 20 29 35 Resuspension of Settled Particulates in Storm Drainage This discussion presents some particulate transport information that can be used to predict if settled particles forming a sediment in a pipe may be resuspended or scoured during subsequent events. This information does not allow predictions to be made concerning the accumulation of particulates in the sediment, only the likelihood that previously settled material may scour. Allowable Velocity and Shear Stress Allowable Velocity Data. The concept of allowable velocities for various soils and materials dates from the early days of hydraulics. Table 15 is an example of allowable velocities from U.S. Bureau of Reclamation research (Fortier and Scobey 1926, reprinted by McCuen 1998), that also shows the corresponding allowable shear stresses and Manning’s roughness values. If these velocities are exceeded for an extended period, it is assumed that the channel lining material can become unstable. These values are not directly applicable to pipe flows, but the typically used maximum velocity of about 3 ft/sec for storm drainage design is similar to the values for stiff clays and silts. It is interesting that clays can withstand higher velocities than sands. Table 15. Maximum Permissible Velocities and Corresponding Unit Tractive Force (Shear Stress) (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation research, Fortier and Scobey 1926) Clear Water Material n V (ft/sec) 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 3.75 3.75 6.00 2.50 3.75 4.00 4.00 5.00 o (lb/ft2) 0.027 0.037 0.048 0.048 0.075 0.075 0.26 0.26 0.67 0.075 0.38 0.43 0.30 0.91 Water Transporting Silts V (ft/sec) 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.50 6.00 5.50 Fine sand, colloidal 0.020 Sandy loam, noncolloidal 0.020 Silt loam, noncolloidal 0.020 Alluvial silts, noncolloidal 0.020 Ordinary firm loam 0.020 Volcanic ash 0.020 Stiff clay, very colloidal 0.025 Alluvial silts, colloidal 0.025 Shales and hardpans 0.025 Fine gravel 0.020 Graded loam to cobbles when noncolloidal 0.030 Graded silts to cobbles when noncolloidal 0.030 Coarse gravel, noncolloidal 0.025 Cobbles and shingles 0.035 Note: an increase in velocity of 0.5 ft/sec can be added to these values when the depth of water is greater than 3 ft. a decrease in velocity of 0.5 ft/sec should subtracted then the water contains very coarse suspended sediments. for high and infrequent discharges of short duration, up to 30% increase in velocity can be added Colloidal o (lb/ft2) 0.075 0.075 0.11 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.46 0.46 0.67 0.32 0.66 0.80 0.67 1.10 Allowable Shear Stress Data. By the 1930’s, boundary shear stress (sometimes called tractive force) was generally accepted as a more appropriate criterion than allowable velocity for channel stability. The average boundary shear stress in uniform flow is calculated by o RS (lb/ft2) where: γ = specific weight of water (62.4 lbs/ft3) R = hydraulic radius (ft) S = hydraulic slope (ft/ft) Flow characteristics predicting the initiation of motion of sediment in noncohesive materials are usually presented in nondimensional form in the Shield’s diagram (Figure 11). This diagram indicates the initial movement, or scour, of 36 noncohesive uniformly graded sediments on a flat bed. The diagram plots the Shield’s number (or mobility number), which combines shear stress with grain size and relative density, against a form of the Reynolds number that uses grain size as the length variable. The ASCE Sedimentation Manual (1975) uses a dimensionless parameter, shown on Figure 11, to select the dimensionless stress value. This value is calculated as: d s 0.1 1 gd 0.5 where: d = particle diameter (meters) g = gravitational constant (9.81 m/sec2) = kinematic viscosity (1.306 x 10 –6 m2/sec for 10oC) s = specific gravity of the solid = specific gravity of water A series of parallel lines on Figure 11 represent these calculated values. The dimensionless shear stress value (*) is selected where the appropriate line intersects the Shield’s curve. The critical shear stress can then be calculated by: c * s d Figure 11. Shield’s diagram for dimensionless critical shear stress (COE 1994). 37 An example evaluation is given by the COE (1994) in their assessment manual. In their example, the use of the Shield’s diagram is shown to likely greatly over-predict the erodibility of the channel bottom material. The expected reason they give is that the Shield’s diagram assumes a flat bottom channel and the total roughness is determined by the size of the granular bottom material. The actual Manning’s roughness value is likely much larger because it is largely determined by bed forms, channel irregularities, and vegetation, and not grain size. They recommend, as a more realistic assessment, that empirical data based on field observations be used. In the absence of local data, they present Figure 12 (from Chow 1959) for applications for channels in granular materials. This figure shows the permissible unit tractive force (shear stress) as a function of the average particle diameter, and the fine sediment content of the flowing water. Figure 12. Allowable shear stresses (tractive forces) for canals in granular materials (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, reprinted in Chow 1959). Table 16 shows calculated shear stresses, velocities, and discharge quantities for various pipe conditions. Also shown are the estimated maximum particles sizes that would not be scoured during these flow conditions. For the smallest slopes, almost all settled particles would likely remain and not be scoured, while almost all unconsolidated 38 sediments would be scoured for pipe greater than 1% in slope. This table shows that pipe conditions resulting in at least 3 ft/sec stormwater velocities would also have shear stresses of at least 0.08 lb/ft 2. This shear stress would likely cause scour of particles up to 2,000 µm in size for water having a low content of fine sediment. If the water had a high content of fine sediment, the maximum particles likely to be scoured from the sediment may be only about 100 µm in size. If the sediment was somewhat consolidated (as expected to occur during dry periods between runoff events), than the necessary shear stress to cause sediment scour would be substantially greater, as noted in the following discussion. 39 Table 16. Calculated Shear Stress and Particle Scour Pipe Dia. (ft) flow depth/pipe dia. ratio shear stress lb/ft2), velocity (ft/sec), and discharge (ft3/sec) for different slopes: Max. Max. particle particle shear at size not shear at size not 0.001 scoured velocity discharge 0.005 scoured velocity slope (µm) at 0.001 at 0.001 slope (µm) at 0.005 1 0.1 0.0041 <100 0.57 0.028 0.020 1 0.3 0.011 <100 1.1 0.21 1 0.5 0.016 <100 1.4 0.55 1 0.8 0.019 <100 1.6 1 1 0.016 <100 1.5 0.1 0.0061 1.5 0.3 0.016 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.8 discharge at 0.005 shear at 0.01 slope velocity at 0.01 discharge at 0.01 shear at 0.02 slope velocity at 0.02 discharge at 0.02 <100 1.3 0.063 0.041 1.8 0.089 0.081 2.6 0.13 0.053 250 2.5 0.48 0.11 3.5 0.68 0.21 5.0 0.96 0.078 1,500 3.2 1.29 0.12 4.5 1.7 0.31 6.4 2.5 1.2 0.094 2,800 3. 7 2.6 0.20 5.2 3.6 0.38 7.3 5.5 1.4 1.1 0.078 1,500 3.2 2.5 0.12 4.5 3.6 0.31 6.4 5.1 <100 0.75 0.083 0.030 <100 1.7 0.19 0.061 2.4 0.26 0.12 3.4 0.37 <100 1.5 0.63 0.080 1,500 3. 3 1.4 0.16 4.6 2.0 0.32 6.6 2.8 0.023 <100 1. 9 1.63 0.12 3,500 4.2 3.6 0.23 6.0 5.2 0.47 8.4 7.3 0.028 <100 2.1 3. 4 0.14 5,000 4.8 7.6 0.28 6. 8 11 0.57 9.6 15 1.5 1 0.023 <100 1. 9 3.3 0.12 3,500 4.2 7.4 0.23 6.0 11 0.47 8.4 15 2 0.1 0.0081 <100 0.91 0.18 0.041 <100 2.03 0.40 0.081 2.9 0.57 0.16 4.1 0.80 2 0.3 0.021 <100 1. 8 1.4 0.11 3,300 4.0 3.1 0.21 5.6 4.3 0.42 8.0 6.1 2 0.5 0.031 <100 2.3 3.5 0.16 4,500 5.1 7.98 0.31 7.2 11 0.62 10 16 2 0.8 0.038 <100 2.6 7.3 0.19 >5,000 5.8 16 0.38 8.2 23 0.76 12 33 2 1 0.031 <100 2.3 7.2 0.16 4,500 5.1 16 0.31 7.2 23 0.62 10 32 3 0.1 0.012 <100 1.2 0.53 0.061 700 2. 7 1.2 0.12 3.8 1. 7 0.24 5. 4 2.4 3 0.3 0.032 <100 2.3 4.0 0.16 5,000 5.2 9.0 0.32 7.4 13 0.65 10 18 3 0.5 0.047 <100 3.0 10 0.23 >5,000 6.7 23 0.47 9.5 33 0.94 13 47 3 0.8 0.057 450 3.4 22 0.28 >5,000 7.7 48 0.57 11 68 1.1 15 97 3 1 0.048 <100 3.0 21 0.23 >5,000 6.7 47 0.47 9. 5 67 0.94 13 95 5 0.1 0.020 <100 1.7 2.1 0.10 3,000 3.8 4.6 0.20 5.4 6.5 0.41 7.5 9.3 5 0.3 0.053 400 3.3 16 0.27 >5,000 7.4 35 0.53 10 50 1.1 16 70 5 0.5 0.078 1,500 4.2 41 0.39 >5,000 9.4 92 0.78 13 130 1.6 19 180 5 0.8 0.094 2,800 4.8 84 0.47 >5,000 114 190 0.94 15 270 1.9 22 380 5 1 0.078 1,500 4.2 83 0.39 >5,000 9.4 190 0.78 13 260 1. 6 19 370 assuming n=0.013 water with low content of fine sediment in water (if high content, then require higher shear stress) 40 Erodability of Previously Settled Material after Consolidation. Figure 13 is an example of allowable shear stresses for a range of cohesive materials having a range of void ratios corresponding to varying amounts of consolidation. Again, the COE recommends that local field observation or laboratory testing results be given preference. If the void ratio was about 0.4, corresponding to a compact sediment, the shear stress would have to be greater than about 0.3 lb/ft2 to affect particles larger than clays. This shear stress may only occur for larger and full-flowing pipes having 2% slopes (and about 7 ft/sec velocities). Figure 13. Example of allowable shear stresses (tractive forces) for cohesive materials (COE 1994) (a Leon clayey soil is hardpan. Hardpan is a condition of the soil or subsoil in which the soil grains become cemented together by such bonding agents as iron oxide and calcium carbonate, forming a hard, impervious mass). Criteria to Ensure Self-Cleaning in Sewerage Pisano, et al. (1998) described the mechanisms associated with deposition and scour of sediment in sewerage. The following paragraphs are summarized from that report. Not all of the particles of a given size at the flow/sediment boundary dislodge and move at the same time because the flow is turbulent and contains short term fluctuations in velocity. The limiting condition, below which sediment movement is negligible, known as the threshold of movement, is usually defined in terms of either the critical bed shear stress or the critical erosion velocity. 