Lewiston High School Content Area: Science Quarter: Second Quarter Understanding by Design (UbD) Course: Biology/Biology Academic Unit Title: Biodiversity & Conservation Stage 1 – Desired Results Established Goals: D2 Students describe and analyze the biological, physical energy, and human influences that shape Earth Systems. E1 Students describe and analyze the evidence for relatedness among and within diverse populations of organisms and the importance of biodiversity. Understandings: Biodiversity maintains a healthy biosphere and provides direct and indirect value to humans. Some human activities destroy biodiversity in ecosystems, and current evidence suggests that reduced biodiversity might have serious long -term effects on the biosphere. People are using many approaches to slow the rate of extinctions and to preserve biodiversity Misconceptions- Students believe that nonrenewable resources are being depleted quickly Misconception- Students believe that all members of a species in a particular habitat die when their habitat is disturbed by an environmental factor, such as, acid precipitation. Essential Questions: O-What is the value of biodiversity? T-How does the decline of a single species effect the entire ecosystem? O-Explain the factors that threaten biodiversity? T-What are the techniques used to conserve and restore biodiversity? Students will know… The vocabulary associated with biodiversity and conservation The difference between the direct and indirect value of biodiversity The different threats to biodiversity and be able to provide an example of each The difference between renewable and non-renewable resources The various techniques used to conserve and restore biodiversity Students will be able to… Compare and contrast the direct and indirect value of biodiversity Identify the factors that can result in a decrease of biodiversity Provide examples of renewable and non-renewable resources Identify the techniques to conserve or restore biodiversity Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: P. 120 Investigate Threats to Biodiversity (Self-knowledge) P. 127 Survey Leaf Litter Samples (Explanation/Application) P.131 Distribution of Perching Birds (Application) Maine Forest Invasive Species Webquest (Application) Lewiston High School Understanding by Design (UbD) Content Area: Science Course: Biology/Biology Academic Quarter: Second Quarter Unit Title: Biodiversity & Conservation Other Evidence: Students will define the terms, extinction, biodiversity, genetic diversity, species diversity, ecosystem diversity, background extinction, mass extinction, natural resource, overexploitation, habitat fragmentation, edge effect, biological magnification, eutrophication, introduced species, renewable resource, nonrenewable resource, sustainable use, endemic, bioremediation, and biological augmentation. (Explanation) Students will differentiate between direct and indirect value of biodiversity, the various threats to biodiversity, and the techniques to conserve and restore biodiversity on homework and worksheets. (Application) Quiz-vocabulary and concepts (Evaluate) Stage 3 – Learning Plan Learning Activities: PowerPoint Presentations, see websites from current teacher (W) Worksheets: Biodiversity, Threats to Biodiversity, and Conserving Biodiversity. (R) Concept Map and Study Guide: See Chapter 5 materials (O) Mini labs described above (E/R) Maine Forest Invasive Species Webquest (E) Quiz-vocabulary & concepts, see Chapter 5 materials (E)