Weather Project Assignment: Journal & News Report

Name: ______________________________________ Period: ___________
4th Six Weeks Honors Project
Due: _________________
The weather is an important part of our lives, influencing what we wear, what
activities we enjoy and even how we feel. You have been asked to join the
National Weather Team. Your job is to report on one of the extreme weather
conditions. You and your partner will become a weather expert helping to
educate others and to protect your community. The goals of this project are to
identify and explain the patterns and forces that shape a particular atmospheric
weather phenomena; to expand your knowledge of weather forecasting, symbols
and instruments; and to extend your capabilities with computers.
Task #1 – Every person needs to turn in a weather journal. - 25 pts
Your first task is to keep a weather journal (handout provided). You must have 5
entries. Three of these entries will need to come from television weather
forecasts. The others can be done from the internet. You must include the
following information in your journal:
date, name of the meteorologist (1pt)
The channel or source of information, high and low temperature
information, rainfall, wind speed, and the forecast. (4pts)
o Description of how weather was described, impact on the weather,
any other information that may help to describe how a weather
forecaster provides the weather.
This information should be completed on the Weather Journal handout.
TASK #2 – Evening News Script (Turn in one per group) – 75pts
Your meteorologist team will write a script for the evening news. Using maps,
graphics, and weather symbols, you and your team will produce a 4-5 minute
weather report and the explanation of your extreme weather condition. You will
need to remember to include an explanation about why these forms of
weather occur in your weather broadcast.
Items that should be completed and turned in after you have presented the
forecast are:
VIDEO / LIVE PRESENTATION: Create a 4-5 minute video presentation
of a weather forecast OR a live presentation with a power point that you
will present in class.
POSTERS: TWO posters or other media format (one for current weather
and one for the forecast) showing pressure patterns, the position of fronts,
areas of precipitation, areas of dangerous weather
BIBLIOGRAPHY: A bibliography of online and text resources used to
create your presentation.
The TV script to your presentation should include these components:
1) Introduction
2) A review of current weather conditions in the area you are forecasting.
3) A detailed forecast for the rest of the week. This includes highs/lows, fronts,
participation, temps, etc.
4) Refer to local activities that the upcoming weather will affect.
5) Advice about preparing for the weather.
6) Explanation of an extreme weather phenomenon.
Steps to Complete Task 2 of the Project
Process 1) The introduction should get the viewers attention. You can use a
joke or anecdote or obscure weather term. In the introduction, you may want to
report on what's happening with the weather at that time. You need to include a
trivia question or report on a weather record from the past.
Process 2) The review of current weather conditions in the country and your
 report on the current temperatures in the area.
 report on highs and lows of that day - Describe how and what is causing
these temperatures.
 report on any precipitation or chance of storms
 describe what high and low pressure is and how it affects the chance of
 report on any precipitation or chance of storms
Process 3) The forecast for the rest of the week needs to include:
 highs and lows of each day
 expected precipitation
Process 4) The upcoming weather may affect many local activities in your city.
You will need to report on the local activity and mention how it may affect the
• Your advice on preparing for the weather can be very important to your
viewers. You need to report on what the viewers can do to prepare for the
upcoming weather. You can mention the local activities that were reported
on earlier and report to the viewers weather preparations they can make
for their event.
Process 5) Include a section that examines and explains an extreme weather
• Should include visual models / posters to help convey this topic.
Weather Journal - Total 25
Date and Name of
Meteorologist (1 pt per entry)
Weather Data (4 pts per entry)
Broadcast - Total 50
Current Weather
Weather Forecast
Local Activities
Extreme Phenomenon
Weather Map - Total 25
Current Map
Forecast Map
Total Score