41 Once sediment is entrained in flowing water, it may travel in the sewer in one of two basic ways: 1) Finer, lighter material tends to travel in suspension, while 2) heavier material travels in a rolling, sliding mode as bedload. In the transport of suspended sediment, there is a continuous exchange between particles settling out and those being eroded and re-entrained back into the flow. Under certain conditions, fine grained and organic particles can form a highly concentrated mobile layer of “fluid mud” near the pipe invert (Ashley and Crabtree 1992). If the flow velocity or turbulence level decreases, there will be a net reduction in the amount of sediment held in suspension. Below a certain limit, the sediment will form a bed, with transport occurring only in the surface layer. If the flow velocity is further decreased, sediment transport will cease completely. The flow conditions necessary to prevent deposition depend on the pipe size and on properties of the sediment, mostly particle size and specific gravity. Flow velocities needed to entrain sediment tend to be higher than those at which deposition occurs. Sewer Self Cleansing Criteria. Average shear stress is an important parameter in the criteria for sewer selfcleansing. The average shear stress is the amount of force the fluid exerts on the wetted perimeter of the pipe. Another important parameter is the bed shear stress which is the amount of force the fluid exerts on the bed of sediment in the pipe. Bed shear stress is related to bed load scour and movement. Historically, the design of drainage systems has included the prevention of deposition of sediments in pipes. These conditions are based on a minimum velocity of flow, or a minimum shear stress that the flow should exert on the walls of the pipe to maintain self-cleansing conditions. The minimum velocity of flow, or the minimum shear stress, corresponds to a particular depth of flow, or with a particular frequency of occurrence. Available design criteria were reported by the Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA), and a summary of these, outlined by Nalluri and Ab Ghani (1996), are shown in Tables 17 and 18. Table 17. Minimum Velocity Criteria Source Country American Society of Civil Engineers (1970) USA British Standard (1987) UK Bielecki (1982) Germany Sewer Type Sanitary Storm Sanitary Combined Not noted Minimum Velocity (m/s) (ft/sec) 0.6 2.0 0.9 3.0 1.0 3.3 1.0 3.3 1.5 5.0 Pipe Conditions Full/Half-full Full/Half-full Full Full Full Table 18. Minimum Shear Stress Criteria Source Country Lysne (1969) ASCE (1970) Yao (1974) USA USA USA Maguire Bischof (1976) Sewer Type Not noted Not noted Storm Sanitary UK Not noted Germany Not noted Minimum Shear Stress (N/m2 ) 2-4 1.3-12.6 3.0-4.0 1.0-2.0 6.2 2.5 (lb/ft2) 0.04 – 0.08 0.027 – 0.26 0.061 – 0.083 0.021 – 0.042 0.13 0.052 Pipe Conditions Not noted Not noted Not noted Not noted Full/Half-full Not noted These criteria do not take into account any of the characteristics of the sediment, of the suspended sediment concentration, the bed load, or of any cohesion between the sediment particles. Nonetheless, minimum velocity and minimum shear stress levels of 1 m/s (3.3 ft/sec) and 2 N/m2 (0.04 lb/ft2) are commonly accepted criteria. However, recent work by many researchers has shown that a single value of minimum velocity or shear stress cannot adequately describe the self cleansing conditions in all pipes of different size, roughness and gradient for a range of sediment characteristics and flow conditions. In practice, sewer pipes will not be maintained self-cleansing at all times. The diurnal pattern of the dry weather flow and the temporal distribution and nature of sediments found in sewer flows may result in the deposition of some sediments at times of low flow and the subsequent erosion and transport of these sediments, either as 42 suspended load or bed-load, at times of higher flow. The deposited sediments will exhibit additional strength due to cohesion and, provided that the peak dry weather flow velocity or bed shear stress is of sufficient magnitude to erode these sediments, the sewer will maintain self cleansing operation at times of dry weather. May, et al. (1996) presented a definition to describe a self cleansing sewer as “an efficient self-cleansing sewer is one having a sediment-transporting capacity that is sufficient to maintain a balance between the amounts of deposition and erosion, with a time-averaged depth of sediment deposit that minimizes the combined costs of construction, operation and maintenance.” To achieve such self-cleansing performance, the following criteria apply: 1. Flows equaling or exceeding a limit appropriate to the sewer should have the capacity to transport a minimum concentration of fine-grain particles in suspension (applicable for all types of sewerage systems). 2. The capacity of flows to transport coarser granular material as bed-load should be sufficient to limit the depth of deposition to a specified proportion of the pipe diameter. This criteria generally relates to combined and stormwater systems. Limit of deposition considerations, i.e., “no deposition” generally applies to sanitary sewer designs. In this context, there must be sufficient shear in sanitary systems to avoid deposition of large particles. 3. Flows with a specified frequency of occurrence should have the ability to erode bed particles from a deposited granular bed that may have developed a certain degree of cohesive strength (applicable to all systems). To meet these criteria, new guidelines have been developed by CIRIA (Ackers, et al. 1996), and are being adopted throughout Europe for the design of sewers to control sediment problems. Design criteria for the transport of fine grained material in suspension, the transport of coarser sediments as bed load, and the erosion of cohesive sediment deposits and guidelines on the minimum flow velocity and pipe gradient for different types and sizes of sewer are outlined. To account for the effects of cohesion (Criterion 3), the design flow condition should produce a minimum value of bed shear stress of 2.0 N/m2 (0.04 lb/ft2) on a flat bed for a rough concrete pipe (Ackers, et al. 1996). The third criterion is of specific interest to the problem of cleansing accumulated mature sediment beds. Various researchers have studied the flow conditions required to release particles from a deposited bed, which has developed a degree of cohesion. Summaries of investigations forming much of the basis for Criterion 3 are as follows: Nalluri and Alvarez (1992), whose laboratory studies used synthetic cohesive sediments, concluded that there were two ranges of bed shear stress at which erosion occurred: 2.5 N/m2 (0.05 lb/ft2) applying for the weakest material, comprising a surface layer of fluid sediment, and 6 to 7 N/m2 (0.12 to 0.14 lb/ft2) for the more granular and consolidated material below. It was found that, after erosion, the synthetic cohesive sediments behaved very much like non-cohesive material. Ristenpart and Uhl (1993) found in field tests that during dry weather an average bed shear stress of 0.7 N/m 2 (0.015 lb/ft2) was required to initiate erosion, increasing to an average of about 2.3 N/m2 (0.05 lb/ft2) during wet weather, or to 3.3 N/m2 (0.068 lb/ft2) after a prolonged period of dry weather and presumably, consolidation of the deposited bed. Ashley and Crabtree (1992) suggested that the bonds between particles at the surface of a deposited bed are weakened by the presence of the water, so that surface layers can be successively stripped away by the flow. Measurements in the Dundee, Scotland, sewers indicated that it began to move at a fluid shear stress of about 1 N/m2 (0.02 lb/ft2), with significant erosion of a deposited bed occurring at bed shear of 2 to 3 N/m 2 (0.04 to 0.06 lb/ft2). Taking account of a review of work by other researchers, Ashley and Crabtree concluded that most deposits whould be eroded at a shear stress exceeding 6 to 7 N/m2 (0.12 to 0.14 lb/ft2). Pisano, et al. (1998) conducted a “desktop” analysis of the sedimentation and scour problems associated with the 3.05 m (10 ft) South Ottawa Tunnel, in Ottawa, Canada. This procedure analyses deposition on a daily basis, determining accumulations of inorganic and organic deposits as well as scour and erosion of prior deposites over a year’s period. The particles in this combined sewerage had settling velocities ranging from 0.1 to 30 cm/sec, corresponding to 75 µm fine sand to 3/8 inch gravel. If the average shear stress is smaller than the critical shear stress for that sieve size and density, deposition will occur. Erosion of the bed load is based on maximum hourly 43 shear stress. If the maximum shear stress is great than 2 N/m2, then erosion of the bed load occurs. Table 19 shows the full range of depositon and scour that may occur for this large tunnel for a variety of discharge, velocity, and shear stress conditons. Table 19. Assessment of 3.05 Meter Tunnel (Pisano, et al. 1998) Discharge Velocity (m3/sec) (ft3/sec) (m/sec) (ft/sec) 2.6 93 0.36 1.2 3.5 130 0.47 1.5 4.4 160 0.60 2.0 5.3 190 0.72 2.4 6.1 220 0.84 2.8 7.0 250 1.06 3.5 8.8 320 1.20 4.0 10.5 380 1.44 4.7 13.2 470 1.80 5.9 15.8 570 2.17 7.2 17.5 630 2.41 7.9 Note: Kb = 1.2 millimeters = rough concrete Fluid shear (N/m2) (lb/ft2) 0.27 0.0056 0.48 0.0099 0.74 0.015 1.04 0.021 1.43 0.029 1.86 0.038 2.85 0.059 4.15 0.085 6.47 0.13 9.3 0.19 11.5 0.24 Deposition or erosion potential Severe deposition Moderate to severe deposition Mild to moderate deposition Slight to mild deposition Skims juvenile sediments None to slight erosion top layer Slight to mild erosion of consolidated beds (2-5%) Mild erosion of consolidated beds (5-15%) Moderate erosion of consolidated beds (15-25%) Substantial erosion (25-35%) Substantial erosion (35-50%) Accumulation of Sediment in Bellevue Inlet Structures and Storm Drainage An important part of the Bellevue NURP project was the measurement of the sediment accumulating in the inlet structures (Pitt 1985). The storm drainage system inlets were cleaned and surveyed at the beginning of the project. The 207 inlet structures were then surveyed nine times over two years to determine the depth of accumulating material (from December 1979 through January 1981). The first year rate of accumulation was relatively steady (based on 3 observation periods), while the sediment loading remained almost constant during the second year. During the second year, there was about twice as much contaminated sediment in the separate storm drainage system at any one time as there was on the streets. The scouring of the sewerage sediments out of the drainage systems was not found to be significant during the project period. There was a period of heavy rains in October of 1981 (about 100 mm of rain during a week, very large for Bellevue) during the second year when the accumulated material did not decrease, based on observations made before and after the rain (August 1981 and January 1982). The lack of sediment movement from catchbasin sumps was also observed during earlier tests conducted in San Jose by Pitt (1979). During that study, an idealized catchbasin and sump were constructed based on Lager, et al. (1974) and was filled with clean material having the same particle sizes as typical sump material, along with fluorescent tracer beads. During a year, freezing core samples were obtained and the sediment layers were studied to determine any flushing and new accumulations of material. The sediment material was found to be very stable, except for a very thin surface layer. The first year accumulation rates (L/month per inlet) ranged from 1.4 in Lake Hills to 4.8 in Surrey Downs, as shown on Table 20. The catchbasins and inlets had sumps (the catchbasin sumps were somewhat larger), while the manholes were much larger, with more volume available for accumulation sediment. The stable volume that occurred during the second year was about 60% of the total storage volumes of the catchbasins and inlets (sump volume below the outlet pipe). If the sumps were very shallow, the maximum sediment depth was only about 12 mm, while the deeper sumps had about 150 mm of accumulated sediment. Individual inlet structures had widely varying depths, but the depth below the outlet appeared to the most significant factor affecting the maximum sump volume available. This “scour” depth generally was about 300 mm (1 ft.). If the sumps were deeper, they generally were able to hold more sediment before their equilibrium depth was reached and would therefore require less frequent maintenance. About 100 L/ha/yr accumulated in Surrey Downs, while only about 2/3 of this value accumulated in Lake Hills. Nine of the most heavily loaded catchbasins in the first summer inventory in Surrey Downs were located very near two streets that did not have curbs and had extensive nearby sediment sources (eroding hillsides). These few catchbasins (about 10% of the total catchbasins) accounted for more than half of the total Surrey Downs sediment observed during that survey. They also represented about 70% of the observed increased loadings between the first winter and summer inventories. 