مجلات کم اعتبار بین المللی- 1391

‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan
ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
African Journal of Microbiology Research
African Journal of Agricultural Research
African Journal of Business Management
Scientific Research and Essay
African Journal of Biotechnology
Reviews in Inorganic Chemistry
10. Journal of Polymer Engineering
11. Reviews in Chemical Engineering
12. Reviews in Analytical Chemistry
13. Israel Affairs
14. Pakistan Veterinary Journal
15. Applied Mathematics and Computation
16. Croatia chemical Acta
17. International Journal of Algebra
18. Contemporary Engineering Sciences
19. Applied Mathematical Sciences (AMS)
20. Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
21. Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics
22. Advanced Studies in Biology
23. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences
24. Science and engineering of Composite Materials
25. International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences )IJCMS)
26. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures
27. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
28. Indian Veterinary Journal
29. Ieice electronics epress
30. Journal of Nano-materials (Hindawi)
31. International Mathematical Forum (IMF)
32. International Journal of Mathematical Analysis
33. Academic Journal of Cancer Research
34. Academic Journal of Animal Diseases
35. Industria Textila
36. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences
37. Agricultural Engineering Research Journal
38. Agricultural Economics & Marketing Journal
39. African Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences
40. Advances in Biological Research
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
41. Advances in Biological Research
42. Acta Science, Technology and Management
43. Acta Parasitologica Globalis
44. Academic Journal of Plant Sciences
45. Academic Journal of Oral and Dental Medicine
46. Academic Journal of Nutrition [AJN]
47. Academic Journal of Entomology
48. Computational and Applied Mathematical Sciences
49. British Journal of Poultry Sciences
50. Asian Journal of Business Management Studies
51. Applied Journal of Hygiene [AJH]
52. Applied Biosciences [AB]
53. American-Eurasian Journal of Toxicological Sciences
54. American-Eurasian Journal of Soil Sciences
55. American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research
56. American-Eurasian Journal of Crop Protection
57. American-Eurasian Journal of Agronomy
58. Formerly known as American-Eurasian Journal of Botany
59. European Journal of Biological Sciences
60. European Journal of Applied Sciences
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
61. Global Veterinaria
62. Global Journal of Pharmacology
63. Global Journal of Environmental Research
64. Global Journal of Biotechnology & Biochemistry
65. International Journal of Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology
66. International Journal of Agribusiness Management
67. Humanity and Social Sciences Journal
68. Global Journal of Molecular Sciences
69. International Journal of Physics
70. International Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences
71. International Journal of Nuts and Related Sciences
72. International Journal of Microbiological Research
73. International Journal of Genetics
74. International Journal of Clinical Pathology
75. International Journal of Basic and Applied Virology
76. Journal of Oceanography and Marine Environmental System
77. Journal of Industrial Technologies and Sustainable Environment
78. Journal of Horticultural Science & Ornamental Plants
79. Journal of Forestry and Environment
80. Journal of Approximate Reasoning
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
81. Journal of Animal Production Sciences
82. Iranica Journal of Energy and Environment
83. International Journal of Sustainable Agriculture
84. International Journal of Planetary & Space Research
85. Research Journal of Zoonosis
86. Plant Physiology Research
87. Plant Pathology International
88. Libyan Agriculture Research Center Journal International
89. Journal of Statistics and Biometry
90. Journal of Reproduction and Infertility
91. Israel Medical Association Journal
92. Israel Exploration Journal
93. World Journal of Nano Science & Technology
94. World Journal of Management Studies
95. World Journal of Immunology
96. Israel Journal of Earth Sciences
97. Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine
98. Israel Journal of Chemistry
99. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences
100. Israel Journal of Zoology
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
101. Pakistan Journal of Botany
102. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
103. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association
104. Pakistan Journal of zoology
105. Pakistan Journal of medical Sciences
106. JP Journal of Geometry and Topology
107. International Journal of Numerical Methods and Applications
108. Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics
109. Advances and Applications in Statistics
110. JP Journal of Solids and Structures
111. JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
112. Advances in Algebra (AA)
113. Global Journal of Academic Librarianship (GJAL)
114. Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Education
