CURRICULUM VITAE Sept 1, 2006 TODD B. SAUKE (408) 924-5437 (ofc.) As Principal Investigator on a series of NASA research tasks, Todd Sauke has been applying his experience in tunable diode laser technology to the development of planetary exploration applications for the measurement of isotopic ratios in planetary surface and atmospheric samples. In particular, it is hoped that space-flight missions to the surface of Mars can use the diode laser technology being developed to help look for evidence of past (or even existing) microbial life forms in Martian surface samples. On earth, this isotope measurement technology finds productive application to a wide variety of medical diagnostic tests. A co-inventor on two patents in this field, Todd Sauke is pursuing the cooperative research and development programs that will result in the advancement of technology needed for both applications. Education 1. NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California. National Research Council Post-doctoral Fellowship, 1989-1991. Research: Diode Laser Spectroscopy of Carbon Dioxide. 2. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. Ph.D. in Physics, 1989. Advisor: Hans Frauenfelder. Thesis: Long Lived States Induced by Extended Illumination of Carbonmonoxy-Myoglobin. 3. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. M.S. in Physics, 1981. 4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. B.S. in Life Sciences, 1980. Professional Experience Principal Investigator October, 1993-2006. NASA Exobiology, PIDDP and Astrobiology research tasks investigating space-flight and planetary exploration applications of isotopic measurements using NASA's second generation Stable Isotope Laser Spectrometer (SILS II) instrument. Research Scientist April, 1991-2006. SETI Institute employee working at NASA Ames Research Center. Diode laser spectroscopy of stable isotopes of carbon. Included leading work on designing and implementing the hardware and software for NASA's second generation Stable Isotope Laser Spectrometer (SILS II) instrument for highly accurate (~0.1 %) isotopic measurements of stable isotopes of carbon in CO2. One application being pursued is that of developing an instrument capable of measuring isotopically-labeled human breath for the medical diagnosis of disease. Also participated as Co-Investigator (1999-2001) on the Electrostatics of Granular Materials microgravity project which was being developed for deployment on the International Space Station. An interesting aspect of the project involved testing of EGM hardware on NASA's KC-135 zero gravity aircraft. Instructor September, 2002-2006. Physics Dept., San Jose State University. Teaching various laboratory sections for courses 120-I, Laboratory Electronics for Scientists, and other introductory physics courses. Also teaching various introductory physics courses including Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, and Modern Physics. 1 Professional Experience (cont.) Research Scientist 1989-1991. National Research Council Associate at NASA Ames Research Center. Diode laser spectroscopy of stable isotopes of carbon. Research Assistant 1982-1989. Physics Dept., University of Illinois, Advisor: Dr. Hans Frauenfelder. Spectroscopy and flash photolysis of heme proteins and their binding of small ligands, e.g. CO and O2. A major aspect of the work involved the development of mathematical and physical models to account for experimental data. Designed, built, tested, and used a microprocessor controlled, logarithmic/linear timebase, realtime, 1 MHz, data collection/ processing instrument. Teaching Assistant 1980-1982. Physics Dept., University of Illinois. Conducted discussion