Gothic - HA 201: Art History

17 and 22 November 2011
Gothic [c. 1150 – 1450]
Reading 382 – 408; 442 – 444 and 408 – 421; 445 – 453
Rib Vault
Flying Buttress
Rose Window
Lancet Window
Bar Tracery
Historiated Crucifix
Opus Anglicanum
I. Gothic Art in France
A. Architecture
1. Early Gothic Architecture
Abbey Church of Saint-Denis, 1135 – 1140; choir 1140 – 1144; nave 1231 – 1281 (p.
382, 387)
Chartres Cathedral, or Notre Dame Chartres, begun 1134 (p. 389, 393, 396)
Royal Portal, West Façade of Chartres Cathedral, c. 1145 – 1155 (p. 390)
Elements of Architecture, the Gothic Church (p.392)
Tree of Jesse window, West Façade of Chartres Cathedral, c. 1150 – 1170 (p. 397)
Rose Window and Lancets – “The Rose of France,” North Transept of Chartres
Cathedral (p. 399)
Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Paris, begun 1163 (p. 388)
2. High Gothic Architecture
Amiens Cathedral, 1220 – 1288 (p. 400, 403, 404)
Christ: Beau Dieu, trumeau of the central portal, west façade of Amiens Cathedral,
c. 1220 – 1236/40 (p. 405)
Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Reims, begun 1211 (p. 401, 402)
Annunciation and Visitation, west façade of Reims Cathedral, c. 1230 – 1255 (p. 405)
3. Rayonnant Style Architecture
The Sainte-Chapelle, Paris, 1243 – 1248 (p. 406)
B. Manuscripts
Page with Louis IX and Queen Blanche of Castile, from the Moralized Bible, 1226 –
1234 (p. 406)
Abraham, Sarah and the Three Strangers from the Psalter of Saint Louis, 1253 – 1270
(p. 407)
Jean Pucelle (illustrator), Pages with Betrayal and Arrest of Christ from the Book of
Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux, 1324 – 1328 (p. 443)
C. Freestanding Sculpture
Virgin and Child presented to the Abbey Church of Saint-Denis by Jeanne d’Evreux,
c. 1339 (p. 444)
II. Gothic Art in England
A. Architecture
Salisbury Cathedral, Salisbury, begun 1220 (p. 410)
Sanctuary of Exeter Cathedral, c. 1328 – 1348 (p. 447)
B. Manuscripts
Page with Psalm I from the Windmill Psalter, c. 1270 – 1280 (p. 408)
C. Embroidery: Opus Anglicanum
Chichester-Constable Chausable with Life of the Virgin, 1330 – 1350 (p. 446)
III. Gothic Art in Germany and the Holy Roman Empire
A. Architecture
Church of Saint Elizabeth in Marburg, 1235 – 1283 (p. 412)
Altneuschul, Prague, late 13th century (p. 413)
B. Sculpture
Nicholas Verdun and workshop, Shrine of the Three Kings, c. 1190 – 1205/ 10 (p.
Saint Maurice, Magdeburg Cathedral, 1240 – 1250 (p. 415)
Ekkehard and Uta from Naumburg Cathedral, 1245 – 1260 (p. 415)
Veseperbild, c. 1330 (p. 452)
IV. Gothic Art in Italy
A. Architecture
Siena Cathedral, 1284 – 1299 (façade) (p. 418)
B. Sculpture
Nicola Pisano, Nativity from the Pulpit in the Pisa Baptistry, 1260 (p. 418)
Giovanni Pisano, Nativity from the Pulpit in the Pisa Cathedral, 1302 – 1310 (p. 418)
C. Painting
Coppo di Marcovaldo, Crucifix 1250 – 1270 (p. 419)