Additional Funding Request for Biodiversity Enabling Activities

An Additional Funding Request for Biodiversity Enabling Activity
Proposal for submission to the GEF by UNDP
on behalf of the Government of Algeria
Country Name:
Project Title:
Country Eligibility:
GEF Financing Phase 1:
GEF Financing Add-on:
Government Contribution:
Total GEF Budget:
Total Add-on budget:
GEF Implementing Agency:
National Executing Agency:
GEF Operational Focal Point:
CBD Operational Focal Point
Estimated Starting Date:
Assessment of capacity building needs and country specific
priorities in biological diversity
Algeria ratified the CBD in August 1995
US$40,000 (in-kind)
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Mr. Djamal Echirk)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
May 2001
10 months
Status of the Biodiversity Enabling Activity in Algeria
In 1997, the Government of Algeria received an initial GEF assistance in the amount of US$230,500 to
complete the First Algerian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and the First National Report to the
CoP/CBD. In addition to this assistance, GEF also funded a CHM program for Algeria (US$14,000) to
complement capacity of the Ministry of Environment to use electronic emails and Internet applications
and to have access to biodiversity knowledge and information not otherwise available in Algeria.
In mid 2000, the first draft of the NBSAP was completed by a team of national and international
experts following the largest ever done consultative and participatory formulation process in Algeria. In
November 2000, the final version of the NBSAP was completed and was presented to the agencies and
stakeholders (represented at the biodiversity steering committee) for approval prior to its official
endorsement by the Government.
The initial Biodiversity Enabling assistance has facilitated the achievement of the following:
Establishment of a multi-sectoral national biodiversity steering committee to oversee NBSAP
formulation and to guide coordination/undertaking of biodiversity programs at national and crossministerial levels. A project implementation unit (National Biodiversity Office) within the
Ministry of Environment was established in mid 1998 to be responsible for the daily management
and implementation of the enabling project and to coordinate the development of the NBSAP.
Conduct informal consultative meetings, provincial workshops, sectoral group discussions,
steering committee and drafting committee meetings, all of which aimed at identifying biodiversity
planning options to be adopted by the NBSAP.
First national report completed and presented to the CoP/CBD in 1999.
Production of about 50 stocktaking and biodiversity technical and assessment reports covering
terrestrial biodiversity, marine and fresh water biodiversity, agro-biodiversity, socio-economic
analysis and assessment of legal frameworks and institutions related to biodiversity.
Production of the first Algerian NBSAP (November 2000)
Assist the Government of Algeria in further assessing its capacity building needs, identify country
specific priorities, analyzing functional and institutional capabilities that are necessary to conserve
and sustainably use biological diversity in accordance with the NBSAP recommendations and the
GEF and CoP/CBD guidelines.
Enable the MoE to undertake the necessary consultative process to prepare and submit Algeria’s
Second National Report as per decision V/19 of the CoP/CBD.
Priorities for assessing capacity building needs related to the CBD
The team of the biodiversity-enabling project has selected the priorities mentioned below from within
the NBSAP recommendations. These priorities were communicated to the MoE and to the different
institutions represented at the Steering Committee, and also were discussed at various BSAP
national/provincial meetings. Along this process, UNDP-GEF had assisted the National Biodiversity
Team in the screening and final selection of priority elements.
Implementation of general measures for in situ and ex-situ conservation and sustainable
use, including national plans, strategies and legislation
The conservation of natural biota and ecosystems in Algeria has been assigned the top national priority
by the NBSAP. A total of 11 national parks/nature reserves covering approximately an overall area of
600,000 km2 have been designated/proposed for protection by the Government. Many of these areas are
fragile ecosystems subjected to various social, economic and ecological pressures especially in the arid
and semiarid zones in the southern regions. Management structures/plans for many of the nature
reserves/national parks are so far ad hoc and for all of them management plans will have to be
redirected/reviewed to reflect a biodiversity conservation objective.
An assessment of national capacity building efforts targeting measures for in situ conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity including legal designation, institutional setup and stakeholders
roles for integrated management of nature reserves is deemed necessary.
The current additional funding would complement the NBSAP by giving a working group of national
and international experts an opportunity to conduct a consultative and participatory assessment of
capacities related to terrestrial, coastal and marine nature reserves/parks. The role of existing
institutions involved in nature conservation and/or parks management and planning will be determined.
The organizational structures will be clarified and the overall professional capacities of human
resources involved in this sector will be assessed. National reports and other existing documentation
will be used by the working group to identify/suggest capacities needed to ensure biodiversity
conservation in key areas included in a national parks/nature reserves network. Critical capacity
constraints will be identified as part of the institutional analysis. The type of capacity development
strategies, human resources, financial resources and training needed to effectively manage and monitor
natures reserves/national parks will be suggested.