sections and lab sessions for general physics courses at the freshman and sophomore levels. Researcher Summers, 1977-1979. In Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cataract research was performed seeking a unified understanding of the origin and possible reversibility of a wide range of cataract types, e.g. diabetic cataract, galactosemic cataract, senile cataract, and cold induced, reversible cataract observed in the lenses of young mammals. Awards and Patents NASA ASTID Grant, "Trace Gas and Stable Isotope Laser Spectrometer for Astrobiology", Program Code #344-50-50-20. March, 2002 - February, 2005. NASA Ames Research Center Director's Discretionary Fund Grant, "An Ultra-Sensitive Near Infrared Spectrometer Using an Active Frequency Locked CW Ringdown Cavity". February, 2000 - February, 2002. Outstanding Achievement Award, Space Science Division at NASA Ames Research Center, 9/12/97. US Patents #5640014 & #5543621 (June 6, 1997 & August 6, 1996): "Laser Diode Spectrometer for Analyzing the Ratio of Isotopic Species in a Substance." NASA Ames Research Center Commercial Technology Projects Fund Grant, "Thermoelectrically Cooled Diode Laser Spectrometer for a 13C/12C Medical Diagnostic Breath Test Instrument". February, 1997 - October, 1997. NASA PIDDP Grant, "Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy for Exobiology", Program Code # 34436-20-15. October, 1996 - October, 1998. NASA Exobiology Grant, "Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy for Exobiology", RTOP # 185-5262-09. October, 1994 - October, 1996. NASA Exobiology Grant, "Development of Advanced Diode Laser Spectrometer Systems for the Analysis of Exobiologically Important Samples", RTOP # 185-52-62-09. Oct., 1993 - Oct., 1994. NASA Exobiology Grant, "Development of Advanced Diode Laser Spectrometer Systems for the Analysis of Exobiologically Important Samples", RTOP # 185-52-62-31. Oct., 1992 - Oct., 1993. National Research Council Post-doctoral Research Associateship, 1989-1991. University of Illinois Graduate Fellow, 1980-1981. 2 Publications 1. J. R. Marshall, T. B. Sauke and J. N. Cuzzi, (2005). Microgravity studies of aggregation in particulate clouds. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, doi:10.1029/2005GL022567. 2. T. B. Sauke and J. F. Becker, (2005). Modeling, measuring, and minimizing the instrument response function of a tunable diode laser spectrometer. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 91, No. 4, 453-484. 3. T. B. Sauke and J. F. Becker, (1998). Stable Isotope Laser Spectrometer for Exploration of Mars. Planetary and Space Science, 46, 805-812. 4. T. B. Sauke, J. F. Becker, M. Loewenstein, T. D. Gutierrez, and C. G. Bratton, (1994). An Overview of Isotopic Analysis using Tunable Diode Laser Spectrometry. Spectroscopy, 9, No. 8, 34-40. 5. J. F. Becker, T. B. Sauke, and M. Loewenstein, (1992). Stable isotope analysis using tunable diode laser spectroscopy. Applied Optics 31, No. 12, 1921-1927. 6. P. J. Steinbach, K. Chu, H. Frauenfelder, J. B. Johnson, D. C. Lamb, G. U. Nienhaus, T. B. Sauke and R. D. Young, (1991). Determination of rate distributions from kinetic experiments. Biophys. J. 61, 235-245. 7. P. Ormos, A. Ansari, D. Braunstein, B. R. Cowen, H. Frauenfelder, M. K. Hong, I. E. T. Iben, T. B. Sauke, P. J. Steinbach, and R. D. Young, (1990). Inhomogeneous broadening in spectral bands of carbonmonoxymyoglobin: The connection between spectral and functional heterogeneity. Biophys. J. 57, 191-199. 8. T. B. Sauke (1989). Long lived states induced by extended illumination of carbonmonoxymyoglobin. Ph.D. thesis, Physics Dept., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 9. H. Wang, T. Sauke, P. G. Debrunner and S. I. Chan, (1988). The CO adduct of yeast cytochrome c oxidase Mössbauer and photolysis studies. J. Biol. Chem. 263, 15,260-15,263. 