Supplementary Table. Genetic map of non-syndromic aortic aneurysm Chromosomal Region Study Approach Disease Phenotype Inheritance Phenotype Gene SNP ID (Risk Allele) for Associated Allele OMIM ID Comments PMID 1p13.3 GWAS AAA SORT1 rs599839(G) 23535823 1q21.3 Candidate gene study AAA IL6R rs7529229(C) 23111417 2p21-p16.2 DNA linkage & Whole exome sequencing TAAD 2q13 Candidate gene study AAA 3p22 DNA linkage study TAAD 3p22 Candidate gene study AAA 3q21.1 Sequencing of candidate genes TAAD 3q24 Candidate gene study AAA 4q31 DNA linkage study AAA 5q13-q14 DNA linkage study TAAD 6q25-q26 Candidate gene study AAA MAT2A AD IL1RN rs6743376(C) and rs1542176(C) TGFBR2 613780 19542084 rs1036095(G) and rs764522(G) MYLK AGTR1 21855067 AAT7 locus rs5186(C) 2775049 609782 AAA2 locus 607087 ~10-30% of FTAADs; AAT2 locus LPA 25557781 25726324 TGFBR2 AD AD Rare form rs10455872(G) and rs3798220(C) 22898070 611891 CDKN2BAS1 607087 TGFBR1 9p21 GWAS AAA 9q22 DNA linkage study TAAD 9q33 GWAS AAA 10q11.2-q21.1 Whole exome sequencing TAAD AD 615436 PRKG1 AAT8 locus 10q23.31 DNA linkage study TAAD AD 611788 ACTA2 10-14% of FTAADs; AAT6 locus; some patients have livedo reticularis and iris flocculi 11q23.3-q24 DNA linkage study TAAD AD 607086 12p13.1-p12.3 Whole exome sequencing TAAD 616166 MFAP5 12q13.3 GWAS AAA 614375 LRP1 12q13-q14 DNA linkage study TAAD AD 15q21.1 DNA linkage study TAAD AD 15q21.1 GWAS TAAD 15q22.33 Whole exome sequencing TAAD AD 16p13.11 DNA linkage TAAD with AD AD DAB2IP rs10757278(G) AAA3 locus 1% of FTAAD: AAT5 locus rs7025486(A) 20622881 Rare form; AAT1 locus Rare form; AAT9 locus rs1466535(C) AAA4 21163914 FNB1 Rare form of FTAAD 20082464 STAAD study 21909107 SMAD3 ~2% of FTAAD 21778426 MYH11 ~1% of FTAADs;AAT4 FNB1 132900 rs2118181(G) study PAD locus 17q23.3 Candidate gene study AAA ACE rs4646994(deletion) 20302034 19p13.2 GWAS AAA LDLR rs6511720(A) 24046328 19q13 DNA linkage study AAA 100070 AAA1 locus GWAS, genome-wide association study; MIM, Mendelian Inheritance in Man database available at; PMID. PubMed ID for a publication describing the finding if no MIM record is available; TAAD, thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection; FTAAD, familial thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection; STAAD, sporadic thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection; AAA, abdominal aortic aneurysm; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; AD, autosomal dominant; SORT1, sortilin 1; IL6R, interleukin 6 receptor; IL1RN, interleukin 1 receptor antagonist; MAT2A, methionine adenosyltransferase II, alpha; MFAP5, microfibrillar associated protein 5; MYLK, myosin light chain kinase; AGTR1, angiotensin I converting enzyme; CDKN2BAS1, CDKN2B antisense RNA 1; PRKG1, protein kinase, cGMP-dependent, type I; TGFBR1 and 2, transforming growth factor (beta) receptors 1 and 2; DAB2IP, DAB2 interacting protein; ACTA2, smooth muscle alpha-actin 2; FNB1, fibrillin 1; SMAD3, SMAD family member 3; MYH11, smooth muscle myosin heavy chain; ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; LDLR, low-density lipoprotein receptor; LPA, lipoprotein, Lp(a); LRP1, low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1; . Official approved gene symbols for this table and throughout the paper were obtained from