Chairman`s Newsletter July 2010

Royal East Berks Agricultural Association
(Founded 1839)
Dear Members and Sponsors
As harvest approaches, though for some it may have already started, it has been, according to the experts one of the driest
summers for many a year. Soon though the combines will be a common sight in the fields and the grain carts familiarly clogging
up the roads! As I tap away on my keyboard the price of grains is certainly going in the right direction, this will hopefully make
up for any loss of yield to this years crops.
Congratulations to all the Cup Winners in this year’s competition, with a special note to Royal Farms on winning the prestigious
King George V1 Challenge Cup.
Our social events have gone down a treat so far. Our first event was the annual quiz night at Hicknaham Farm back in March,
which was a great evening though not as well supported as in latter years. Jason & Judy once again provided their wonderful
venue for our use and very kindly donated a number of bottles of wine to the occasion. James Scott did a great job with the
questions, certainly giving us all a lot to think about. Catherine & Jenny Randall provided a wonderful supper, very much
enjoyed by all concerned.
Our next event was the Dinner/Dance at Dorney Rowing Lake in April. The weather, venue and food were absolutely perfect.
We spent a wonderful hour in the warm evening sunshine on the balcony overlooking the rowing lake, sipping cold sparkling
wine before sitting down to a well prepared and very tasty meal, followed by a good dancing session to help get back into shape!
Our thanks go out to Tom McArdle for organising the whole event and making it all run so smoothly.
In May we tried something different, an evening at the Rebellion Brewery in Marlow. This was advertised as a pitch up on the
night event. Unfortunately very few people did pitch up so I believe we can put this one down to experience, enough said!
Our fourth event was the Farm Walk in June put on by Emmett Bros at Warren Barn Farm in Oxfordshire. This was very well
attended and the weather held good for us on the trailers. Afterwards we had an amazing spread of salads and scrumptious
desserts courtesy of Helen Emmett and some well cooked steaks and sausages kindly barbequed by Emmett Bros neighbour
Robert Peers.
The judging of the farm and corn classes were successfully completed and well managed by Andrew Randall. On the evening of
the first days judging Randall Farms put on a fabulous spread for the judges and the entrants alike. We once again had an
evening of late sunshine and consumed food and drink in copious amounts.
This year we also came together with the Royal Borough of Windsor &Maidenhead’s Rural Forum and organised a Farm Walk
at Shottesbrooke were councillors and farmers were encouraged to attend to promote the farming community to our local
councillors and educate them in the ways of the rural farming community. Unfortunately the number of both councillors and
farmers who attended was very poor, which is a great shame as this is the sort of event whereby each side could have learnt from
each other.
Our last event to date was the President’s lunch at Planners Farm by kind invitation of Gary & Michelle Short. We had an
amazing family day with lots of entertainment for the many children who came along and lots for the adults to see in their
wonderful garden with its many features. The food and drinks were of a very high standard and Gary, Michelle and Alastair
worked very hard at putting the whole event together.
We now look forward to the Ploughing Match on the 28 th September 2010 at Heywood Farm, White Waltham which will be
followed by the Harvest lunch sometime in November, details will be sent out once finalised. Sybil Avann has once again done
a sterling job in organising the draw for the ploughing match, so please show your appreciation by selling as many tickets as
possible. If you run out of tickets I am sure Sybil will be able to provide you with more!