Agenda Item Summary Sheet Item No: 5 Meeting Date: March 17, 2010 Item Title: Public Hearing to consider zoning ordinance text amendment, Town Code Chapter 48, Zoning to permit roof top wind energy facilities as accessory uses in residential zoning districts Item Summary: The proposed zoning ordinance text amendment would permit roof top wind energy facilities as accessory uses in all residential zoning districts. The amendment would also amend the definition of this use to allow such facilities to be located on accessory structures. Planning Board recommendation to be presented at meeting. Number of Attachments: 2 Specific Action Requested: Public Hearing on zoning text amendment. Submitted By: Planning & Development Finance Officer Comment: Date: March 8, 2010 Insufficient information to determine precise fiscal impact. Signature: Kim Kenny Town Attorney Comment: Date: March 9, 2010 If adopted, the ordinance will achieve its intended goal or purpose. Signature: John Leidy Town Manager Comment: Date: March 9, 2010 I concur with the proposed ordinance. Signature: Cliff Ogburn Date: March 9, 2010 1 Town of Nags Head Planning and Development Department Post Office Box 99 Nags Head, North Carolina 27959 Telephone 252-441-7016 FAX 252-441-4290 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Commissioners Planning Board FROM: Planning & Development Director DATE: March 8, 2010 RE: Public Hearing to consider zoning ordinance text amendment, Town Code Chapter 48, Zoning to permit roof top wind energy facilities as accessory uses in residential zoning districts The attached zoning ordinance text amendment concerning roof top wind energy facilities was initiated by action of the Nags Head Board of Commissioners on March 3, 2010 based upon discussions occurring at the Board’s February 12, 2010 Retreat. The zoning ordinance was originally amended by the Board of Commissioners on October 7, 2009 to allow roof top wind energy facilities as an accessory permitted use in the C2 General Commercial District, as well to allow small wind energy facilities as an accessory conditional use in the Hotel Overlay District. The ordinance under current consideration is to expand the permitting of roof top wind energy facilities as an accessory use to all residential zoning districts (those permitting single-family dwelling use). In addition to the C-2 District where this accessory use is already permitted, the additional zoning districts where it is proposed for permitting include the R-1, R-2, R-3, CR, SPD-20, and SED-80 Districts and additionally included the Detached SingleFamily, Attached Single-Family, Multifamily, and Townhouse Districts within the SPD-C Village at Nags Head District. The proposed ordinance would also amend the definition of this use to specifically provide that such facilities, in addition to be being attached to existing principal structures, could also be located on or stand alone as accessory structures. The amended definition also provides language informing that the installation of such facilities must also comply with any other applicable local, state and/or federal regulations and permitting requirements. 2 The Board has broad discretionary authority in deciding what uses may be allowed, where they may be allowed, and how. The proposed ordinance, if adopted, would accomplish the Board’s identified purpose of allowing roof top wind energy facilities in all residential areas. 3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN OF NAGS HEAD, NORTH CAROLINA BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Nags Head, North Carolina, that the Code of Ordinances shall be amended as follows: PART I. That Section 48-7, Definitions, Wind energy facility, roof top be amended as follows: Wind energy facility, roof top no more than two roof-mounted systems per site, attached to either principal or accessory structures, designed to supplement other electricity sources as an accessory use to existing principle buildings or facilities, wherein the power generated is used primarily for onsite consumption having a total rated capacity of 10 kW or less. The structural, mechanical, and electrical installation of such facilities shall conform to all applicable local, state and federal code and permitting requirements. PART II. That Section 48-402(b)(4), Permitted Uses, R-1 Low-density Residential District be amended as follows: (4) Customary accessory uses and structures, including private swimming pools, private docks, minor communication towers, dish antennas, roof top wind energy facilities and home occupations. PART III. That Section 48-403 (b)(5), Permitted Uses, R-2 Medium-density Residential District be amended as follows: (5) Customary accessory uses and structures, including private swimming pools, private docks, minor communication towers, dish antennas, roof top wind energy facilities and home occupations. PART IV. That Section 48-404(b)(5), Permitted Uses, R-3 High-density Residential District be amended as follows: (5) Customary accessory uses and structures, including private swimming pools, private docks, minor communication towers, dish antennas, roof top wind energy facilities and home occupations. PART V. That Section 48-405(b)(4) Permitted Uses, CR Commercial Residential District be amended as follows: 4 (4) Customary accessory uses and structures, including private swimming pools, minor communication towers, dish antennas, roof top wind energy facilities and home occupations. PART VI. That Section 48-441(b)(7) Permitted Uses, SPD-20 Special Planned Development District be amended as follows: (7) Customary accessory uses and structures, including private swimming pools, private docks, minor communication towers, dish antennas, roof top wind energy facilities and home occupations. PART VII. That Section 48-442(d)(8) Permitted Uses, SED-80 Special Environmental District be amended as follows: (8) Accessory uses and structures limited to private swimming pool, private tennis court, detached garage, storage building, roof top wind energy facilities and private dock. Any accessory use or structure shall meet the front, rear and side setbacks required for principal structures, except for water-dependent structures, which may be excluded from water-side setback only. PART VIII. That Section 48-865(b)(2) Permitted Uses, SPD-C Village Detached Single-family District be amended as follows: Customary accessory uses and structures including roof top wind energy facilities. (2) PART IX. That Section 48-866(b)(3) Permitted Uses, SPD-C Village Attached Single-family District be amended as follows: (3) Customary accessory uses and structures including roof top wind energy facilities. PART X. That Section 48-867(b)(4) Permitted Uses, SPD-C Village Multifamily District be amended as follows: (4) Customary accessory uses and structures including roof top wind energy facilities. PART XI. That Section 48-868(b)(4) Permitted Uses, SPD-C Village Townhouse I District be amended as follows: (4) Accessory structures for normal accessory uses and amenities including, but not limited to, security and management offices, swimming pools, tennis courts and roof top wind energy facilities. 5 PART XII. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the ____ day of ________ 2010. Robert O. Oakes, Mayor ATTEST: Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Town Attorney Date adopted: Motion to adopt by Commissioner Motion seconded by Commissioner Vote: AYES NAYS 6