115. Global Journal of Political Science (GJPS)
116. Global Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (GJSA)
117. International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences (IJAES)
118. International Journal of Biomedical and Healthcare Science
119. International Journal of Dental Research and Technologies
120. International Journal of Hospitality Administration and Management
121. International Journal of Human Resource Development and Management (IJHRDM)
122. International Journal of Information Technology and Library Sciences (IJITLS)
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
123. International Journal of Instrumentation Science and Engineering (IJISE)
124. International Journal of Internet and Computer Security (IJICS)
125. International Journal of Knowledge Management and Information Technology (IJKMIT)
126. International Journal of Nanotechnology and Application (IJNA)
127. International Journal of Networking & Computer Engineering (IJNCE)
128. International Journal of Nursing Sciences and Practice
129. International Journal of Operations Management and Services (IJOPMS)
130. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Practice
131. International Journal of Pharmacy and Drug Research
132. Mathematical Modeling and Applied Computing (MMAC)
133. Journal of the Balkan tribological association
134. American Journal of Infectious Diseases
135. American Medical Journal
136. Asian Journal of Agricultural Research
137. Journal of Modern Mathematical and Statistics
138. Research Journal of Agricultural Research
139. Research Journal of Medicinal Plant
140. Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
141. Research Journal of Microbiology
142. Research Journal of Mutagenesis
143. Research Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
144. Research Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
145. Research Journal of Physics
146. Research Journal of Phytochemistry
147. Research Journal of Soil Biology
148. Quantum information processing
149. South Asia Journal of South Asian Studies
150. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical sciences
151. Main Group Metal Chemistry
152. Wseas Transactions on Circuits and Systems
153. Wseas Transactions on Communication
154. Wseas Transactions on Computers
155. Wseas Transactions on Systems
156. Wseas Transactions on Biology And Biomedicine
157. Wseas Transactions on Business And Economics
158. Wseas Transactions on Heat And Mass Transfer
159. Acta Crystallographia Section E-Structure
160. Asian journal of chemistry
161. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences Research
162. Aviv University Annual Report
163. Geological Survey of Israel Bulletin
164. Geological Survey of Israel Current Research
165. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation
166. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology
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‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
167. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology
168. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS)
169. International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines
170. International Review of Electrical Engineering
171. Israel Annals of Psychiatry and Related Disciplines
172. Israel Environment Bulletin
173. Israel Journal of Botany
174. Israel Journal of Mathematics
175. Israel Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh
176. Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution
177. Israel Journal of Entomology
178. Israel Journal of Medical Science
179. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan(JCPSP)
180. Journal of Agriculture and Social Science
181. Journal of Israel History
182. Pakistan Entomologist
183. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences
184. Pakistan Journal of forestry
185. Pakistan Journal of Marine Sciences
186. Pakistan Journal of Nematology
187. Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology
188. The international Journal of applied economics
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‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
189. International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Science
190. International Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment (TFAE)
191. Journal of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry
192. Journal of Theoretical & Applied Statistics
193. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research
194. Research Journal of Earth Sciences
195. Studies in Nonlinear Sciences
196. World Engineering & Applied Sciences Journal
197. World Information Technology Journal
198. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences
199. World Journal of Alternative Medicine
200. World Journal of Chemistry
201. World Journal of Computer Sciences
202. World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences
203. World Journal of Environmental Pollution
204. World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences
205. World Journal of Fungal and Plant Biology
206. World Journal of Medical Sciences
207. World Journal of Natural Products Research
208. World Journal of Nursing Sciences
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
209. World Journal of Sport Sciences
210. World Journal of Zoology
211. Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics
212. Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics
213. Advances in Computer Science and Engineering
214. Advances in Differential Equations and Control Processes
215. Current Development in Oceanography
216. Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems
217. Current Development in Theory and Applications of Wavelet
218. Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics
219. Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems
220. Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications
221. Far East Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
222. Far East Journal of Mathematical Education
223. Far East Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Physics
224. JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory & Applications
225. JP Journal of Biostatistics
226. JP Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications
227. International Journal of Functional Analysis, Operator Theory and Applications
228. International Journal of Information Science and Computer Mathematics
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‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
229. International Journal of Materials Engineering and Technology
230. International Journal of Biotechnology & Biochemistry (IJBB)
231. International Journal of Applied Agricultural Research (IJAAR)
232. International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science Technology (IJAFST)
233. International Journal of Horticultural and Crop Science Research (IJHCSR)
234. International Journal of Molecular Genetics (IJMG)
235. Developmental Microbiology and Molecular Biology (DMMB)
236. International Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering Research (IJBBR)
237. International Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
238. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences(IJFAS)
239. International Journal of Applied Biotechnology and Biochemistry (IJABB)
240. Global Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry Research (GJBBR)
241. International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology Research (IJABR)
242. Global Journal of Applied Agricultural Research (GJAAR)
243. International Journal of Agricultural Economics and Management (IJAEM)
244. Journal of Computer Science and Application (JCSA)
245. International Journal of Information and Computation Technology (IJICT)
246. International Journal of Software Engineering (IJSE)
247. Current Development in Artificial Intelligence (CDAI)
248. Mathematical Modeling and Applied Computing (MMAC)
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
249. International Journal of Advanced Software Engineering (IJASE)
250. International Journal of Mobile Communication Networking (IJMCN)
251. International Journal of Computer and Internet Security (IJCIS)
252. International Journal of Information Sciences and Application (IJISA)
253. International Journal of Networks and Applications (IJNA)
254. International Journal of Wireless Networks and Applications (IJWNC)
255. Global Journal of Computational Intelligence Research (GJCIR)
256. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Technology (IJACST)
257. International Journal of Information and Computation Technology (IJICT)
258. International Journal of Information Science and Education (IJISE)
259. International Journal of Information Science and Application (IJISA)
260. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Technology (IJACST)
261. International Journal of Operations Management and Information Technology (IJOMIT)
262. International Journal of Information Technology and Library Science (IJITLS)
263. International Journal of Engineering Studies (IJES)
264. International Journal of Materials Science (IJoMS)
265. International Journal of Mechanics and Solids (IJMS)
266. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IJTAM)
267. International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Technology (IJIET)
268. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT)
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
269. International Journal of Mechanics and Thermodynamics (IJMT)
270. International Journal of Civil Engineering Research (IJCER)
271. International Journal of Chemical Engineering Research (IJChER)
272. International Journal of Industrial & Production Engineering & Technology (IJIPET)
273. International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing Science (IJEMS)
274. International Journal of Advanced Material Science (IJAMS)
275. Advance in Applied Computational Mechanics (AACM)
276. International Journal of Fluids Engineering (IJFE)
277. International Journal of Mechanics Structural (IJMS)
278. International Journal of Civil Mechanical Engineering (IJCME)
279. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Research (IJMER)
280. International Journal of Mechanical and Material Sciences Research (IJMMSR)
281. International Journal of Material Sciences and Technology (IJMST)
282. International Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering (IJAME)
283. International Review of Applied Engineering Research (IRAER)
284. Global Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (GJERT)
285. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Applications (IJCEA)