44 Table 20. Accumulation Rate of Sediment in Inlet Structures in Bellevue, WA (Pitt 1985) Number of structures Surey Downs (38.0 ha) Catchbasins Inlets Manholes Average Lake Hills (40.7 ha) Catchbasins Inlets Manholes Average total per ha Sediment accumulation (L/month) per ha per unit 43 27 6 76 total 1.1 0.7 0.2 2.0 total 5.3 2.0 0.8 8.1 4.8 2.8 4.0 4.2 71 45 15 131 total 1.7 1.1 0.4 3.2 total 2.4 1.5 1.6 5.5 1.4 1.4 4.0 1.7 Approx. months to stable volume Stable volume (L) per ha per unit 13 20 19 15 68 40 15 123 total 62 57 76 62 18 14 23 18 43 22 36 101 total 25 20 90 31 In addition to the catchbasin surveys, pipe surveys were also conducted during the study. Very few storm drain pipes in either test area had slopes less than one percent, the assumed critical slope for sediment accumulation. In Lake Hills, the average slope of the 118 pipes surveyed was about 4 percent. Only 7 percent of the Lake Hills pipes had slopes less than 1 percent. The 75 pipes surveyed in Surrey Downs had an average slope of 5 percent, and 12 percent had slopes less than 1 percent. A pipe sediment survey was conducted in October of 1980. Very little sediment was found in the storm drains in either study area. The pipes that had significant sediment were either sloped less than 11/2 percent, or located close to a source of sediment. The characteristics of the pipe sediments were similar to the characteristics of the sediment from close inlets and catchbasins, indicating a common source, and the eventual movement of the inlet sediments. The volume of sediment found in the Lake Hills pipes was about 1-1/2 m3, or about 0.04 m3 per ha, or about 40% of the total sediment in the inlet structures (about 0.1 m 3 per ha stable volume). This was equivalent to about 70 kg of sediment/ha. In Surrey Downs, much more sediment was found in the storm drainage: more than 20 m3 of sediment was found in the pipes, or about 0.5 m3/ha or 1,000 kg/ha. Most of this sediment was located in silted-up pipes along 108th St. and Westwood Homes Rd. which were not swept and were close to major sediment sources. The chemical quality of the captured sediment was also monitored. Tables 21 and 22 show the sediment quality for Surrey Downs inlet structures sampled between January 13 and June 17, 1981. The sediment quality shown on this table is very similar to the street dirt chemical quality that was simultaneously sampled and analyzed. It is interesting to note that the COD values increase with increasing particle sizes, likely corresponding to increasing amounts of organic material in the larger material. The nutrients are generally constant with size, while the metal concentrations are much higher for the smaller particles, as expected for street dirt. As shown on this table, the lead values are much higher when these samples were taken compared to current conditions. Current outfall lead concentrations are now about 1/10 of the values they were in the early 1980s. Table 21. Chemical Quality of Bellevue, WA, Inlet Structure Sediment (mg constituent/kg total solids) (Pitt 1985) Particle Size (µm) COD TKN TP Pb* Zn <63 160,000 2,900 880 1,200 400 61-125 130,000 2,100 690 870 320 125-250 92,000 1,500 630 620 200 250-500 100,000 1,600 610 560 200 500-1,000 140,000 1,600 550 540 200 1,000-2,000 250,000 2,600 930 540 230 2,000-6,350 270,000 2,500 1,100 480 190 >6,350 240,000 2,100 760 290 150 * these lead values are much higher than would be found for current samples due to the decreased use of leaded gasoline since 1981. 45 Table 22. Annual Calculated Accumulation of Pollutants in Bellevue, WA, Inlet Structures (Pitt 1985) L/ha/yr Surrey Downs Lake Hills Solids kg/ha/yr 96 147 COD kg/ha/yr 37 66 100 7.5 TKN kg/ha/yr 0.17 TP kg/ha/yr 0.25 Pb kg/ha/yr 0.49 Zn kg/ha/yr 0.10 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.02 These accumulations are substantial. As an example, the total suspended solids discharged at the outfalls was about 100 to 200 kg/ha/yr, with the amount accumulating in the catchbasin inlets having about the same quantity. Summary of Sediment Transport in Sewers To achieve self-cleaning in a drainage system, Pisano, et al. (1998) listed the following criteria: 1. Flows equaling or exceeding a limit appropriate to the sewer should have the capacity to transport a minimum concentration of fine-grain particles in suspension (applicable for all types of sewerage systems). 2. The capacity of flows to transport coarser granular material as bed-load should be sufficient to limit the depth of deposition to a specified proportion of the pipe diameter. This criteria generally relates to combined and stormwater systems. Limit of deposition considerations, i.e., “no deposition” generally applies to sanitary sewer designs. In this context, there must be sufficient shear in sanitary systems to avoid deposition of large particles. 3. Flows with a specified frequency of occurrence should have the ability to erode bed particles from a deposited granular bed that may have developed a certain degree of cohesive strength (applicable to all systems). Ashley and Crabtree (1992) made sediment movement measurements in the Dundee, Scotland, sewers and found that sediment began to move at a fluid shear stress of about 1 N/m2 (0.02 lb/ft2), with significant erosion of a deposited bed occurring at bed shear of 2 to 3 N/m2 (0.04 to 0.06 lb/ft2). Taking account of a review of work by other researchers, they concluded that most deposits should be eroded at a shear stress exceeding 6 to 7 N/m2 (0.12 to 0.14 lb/ft2). This is likely to occur for most flow conditions in pipes at least 2 ft in diameter at a slope greater than 0.5%. For the smallest slopes (<0.5% slopes), almost all settled particles would likely remain and not be scoured, while almost all unconsolidated sediments would be scoured for pipe greater than 1% in slope. Pipe conditions resulting in at least 3 ft/sec stormwater velocities would also have shear stresses of at least 4 N/m2 (0.08 lb/ft2). This shear stress would likely cause scour of particles up to 2,000 µm in size for water having a low content of fine sediment. If the water had a high content of fine sediment, the maximum particles likely to be scoured from the sediment may be only about 100 µm in size. Required Sample Line Velocities to Minimize Particle Sampling Errors The collection of stormwater samples representing the complete range of likely particle sizes can be challenging. Manual samples can be obtained as the flowing water drops into an inlet, or as the water cascades out of an outfall. These samples, if frequent during an event, should well represent the complete particle size distribution. However, if an automatic sampler using a pump system is used, there may be some losses of particles during the sampling operation. Typical sample lines are Teflon lined polyethylene and are 10 mm in diameter. The water velocity in the sample line is about 100 cm per second, enabling almost complete sampling of a wide range of particle sizes. However, bed load sampling equipment is usually needed to adequately collect samples of bed load at outfalls. Table 23 shows the particle sizes that would be lost in vertical sampling lines at a pumping rate of 30 and 100 cm/second (Burton and Pitt 2001). 46 Table 23. Losses of Particles in Sampling Lines (Burton and Pitt 2001) 30 cm/sec flow rate Critical settling rate Size range (m, for (cm/sec) = 1.5 to 2.65 g/cm3) 100% loss 50% loss 25% loss 10% loss 1% loss 30 15 7.5 3.7 0.37 2,000 - 5,000 800 - 1,500 300 - 800 200 - 300 50 - 150 100 cm/sec flow rate Critical settling rate Size range (m, for (cm/sec) = 1.5 to 2.65 g/cm3) 100 50 25 10 1 8,000 - 25,000 3,000 - 10,000 1,500 - 3,000 350 - 900 100 - 200 A water velocity of 100 cm/sec (about 3 ft/sec) would result in very little loss of stormwater particles. Particles of 8 to 25 mm would not be lifted in the sample line at all at this velocity, but these sized particles would not fit through the openings of the intake or even fit in most sample lines. They are also not likely to be present in stormwater, but may be a component of bedload in a stream, or gravel in the bottom of a stormdrain pipe, requiring special sampling. Very few particles larger than several hundred micrometers occur in stormwater and these should only have a loss rate of 10% at the most. Most particles in stormwater are between 1 and 100 m in diameter and have a density of between 1.5 and 2.65 g/cm3. Even at 30 cm/sec, these particles should experience insignificant losses. A pumping rate of about 100 cm/sec would add extra confidence in minimizing particle losses. ASTM (1995) in method D 4411 recommends that the sample velocity in the sampler line be at least 17 times the fall rate of the largest particle of interest. As an example, for the 100 cm/sec example above, the ASTM recommended critical fall rate would be about 6 cm/sec, enabling a particle of several hundred micrometers in diameter to be sampled with a loss rate of less than 10%. This is certainly adequate for most stormwater sampling needs. Bed loads comprised of particles of up to several mm can account for about 5 to 10% of the sediment load under some conditions, and special sampling would be needed to collect these larger particulates. In many cases, this larger material would not move through the pipe, but accumulate as a semi-permanent sediment deposit. Sediment Transport in Grass Swales Grass swales are vegetated open channels that collect and transport stormwater runoff. They are often used as an alternative to concrete gutters to transport runoff along streets due to their low cost. However, they also offer several advantages in stormwater quality management, especially in their ability to infiltrate runoff. This section describes another benefit of grass swales: their ability to trap particulates during low flows. A series of detailed laboratory tests were conducted to describe sediment transport processes for stormwater grass swales. Field verifications of these processes are also described in this paper. As expected, runoff hydraulics, especially depth of flow, along with swale length, affect the transport of particulates of different sizes. Shallow flows (less than the grass height) provided consistently high removal rates, while deeper flows (and especially along with relatively low sediment concentrations) had poorer sediment trapping abilities. Obviously, long swales and large particle sizes are an effective combination, but the smallest particles are likely to be effectively transported along most swales. There appeared to be equilibrium concentrations for different particle sizes that were not further reduced, irrespective of swale length, likely associated with combinations of scour of material from the underlying soil or of previously trapped sediment, and the carrying capacity of the water. Methodology The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Alabama has been conducting research investigating the effectiveness of grass swales for stormwater sediment transport for several years. This research was initially supported by the Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) (Johnson, et al. 2003) and more recently by the University Transportation Center of Alabama (UTCA) (Nara and Pitt 2005). The aims of this research are to understand the effects of different variables affecting sediment transport in grass swales, especially considering different particle sizes, swale features, and flow conditions. Controlled tests were conducted using specially constructed indoor grass swales and test solutions having known concentrations of sediment with different particle sizes. The test solutions were made using particles of sieved sands (locally acquired) and commercially-sized silica (from U.S. Silica Co.). The indoor swales were adjusted for 47 different