10. P. Ormos, D. Braunstein, H. Frauenfelder, M. K. Hong, S. L. Lin, T. B. Sauke, and R. D. Young, (1988). The orientation of CO and the structure-function relationship in carbonmonoxymyoglobin. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85, 8492-8496. 11. D. Braunstein, A. Ansari, J. Berendzen, B. R. Cowen, K. D. Egeberg, H. Frauenfelder, M K. Hong, P. Ormos, T. B. Sauke, R. Scholl, A. Schulte, S. G. Sligar, B. A. Springer, P. J. Steinbach and R. D. Young, (1988). Ligand binding to synthetic mutant myoglobin (HisE7->Gly): Role of the distal histidine. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85, 8497-8501. 12. A. Ansari, J. Berendzen, D. Braunstein, B. R. Cowen, H. Frauenfelder, M. K. Hong, I. E. T. Iben, J. B. Johnson, P. Ormos, T. B. Sauke, R. Scholl, A. Schulte, P. J. Steinbach, J. Vittitow, and R. D. Young, (1987). Rebinding and relaxation in the myoglobin pocket. Biophysical Chemistry 26, 337-355. 13. A. Ansari, E. E. DiIorio, D. D. Dlott, H. Frauenfelder, I. E. T. Iben, P. Langer, H. Roder, T. B. Sauke, and E. Shyamsunder, (1986). Ligand binding to heme proteins: relevance of lowtemperature data. Biochemistry 25, 3139-3146. 14. A. Ansari, J. Berendzen, S. F. Bowne, H. Frauenfelder, I. E. T. Iben, T. B. Sauke, E. Shyamsunder, and R. D. Young, (1985). Protein states and proteinquakes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82, 5000-5004. 15. H. Roder, J. Berendzen, S. F. Bowne, H. Frauenfelder, T. B. Sauke, E. Shyamsunder, and M. B. Weissman, (1984). Comparison of the magnetic properties of deoxy and photodissociated myoglobin. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 81, 2359-2363. 3 Publications (cont.) 16. G. B. Benedek, J. I. Clark, E. N. Serrallach, C. Y. Young, L. Mengel, T. Sauke, A. Bagg, and K. Benedek, (1979). Light scattering and reversible cataracts in the calf and human lens. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 293, 329-340. Publications in Proceedings 1. G. C. Carle, D. R. Kojiro, T. B. Sauke, J. R. Valentin, T. C. Shen, and J. R. Marshall, (1994). Advanced Instrumentation for Exobiology, In Advances in Microdevices and Space Science Sensors, SPIE Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2267, 1994. 2. T. B. Sauke, J. F. Becker, T. D. Gutierrez, and C. G. Bratton, (1994). Improved Stable Isotope Laser Spectrometer and Its Application to Soil Analysis, In Novel Laser Sources and Applications, (J. F. Becker, A. C. Tam, J. B. Gruber, and L. Lam, eds., SPIE, Bellingham). Abstracts 1. J. R. Marshall, T. Sauke, R. Green, and M. Meyer (2001). Microgravity as a Tool for Investigating Electrostatic Phenomena. Proc. AIAA, October 2001. 2. J. R. Marshall and T. Sauke (2000). Electrostatics of Granular Material (EGM): Space Station Experiment. Proc. Fluid Physics Conference, 2000, Cleveland, OH. 3. J. R. Marshall, T. Sauke, M. Buehler, W. Farrell, R. Green, and A. Birchenough (1999). EGM (Electrostatics of Granular Matter): A Space Station Experiment to Examine Natural Particulate Systems. Lunar & Planetary Science Conf., March 15, 1999, Houston, TX. Proc. 30TH LPSC 1236. 4. J. R. Marshall and T. Sauke (1999). Computer Modeling of Electrostatic Aggregation of Granular Materials in Planetary and Astrophysical Settings. Lunar & Planetary Science Conf., March 15, 1999, Houston, TX. Proc. 30TH LPSC 1234. 5. J. R. Marshall, F. Freund, T. Sauke, and M. Freund (1997). Catastrophic Collapse of Particulate Clouds: Implications from Aggregation Experiments in the USML-1 and USML-2 Glovebox. 