286. International Journal of NanoScience and Nanotechnology (IJNN)
287. International Journal of Computational Sceince and Engineering (IJCSE)
288. International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IJEE)
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
289. International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJECE).
290. International Journal of Electronic and Electrical Engineering (IJEEE)
291. International Journal of Electronics Networks , Devices and Field (IJNDF)
292. International Journal of Microcircuits and Electronic (IJME)
293. International Journal of Photonics (IJP)
294. International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Control (IJIEC)
295. Advances in Wireless and Mobile Communications (AWMC)
296. International Journal of Wireless Networks and Communications (IJWNC)
297. International Journal of Electronics Engineering Research (IJEER)
298. International Journal of Wireless Communication and Simulation (IJWCS)
299. Advances in Electronic and Electric Engineering (AEEE)
300. International Journal of Electronic and Communication Research (IJECR)
301. International Journal of Mobile Communication & Networking (IJMCN)
302. Global Journal of Electronic and Communication Engineering and Technology (GJECET)
303. International Journal of Communication Engineering and Technology (IJCET)
304. International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET)
305. Global Journal of Finance and Management (GJFM)
306. International Review of Business and Finance (IRBF)
307. JK Journal of Management and Technology (JKJMT)
308. International Journal of Business Management and Leadership (IJBML)
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
309. Global Journal of Management and Business Studies (GJMBS)
310. Global Journal of Finance and Economic Management (GJFEM)
311. Global Journal of Marketing Management and Research (GJMMR)
312. International Journal of Management and International Business Studies (IJMIBS)
313. International Journal of Human Resource Development and Management (IJHRDM)
314. Global Journal of Retail Management (GJRM)
315. International Journal of Operations Management and Services (IJOPMS)
316. International Journal of Quality Assurance and Management (IJQSM)
317. International Journal of Consumer Policy (IJCP)
318. International journal of Business Administration and Management (IJBAM)
319. International Journal of Business and Rural Development Studies (IJBRDS)
320. International Journal of Economic Research and Networking (IJERN)
321. International Journal of Economic and Management Strategy (IJEMS)
322. International Journal of Foreign Trade and Policy (IJFTP)
323. International Journal of Hospitality Administration and Management (IJHAM)
324. Global Journal of Business Management and Information Technology (GJBMIT)
325. International Journal of Operations Management and Information Technology (IJOMIT)
326. International Journal of Knowledge Management and Information Technology (IJKMIT)
327. International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences (IJAES)
328. International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management (IJEEM)
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
329. International Journal of Environmental Science Development & Monitoring (IJESDM)
330. International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography (IJOO)
331. International Journal of Lakes and Rivers (IJLR)
332. Journal of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics (JCIB)
333. International Journal of Environmental Research and Development (IJERD)
334. Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology (ACST)
335. International Journal of Computational Physical Sciences (IJCPS)
336. International Journal of Nano Science and Nanotechnology (IJNN)
337. International Journal of Chemistry and Applications (IJCA)
338. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER)
339. International Journal of Dynamics of Fluids (IJDF)
340. International Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (IJPAP)
341. International Journal of Applied Chemistry (IJAC)
342. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research (IJCIR)
343. International Journal of Semiconductor Science & Technology (IJSST)
344. International Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology (IJPST)
345. Advances in Aerospace Science and Applications (AASA)
346. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE)
347. International Journal of Materials Physics (IJMP)
348. International Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (IJCCHE)
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
349. International Journal of Applied Physics (IJAP)
350. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (GJPAM)
351. Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics (ATAM)
352. Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics (AFM)
353. Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications (ADSA)
354. International Journal of Difference Equations (IJDE)
355. Advances in Applied Mathematical Analysis (AAMA)
356. Journal of Wavelet Theory and Applications (JWTA)
357. International Journal of Statistics and Systems (IJSS)
358. Advances in Algebra (AA)
359. Communication in Applied Geometry (CAG)
360. Advances in Applied Mathematical Biosciences (AAMB)
361. Mathematics Applied in Science and Technology (MAST)
362. Mathematical Modeling and Applied Computing (MMAC)
363. International Journal of Mathematical Education (IJME)
364. International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (IJCAM)
365. Arab Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (AJMMS)
366. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Fluid Mechanics (JAMFM)
367. International Journal of Computational Science and Mathematics (IJCSM)
368. International Journal of Mathematics Research (IJMR)
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
369. Communication in differential and Difference Equation (CDDE)
370. Global Journal of Mathematical Science: Theory and Practical (GJMS)
371. International Journal: Mathematical Manuscripts (IJMM)
372. Global Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics Sciences (GJTAMS)
373. International Journal of Statistics and Analysis (IJSA)
374. Global Journal of Dynamical System and Applications (GJDSA)
375. Global Journal of Difference Equations (GJDE)
376. International Journal of Applied Computational Science and Mathematics (IJACSM)
377. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Practice
378. International Journal of Pharmacy and Drug Research
379. Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Education
380. International Journal of Biomedical and Healthcare Science
381. International Journal of Dental Research and Technologies
382. International Journal of Nursing Sciences and Practice
383. International Journal of Hospitality Administration and Management
384. Global Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (GJSA)
385. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHSS)
386. Global Journal of Political Science (GJPS)
387. Global Journal of Economics and Social Development (GJESD)