slopes, and had three different grasses. Two series of indoor experiments were conducted. The first series were exploratory in nature to identify the most important variables affecting sediment transport, while the second series examined these variables in more detail and were used to develop a sediment transport model. The first series of tests examined grass type, slope, swale length, time since the beginning of the flow, flow rate, particle size, and sediment concentration. The second series of tests focused on fewer grass types, had less variability in sediment concentrations, and composited samples over the complete test period. The sediment transport processes described in this paper were derived during the second series of experiments. The second series of indoor swale experiments included analyzing 108 samples for turbidity, total solids, total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, and particle size distribution. The results of the indoor swale experiments were verified during monitoring at an outdoor grass swale located adjacent to the Tuscaloosa (Alabama, U.S.A.) City Hall, during actual storm events. The outdoor swale tests included collecting and analyzing 69 samples during 13 storm events from August to December 2004. These samples were analyzed for turbidity, total solids, total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, and particle size distribution. Indoor Experiments Descriptions of the Experimental Set-up. Experimental swales were constructed in an indoor greenhouse facility located in the Bevil building on the campus of the University of Alabama, as part of a prior research project (Johnson, et al. 2003). Artificial sunlight (ambient UV and visible) is provided, and room temperature is maintained at approximately 78oF (25oC) at this facility. The experimental set up consists of three identical rectangular channels on a base which is adjustable for varying channel slopes. A mixture of 70% top soil and 30% sand (by weight) was placed in the channel sections which are completely sealed by non-reactive marine-epoxy paint to prevent leakage. Each channel is 2 ft wide (0.6 m), 6 ft long (1.82 m), and 6 in (15 cm) deep and has a specific type of lawn grass. Jason Kirby constructed these swales and tested the grasses for hydraulic resistance during his MSCE thesis (2003). The swale system hydraulic components produced a well-mixed sheetflow two feet wide. The flow of the test mixture was controlled using a sediment slurry tank, a pump in a 150-gallon (0.57m3) tank, a mixing chamber, and a preliminary wooden chute, as shown in Figure 14. The sediment slurry tank constantly fed a mixture of test sediment into the mixing chamber where it was mixed with water pumped from the 150-gallon (0.57 m3) tank before it flowed into the swale segment. Sediment Characteristics of the Sediment-water Mixture. Fine-ground silica (SIL-CO-SIL® from US Silica Co.), along with sieved sands, were used in the test mixture. Fine-ground silicas obtained from U.S. Silica are naturally bright white, low in moisture, and chemically inert. Two different types of silca, SIL-CO-SIL®106 and SIL-COSIL®250 were used. Sieved sands were used to provide larger particles, ranging from 90 to 250 µm and 300 to 425 µm. The sediment concentration of the test flow was set at 500 mg/L, a concentration higher than for most stormwaters in order to obtain sufficient particles for accurate sizing during the tests. Table 24 shows the percentage contribution of the test sediments in different particle ranges, while Figure 15 shows the particle size distribution of the test sediment mixture. This mixture therefore had a wide range of particle sizes represented, enabling sediment transport processes to be described for several different size ranges that are represented in typical stormwaters. 48 Figure 14. Overview of indoor experimental set-up Table 24. Percentage Contribution and Specific Gravity of the Test Sediments Sediment Ground silica “flour” (SIL-COSIL®106) Ground silica “flour” (SIL-COSIL®250) Fine silica sand (90 to 250 µm) Coarse silica sand (300 to 425 µm) Total Percentage contribution Specific gravity 15 % 2.65 50 % 2.65 25 % 10 % 2.65 2.65 100 % 49 100 Cumulative mass (%) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 10 100 1000 Particle diameter (µm) Figure 15. Particle size distribution of the composite test sediments mixture Experimental Factors Tested During the Indoor Experiments. Four main factors were tested during the second series of indoor experiments in order to quantify the effects of these variables on the transport of specifically-sized sediment in grass swales. These factors were grass type, slope, flow rate, and swale length: Grass types: The three different types of grass used were synthetic turf, Zoysia, and Kentucky bluegrass. Zoysia has a dense root structure that has high wear-tolerance, has a smooth and tough blade, and is commonly found in the Southern part of the United States. Kentucky bluegrass has smooth, upright stems and very fine blades. It is commonly found in the North and Midwest parts of the United States. The grass heights of both Zoysia and Kentucky bluegrass were maintained between 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) to 2 inches (5 cm) during the tests. The synthetic turf was obtained from a local warehouse store. The height of the blades of the synthetic turf was approximately 0.25 inches (0.63 cm) which was much shorter than the other grass types. The blades are made of thin plastic and are uniformly dense. Slopes: 1 %, 3 %, and 5 % channel slopes were tested. Flow rates: Flow rates tested were 10 gallons per minute (GPM) (0.038 m3/min), 15 GPM (0.064 m3/min), and 20 GPM (0.076 m3/min), in each of the 2 ft (0.6 m) wide swale sections. Swale length: Samples were collected at the head works (0 ft), and 2 ft (0.6 m), 3 ft (0.9 m), and 6 ft (1.8 m) from the head works. Results and Discussions During the second test series, 108 samples were collected and analyzed for the following analytical parameters: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total solids (Standard Methods 2540B) Total solids after screening with a 106 µm sieve Total suspended solids (solids retained on a 0.45 µm filter) (Standard Methods 2540D) Total Dissolved Solids (solids passing through a 0.45 µm filter) (Standard Methods 2540C) Turbidity using a HACH 2100N Turbidimeter Particle Size Distribution by Coulter Counter (Beckman® Multi-Sizer IIITM), composite of several different aperture tube measurements 50 It was difficult to introduce consistent inlet concentrations during all of the experiments. Large particles in the 106 to 425 µm size range had the largest overall variability due to the difficulty of consistently keeping the large particles suspended in the inlet water. Because of this variability, all concentration data were normalized against the initial sediment concentrations. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tests were performed to determine the effects of the experimental variables on these normalized concentration changes. However, residuals of the ANOVA tests were not normally distributed as required (normality confirmed using the Anderson-Darling test). Therefore, for each swale length, the normalized data were ranked. The ANOVA test was then used on these ranked normalized data to determine the significance of the variables. Significant sediment reductions were observed at 2 ft (0.6 m), 3 ft (0.9 m), and 6 ft (1.8 m) for total solids, total solids after screening with a 106 µm sieve, total suspended solids, and turbidity. There were no significant changes in total dissolved solids as a function of swale length. Sediments were rapidly reduced between the head works (0 ft) and 2ft (0.6 m) due to large particle settlement at the beginning of the swale. After each experiment, sands were visually observed up to 1 ft (0.3 m) from the head works. Unlike solids, turbidity reductions were relatively constant with swale length since turbidity was not as affected by large particles. Total suspended solids (mg/L) 1000 p < 0.001 (0 vs 6 ft) 800 600 400 p < 0.001 200 p = 0.002 p < 0.001 0 0 ft 2 ft 3 ft 6 ft Swale length Figure 16. Box-and-whisker plots of total suspended solids concentrations vs. swale length (Note 1 ft = 0.30 m) All variables (swale length, grass type, slope, and flow rate) were found to be significant factors for most of the particulate constituents. In contrast, all variables were found to be insignificant for total dissolved solids. Among the three grass types, synthetic turf was found to be the least effective in trapping the sediment, and Zoysia and Kentucky blue grass had similar sediment reduction rates. The effects of channel slope and flow rate were marginal for total solids and total suspended solids. However, these effects were clearly significant for turbidity. 1 % slope was found to be much more efficient in trapping the particulates than the 3 % and 5 % slopes, and the low flow rate of 10 GPM (0.038 m3/min) (was more effective in reducing turbidity than the higher flow rates of 15 GPM (0.064 m3/min) and 20 GPM (0.076 m3/min). Some of the interactions between the factors were also important and need to be considered when explaining sediment transport in grass swales. Table 25 shows the significant interaction terms and associated probabilities (p-values) for each constituent. 51 Table 25. Significant Interaction Factors and Associated P-values Constituent Interaction factor P-value Total solids Total solids (< 106 µm) Grass type * Slope Grass type * Flow rate Flow rate * Slope Grass type * Flow rate Flow rate * Slope Grass type * Flow rate Grass type * Slope Grass type * Flow rate 0.023 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.005 0.013 0.044 0.001 < 0.001 Total suspended solids Total dissolved solids Turbidity The swale length was found to be a significant factor affecting particle size distributions, while the three other factors (flow rate, slope, and grass type) were found to be insignificant. Figure 17 shows the median particle sizes of runoff particulates for each swale length. The median particle sizes consistently decreased by swale length, as expected, as the large particles were preferentially removed in the swale. 