The main output of this activity will be an assessment report (to be presented at a national workshop)
describing the actual and expected roles and responsibilities of the various institutions and stakeholders
concerned with the management and planning of nature reserves/national parks. The report also will
document capacity building needs and human and financial resources needed to effectively manage a
NRs/NPs network in Algeria.
Assess capacity building needs necessary to evaluate and mitigate specific threats to
components of biological diversity in Algeria
The NBSAP during the course of biodiversity assessment identified several anthropogenic, economic
and developmental pressures and activities standing against biodiversity conservation and sustainable
development. Several protected areas have so far been subjected to unrestricted grazing, unmanaged
over-utilization, habitat degradation and disturbance from human activities. Many of these issues
unfortunately have not so far been adequately addressed by national conservation/management
programs, primarily due to ad hoc capacity and weak responsibility sharing among stakeholders. The
NBSAP has urged the relevant agencies to place special consideration for biodiversity protection
through effective regulation of use of biodiversity and the natural ecosystems they are part of.
In addressing the above priority, the add on request will allow a working group of biodiversity experts
to undertake a participatory assessment involving all relevant stakeholders, representatives from
various sectors and actors with impact on biodiversity to articulate an assessment report specifically
identifying capacity building requirements needed to mitigate threats affecting native and globally
important biological diversity.
A national workshop culminating the efforts of the working group will be convened towards the end of
the project to present/discuss outcomes and recommendations. The WG report will be incorporated
into the overall capacity building report summarizing the requirements and capacity building needed
for effective mitigation of threats on biodiversity, responsibility sharing between relevant stakeholders,
mechanisms for community involvement, financial mechanism and fund management.
Assessment of capacity building needs related to conservation and sustainable use of
biodiversity important to agriculture
Agricultural biodiversity in Algeria is highly valued for the presence of numerous agricultural species and
crop wild relatives (date palm, wheat/barley, vegetable stocks, and legume pulses) representing unique
traditional agricultural systems capturing high proportion of the national biological heritage. In recent
years, evidence showed that biodiversity unfriendly land use systems and modern agricultural production
techniques became one of causes of agricultural degradation and pollution generated by excessive use
of chemical wastes and pesticides and by the use of highly productive agricultural varieties over
traditional and locally adapted ones.
In terms of professional capacity at the level of the Ministry of Agriculture (which is an active partner
in the biodiversity-enabling project), farmer based communities, NGOs and private sector, special
recommendations have been made supporting participatory assessment of capacity building related to
conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity.
This add-on request will capitalize on the above recommendation by allowing a team of national and/or
international experts to undertake informal multi-stakeholder discussions to assess capacity building
needs in agro-biodiversity. Special consideration will be given to assess human resource development
needs, responsibility sharing by stakeholders, means and methodologies to appropriate financial
mechanisms and management, training and awareness needed, and mechanisms necessary for
incorporating local agricultural agendas into the overall national agricultural sector. The working group
will organize a national workshop to underline national priorities and to determine actions for support.
The major output will be an assessment report describing capacity building areas/options and roles of
stakeholders responsible for the conservation and sustainable use of agro-biodiversity.
Consultative process for the preparation of the second national report on biodiversity to
be submitted to the Secretariat of the Convention
The Ministry of Environment on behalf of the Government of Algeria submitted its 1 st national report
on biodiversity to the Convention on Biological Diversity in 1999, and in January 2001, the MoE
adopted the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. In an effort to further meet its obligation
under the CBD, the MoE intends to prepare and submit the 2 nd national report on biodiversity to the
CoP/CBD on time, in line with the May 15th 2001 deadline.
The add on funding will enable the MoE undertake the necessary consultations with the relevant
stakeholders, including the national biodiversity steering committee to prepare the 2nd communication
report on time. The main output of this component will be a completed questionnaire developed by the
CBD Secretariat and the second national report describing the main measures adopted or completed by
the Government of Algeria to implement the CBD since the first national report was completed.
Project Implementation Institutional Framework
This add-on project will be implemented nationally by the Ministry of Environment under the overall
supervision and monitoring of UNDP.
The National Biodiversity Steering Committee that was established to provide overall supervision for
the implementation of the biodiversity-enabling project will also oversee the undertaking of the add-on
The National Biodiversity Office within the MoE will continue to serve project implementation and
daily operations.