388. International Journal of Childhood and Society (IJCS)
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
389. International Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences (IJPHSS)
390. Global Journal of Academic Librarianship (GJAL)
391. International Journal of Librarianship and Administration (IJLA)
392. International Journal of Library Automation, Networking and Consortia (IJLANC)
393. International Journal of Information Technology and Library Sciences (IJITLS)
394. International Journal of Digital Libraries and Knowledge Management (IJDLKM)
395. International Journal of Educational Administration (IJEA)
396. International Journal of Educational Planning and Administration (IJEPA)
397. Global Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies (GJEAPS)
398. International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education (IJVCE)
399. International Journal of Psychology and Counseling (IJPC)
400. International Journal of Education and Information Studies (IJEIS)
401. International Mathematical Forum (IMF)
402. International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Science (IJCMS)
403. International Journal of Mathematical Analysis
404. International Journal of Algebra
405. American Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
406. American Journal of Drug Discovery and Development
407. American Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilization Technology
408. American Medical Journal
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‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
409. Asian Journal of Agricultural Research
410. Asian Journal of Textile
411. Bacteriology Journal
412. Botany Research International
413. Current Research in Cardiovascular Pharmacology
414. Current Research in Chemistry
415. Current Research in Physics
416. Current Research in Poultry Science
417. Current Research in Space Science
418. International Journal of Agricultural Research
419. International Journal of Manufacturing Systems
420. International Journal of Oceanography and Marine Ecological System
421. Journal of Biological Sciences
422. Journal of Food Technology
423. Journal of Modern Mathematical and Statistics
424. Journal of Modern Mathematical and Statistics
425. Journal of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences
426. Microbiology Journal
427. On Line Journal of Earth Sciences
428. Research Journal of Agricultural Research
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‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
429. Research Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences
430. Research Journal of Medicinal Sciences
431. Research Journal of Photochemistry
432. Research Journal of Soil Biology
433. Singapore Journal of Chemical Biology
434. Singapore Journal of Scientific Research
435. International Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment (JFAE)
436. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
437. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science
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‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
457. International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
458. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences
459. International Journal of Biological and Life Sciences
460. International Journal of Biological and Medical Sciences
461. International Journal of Chemical and Biological Engineering
462. International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering
463. International Journal of Computational and Mathematical Sciences
464. International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
465. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
466. International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
467. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
468. International Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences
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‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
469. International Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences
470. International Journal of Information and Communication Engineering
471. International Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences
472. International Journal of Human and Social Sciences
473. International Journal of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
474. International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
475. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences
476. American Journal of Applied Science
477. American Medical Journal
478. Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
479. On Line Journal of Biological Sciences
480. Agricultural Journal
481. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science*
482. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
483. American Journal of Applied Sciences
484. American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
485. American Journal of Bioinformatics
486. American Journal of Biostatistics
487. American Journal of Economics and Business Administration
488. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
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‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
489. American Journal of Environmental Sciences
490. American Journal of Food Technology
491. American Journal of Immunology
492. American Journal of Microbiology
493. American Journal of Nanotechnology
494. American Journal of Neuroscience
495. American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
496. American Journal of Plant Physiology
497. American Journal of Space Science
498. American Journal of Virology
499. Asian Journal of Agricultural Research
500. American Medical Journal
501. Asian Journal of Algebra
502. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances
503. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences
504. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences
505. Asian Journal of Biochemistry
506. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences
507. Asian Journal of Biotechnology
508. Asian Journal of Cell Biology
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‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
509. Asian Journal of Clinical Nutrition
510. Asian Journal of Crop Science
511. Asian Journal of Dermatology
512. Asian Journal of Developmental Biology
513. Asian Journal of Earth Sciences
514. Asian Journal of Epidemiology
515. Asian Journal of Industrial Engineering
516. Asian Journal of Information Management
517. Asian Journal of Marketing
518. Asian Journal of Materials Science
519. Asian Journal of Mathematics & Statistics
520. Asian Journal of Nematology
521. Asian Journal of Plant Pathology
522. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences
523. Asian Journal of Poultry Science
524. Asian Journal of Rural Development
525. Biotechnology
526. Botany Research Journal
527. Current Research in Bacteriology
528. Current Research in Dairy Sciences
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‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