22.5 Median particle size (µm) 20.0 17.5 15.0 p = 0.002 12.5 p = 0.257 p = 0.001 10.0 7.5 p < 0.001 (0 vs 6 ft) 5.0 0ft 2ft 3ft 6ft Swale length Figure 17. Box-and-whisker plots of median particle sizes vs. swale length (Note 1 ft = 0.30 m) Outdoor Swale Observations The indoor experiments were conducted to identify the significant factors affecting the transport of sediment in the grass swales, and to develop an associated model. The confirmation of the model obtained from the indoor experiments used sampling of stormwater at a full-size outdoor grass swale located adjacent to the Tuscaloosa, Alabama, City Hall during actual storm events. Sixty-seven samples were collected at various locations along the swale during 13 storm events from August to December 2004. These samples were analyzed for the same constituents as analyzed during the second indoor tests. Descriptions of the Site This full-sized swale has a length of 116 ft (35.3 m) and is covered with Zoysia grass. Although this is a full-sized swale, its drainage area is very small, only comprising 0.1 acres (4,200 ft 2 or 390 m2) of paved roads. Table 26 shows the channel slopes at various swale lengths. The slopes are steeper at the beginning of the swale and are flatter at the end. 52 Table 26. Channel Slopes over Various Swale Regions Swale region 0 to 5 ft (0 to 1.5 m) 5 to 10 ft (1.5 to 3.0 m) 10 to 70 ft (3 to 21.3 m) 70 to 116 ft (21.3 to 35.3 m) Mean channel slope 5.2 % 4.8 % 3.0 % 1.4 % A soil survey conducted at the outdoor swale found the soil to be compacted loamy sand in accordance with U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Classification methods. In addition to surveying the slope and topsoil of the grass swale, infiltration rates of the swale were also measured using small double-ring infiltrometers (Turf-Tec, Inc). The infiltration tests were conducted during both dry and wet conditions. Most of the infiltration rates were much less than 1 inch/hour (2.54 cm/hour), resulting in little runoff infiltration during the storm events. The detailed soil survey also found sediment accumulation at the head of the swale, with grass growing through the top of the accumulated sediments. During storm events, the accumulated sediment created a small puddle at the head of the swale preventing large particles from entering the swale due to initial sedimentation. Sample Collection and Analytical Methods A total of 67 samples were collected at 0 ft, 2 ft (0.6 m), 3 ft (0.9 m), 6 ft (1.8 m), 25 ft (7.6 m), 75 ft (22.8 m), and 116 ft (35.3 m) during 13 storm events from August 22, 2004 to December 8, 2004. However, not all events have a complete set of samples. During some events, runoff was insufficient at the time of sampling at specific locations for collecting a runoff sample. The samples were analyzed for the following parameters: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total solids (Standard Methods 2540B) Total solids after sieving with a 106 µm sieve Total suspended solids (solids retained on a 0.45 µm filter) (Standard Methods 2540C) Total dissolved solids (solids passing through a 0.45 µm filter) (Standard Methods 2540D) Turbidity using a HACH 2100N Turbidimeter Particle Size Distribution by Coulter Counter (Beckman® Multi-Sizer IIITM), composite of several different aperture tube measurements All samples were split using a USGS/Dekaport cone splitter to ensure accurate divisions of the particulate-laden water before analyses. Results and Discussions While collecting samples, sediment reduction with increasing swale length was visually observed during most of the events. Figure 18 shows runoff samples and sediments captured on glass fiber filters at various swale lengths, collected on October 11, 2004. The sediments captured on filters, for samples obtained near the swale entrance, were solid black suggesting dusts from paved roads, while the color of sediment captured at 116 ft (35.3 m) was light brown, primary caused by top soil erosion from the swale. It was clear that runoff sediments were captured as the stormwater passed through the grass swale, but soil erosion also occurred at longer swale distances. Total Suspended Solids. Initial total suspended solids at the entrance of the swale varied during different rain events, ranging from 4 mg/L to 157 mg/L. High sediment reductions were normally observed between 0 ft and 25 ft (7.6 m). Beyond 25 ft (7.6 m), there was much less sediment reduction in the grass swale. During two events (10/23/2004 and 11/11/2004), total suspended solids increased between 0 ft and 6 ft (1.8 m) instead of decreasing, likely due to scouring of previously deposited sediments at the entrance of the swale. An unusual sediment increase of 51 mg/L between 25 ft (7.6 m) and 75 ft (22.8 m) was observed on 12/08/2004. During this sampling period, the rain intensity and runoff flow rate significantly increased after collecting the upgradient samples. The higher flow rate likely scoured the top soil of the swale, resulting in much higher TSS concentrations at 75 ft (22.8 m) than at 25 ft (7.6 m) during that event. 53 Date: 10/11/2004 116 ft TSS: 10 mg/L 75 ft TSS: 20 mg/L 25 ft TSS: 30 mg/L 6 ft TSS: 35 mg/L 3 ft 2 ft TSS: 63 mg/L Head (0ft) TSS: 84 mg/L *TSS = Total Suspended Solids TSS: 102 mg/L Figure 18. Sampling locations at the outdoor swale monitoring site (Example sediment samples from 10/11/2004) 180 Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) 160 Legend: Events 8/22/2004 10/10/2004 10/19/2004 11/1/2004 11/21/2004 12/6/2004 140 120 100 10/9/2004 10/11/2004 10/23/2004 11/11/2004 11/22/2004 12/8/2004 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Swale length (ft) Figure 19. Total suspended solids concentrations vs. swale length, observed at the outdoor grass swale (Note 1 ft = 0.30 m) 54 160 Total suspended solids (mg/L) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 2 3 6 25 Swale length (ft) 75 116 Figure 20. Box-and-whisker plots of total suspended solids concentrations vs. swale length observed at the outdoor grass swale (Note 1 ft = 0.30 m) Figure 20 indicates that the concentrations were highly variable during the first three feet of the swale, significantly decreased between 3 ft (0.9 m) and 25 ft (7.6 m), and then decreased only slightly more to the end of the 116 ft (35.3 m) swale. Turbidity. Significant reductions in turbidity were observed at the outdoor swale. Although initial turbidity at the entrance ranged from 2 NTU to 137 NTU, all turbidity values (except on 12/08/2004) were reduced below 20 NTU at 116 ft (35.3 m). Increased turbidity at 75 ft (22.8 m) on 12/08/2004 was due to scouring of the top soil during an intermittent period of high flows, as mentioned previously. Particle Size Distribution. Observations at the outdoor swale confirmed that grass swales preferentially remove larger particles, as expected. Figure 22 shows that most of the median particle sizes are significantly reduced between 3 ft (0.9 m) and 25 ft (7.6 m). However, there was no noticeable change in particle size between the swale entrance and 6 ft (1.8 m) due to possible scouring, and beyond 25 ft (7.6 m) due to equilibrium concentrations being reached. 180 160 140 Turbidity (NTU) Legend: Events 8/22/2004 10/10/2004 10/19/2004 11/1/2004 11/21/2004 12/6/2004 120 100 80 10/9/2004 10/11/2004 10/23/2004 11/11/2004 11/22/2004 12/8/2004 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Swale length (ft) Figure 21. Turbidity vs. swale length, observed at the outdoor grass swale (Note 1 ft = 0.30 m) 55 Median Particle Size (micro meter) 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Swale length (ft) Figure 22. Median particle sizes vs. swale length observed at the outdoor grass swale (Note 1 ft = 0.30 m) 100 90 Cumulative vomule (%) 80 70 60 50 0 ft 2 ft 3 ft 6 ft 25 ft 116 ft 40 30 20 10 0 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Particle diameter (micro meter) Figure 23. Example particle size distributions for different swale lengths observed on December 6, 2004 Sediment Trapping Model Development and Verification The primary purpose of conducting the controlled indoor experiments was to develop a model that predicts sediment reduction of stormwater in actual grass swales. A model was developed using the analytical results (total solids, total solids less than 106 µm, total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, and particle size distribution analysis) obtained during the indoor experiment. Concepts During both the indoor experiments and the outdoor measurements, it was observed that sediment reductions were much higher at the beginning of the grass swales and then leveled off with flow distance. Thus, first order decay was applied to predict the reduction of runoff sediment as a function of swale length in order to normalize the effects of the different entrance sediment concentrations. The following is the first-order decay as applied to sediment transport in grass swales: 56 C Ln out kt Cin (1) Where: Cout = Sediment concentration at down-gradient sampling locations Cin = Initial sediment concentration at the swale entrance k = First order constant t= Swale length in feet from the swale entrance First-order constants (and associated percent reductions) were computed for each experimental test and observation. To understand sediment removal in grass swales, the constants and percent reductions were calculated for eight different particle size ranges: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. < 0.45 µm (total dissolved solids) 0.45 to 2 µm 2 to 5 µm 5 to 10 µm 10 to 30 µm 30 to 60 µm 60 to 106 µm 106 to 425 µm Settling Frequency To incorporate the effects of particle sizes, swale length, flow depth and flow velocity on sediment transport, the number of chances particulates may theoretically settle in the grass swale was added to the sediment transport model. The number of chances particulates settle in a certain swale length is called “settling frequency.” Settling frequency is computed using Stokes’ law, considering length of swale and velocity, flow depth, and settling velocity of particles, is shown below. Stokes’ Law: Vs 2 2 R * g * ( Pp Pf ) * 9 U (2) Where: Vs R g Pp Pf = = = = = Settling velocity of a particle (cm/s) Radius of a particle (cm) Gravitational constant = 980 cm/s2 Density of a particle = 2.65 g/cm3 (assuming silica) Density of fluid = 1.0 g/cm3 (assuming water at standard temperature conditions) U = Dynamic viscosity = 0.01 g/(cm*s) (assuming water at standard temperature conditions) The time a certain particle requires to settle in a grass swale is therefore: Settling _ duration flow _ depth settling _ velocity (3) And the traveling time a certain particle takes from the beginning to the end of a swale is: swale _ length (4) Traveling _ time flow _ velocity Therefore: 57 Settling _ frequency traveling _ time settling _ duration (5) Predictive Model The relationship between flow depth and grass height was found to be very important since it considers flow rate, slope, and runoff contact area with the grass. To determine the effect of the flow depth/grass height ratio, averaged flow depth/grass height ratios were computed for each experimental condition. Percent reduction-settling frequency plots were created for three distinct flow depth/grass height ratio categories: 0 to 1.0, 1.0 to 1.5, and 1.5 to 4. Ratios less than 1 means that the grass height is higher than the flow depth. Kirby (2003) determined Manning’s roughness factors for these low flow conditions so the flow depth can be accurately calculated for these low flows. In addition to flow rates and the flow depth/grass height ratio, shear stress and slope were also examined to determine their significance on sediment trapping. It was found that shear stress and slope were insignificant factors. Therefore, settling frequency and the flow depth/grass height ratio were utilized for developing equations for modeling sediment reductions in grass swales. Initial sediment concentrations of the indoor swale experiments were much higher than the outdoor swale. Thus, the following sediment reduction equations are for high initial sediment concentrations (about 500 mg/L) for different flow depth/grass height ratio ranges: Flow depth/grass height ratio: 0 to 1.0 Y 2.101 * log( X ) 2 6.498 * log( X ) 76.82 (6) Where: Y = Percent reduction X = Settling frequency Analysis of Variance Source DF SS Regression 2 10765.9 Error 142 23177.0 Total 144 33942.8 MS 5382.93 163.22 F 32.98 P 0.000 Sequential Analysis of Variance Source DF SS F P Linear 1 7728.35 42.16 0.000 Quadratic 1 3037.51 18.61 0.000 Normal Probability Plot of Residuals [Test: Anderson-Darling] [ ( Flow depth) /( Gr ass height) Ratio: 0 to 1 .0 ] 99.9 M ean -2 .6 5 5 9 6 E-1 4 StDev 1 2 .6 9 N 145 AD 1 .1 4 7 P -V alue 0 .0 0 5 P er cent 99 90 50 10 1 0.1 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Residual 10 20 30 40 Residuals V er sus the Fitted V alues [ ( Flow depth) /( Gr ass height) Ratio: 0 to 1 .0 ] ( r esponse is P er cent r eduction ( % ) ) Residual 20 0 -20 -40 70 75 80 85 Fitted V alue 90 95 100 Figure 24. Normal probability plot and residual plot of the residuals vs. fitted values for the (flow depth)/(grass height) ratio between 0 to 1.0 58 Flow depth/grass height ratio: 