HUNAN CDM PROJECT SERVICE CENTER ——P. R. China – Changsha Landfill Gas to Electricity Project PROJECT IDEA NOTE (NO.2005-007) A. Project description, type, location and schedule Name of Project: P. R. China – Changsha Landfill Gas to Electricity Project Date submitted: 2005-12-12 Technical summary of the project Objective of the project The objective of this project is to collect and use the methane from Changsha municipal solid waste landfill site to generate electricity and interconnected to the grid, so that part of the coal-fired electricity could be displaced, with that greenhouse gas emission from the landfill site and from the coal-fired electricity generation plant can be decreased. Project description and Changsha municipal solid waste landfill site is proposed activities located at Qiaoyi Town, Wangcheng County, Changsha (including a technical City, Hunan Provience, P. R. China. With a total description of the project) capacity of 40.1 million m3, Cahngsha municipal landfill site is operated to be used for a minimum of 30 years (2003-2032). The landfill site has been running from May 2003, and more than 2,000,000 tones of solid waste have been filled into it by the end of 2005. At the present time, the daily disposal rate of solid waste is about 2000 tones per day. With an emission ratio of 1500 m3/h from the landfill site, more than 4500 tones of methane will be exhaled directly into atmosphere every year. In order to productively use the landfill gas, 2 electricity generators with an installed capacity of 1 MW have been installed in the landfill site. But the electricity generation project is difficult to run because of the tremendous investment for the equipment, high running cost and low electricity grid price. And the collection and usage of landfill gas are not enforced in China for the moment. Thus most of the landfill gas is emitted into the atmosphere openly. In order to decrease greenhouse gas emission, the project of collection and utilization the landfill gas for power generation at Changsha Municipal Solid Waste Landfill site is proposed under the support from CDM project. The proposed activities includes: 1. Building of the landfill gas collection system; 1 HUNAN CDM PROJECT SERVICE CENTER ——P. R. China – Changsha Landfill Gas to Electricity Project 2. Building of the flaring system of the landfill gas (to decrease the surplus gas emission) 3. Building of the landfill gas power generation equipment. For the construction of the 3 sections above, collecting pipeline system and the power generation equipment will increase with the quality of municipal solid waste disposal and landfill gas generation increasing. The income from CERs can be a complement to the need of the sequential investment. Technology to be employed Project developer Name of the project developer Organizational category Other function(s) of the project developer in the project Summary of the relevant experience of the project developer Address Landfill gas collection system: A vertically driven gas well system will be constructed to extract the landfill gas as it is produced. Gas will be drawn from the wells through pipes to extraction equipment from where the gas will be used for electricity generation, with any surplus gas being flared. This technology is used in a number of landfill sites all over the world Energy generation technology: A routine feedstock for spark ignition engine generators will be installed in this project. The system can be commercially procured from multiple international firms through a competitive bid process. Such equipment is now commonly and successfully used in many parts of the world, including the industrialized countries in North America, Europe, and Asia, and has been successfully applied in other developing countries. Changsha Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Limited Company e. Non Govemental Organization a. Sponsor b.Operational Entity under the CDM Changsha Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Limited Company is an innovative and successful designer/operator/manager of Changsha landfills. The current state of the art at Changsha landfill site includes methane collection and flaring and power generation is comparable to that found in the industrialized world. But it’s the first time to apply and manage a CDM project. Changsha Municipal Solid Waste Treatment 2 HUNAN CDM PROJECT SERVICE CENTER ——P. R. China – Changsha Landfill Gas to Electricity Project Limited company, Qiaoyi Town, Wangcheng County, Hunan Province Post Office Box: 410202 P.R. China Peng Yong Tel. 86-731-843-3718 Fax: 86-731-843-3711 Contact person Telephone / fax E-mail and web address, if any Project sponsors (List and provide the following information for all project sponsors) Name of the project Changsha Municipal Solid Waste Treatment sponsor Limited Company Organizational category Non Governmental Organization Address (include web Changsha Municipal Solid Waste Treatment address, if any) Limited company, Qiaoyi Town, Wangcheng County, Hunan Province Post Office Box: 410202 P.R. China