529. Current Research in Dentistry
530. Current Research in Neuroscience
531. Current Research in Psychology
532. Current Research in Tuberculosis
533. Ecologia
534. Energy Research Journal
535. Environmental Research Journal
536. European Journal of Dentistry and Medicine
537. Information Technology Journal
538. International Business Management
539. International Journal of Biological Chemistry
540. International Journal of Botany
541. International Journal of Cancer Research
542. International Journal of Chemical Technology
543. International Journal of Dairy Science
544. International Journal of Electrical and Power Engineering
545. International Journal of Meat Science
546. International Journal of Molecular Medicine and Advance Sciences
547. International Journal of Osteoporosis and Metabolic Disorders
548. International Journal of Pharmacology
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
549. International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics
550. International Journal of Plant Pathology
551. International Journal of Poultry Science
552. International Journal of Research in Nursing
553. International Journal of Soft Computing
554. International Journal of Soil Science
555. International Journal of Systems Signal Control and Engineering Application
556. International Journal of Tropical Medicine
557. International Journal of Virology
558. International Journal of Zoological Research
559. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances
560. Journal of Applied Sciences Research
561. Journal of Aquaculture Feed Science and Nutrition
562. Journal of Artificial Intelligence
563. Journal of Biological Sciences
564. Journal of Computer Science
565. Journal of Economics Theory
566. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
567. Journal of Entomology
568. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
569. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science
570. Journal of Fisheries International
571. Journal of Food Technology
572. Journal of Modern Mathematics and Statistics
573. Journal of Medical Sciences
574. Journal of Mobile Communication
575. Journal of Modern Mathematics and Statistics
576. Journal of Molecular Genetics
577. Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
578. Journal of Plant Sciences
579. Journal of Social Sciences
580. Journal of Software Engineering
581. Kidney Research Journal
582. On Line Journal of Biological Sciences
583. Online Journal of Earth Sciences
584. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition
585. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences
586. Physics International
587. Plant Pathology Journal
588. Plant Sciences Research
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
589. Research Journal of Agricultural Research
590. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences
591. Journal of Agronomy
592. Research Journal of Allergy
593. Research Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
594. Research Journal of Animal Sciences
595. Research Journal of Applied Sciences
596. Research Journal of Biological Sciences
597. Research Journal of Botany
598. Research Journal of Business Management
599. Research Journal of Cardiology
600. Research Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology
601. Research Journal of Dairy Sciences
602. Research Journal of Environmental Sciences
603. Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology
604. Research Journal of Forestry
605. Research Journal of Immunology
606. Research Journal of Information Technology
607. Research Journal of Medical Sciences
608. Research Journal of Parasitology
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
609. Research Journal of Pharmacology
610. Research Journal of Poultry Sciences
611. Research Journal of Radiology
612. Research Journal of Seed Science
613. Research Journal of Social Sciences
614. Research Journal of Soil and Water Management
615. Research Journal of Soil Biology
616. Research Journal of Telecommunication and Information Technology
617. Research Journal of Toxins
618. Research Journal of Veterinary Sciences
619. Space Research Journal
620. Surgery Journal
621. The Cardiology
622. The International Journal of Applied Economics and Finance
623. The Social Sciences
624. Trends in Agricultural Economics
625. Trends in Applied Sciences Research
626. Trends in Bioinformatics
627. Trends in Horticultural Research
628. Trends in Medical Research
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
629. Trends in Molecular Sciences
630. GESTS Journals
631. IASTED Journals
632. Medwell Journals
633. IDOSI journals
634. American J of Applied Sciences--AJAS
635. Int'l Journal of Comp Sci &Network Security--IJCSNS
636. Applied Mathematics and Computation
637. Asian Journal of Chemistry
638. A M Publishers
639. Academe Research Journals
640. Academic and Business Research Institute
641. Academic Journals
642. Academic Journals, Inc.
643. Academic Research Publishing Agency
644. Academy&Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC(
