BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. NAME POSITION TITLE Noam Roth PhD Candidate eRA COMMONS USER NAME EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.) INSTITUTION AND LOCATION Washington University in St. Louis DEGREE (if applicable) BA YEAR(s) 05/11 FIELD OF STUDY PsychologyNeurosciencePhilosophy, Mathematics A. Personal Statement I completed my undergraduate degree from Washington University in St. Louis with a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Psychology-Neuroscience-Philosophy (Cognitive Neuroscience track). I have extensive research experience in both Psychology and Neuroscienceas an Undergraduate I researched in the Department of Psychology in the Abrams Lab studying human psychophysics and behavior, specifically motor tasks and how they relate to attention and spatial perception. I participated in an NSF summer undergraduate research program at Baylor College of Medicine, where under Professor Wei-Ji Ma I studied properties of encoding and decoding mechanisms in populations of neurons in the primary visual cortex. I continued in my interest in computational, systems neuroscience by participating in the University of Pennsylvania’s Computational Neuroscience REU, studying the structure and decoding impact of noise correlations in populations of neurons in visual area MT under Professor Alan Stocker. I am currently a Doctoral Candidate in the Neuroscience Graduate Group of the University of Pennsylvania, where I am taking classes and continuing to pursue research in computational, systems Neuroscience in a research rotation with Professor Yale Cohen. B. Positions and Honors Positions and Employment: 2010 Research Intern, University of Pennsylvania Computational Neuroscience REU 2009-2011 Research Assistant, Dept. of Psychology,Washington University in St. Louis 2010-2011 Grader, Dept. of Mathematics, Washington University in St. Louis 2010-2011 Tutor, Dept. of Mathematics, Washington University in St. Louis 2009 Research Intern, Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience NSF Internship 2008 Research Assistant, Dept. of Neuroscience, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2008 Research Assistant, Dept. of Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Other Experience and Professional Memberships: 2006-2007 Volunteer Teacher and Tutor, Young Judea Year Course in Israel Honors: 2011 Graduated with College Honors, Washington University in St. Louis C. Selected Peer-reviewed Publications None currently in press or publication D. Research Support Neuroscience Graduate Group Fellowship covering tuition and fees 09/01/11-