2nd United States Microgravity Laboratory: One Year Report Vol 2, NASA TM 1998-208697 (35) 579-592. 6. D. M. Giltner, A. Balakrishnan, S. Sanders, D. G. Mehuys, R. J. Lang, D. F. Welch, T. B. Sauke, and J. F. Becker (1997). Single-frequency, continuously tunable laser diode based source of 4.3 m radiation. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, May 1997, Baltimore, MD. 7. T. B. Sauke, (1996). Diode Laser Spectrometer for Isotopic Analysis on Mars. The Point Clear Exobiology Instrumentation Workshop, May 13-17, 1996, Fairhope, AL. 8 J. F. Becker, T. B. Sauke, and C. G. Bratton (1994). Stable Isotope Measurements Using Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy. Origin of Life Gordon Conference, August 1994, Newport, RI. 9. C. G. Bratton, T. B. Sauke, J. F. Becker, and T. D. Gutierrez (1994). Tunable Diode Laser Measurements of Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes. Western Regional American Chemical Society Meeting and Pacific Conference, October 1994, Sacramento, CA. 10. T. B. Sauke and J. F. Becker (1994). Measurement of Carbon, Oxygen, and Nitrogen Isotopes in Martian Soil. Mars Surveyor Science Objectives/Measurement Requirements Workshop, JPL Tech. Rept. D12017, pp. 142-143. 4 Abstracts (cont.) 11. T. B. Sauke, D. M. Stratton, J. F. Becker, T. D. Gutierrez, and C. G. Bratton (1994). Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy. Fifth Symposium on Chemical Evolution and the Origin and Evolution of Life, April 25-29 1994, NASA, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field CA. 12. J. F. Becker and T. B. Sauke (1994). Measurement of Carbon Isotopes. Fifth Symposium on Chemical Evolution and the Origin and Evolution of Life, April 25-29 1994, NASA, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field CA. 13. T. D. Gutierrez, T. B. Sauke, J. F. Becker, C. G. Bratton (1993). The Instrument Response Function of a Stable Isotope Laser Spectrometer. Conference on Novel Laser Sources and Applications, November 1993, San Jose, CA 14 T. D. Gutierrez, T. B. Sauke, J. F. Becker, C. G. Bratton, and B. Beauchamp (1993). Diode Laser Spectroscopy and Isotope Ratio Measurements. Thirteenth Annual OSNC Spring Optics Show, March 1993, Santa Clara, CA. 15. T. D. Gutierrez, T. B. Sauke, and J. F. Becker (1993). Stable Carbon Isotopic Ratio Measurements Using Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy. Optical Society of Northern California Spring Symposium, March 1993, Sunnyvale, CA. 16. T. B. Sauke, J. R. Podolske, J. F. Becker, M. Loewenstein, V. V. Dinh and T. D. Gutierrez (1992). Study of Diode Laser Spectrometer Instrument Response Function in Stable Isotopic Ratio Measurements. Joint Meeting of the Optical Society of America Annual Meeting and the ILS-VIII Meeting of the American Physical Society, September 20-25, 1992, Albuquerque, NM. 17. T. D. Gutierrez, F. Freund, T. B. Sauke, J. F. Becker, and J. P. Trice (1992). Carbon Isotope Fractionation Measurements During Isothermal Degassing of Magnesium Oxide Using Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy. Twelfth Annual OSNC Spring Optics Show, March 1992, Santa Clara, CA. 18. J. T. Trice, J. F. Becker, T. B. Sauke and F. Freund (1991). Kinetic 12C/13C Fractionation During Isothermal Degassing of Arc-Fusion Grown Magnesium Oxide. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Dec. 1991, San Francisco, CA. 19. T. B. Sauke, J. F. Becker, M. Loewenstein, V. V. Dinh and T. D. Gutierrez (1991). Diode Laser Spectroscopy of Carbon and Oxygen Stable Isotopes in CO2. Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, November 3-8, 1991, San Jose, CA. 20. T. B. Sauke, J. F. Becker, M. Loewenstein, V. V. Dinh and T. D. Gutierrez (1991). Stable Isotopic Ratio Measurements of Carbon and Oxygen Using Diode Laser Spectroscopy. ILSVII Meeting of the American Physical Society, September 22-26, 1991. 