645. Academy Journals
646. Academy Publish
647. AdaLovelace Publications
648. Advanced Research Journals
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
649. Advancements and Development in Technology International (Aditi(
650. ANSI Network
651. Ashdin Publishing
652. Asian Research Consortium
653. Basic Research Journals
654. Bentham Open
655. BioInfo
656. Bioscience Research&Educational Institute
657. Canadian Center of Science and Education
658. Centre For Info Bio Technology (CIBTech(
659. Center for the Development and Dissemination of Knowledge
660. Center for Promoting Ideas
661. Cloud Journals
662. The Clute Institute
663. Computer Science Journals
664. e-Century Publishing Corporation
665. eLearning Institute
666. Discovery Publishing Group
667. David Publishing
668. Deccan Pharma Journals
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
669. e-journals
670. e3Journals
671. Elmer Press
672. Euro Journals
673. Global Advanced Research Journals
674. Global Journals, Inc. (US(
675. Global Research Journals
676. Global Research Publishing (GRP(
677. Global Science and Technology Forum
678. GlobalOpenJournals.org
679. Green Global Foundation (GGF(
680. Greener Journals
681. Herald International Research Journals
682. Herbert Open Access Journals
683. Human and Sciences Publications (HumanPub(
684. Human Resource Management Academic Research Society
685. iConcept Press
686. Indian Society for Education and Environment
687. Insight Knowledge
688. Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
689. InTech Open Access Publisher - Mirror site
690. Intellectual Archive
691. Intercontinental Electronic Journals
692. International Academic Journals
693. International Academy of Business&Economics
694. International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering
695. International Digital Organization for Scientific Information (IDOSI(
696. International Institute of Informatics and Systemic
697. International Journals of Engineering&Sciences
698. International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research Academy
699. International Network for Applied Sciences and Technology
700. International Research Journals (Lagos, Nigeria(
701. International Research Journals (Accra, Ghana(
702. International Scholars Journals
703. Internet Scientific Publications
704. Interscience Journals
705. Interscience Open Access Journals
706. ISRN
707. JyotiAcademic Press
708. KnowledgiaScientific (formerly Knowledgia Review(
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
709. MacrothinkInstitute
710. MarslandPress
711. MASAUMNetwork
712. Medical Science Journals
713. Medwell Journals
714. MehtaPress
715. Noto-are
716. OMICSPublishing Group
717. Online Research Journals
718. OpenAccessPub
719. Open Research Society
720. PBSJournals
721. Pelagia Research Library
722. Prime Journals
723. Research Publisher
724. Scholar People
725. Scholar Science Journals
726. Scholarly Journals International
727. ScieduPress
728. Science&Knowledge Publishing Corporation Limited
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
729. Science Alert
730. Science Instinct Publications
731. Science Journal Publication
732. Science Publications
733. Science Domain International
734. ScienceHuβ
735. Scientific&Academic Publishing
736. Scientific Journals International
737. Scientific Research Publishing
738. SciTechnol
739. Segment Journals
740. Silicon Valley Publishers
741. Social Sciences Directory
742. Southern Cross Publishing Group
743. Technical Journals Online
744. Textroad Journals
745. Thavan E ACT International Journals
746. Universal Research Journals
747. Victorquest Publications
748. Wilolud Journals
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
749. Wireilla Scientific Publications
750. World Academic Publishing
751. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET(
752. World Science Publisher
753. World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS(
754. Wudpecker Research Journals
755. WSEAS Journals
756. GESTS Journals
757. IASTED Journals
758. Medwell Journals
759. IDOSI journals
760. American J of Applied Sciences--AJAS
761. Journal of Applied Sciences
762. Int'l Journal of Comp Sci& Network Security--IJCSNS
763. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
764. Applied Mathematics and Computation
765. Asian Journal of Chemistry
766. Indian Vet. J
767. Applied Mathematics and Computation
768. Pakistan Journal of Botany
‫هیات ممیزه‬
‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
1931 ‫ مجالت بین المللی شهریور‬-‫دانشگاه تبریز‬
769. Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure
770. Asian Journal of Chemistry
771. International Journal of Molecular Science
772. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science
773. Journal of Food, Agricultrure & Environment (JFAE)
774. International Journal of Electrochemistry
775. American Journal of Geoscience
776. Asian Journal of Earthsience
777. African Journal of Biotechnology
778. African Journal of Business Management
779. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences