Seasons Changes – Overview - Center for Learning in Action

Earth and Space Science
Lesson #2: Seasonal Changes - Overview
Time Frame: 1 session of 20-30 minutes
Learning Standards:
Earth and Space Science: Weather
1) Describe the weather changes from day to day and over the seasons.
Earth and Space Science: Periodic Phenomena
1) Identify some events around us that have repeating patterns, including the
seasons of the year, day and night.
Life Science: Living Things and Their Environment
1) Recognize changes in appearance that animals and plants go through as
the seasons change.
Skills of Inquiry
 Make predictions based on observed patterns.
 Record observations and data with pictures, numbers, or written statements.
 Discuss observations with others.
Student will be able to:
1) Describe and explain seasonal changes in weather, animals, and plants.
Anticipatory Set: Give each table or group of students a few thermometers.
Discuss the thermometers in small groups and then as a class. What do
thermometers measure? How is temperature different in the fall, winter, spring,
and summer?
1) Give each table a container with water in it. The water should be colder
than room temperature but not too cold (to mimic the temperature of a fall
a) Place the thermometer in the water and discuss what happens with
the students.
b) Tell the students to color in their thermometer for fall.
c) Ask a student volunteer to come to the front of the room and
choose from a box of clothes what would be a good fall outfit.
Discuss how the weather changes as fall progresses.
d) Ask the students to make a drawing of people doing an outside fall
activity in the box marked fall. Remind them to think about what
would be happening with the plants and animals.
e) Repeat this process for each of the other three seasons. For
winter, use cold water with ice, for spring use room temperature
water, and for summer use hot water from the tap.
Closure: As time permits, ask students to share their drawings for fall, winter,
spring, and summer and discuss all of the differences in weather that they
noticed over the course of the school year.
Assessment: Participation in class discussions and activities, completion of the
seasonal changes chart
Resources and Materials: Containers or beakers for water, thermometers, box
with different types of clothes, student seasons chart, crayons, colored pencils,
and markers