1.0 to 1.5 Y 8.692 * log( X ) 80.94 (7) Where: Y = Percent reduction X = Settling frequency Analysis of Source Regression Error Total Variance DF SS 1 9986.4 62 13957.0 63 23943.5 MS 9986.44 225.11 F 44.36 P 0.000 Normal Probability Plot of Residuals [Test:Anderson-Darling] [( Flow depth)/(Gr ass height) Ratio: 1 .0 to 1 .5 ] 99.9 M ean -8 .7 0 4 1 5 E-1 4 StDev 1 4 .8 8 N 64 AD 0 .5 1 5 P -V alue 0 .1 8 4 P er cent 99 90 50 10 1 0.1 -50 -25 0 Residual 25 50 Residuals V er sus the Fitted V alues [(Flow depth)/(Gr ass height) Ratio: 1 .0 to 1 .5 ] (r esponse is P er cent r eduction (% )) 40 Residual 20 0 -20 -40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Fitted V alue Figure 25. Normal probability plot and residual plot of the residuals vs. fitted values for the (flow depth)/(grass height) ratio between 1.0 to 1.5 Flow depth/grass height ratio: 1.5 to 4.0 Y 2.382 * log( X ) 2 15.47 * log( X ) 67.46 (8) Where: Y = Percent reduction X = Settling frequency Analysis of Variance Source DF SS Regression 2 48358.8 Error 131 21893.5 Total 133 70252.3 MS 24179.4 167.1 Sequential Analysis of Variance Source DF SS F F 144.68 P 0.000 P 59 Linear Quadratic 1 1 45055.2 3303.5 236.03 19.77 0.000 0.000 Normal Probability Plot of Residuals[Test:Anderson-Darling] [ (Flow depth)/( Gr ass height) Ratio: 1 .5 to 4 ] 99.9 M ean 3 .6 9 0 5 8 0 E-1 4 StDev 1 2 .8 3 N 134 AD 0 .5 5 4 P -V alue 0 .1 5 1 P er cent 99 90 50 10 1 0.1 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Residual 10 20 30 40 Residuals V er sus the Fitted V alues [( Flow depth) /(Gr ass height) Ratio: 1 .5 to 4 ] (r esponse is P er cent r eduction (% )) 40 Residual 20 0 -20 -40 40 50 60 70 80 Fitted V alue 90 100 110 Figure 26. Normal probability plot and residual plot of the residuals vs. fitted values for the (flow depth)/(grass height) ratio between 1.5 to 4.0 Figures 24, 25, and 26 also show the residual plots. The residuals were found to be normally distributed, except for the flow depth/grass height ratio 0 to 1.0 due to several larger residuals at the extreme condition. Logtransformations on the percentage trapping values on the y-axis was attempted, however, they did not improve the distribution of residuals. Also, the variability of the residuals was smaller at higher percent reduction rates than for smaller rates. This is because the percent reduction values can not be greater than 100 % although the settling frequency increases. Figure 27 shows the regression lines and 95 % confidence intervals of the three different flow depth/grass height ratios, and the percent reductions for total dissolved solids (particles < 0.45 µm). The percent reduction increases as the flow depth/grass height ratio decreases. This is especially true for lower settling frequencies, while the differences in the regression lines become negligible when the settling frequency is above 10. 60 Particulate Transport in Grass Swale Comparison of regression lines with 95%Confidence Intervals by different (Flow depth)/(Grass depth) Ratios 100 90 Percent reduction (%) 80 Ratio: 0 - 1.0 70 60 Ratio: 1.0 - 1.5 50 Ratio: 1.5 - 4 40 30 Total Dissolved Solids (<0.45 um) 20 10 0 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Settling frequency Figure 27. Comparison of regression lines with 95 % confidence intervals for different (flow depth)/(grass height) ratios Comparisons of Indoor and Outdoor Swale Observations Since the drainage area of the outdoor swale was very small, most of the events had shallow flows below the average grass height of 1 inch, which falls into the 0 to 1.0 flow depth/grass height ratio. Thus, the regression line and 95 % confidence intervals of the indoor swale for 0 to 1.0 flow depth/grass height ratio were compared with the outdoor swale observations shown in Figure 28. There was a significant difference between the indoor and outdoor swale performances. The percentage reductions of particulates at the outdoor swale were much lower than for the indoor swale, especially for low settling frequencies. This was assumed to be primary due to the lower initial sediment concentrations at the outdoor swales (ranging from 4 to 157 mg/L TSS), compared to the initial sediment concentrations during the indoor swale experiments (ranging from 193 mg/L to 1,021 mg/L TSS). Particulate Transport in Grass Swale Comparison of regression lines with 95%Confidence Intervals between high and low initial sediment concentrations 100 90 High concetration 200 mg/L to 1000 mg/L (TSS) Ratio: 0 to 1.0 Percent reduction (%) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 Low concetration 40 mg/L to 160 mg/ L (TSS) Ratio: 0 to 1.0 10 0 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Settling frequency Figure 28. Regression lines with 95 % confidence intervals for the low and high initial sediment concentrations (high concentrations from the second indoor experiment, average of 500 mg/L, range of 200 to 1,000 mg/L; low concentrations from the outdoor swale observations, average of 60 mg/L, range of 10 to 160 mg/L) 61 Summary of Sediment Transport in Swales Compared with conventional concrete gutters, grass swales offer several advantages in stormwater quality management as well as cost efficiency. Grass swales are excellent for reducing stormwater pollutants by both infiltration and filtration, depending on the soil, grass, and flow conditions. In this chapter, sediment concentration reductions during shallow flows in grass swales were examined. The indoor swale experiments revealed the significant factors affecting sediment transport in grass swales (swale length, grass type, channel slope, and runoff flow rate). Interactions between the factors were found to be important as well. Large particles, such as sands, were easily trapped at the beginning of the swales under most flow conditions, while smaller particles were more likely to be carried greater distances along the swales. Models for predicting sediment reductions were developed based on the particle settling frequency, and the flow depth/grass height ratio. Significant sediment reductions were observed in the grass swales. However, the outdoor swale monitoring revealed that sediment reductions also depend on initial sediment concentrations. Greater sediment reduction rates were observed for higher initial sediment concentrations. Sample Processing and Particulate Analyses in Water Samples In order to evaluate the ability of a stormwater treatment device to remove pollutants, it is necessary to have a repeatable and comprehensive protocol for sample preparation and analysis. This section focuses on the important, and often overlooked, area of the protocols used to ensure representative sample splitting for quantification of pollutant mass by size fraction in the samples. The large sample sets discussed in this paper were generated using simulant solids mixtures used by two teams of researchers (at Penn State Harrisburg [PSH] and the University of Alabama [UA]) as they verified the solids’ removal performance of two prototype and full-scale devices. Solids were the focus of this evaluation because of their relative ease and low cost of measurement and, as described later, the relationship between particle size and pollutant loading in stormwater runoff. The result of this paper is a detailed protocol for stormwater runoff sample preparation, whether the analysis is for solids only or also includes particulate-associated chemical parameters. Sample Preparation – Churn and Cone Splitters Regardless of whether the samples are collected using grab- or composite-sample techniques, preparation of the final samples for analysis is crucial. For solids analysis, many device verification protocols require each collected sample be analyzed for both total suspended solids (TSS) and suspended sediment concentration (SSC). This requires that each sample be split into multiple fractions, where each fraction is representative of the original sample. Two devices are currently accepted as producing an adequate split of a sample into representative subsamples – churn splitters and cone splitters. The cone splitter is an excellent device for splitting samples that have been returned to the laboratory for analysis. However, it is not normally used in the field. Instead, sampling splitting in the field is often performed using a churn splitter, which is also very useful when manually collecting samples that need to be composited. The churn splitter also has been used in laboratories as a means of subdividing samples into analysis aliquots. Gray, et al. (2000) documented the USGS conclusions regarding churn splitters. Churn splitters were determined to be reliable for SSC determinations for solids concentrations of up to 1,000 mg/L when the median particle diameter was less than 250 m. However, above 10,000 mg/L, or when the sample had greater than 25% sand (>62 m) particles, churn splitters are considered by the USGS to be unreliable. Cone splitters are considered acceptable up to 10,000 mg/L and adequate up to 100,000 mg/L. For stormwater runoff samples (non-construction erosion samples), where TSS/SSC concentrations are typically less than 2,000 mg/L and seldom have large fractions of sand-sized particles even on the dirtiest sites, churn splitters and cone splitters should produce similar and repeatable results. These upper-limit concentrations are highly unusual for stormwater runoff and it is crucial to determine how well 62 these sample-splitting devices function under more typical stormwater-solids concentration, especially when periodic large particles may be present. A recent research project investigating the performance of a proprietary filtration device (Pitt and Khambhammettu 2006, Khambhammettu 2006) included replicate solids and particle size analyses of samples split using a commercial churn splitter and the USGS/Dekaport cone splitter. The 14-L churn splitter was developed by the USGS in the late 1970s to accommodate manual sample compositing and splitting into separate sample bottles in the field. It is available from Bel-Art Products (http://service.belart.com/cat/378050014.html). The USGS in Quality of Water Branch Technical Memorandum No. 78.03 (January 1978) (http://water.usgs.gov/admin/memo/QW/qw78.03.html) states that the churn sample splitter was designed to facilitate the withdrawal of a representative subsample from a large composite sample of a water-sediment mixture. Portions of the larger sample then can be withdrawn from the spigot into appropriately-sized sample bottles. The USGS also described limitations of the churn sample splitter. They found that when relatively high concentrations of sand-size particles (>62 µm) are present, subsamples for suspended-sediment concentration or particle size determinations should not be taken from the churn. Those samples should be collected in separate bottles directly from the stream. These results were confirmed in Gray et al. (2000). During the last few years, researchers at the University of Alabama have tested these different methods to split samples containing stormwater particulates in preparation for laboratory analyses. During the field evaluation of a proprietary filtration device, Pitt and Khambhammettu (2006) and Khambhammettu (2006) obtained many replicate samples using both a churn splitter and a cone splitter. These data provided an opportunity to measure the performance of these common sample splitters under actual field conditions, using a mixture containing a wide range of particle sizes and concentrations. Previously, Nara and Pitt (2005), Nara (2005) and Morquecho (2005) conducted many laboratory tests to determine the performance of the cone splitter under controlled conditions, for a wide variety of source area and outfall stormwater samples. This