A national Project Coordinator (NPC) supervising three working groups under the supervision of the
MoE and UNDP will be recruited for the daily undertaking of project operations. He/She will
coordinate organization of project meetings and workshops including steering committee meetings,
working groups gatherings, etc. He/She also will be responsible for reviewing and endorsing working
group final reports and also the 2nd National Communication to the CBD. The Project Coordinator will
seek necessary endorsement of add-on outputs from the MoE and from the agencies represented on the
steering committee. The NPC will prepare an overview report summarizing capacity building needs in
the identified priority sectors and presenting the 2 nd National Communication to the CBD. Finally, the
National Project Coordinator shall ensure the incorporation of add-on results and recommendations into
the Algerian NBSAP implementation work plan.
The Implementing Agency and the GEF focal point in Algeria have satisfied themselves that the proposal
for additional funding complies with the operational criteria for the expedited financing of biodiversity
enabling activities.
Table 1. Priorities for capacity building needs
of general measures for
in situ and ex-situ
including national plans,
strategies and legislation
Reasons for Priority
Ad hoc national capacity
for in situ conservation
of biodiversity, and
unidentified needs to
values/limitations of in
Work to be done
A team of national and international
experts will undertake participatory
evaluation to reach a national consensus
with respect to responsibility sharing,
involvement, financing mechanisms and
fund management for sustainable
implementation of NR/NPs network.
Product expected
An assessment report and a work plan
outlining options, strategies and actions
responding to capacity building gaps in
NRs/NPs management including training
needs assessment, human resources,
awareness raising, costing and budgeting,
and responsibility sharing
In kind Government
Several components of
threatened by various
development pressures.
And weak capacity for
enforcement measures.
WG established to reach consensus with
respect to identification of capacity
building needs including institutional
setup and frameworks, responsibility
sharing, training needed, financing
mechanism, and fund management to be
allocated for this activity.
An assessment report outlining capacity
building needs in relevant institutions,
responsibility sharing, training needs,
awareness, detailed costing and budgeting.
In kind Government
Assessment of
capacity building needs
related to conservation
and sustainable use of
biodiversity important to
NBSAP perceived need
to evaluate and raise
capacity at national and
community based levels
Working group undertakes participatory
evaluation of capacity, reach consensus
on priority needs, and to clarify roles of
stakeholders, appropriate financing
mechanism, responsibility sharing, fund
management, etc.
Assessment report on capacity building
needs within national and local relevant
stakeholders covering types of training and
human resource development needs,
sharing and fund management
WG should consult
reports and policies
available within the
cofunding is $10,000
preparation of the 2nd
National Report to the
Perceived need to assist
preparation for the 2nd
CoP/CBDwhich is due
May 15th 2001.
Sectoral consultation process using
adapted CBD questionnaire and special
consultative meetings of the national
steering committee
A completed questionnaire developed by
the CBD and a description of main
measures adopted/completed by the GoA
to implement the CBD since the first
national report was completed
In kind Government
contribution $5,000
Assess capacity
building needs necessary
to evaluate and mitigate
specific threats to
components of biological
diversity in Algeria
Table 2. Time plan and schedule of activities
Contract National Project Coordinator
Finalization of TORs for Consultants
Finalize add-on working plan and convene meeting of
National Steering Committee
Establish working groups and contracts for National and
International Consultants
Document biodiversity accomplishments in a 2 nd National
Report and submit report to CoP/CBD
Informal consultations of working groups with national
and local stakeholders
3 National workshops on
- in situ and ex situ conservation measures
- capacity building necessary to evaluate/mitigate
specific threats to biodiversity
- capacity building on conservation and sustainable use
of biodiversity important to agriculture
Working groups prepare and finalize assessment reports
on capacity building needs
National workshop to review/endorse recommendation
Preparation of overview report summarizing capacity
building needs/priorities in biodiversity in Algeria
Preparation of 2nd National Report and submission of
report to the CoP/CBD
Submission of add-on reports/products to national
implementing agency and to other ministries for action
Incorporation of capacity building needs/recommendations
into Algeria NBSAP implementation workplan
Preparation of regular progress reports
Table 3. Cost Estimates for Additional Enabling Activities (USD) 1
Approved Earlier
* Original EA, less costs of CHM activities
(no entry required)
* CHM support (provided through add-on module or project
Total approved support
Additional Request
Assessment of Capacity-building needs for:
- Implementation of measures for in situ and ex situ
conservation and sustainable use
- Assess capacity building needs necessary to evaluate/mitigate 10,000
specific threats to biodiversity
- Assessment of capacity building needs related to conservation 5,000
and sustainable use of agrobiodiversity
- Preparation of Second National Report and submission of
report to CoP/CBD
Total new request
Grand Total a+b
244,500 a
100,000 b
Government contribution will be in kind in the amount of US$40,000 and will cover costs of project counterpart administration and
management, staff time and expertise, hosting National Steering Committee and Working Groups meetings, office space,
telecommunications, equipment and costs for the preparation of the second national report.