JACKSON STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Department of Nursing 220 Adult Health II Adult Simulation Chest Pain/Myocardial Infarction Case Study Markers 1. Quick, focused assessment including VS, O2 saturation, ABC, LOC, heart and lung sounds, color, skin assessment, capillary refill, N/V, Pain scale, cardiac rhythm. Quick focused History and Physical (H&P) including ht., wt., allergies, past history of cardiac problems, present illness and chief complaint, medications, last time patient ate and drank anything. 2. Apply low-flow O2. Obtain stat 12-lead EKG. (Know to look for ST elevation, ST depression, or T-wave inversion and the significance of each). 3. Notify physician of all above information. When notifying MD include their name, patient’s name and room number, admission date and diagnosis, present reason for notification, patient assessment with VS. Report what interventions have been carried out for the patient and results. Have patient’s chart with them. Obtain physician orders. The student nurse should know that when receiving verbal or telephone orders to repeat back to the MD the orders and then write them and place a check-mark beside them per hospital policy. The student nurse in the real hospital setting is NOT allowed to call a MD but may simulate for campus lab practice as deemed by campus lab instructor to prepare student for RN duties. 4. Obtain IV access. 5. Start MONA (Unless contraindicated: give ASA 325 mg. chew and swallow, nitroglycerin sublingual or spray X 3 every 5 minutes up to 3, if not relieved then give Morphine 2-4 mg IV every 5 minutes till patient relieved or LOC change or RR, BP, or 6. HR begin to decrease too much. Perform physician orders for labs (ROMI, CBC, CMP, UA), CXR. 7. Continue to monitor patient for CP or relief of symptoms and perform patient reevaluation of assessment and VS. Monitor lab results. Notify physician of significant findings. 8. Prepare patient for possible transfer to ICU or to Cardiac Catherization Lab which includes having all the above information on the patient’s chart, call report to receiving area and complete accurate documentation on nurse’s notes. This product was funded by a grant awarded under the President’s High Growth Job Training Initiative as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment & Training Administration. The information contained in this product was created by a grantee organization and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. All references to nongovernmental companies or organizations, their services, products, or resources are offered for informational purposes and should not be construed as an endorsement by the Department of Labor. This product is copyrighted by the institution that created it and is intended for individual organizational, non-commercial use only. JACKSON STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Department of Nursing 220 Adult Health II Clinical Simulation Rubric Chest Pain & Myocardial Infarction Required Activity 01. Focused Assessment Met/Not Met Comments 02. Focused History 03. Start low flow O2 and initiate cardiac monitor 04. Stat 12 lead EKG 05. Notify MD 06. IV access 07. Meds and Labs: student to know specific medications and applicable labs. 08. Continue assessment, VS, monitor, pain level 09. Prepare for transfer to ICU or Cardiac Cath Lab 10. Documentation Score: Student successfully completed the clinical simulation: Yes No Comments: ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Student Name:______________________________ Date: _____________________________ Faculty Signature:_____________________________________________