section briefly summarizes these results. Initial Laboratory Evaluations of the USGS/Dekaport Cone Splitter Morquecho (2005) studied stormwater characteristics affecting treatment and fate of stormwater pollutants in the natural environment. One of the major elements of her work was developing appropriate sample processing methods that would precede the detailed laboratory analyses (particle size analyses, anodic stripping voltammetry, pollutant associations for different particle sizes, etc.). Since each sampling event generated large runoff volumes, the runoff had to be split into smaller fractions for the different tests. Morquecho conducted performance evaluations of the USGS/Dekaport Teflon™ cone sample splitter (Rickly Hydrological Company). This splitter was developed by the USGS to more accurately divide large samples into the smaller volumes needed for the individual analyses (10 outlet ports on the cone splitter). Standard USGS procedures recommend the cone splitter for suspended sediment concentrations up to 10,000 mg/L. According to the Rickly Hydrological Company, the Dekaport Teflon™ Sample Splitter is a pour-through device machined from solid Teflon™ used for splitting water samples for a wide range of particle sizes and water volumes. The USGS analysis found that this method resulted in superior sample replication, especially compared to prior methods (such as shaking the sample bottle and pouring sample portions into graduated cylinders). A review of the USGS data on cone splitters is summarized in Gray, et al. (2000). The cone splitter was tested for its ability to equally split samples by first using a water blank and measuring the resultant volumes. Since Morquecho was interested in producing five homogeneous fractions, two outlets were inserted into each 1L bottle. The total 5L water sample was poured through the top of the cone splitter and the resultant volumes collected in each bottle were measured. This trial was performed three times. The results of these tests are show in Table 27. The trials produced errors, measured as coefficients of variation (COV), of 3.4 to 6.2%. 63 Table 27. USGS/Dekaport® cone splitter trials Trial USGS/Dekaport® Outlet Number 1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9,10 Average Standard Deviation COV 1 930 mL 985 910 940 1060 965 mL 59.79 0.062 2 930 mL 950 1050 950 950 966 mL 47.75 0.049 3 940 mL 980 1030 995 970 983 mL 33.09 0.034 Each of the five subsamples was further split into smaller fractions with the cone splitter, depending on the laboratory tests. As an example, this work examined the chemical characteristics of stormwater particulates in narrow particle size ranges (0 to 0.45 µm, 0.45 to 2 µm, 2 to 5 µm, 5 to 10 µm, 10 to 45 µm, 45 to 106 µm, 106 to 250 µm, 250 to 1200 µm, and >1200 µm sizes), requiring accurate sample splits for each sample being analyzed. Nara and Pitt (2005) and Nara (2005) also conducted cone splitter performance tests. Nara’s research investigated the transport of stormwater particulates in grass-lined drainage swales, both in controlled laboratory tests and with full-scale swales during actual rains. The USGS/Dekaport cone sample splitter was used during this research to accurately prepare the samples prior to detailed particle size analyses. The cone splitter was used to separate each sample into 6 portions for separate chemical and size analyses, including duplicates. During the experimental design phase of this research, Nara prepared sets of challenge samples consisting of Sil-Co-Sil and sieved sand mixture as follows: 15% Sil-Co-Sil® 106, 50% Sil-Co-Sil® 250, 25% sand (sieved between 90 and 250 μm), and 10% sand (sieved between 300 to 425 μm). Two separate runs were conducted for each of two mixes of this sediment recipe. In addition to the above mixture, Sil-Co-Sil 250 and 90-to-250-µm sieved sand were both tested individually. Approximately 500 mg of the sediment mixtures was mixed with 1 L of tap water, resulting in particulate concentrations of approximately 500 mg/L. The test solutions were poured into the top of the USGS/Dekaport cone sample splitter to produce ten identical sub-samples. Total solids analyses were conducted on all of the sub-samples for the three sediment mixtures. The average total solids concentration for each sediment mixture was approximately 560 mg/L, due to the presence of about 60 mg/L dissolved solids in the tap water used. Tables 28 and 29 show the performance of the USGS/Dekaport cone sample splitter for the different sediment mixtures (analyzed for total solids [TS]) and for volume. The cone splitter was very efficient in splitting a sample into very similar sub-samples. Very little variability was found between the sub-samples for both sample volumes and sediment concentrations. The coefficients of variation (COV) of all the sub-sample sets for the three different sediment types were less than 5%, although the splits for the larger particles had slightly greater variabilities than the splits for the smaller particles. The variabilities for the water volume splits were very similar to those found during the earlier (Morquecho 2005) tests. Also, the repeatability from subsample port to port was very good, with similar variabilities (less than 5%) between the same port during different tests. Table 28. Total Solids (TS) Test Results for the Dekaport® Cone Splitter Tube ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Avg. Std. Dev COV Mix Sediments First run Second run TS (mg/L) TS (mg/L) 547.4 561.9 549.5 572.6 560.6 556.0 550.0 561.5 565.0 552.0 576.2 563.4 573.8 572.9 556.8 587.5 560.0 561.0 563.3 572.4 560.26 566.12 9.83 10.33 0.018 0.018 SIL-CO-SIL® 250 First run Second run TS (mg/L) TS (mg/L) 573.1 563.2 556.0 559.8 563.7 547.6 553.5 558.8 558.2 560.6 564.3 565.3 577.4 523.1 565.3 571.9 563.6 559.0 574.5 570.4 564.95 557.96 7.98 14.01 0.014 0.025 Sieved Sand (9 First run TS (mg/L) 573.7 578.4 558.8 565.0 586.7 598.0 587.9 576.3 581.0 569.7 577.55 11.58 0.02 Second run TS (mg/L) 554.7 536.9 575.7 565.0 576.5 627.6 602.8 592.7 563.0 537.4 573.24 28.57 0.05 64 Table 29. Volumetric Test for the Dekaport® Cone Splitter Tube ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Average Std. Dev COV First run (mL) 97 95 109 104 101 101 107 97 101 99 101.1 4.48 0.04 Second run (mL) 97 95 109 103 99 99 107 95 100 98 100.2 4.76 0.05 Third run (mL) 97 96 108 103 100 99 107 96 100 97 100.3 4.37 0.04 Fourth run (mL) 97 96 108 103 99 100 108 94 101 98 100.4 4.74 0.05 Fifth run (mL) 97 95 109 104 100 101 107 95 100 98 100.6 4.79 0.05 Sixth run (mL) 97 95 109 104 100 101 107 96 100 98 100.7 4.67 0.05 Avg. 97.0 95.3 108.7 103.5 99.8 100.2 107.2 95.5 100.3 98.0 Std. Dev. 0 0.52 0.52 0.55 0.75 0.98 0.41 1.05 0.52 0.63 COV 0 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.008 0.010 0.004 0.011 0.005 0.006 Replicate Analyses of Solids Analyses using Churn and Cone Sample Splitters During a portion of these full-scale device tests, several controlled tests were conducted using challenge solutions that contained specific particle size distributions and concentrations. Figure 29 shows the particle size distributions of the influent and effluent samples used during some of these tests. The distributions for the other controlled tests were similar and are given in the final evaluation report by Pitt and Khambhammettu (2006). The influent concentrations ranged from about 50 to 500 mg/L solids measured as TSS. For almost all tests, the effluent samples contained less than 5% sand-sized particles (by mass), similar to what is seen in typical stormwater samples. Figure 29. Performance plot of particle size distribution for mixed media. 65 The samples described in this section were manually collected using a 0.5-L dipper grab sampler from the effluent flow exiting the device. The dipper sampler was placed in the well-mixed cascading flow so that the complete flow stream entered the dipper sampler container. An effluent sample was manually collected every 1 minute for each 30minute test period. These samples were composited in the 14-L churn sample splitter. After each test was completed, the churn splitter was mixed continuously and three samples of 1L each were collected for the laboratory analyses. Once at the laboratory, each of the samples was split again using the USGS/Dekaport® sample splitter to obtain the analytical subsamples (in triplicate), as described in the previous subsection. A total of 21 separate controlled experiments were conducted and total solids, total suspended solids, total dissolved solids (by difference), and particle size distribution (PSD) analyses were carried out for each sample and replicates. The total number of samples analyzed during the controlled tests was 168, including 40 blanks. The following discussion presents the results of the duplicate tests, showing how the churn sample splitter and the cone sample splitter performed with these samples that were similar to typical stormwater. As noted above, three samples were collected for each effluent sample during the controlled experiments. Each of these three samples had duplicate analyses conducted. Therefore, 126 analyses were conducted during these tests. The results of the replicate tests for suspended solids using the churn sample splitter are shown in Figure 30. As noted above, the laboratory tests used the complete subsamples, after splitting, and did not pipette or withdraw a sample portion from the container for each test. The error bar plots show that the standard deviations were typically between 5 to 7 mg/L, with periodic values being much larger. The analytical variabilities for the test results are shown to be greater for the lower concentrations (especially for samples having <100 mg/L TSS) compared to the samples having higher concentrations, when expressed as the COV (standard deviation/average). The median COV value was 27% for the total suspended solids test results, while the median COV value was 8% for the total solids test results. Each of the churn samples were further split in the laboratory using the USGS/Dekaport cone sample splitter. In addition, the sample blanks were also split using the cone splitter. Therefore, a total of 84 paired sets of samples were available for comparison, representing 168 analyses. Figure 31 shows plots for these replicate analyses. With duplicate analyses, a simple scatterplot was prepared comparing the two results for each subsample. Statistically, there were an insufficient number of samples to show a significant difference at the 0.05 level between the two paired analyses for each sample (even with 84 sample pairs). The use of 84 sample pairs should have detected a significant difference of 10%, or greater, at the 95% confidence level and 80% power (assuming a COV of 25%). The 95% confidence interval for the slope coefficient was very narrow and contained 1.0, again indicating similar responses. For the churn splitter, the variations (expressed as COV, or relative standard deviations) are much larger for small concentrations than for large concentrations. However, the median COV values are much lower for the cone splitter than for the churn splitter, being about 11% for total suspended solids, and 5% for total solids. General Laboratory Processing for Particle Size Fractionation of Samples The UA research team has developed a general laboratory method for processing stormwater samples for particulate analyses and particle size determinations, which is briefly outlined below. This procedure has been adopted by both the UA and PSH laboratories for their solids analysis in order to ensure the repeatability of the sample analysis. This procedure is used for samples generated both during the laboratory-verification testing and during traditional