17 and 22 November 2011 Gothic [c. 1150 – 1450] Reading 382 – 408; 442 – 444 and 408 – 421; 445 – 453 Terms Guild Rib Vault Flying Buttress Bay Rose Window Lancet Window Stringcourse Marginalia Bar Tracery Historiated Crucifix Opus Anglicanum I. Gothic Art in France A. Architecture 1. Early Gothic Architecture Abbey Church of Saint-Denis, 1135 – 1140; choir 1140 – 1144; nave 1231 – 1281 (p. 382, 387) Chartres Cathedral, or Notre Dame Chartres, begun 1134 (p. 389, 393, 396) Royal Portal, West Façade of Chartres Cathedral, c. 1145 – 1155 (p. 390) Elements of Architecture, the Gothic Church (p.392) Tree of Jesse window, West Façade of Chartres Cathedral, c. 1150 – 1170 (p. 397) Rose Window and Lancets – “The Rose of France,” North Transept of Chartres Cathedral (p. 399) Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Paris, begun 1163 (p. 388) 2. High Gothic Architecture Amiens Cathedral, 1220 – 1288 (p. 400, 403, 404) Christ: Beau Dieu, trumeau of the central portal, west façade of Amiens Cathedral, c. 1220 – 1236/40 (p. 405) Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Reims, begun 1211 (p. 401, 402) Annunciation and Visitation, west façade of Reims Cathedral, c. 1230 – 1255 (p. 405) 3. Rayonnant Style Architecture The Sainte-Chapelle, Paris, 1243 – 1248 (p. 406) B. Manuscripts Page with Louis IX and Queen Blanche of Castile, from the Moralized Bible, 1226 – 1234 (p. 406) Abraham, Sarah and the Three Strangers from the Psalter of Saint Louis, 1253 – 1270 (p. 407) Jean Pucelle (illustrator), Pages with Betrayal and Arrest of Christ from the Book of Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux, 1324 – 1328 (p. 443) C. Freestanding Sculpture Virgin and Child presented to the Abbey Church of Saint-Denis by Jeanne d’Evreux, c. 1339 (p. 444) II. Gothic Art in England A. Architecture Salisbury Cathedral, Salisbury, begun 1220 (p. 410) Sanctuary of Exeter Cathedral, c. 1328 – 1348 (p. 447) B. Manuscripts Page with Psalm I from the Windmill Psalter, c. 1270 – 1280 (p. 408) C. Embroidery: Opus Anglicanum Chichester-Constable Chausable with Life of the Virgin, 1330 – 1350 (p. 446) III. Gothic Art in Germany and the Holy Roman Empire A. Architecture Church of Saint Elizabeth in Marburg, 1235 – 1283 (p. 412) Altneuschul, Prague, late 13th century (p. 413) B. Sculpture Nicholas Verdun and workshop, Shrine of the Three Kings, c. 1190 – 1205/ 10 (p. 414) Saint Maurice, Magdeburg Cathedral, 1240 – 1250 (p. 415) Ekkehard and Uta from Naumburg Cathedral, 1245 – 1260 (p. 415) Veseperbild, c. 1330 (p. 452) IV. Gothic Art in Italy A. Architecture Siena Cathedral, 1284 – 1299 (façade) (p. 418) B. Sculpture Nicola Pisano, Nativity from the Pulpit in the Pisa Baptistry, 1260 (p. 418) Giovanni Pisano, Nativity from the Pulpit in the Pisa Cathedral, 1302 – 1310 (p. 418) C. Painting Coppo di Marcovaldo, Crucifix 1250 – 1270 (p. 419)