Main activities Changsha Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Limited company take charge of the application of the CDM project. And it is also the investor for the landfill gas collection, power generation system construction. Summary of the financials Type of the project Greenhouse gases targeted Type of activities Field of activities Energy supply Waste management Location of the project Region Country City Brief description of the location of the plant Take 1500m3/hour purifying equipment for example: Total investment (including the face-lifting expense of vehicle): Total investment: US$42.50 million, Annual cost: US$3.35 million; CERs Revenue: US$1.32million. CH4 Abatement Waste management—CH4 capture The project would switch from coal derived electricity to landfill gas derived electricity. CH4 capture East Asia & Pacific People’s Republic of China Changsha City, Hunan Province Changsha Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Site located in a valley of Qiaoyi Town, Wangcheng County, about 20km form Changsha City, and about 7 km from Qiaoyi Town. The initial electricity generation facilities have been constructed by the landfill site where methane collection and flaring exists. The sites are well 3 HUNAN CDM PROJECT SERVICE CENTER ——P. R. China – Changsha Landfill Gas to Electricity Project equipped to receive the proposed electricity generation systems and there are no adverse technical or environmental issues envisioned that would inhibit the projects from proceeding. Expected schedule Earliest project start date The earliest start-up would be June, 2006. Estimate of time required Time required for financial commitments: 2 months before becoming Time required for legal matters: 2 months operational after approval of Time required for negotiations: 1 months the PIN Time required for construction: 3 months Expected first year of CER delivery 2007 Project lifetime More than 30 years. Current status or phase of Negotiation stage the project Feasibility study has been finished. Current status of the Letter of No Objection is available. acceptance of the Host Country The position of the Host The Host Country is a party to the UNFCCC and Country with regard to ratified KP in 2002. the Kyoto Protocol B. Expected environmental benefits Estimate of Greenhouse Gases abated (in metric tons of CO2-equivalent) Annual CO2 emission reducing: 0.22 million tCO2equivalent Up to and including 2012: 1.32 million tCO2equivalent Up to a period of 10 years: 2.20 million tCO2equivalent Up to a period of 7 years: 1.54 million tCO2equivalent Up to a period of 14 years: 3.08 million tCO2equivalent Baseline scenario The proposed CDM project is based on two complementary activities as follows: ●Landfill gas will be collected and combusted or burnt. Because more than 50% of the landfill gas is CH4, the proposed CDM project can decrease the greenhouse gas emission by conversing CH4 to CO2. At the present time, landfill gas combustion is not enforced in China. For most of the landfill sites, landfill gas is releasing into atmosphere without limit. ●The generation and supply of electricity derived from landfill gas to the regional grid, a certain amount of 4 HUNAN CDM PROJECT SERVICE CENTER ——P. R. China – Changsha Landfill Gas to Electricity Project coal-fired power will be displaced, thus CO2 emission could be decreased by these activities. Most of the electricity in China is derived from coal. Therefore, the baseline will base on coal-fired generation capacity. Without the propose CDM project, coal-fired power capacity will be dispatched to meet the municipal needs, which results in a great amount of CO2 emission into atmosphere. According to the development plan of Changsha Solid Waste Landfill Site, the landfill will run until 2032, more than 40 million tones of solid waste will be disposed here. The proposed CDM project will decrease methane emission capacity up to 0.28 million tone, which is equivalent to 5.94 million tones of CO2. In a word, the quantity of the greenhouse emission abatement due to this project greatly exceeds that of the delivered. Specific global & local environmental benefits Which guidelines will be applied? Local benefits Global benefits Environment Protection Law of People's Republic of China; Cleaner Production Promotion Law of People's Republic of China; Renewable Energy Law of People's Republic of China; Overall Planning of Urban Development of Changsha; The Management Method of the Project of Clean Development Mechanism(National Development and Reform Commission, Department of Science and Technology,Department of Foreign Affairs, Department of Finance); The Bulletin about Organizing and Implementing the Industrialization of High Technology of Renewable Energy and New Energy(National Development and Reform Commission). The local environmental benefits would include reduced coal-fired power plant emissions (sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, particulates), reduced adverse coal mining impacts (dust and acid mine drainage), reduced adverse coal transport