field sampling. Nylon screening material with 1200 µm openings is used at the top of the cone splitter to capture large particles such as leaves, twigs and insects. This screening material is washed/soaked in hot soapy water for one hour, and then thoroughly rinsed in DI water before use. Pouring the complete sample through this coarse screening as it enters the cone splitter prevents these large materials from entering and clogging the splitter. Removal of these large particles ensures a more-accurate subsample division. In addition, these larger materials are usually in very low abundance in flowing stormwaters and collecting them from the complete several-liter sample usually provides the researchers with sufficient mass to conduct selected chemical analyses, after their removal from the screen (by rinsing with DI water), drying and weighing. The sample volumes needed for each analytical series are determined, and the cone splitter tubes are adjusted to provide the needed sample volumes for each split subsample. As an example, 100 mL is usually used for particulate analyses, using Total Suspended Solids (TSS) methods. If 1L of sample is being split 66 and 7 particulate analyses are to be conducted, one tube is placed in each of 7 subsample containers (usually graduated cylinders so the subsample volume can be directly determined) below the cone splitter, and the remaining three tubes are placed in a single larger subsample container to collect the excess sample volume. In this approach to solids and particle size analyses, samples are separated into the following subsamples for individual analyses: 1) Sample mass >1200 µm (from the coarse nylon screening before the cone splitter). This step is optional for laboratory testing where the test solids mixture has been pre-screened to remove all particles greater than 1000 μm. 2) Unfiltered subsample (2 replicates); 3) Sieved by 250 µm stainless steel 3 inch sieve (Tyler #60) (3 replicates); and 4) Filtered by 0.45 µm membrane filter (2 replicates) This split generates 7 subsamples that are used for the particulate analyses, including the duplicate analyses. A description of each subsample is given below. o The material captured on the 1200 µm coarse screening material is carefully rinsed from the screen using DI water into a pre-dried and weighed oven-proof evaporating dish. This then is placed in the drying oven at 103o to 105oC to dry. The sample is then weighed to determine the dry weight of the large debris. It is important to recall that this weight is for the complete sample volume, not for the smaller subsample volume. Therefore, accounting for its mass as part of the original sample must apply to the entire volume of sample, not to the volume of a single subsample. The collected debris can be appropriately digested and analyzed for chemical constituents, after drying and weighing. o The unfiltered water subsamples are used for total solids analyses, so the total sample particulate content less than 1200 µm can be determined. Duplicate analyses are conducted using the two subsamples. o The next three subsamples are separately poured through a 3-inch stainless steel Tyler #60 sieve, leaving subsamples having particulates smaller than 250 µm in the subsample. Two of these are used for duplicate total solids analyses, while one will be used for the Coulter Counter particlesize-distribution analyses. o The last two subsamples are separately filtered through 0.45-µm membrane filters. The filtrate is used for standard dissolved solids analyses, while the filters are dried and weighed for suspended solids analyses. Membrane filters with a nominal pore diameter of 0.45 μm are used here for two reasons: (1) many researchers consider the division between colloidal and suspended particles to be approximately 0.45 μm (and the TSS methodology does not specify the filter’s pore size, although some TSS guidance lists a glass-sintered filter of 2 µm, or smaller, especially if volatile TSS analyses are to be measured), and (2) many of these samples undergo metals analysis for both total and dissolved metals. Dissolved metals samples where the metals’ concentration is at the concentrations typically seen in stormwater must be filtered through a membrane, as opposed to a glass-fiber, filter. Past research (Clark 1996) has shown that glass-fiber filters have the potential to contaminate the filtrate, especially by zinc. The remaining 250-µm-sieved subsample is used for the Coulter Counter particle size distribution (PSD) analyses. The samples usually collected by these research teams have the vast majority of the particulate mass between 1 and 250 µm in size, the optimal range for Coulter Counter analyses. With the solids analyses described above, particulate masses in the following size ranges are directly measured: <0.45 µm, 0.45 to 250 µm, 250 to 1200 µm, and >1200 µm. Therefore, the overall particulate size distribution can be created by integrating the high resolution Coulter Counter size distribution results (reported on a volume basis which is correlated to mass through particle density – which typically varies little among the particle size fractions analyzed by the Coulter Counter), with the associated mass values for the coarser ranges. Three aperture tubes (30 μm, 140 μm, 400 μm) typically are used with the UA Coulter Counter (Beckman® 67 Multi-Sizer III™) to create a composite distribution. The PSH methodology differs only in that the 100-μm aperture tube is used instead of the 140-μm aperture tube which creates a slightly different overlap in the data reduction step. This composite distribution is created using the software provided by Coulter that overlaps the different tube results. Each aperture tube can quantify particles in the range of approximately 2% to 60% of the aperture size (e.g., 30 μm tube – 0.6 μm to 18 μm; 140 μm tube – 2.8 μm to 84 μm; 400 μm tube – 8 μm to 240 μm). As can be seen, each of the tubes substantially overlaps the other tube, providing sufficient duplication of particle diameters for the software overlap. Three-inch stainless steel Tyler sieves are used to presieve the subsamples before analyses by each aperture to minimize clogging; the sieve size selected is the smallest commercially-available sieve that exceeds the maximum analytical range of each tube, while still being smaller than the tube aperture itself (e.g., 30-μm tube – 20-μm sieve [Tyler #625], 140-μm tube – 106-μm sieve [Tyler #150], 400-μm tube – 250-μm sieve [Tyler #60]). The sample is pipetted through the sieve and directly into the Coulter Counter vessel. Each aperture tube analysis usually is repeated three times and the results averaged. This range of aperture tubes allows for very high resolution results from about 0.6 to 240 µm. Summary of Particulate Sampling and Analyses Issues As research continues on the performance (and improvements to performance) of stormwater treatment devices, the ability to document performance by particle size range will become more important. In addition, this size fractionation information is crucial in predicting the fate and transport of many pollutants in urban runoff. The ability of the research laboratories to document a standardized protocol for sample preparation and testing is vital to being able to adequately compare performance results between devices and between vendors for manufactured treatment devices. Sample preparation for particle size fractionation and analysis is not adequately addressed in the standard protocols commonly used in the stormwater profession. Therefore, the protocol presented here addresses those gaps in guidance to produce a repeatable sample preparation technique. The sample preparation protocol is summarized in the steps below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The cone splitter is set up for the desired number of subsamples, up to a maximum of 10, considering the needed analytical volumes for each subsample. A 1200-m cleaned mesh screen is placed on top of the cone splitter and the entire sample is poured through the mesh. The material retained on the mesh is dried, weighed and saved for further analyses. The remaining samples are split according to the required analyses with approximately half of the samples screened through a 250-m sieve in order to characterize the fraction in the larger range (below the mesh size) that cannot be quantified as easily by the Coulter Counter Multisizer 3. For samples requiring both TSS and SSC, the appropriate subsamples are set aside. For verification protocol testing, this requires four aliquots – TSS unsieved, TSS sieved to less than 250 m, SSC unsieved, and SSC sieved to less than 250 m. TSS/SSC samples are filtered through the appropriate filter – either glass-fiber (if metals analyses are not required) or membrane (if metals analyses are required). The above protocol can easily be modified to reflect specific project requirements. If a Coulter Counter is not available, these methods still result in important particle size data. Additional mechanical sieves can also be added to increase the number of discrete particle sizes. This is commonly used in our laboratories during tests of chemical analyses of the different particle sizes. The most important features in the described method is the use of the cone splitter and analyzing the complete subsample, and further separating the sample into a few broad categories (especially >250 µm, for example). Summary of the Significance of Stormwater Particulates The significance of stormwater particulates, including bedload and floatables, is becoming better understood. The use of TSS alone may not be adequate in investigating problems, and when conducting treatability tests. Particle size distributions, covering the complete range of the particulates, are needed. The location of the sample collection is 68 also very important. Samples collected near the original source of the particulates likely have many large particles that strongly influence the distribution of particles, by mass. However, most sheetflows, and even concentrated flows, are not capable of transporting the larger particles great distances. This is especially true if grass channels are used with shallow flows. While source area samples may have median particle sizes of several hundred micrometers, outfall samples rarely have any particles greater than a few hundred micrograms. Typical outfall sample median particle sizes are usually much less than 50 µm, for example. The larger particles are preferentially removed and trapped in the drainage system. If an inlet is located directly adjacent to a receiving water, then large particles may be discharged, but this is uncommon. Sample collection must include bedload and floatable solids captures if a complete description of the sediment is needed. Automatic samplers cannot collect these sample fractions. Manual sampling, if conducted in a cascading water flow, should capture bedload, but the mass fraction of these components are relatively small and large sample volumes must be collected to capture enough sample to conduct chemical tests on the larger material. When evaluating control practices, it is necessary to capture samples to describe a complete mass balance (all influent and all effluent locations, plus captured material). This will enable sample collection inaccuracies to be determined, along with direct measurements of the device performance. Sample handling and analysis techniques must also be carefully conducted. SSC analyses are preferred, where sample cone/funnel splitters are used to separate the sample into subsample fractions. References Ackers, J.C., D. Butler, and R.W.P. May. Design of Sewers to Control Sediment Problems. 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