Ideas for Teachers

Ideas for Teachers
Linking your Visit to Key Stages 1 &2
The ideas outlined below are designed to help teachers link a visit
to Cannon Hall farm with the National Curriculum for Key Stages 1
& 2.
We would appreciate any comments you have on the usefulness of
this document and any suggestions for improvement. You can
contact us at
Activity Ideas - English:
Pre Visit:
 Use the attached texts to create pre visit exercises. Can be
used for characterisation, similes, story structure etc
o Hungry Hen (R Waring, Oxford University Press)
o Cock-A-Moo-Moo (J Dallas-Conte, Macmillan Childrens Books)
o Where’s My Mummy (J Brown, Little Tiger Press)
o Barn Owls (P Whitehouse, Raintree)
o Farmer Duck (M Waddell, Walker Book Ltd)
 Create a word bank in the class room of farm vocabulary and
animal sounds
On the farm:
 Compare and contrast different breeds
 Research facts about each animal. Pretend you are a guide
and prepare a short talk.
Post Visit Ideas:
 Extend writing: stories, poetry, diary of the day, description of
favourite animal.
 Put the animals they saw on the visit in alphabetical order.
 Role play: Write dialogue between the different animals.
Activity Ideas - Maths:
The animals, buildings and play areas at Cannon Hall Farm
provide plenty of opportunities for maths work.
On the farm:
 Tallies of animals.
 Collecting data.
 Estimating and measurement using standard and nonstandard units. (play equipment animals).
 Modes/mean/median (animal size)
 Counting
 Perimeters and areas
Post Visit Ideas:
 Process data from the farm visit into graphs etc
 Create scale models of animals.
Activity Ideas - Science:
Pre Visit:
 Talk about care for pets
 Investigate food sources for both humans and animals.
 Caring for the environment (litter removal)
On the farm:
 Looking after animals. Animals needs: food, water ,shelter
 Life cycles: growth & reproduction, babies, eggs, crops.
 Parts of an animal.
 Classification through observation. Similarities and
 Feeding relationships: food chain, webs.
 Herbivore, omnivore and carnivore: teeth.
 Why animals are farmed: products.
Post Visit Ideas:
 Visit from a vet.
 Investigate what ingredients are in common foodstuffs.
Where do the ingredients come from?
Activity Ideas - Geography:
Pre Visit:
 What is a farm? What types of farm are there?
 Look at an OS map of Cannon Hall Farm and the
surrounding area.
On the farm:
 Record weather: how does this affect farming?
 How does the farm differ from your own school,
neighbourhood or home environment?
 Mapping: plans and sketches of the farm.
 Describe the farm and its environment using geographical
Activity Ideas - History:
Pre Visit:
 Study the history of farming: changes in machinery and
rearing of animals
 A useful book is Farming – Changing Times-As Seen by
Four Generations by Ruth Thomson
On the farm:
 Investigate the history of Cannon Hall Farm. Why was it built
here? How has it changed over the years and why?
Activity Ideas - ICT:
Pre Visit:
 KS1 Animal & Farmyard software.
 Access the Cannon Hall Farm website
 E-mail us with any questions. We are happy to respond!
Activity Ideas – Art & Design:
Most art work will be triggered by the visit and carried out back at
school. Cameras or sketch books could be used to collect images
whilst on the farm.
Post Visit Ideas:
Collage: textures and colours.
Animal masks. ( for use in role play see English activities)
Making puppets.
Decorate eggs.
Arrange a class visit from someone who uses wool or other
animal products e.g. weaver.
Activity Ideas - Music:
Pre Visit:
 Investigate the use of animals in music. Some examples are:
o Carnival of the Animals (Saint-Saens)
o Peter & The Wolf ( Prokofiev)
 Likewise use songs with an agricultural theme:
o One Man Went to Mow.
Old Macdonald Had a Farm.
Post Visit Ideas:
 Create your own composition reflecting your visit to the farm.
Activity Ideas – Religious Education:
Pre and post visit ideas:
 New Life: Easter
 Harvest Festival
 Animals in Religion:
o Cows and Hinduism
o Animal stories in the bible.
 Religious belief and diet: