Service Coordination LEARNING JOURNAL Here are my thoughts and responses to the practical activities from the Service Coordination Online Learning course. Name: Date: SERVICE COORDINATION – ELEARNING JOURNAL 2 TOPIC: OVERVIEW OF SERVICE COORDINATION . SCREEN 8: Do you Coordinate Your Services? Describe how your specific organisation is coordinating services for your consumers? Does your organisation’s consumer satisfaction survey reflect that your consumers are experiencing coordinated care? Provide a short explanation. SCREEN 14: Summary Write down just two ways your organisation could better achieve the core Service Coordination objectives. You may come up with more than two, but two is a great starting point! 1. 2. SERVICE COORDINATION – ELEARNING JOURNAL 3 TOPIC: OPERATIONAL ELEMENTS Initial Contact SCREEN 5: Context of Initial Contact Determine which story best aligns to your agency i.e. Gary or Mary & Stan. Can Initial Contact occur when the consumer has not directly made contact - explain? What information is given from your agency during Initial Contact i.e. summary of services, parking, fees etc? What information is collected by your agency during Initial Contact? Who routinely conducts Initial Contact in your agency? Explain. . SERVICE COORDINATION – ELEARNING JOURNAL 4 How does your agency perform and document Initial Contact information - explain? SCREEN 8: Summary Take a moment to reflect upon how your agency performs and documents Initial Contact information. Write a few reflective notes in your Learning Journal about what you believe your agency does well, and what areas you think you could improve Service Coordination in relation to Initial Contact. Initial Needs Identification SCREEN 5: Reflective Activity Choose either Gary’s story or Stan and Mary’s story and consider these questions. Can you identify any risk and/or service requirements, beyond the presenting issue? SERVICE COORDINATION – ELEARNING JOURNAL 5 Which staff member/s in your agency would conduct an Initial Needs Identification, and what screening tools/resources are used? What communication skills are required to conduct an Initial Needs Identification e.g. to develop trust, ask sensitive questions? Which SCTT INI templates would be relevant? SCREEN 10: Summary Reflect upon how your agency performs and documents Initial Needs Identification. Write a few reflective notes about what you believe your agency does well, and what areas you think you could improve Service Coordination in regards to Initial Needs Identification. SERVICE COORDINATION – ELEARNING JOURNAL 6 Assessment SCREEN 5: Learning Check Choose either Gary’s story or Stan and Mary’s story and consider these questions. Related to Gary’s story: What information sources are available for the GP to use in Gary’s Assessment? ALTERNATIVELY Related to Stan and Mary’s story: What information sources are available for the HACC Assessor to use in Stan and Mary’s Assessment? Related to Gary’s story: What is the consent process needed for the GP to share the Assessment summary with the counsellor? ALTERNATIVELY Related to Stan and Mary’s story: What is the consent process needed for the HACC assessor to share the Assessment summary with other services involved in Stan and Mary’s care? What Assessment tools does your service use? Do they take into consideration medical, social (such as accommodation), functional, lifestyle, cultural, religious and emotional needs? Explain. SERVICE COORDINATION – ELEARNING JOURNAL 7 SCREEN 8: Summary Reflect upon how your agency performs and documents Assessments. Write a few reflective notes about what you believe your agency does well, and what areas you think you could improve Service Coordination in regards to Assessments. Shared Care/Case Planning SCREEN 6: Learning Check Choose either Gary’s story or Stan and Mary’s story and consider these questions. Review the SCTT – Shared Support Plan Template, and then review Section 3.6 of the Victorian Service Coordination Practice Manual 2012 and read page 27 in relation to the steps to develop a Shared Care/Case Plan. Then, when you are ready, answering the following questions. Does your agency’s protocols, guidelines or job description identify or define the Shared Care/Case Planning (or equivalent) role/responsibilities? If so, how? Describe your role in the Shared Care/Case Planning process. SERVICE COORDINATION – ELEARNING JOURNAL 8 Does the Shared Care/Case Plan template that your service uses comply with the items listed on page 25, section 3.6.5 of the Victorian Service Coordination Practice Manual 2012? Explain. What are the benefits of developing a Shared Care/Case Plan for Gary or Stan and Mary, and the service providers involved in his care? Explain. How would Gary or Stan and Mary’s needs/goals be prioritised? Explain. SCREEN 10: Summary Reflect upon how your agency performs and documents Shared Care/Case Planning. Write a few reflective notes about what you believe your agency does well, and what areas you think you could improve Service Coordination in regards to Shared Care/Case Planning. SERVICE COORDINATION – ELEARNING JOURNAL 9 TOPIC: ADDITIONAL PROCESSES SCREEN 6: Reflective Activity What written information does your agency provide to consumers? Would someone at a year 8 schooling level be able to understand it? How do you ensure your consumers have understood the information provided to them? SCREEN 10: Exchange of Information Review the SCTT website, and locate and review the two page SCTT Summary Information Exchange form. Along which points of a consumer’s care may information exchange between agencies occur? What is your agency’s protocol on providing feedback on your Assessment to the referral agency? Does your agency have local agreements with referral partners regarding expectations for communicating about common/shared consumers? . SERVICE COORDINATION – ELEARNING JOURNAL 1 0 Does your service acknowledge that they have received a referral? Also, what is the time frame for a non-urgent referral? Explain. SCREEN 18: Summary Reflect upon how well your agency follows and implements these additional processes in order to support Service Coordination. TOPIC: SUPPORT RESOURCES SCREEN 10: Summary Locate and compile your agency’s specific forms, procedures, resources and policies. If these aren’t in a central resource folder, talk with your manager about putting together several agency specific operational procedures for on-the-job quick reference. Use the space below to start jotting down some initial ideas, procedures and policies. Forms: Procedures: Resources: Policies: .