impacts, hence an improvement in air quality and in the overall quality of the environment. There will be a direct reduction of carbon emissions to the atmosphere through the productive use of the landfill gas. The impact will be measurable 5 HUNAN CDM PROJECT SERVICE CENTER ——P. R. China – Changsha Landfill Gas to Electricity Project and it is an enhancement of the already progressive measures of China in collecting the landfill methane and flaring it to reduce the impact from that of methane to the less impacting carbon dioxide. Socio-economic aspects 1. The productive use of the landfill gas collected will What social and economic improve the financial situation of Changsha Municipal effects can be attributed to Solid Waste Treatment Limited company, which helps the project and which would to provide the environmental safeguards that assure the not have occurred in a safety of the local population and that will not adversely comparable situation effects the value of the land holdings surrounding the without that project? landfill sites. 2. The project can also significantly reduce the odors associated with landfills and the risk of explosion. 3. Implementing such projects at the landfills will send a clear signal to the local population and to the world community that the environment is really very important in China and is being dealt with in the best way possible. Which guidelines will be Technical Specification of Municipal Waste Sanitary applied? Landfill(CJJ17-2004); Emission Standards for Odor Pollutants(GB1454493) Integrated Emission Standards of Air Pollutants ( GB16297-1996); Standard for Pollution Control on the Municipal Solid Waste Landfill(GB16889—97); Standard of Noise at Boundary of Industrial Enterprises(GB12348-1990); Technical Standard for Environmental Monitoring of Municipal Waste Landfill site(CJ/T3037-95) The construction and running of the CDM item will What are the possible direct bring some employment for the landfill sites. effects (e.g., employment The economic benefit from the CER can partly creation, capital required, compensate the company’s payout. foreign exchange effects)? What are the possible other The sensitivity of the local population to the effects? For example: environmental impacts of landfills will have been responded to in a very positive and visible way that will training/education build good community relationships, and also set a high associated with the environmental standard which may be followed in an introduction of new processes, technologies appropriate manner for others. and products and/or the effects of a project 6 HUNAN CDM PROJECT SERVICE CENTER ——P. R. China – Changsha Landfill Gas to Electricity Project on other industries Environmental strategy/ priorities of the Host Country Chinese government adopted a formal Energy Policy that exploitation and using clean or renewable energy are encouraged in future years. The implementation of these landfill gas projects is therefore in full accord with the new Renewable Energy policy, thus it can get the powerful support from Chinese government. C. Finance Total project cost estimate Development costs Installed costs Other costs Total project costs Sources of finance to be sought or already identified Equity Debt – Long-term Debt - Short term Not identified CDM contribution sought CDM contribution in advance payments. (The quantum of upfront payment will depend on the assessed risk of the project by the World Bank, and will not exceed 25% of the total ER value purchased by the World Bank for the project. Any upfront payment will be discounted by a factor considered appropriate by the World Bank for the project.) Indicative CER Price (subject to negotiation and financial due diligence) Total Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement (for 20 MW total) US$ 2.5 million US$ 38 million US$ 2.0 million US$ 42.5 million Changsha municipal solid waste landfill site: US$: 12.5 million US$ 12.5 million None None US$ 30 million None No advance payment is envisaged in the project. 7 US$ per ton of CO2 is the indicative price subject to confirmation and negotiation. Annual CO2 emission reducing: 0.22 million tCO2- 7 HUNAN CDM PROJECT SERVICE CENTER ——P. R. China – Changsha Landfill Gas to Electricity Project (ERPA) Value A period until 2012 (end of the first budget period) A period of 10 years A period of 7 years A period of 14 years (2 * 7 years) If financial analysis is available for the proposed CDM activity, provide the forecast financial internal rate of return for the project with and without the CER revenues. Provide the financial rate of return at the expected CER price above and US$3/ tCO2e. equivalent Up to and including 2012: 1.32 million tCO2-equivalent Up to a period of 10 years: 2.20 million tCO2-equivalent Up to a period of 7 years: 1.54 million tCO2-equivalent Up to a period of 14 years: 3.08 million tCO2-equivalent US$ 9.24 million US$ 15.4 million US$ 10.78 million US$ 21.56 million Financial Return on the Total Investment CER-6US$/ tCO2e IRR (%) Without CER revenue 4.49 With CER revenue 9.78 8