21. 22. 23. T. B. Sauke, J. F. Becker, T. Gutierrez, and V. V. Dinh, (1991). 12C/13C Measurements using tunable diode laser spectroscopy. Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, February 24-27, 1991, San Francisco, CA. T. B. Sauke, J. F. Becker, T. Gutierrez, and V. V. Dinh, (1990). Tunable diode laser spectrometer for 12C/13C Measurements. SPIE Optical Engineering of Northern California, November 15, 1990, Santa Clara, CA. T. B. Sauke and J. F. Becker, (1990). Stable carbon isotope measurements using laser spectroscopy. Fourth symposium on chemical evolution and the origin and evolution of life, July 1990, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA. 5 Abstracts (cont.) 24. T. B. Sauke, J. F. Becker, P. J. Saldanha, and T. Gutierrez, (1990). Tunable diode laser spectroscopy of stable isotopes in carbon dioxide. American Physical Society Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Meeting, May 1990, Monterey, CA. 25. P. J. Saldanha, T. B. Sauke, T. Gutierrez, and J. Becker, (1990). Temperature and pressure effects on CO2 spectral linewidths. Optical Society of Northern California Spring Meeting, March 1990, Palo Alto, CA. 26. S. D. Luck, A. Ansari, B. R. Cowen, H. Frauenfelder, T. B. Sauke, P. J. Steinbach, and R. D. Young, (1990). Relaxation of mbCO in a glass upon extended illumination. Biophys. J. 57, 233a. 27. J. F. Becker, T. B. Sauke, and P. J. Saldanha, (1989). Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy, American Association of Physics Teachers, Northern California Meeting, November 1989, San Jose, CA. 28. J. F. Becker, P. J. Saldanha, and T. B. Sauke, (1989). Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy of 12C/13C in Carbon Dioxide, American Physical Society Interdisciplinary Laser Science Conference, August 1989, Stanford, CA. 29. J. Berendzen, H. Frauenfelder, T. Sauke, and R. Scholl, (1989). A logarithmic-timebase transient recorder. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 34, 880a 30 P. Ormos, D. Braunstein, M. K. Hong, S. L. Lin, T. B. Sauke, and J. Vittitow, (1988). The orientation of CO in sperm whale myoglobin: an infrared photoselection study. Biophys. J. 53, 274a. 31. A. Ansari, B. R. Cowen, H. Frauenfelder, P. Ormos, T. B. Sauke, A. Schulte, and R. D. Young, (1988). Kinetic hole-burning and conformational relaxation in myoglobin. Biophys. J. 53, 274a. 32. P. Ormos, A. Ansari, D. Braunstein, B. R. Cowen, H. Frauenfelder, M. K. Hong, I. E. T. Iben, T. B. Sauke, P. Steinbach, and R. D. Young, (1988). Inhomogeneous broadening in the Soret and (CO) IR bands of mbCO: the connection of the spectral and functional heterogeneity of sperm whale myoglobin. Biophys. J. 53, 274a. 33. A. Ansari, J. Berendzen, D. Braunstein, B. R. Cowen, H. Frauenfelder, M. K. Hong, I. E. T. Iben, P. Ormos, T. B. Sauke, A. Schulte, P. Steinbach, J. Vittitow, and R. D. Young, (1987). CO stretching frequency as a probe of relaxation in sperm whale carboxy myoglobin. Biophys. J. 51, 289a. 34. A. Ansari, J. Berendzen, D. Braunstein, B. R. Cowen, H. Frauenfelder, M. K. Hong, I. E. T. Iben, P. Ormos, T. B. Sauke, A. Schulte, P. Steinbach, J. Vittitow, and R. D. Young, (1987). Infrared measurements of CO rebinding to myoglobin following photolysis. Biophys. J. 51, 289a. 35. A. Ansari, J. Berendzen, D. Braunstein, B. R. Cowen, H. Frauenfelder, M. K. Hong, I. E. T. Iben, P. Ormos, T. B. Sauke, A. Schulte, P. Steinbach, J. Vittitow, and R. D. Young, (1987). Effects of pressure on the heme-carbonyl substates of sperm whale myoblobin. Biophys. J. 51, 289a. 6