Learning From the Home Visit

Home Visits
Why home visits? While some parents may be reluctant to come to school because they feel
uncomfortable, they don’t trust the school personnel, or they have negative memories of their
own schooling, others are unable to come because of transportation or child care problems, or
their work schedule conflicts with school hours. Many teachers around the country are trying out
a practice that has long been part of the Head Start Program—making visits to the school to get
to know families better. They find that home visits help them get to know families and use that
information to connect with their students. Home visits also help parents learn about the school
curriculum and make the parent comfortable to ask questions. By developing positive rapport,
teachers can develop a partnership with parents in support of student learning.
How do I get started? Talk with your principal about whether your school has a Home Visit
Program that specifies how you should proceed. If one does not exist, you could initiate one or
two visits to students’ homes and talk with your principal about how the school could support
you and your colleagues more programmatically. Here is a checklist to get you started.
Planning the Home Visit
Make appointments in advance, and schedule the visit to accommodate family schedules.
Find out if a brief 20-30 minute visit is feasible. The initial contact can be made by letter
(see sample below) or telephone. Follow up with reminders (written note, phone call).
Be clear about the purpose of your visit (e.g., get to know family, share curriculum materials).
Assure the family that the purpose is not to pass judgment on the family members or their
If calling by phone, practice how you will explain it to the family member when you call so
your first communication goes smoothly.
Learn names of family members and about the family’s culture so you can predict their
language uses, social expectations and traditions. Arrange to take an interpreter with you if
Plan a brief agenda and think about ways to initiate topics without playing “20 questions”
 How will you do to introduce yourself and establish rapport?
 What do you want to know about the parents (e.g., background, interests, hopes and
dreams, goals for child)?
 What do you want to know about the child (interests, significant experiences,
upcoming events, strengths, perceived learning needs, interactions with others)?
Learn about the area in which your student’s family lives and make plans to address safety
issues as you would in visiting any unfamiliar area. Make sure someone else knows where
you are going, or pair up with another teacher. If you have a cell phone, take it with you.
Sample Letter
Making Connections: May I set up a home visit?
Dear Parents,
It is very important to me that we find ways to communicate with each other to
support your involvement in your child’s education. This year I am organizing home
visits as a way to reach out to families and get to know them better. I would like
to set up a time to come to your home for a brief 20-30 minute visit. I would like
to learn more about you, your family and your hopes and dreams for your child’s
Please fill out the slip below and have your child return it to me by [date], and I will
be contacting you. I am very excited about this new opportunity to get to know
[your name]
Student’s Name: _________________ Your Name: ____________________
Relationship to Student: _________________________________________
Yes, we are interested in setting up a home visit! Please contact us by:
___ Telephone: __________________ Best time to call: _________
__ E-mail: _____________________
What happens when I’m there? Home visits are often as enjoyable for teachers as they are for
families! Through less formal interactions, it is sometimes easier for parents to share information
about their child and ask questions of the teacher and for the teacher to show s/he cares about the
student. There are many things to think about during the visit:
Learning From the Home Visit
At the beginning of the visit, you might feel like you are doing a lot of talking to set the scene
and get the conversation going. Monitor the situation as it unfolds and be sure to provide plenty
of openings for the family to share information and ask questions. Remember, you are visiting to
learn about the family and will not come away with as much information if you do all the
Families have a wealth of information and experiences they can share with you. These can
also become valuable resources for your classroom as you and the families get to know each
other better. Be sure to look for openings to encourage family members to be active participants
in your classroom and school.
Let the family members know you are listening by giving non-verbal cues (eye contact, facial
expression, gestures) and responding to information and ideas they share. Keep in mind that
some parents may show great deference to you because of your role as “teacher” or because they
think you know more due to your education and background. Try to help them see that you
value what they have to offer.
Communication styles differ from family to family and how families communicate in the
home may look very different from how they interact at school. Depending on their cultural
backgrounds, and use of native language in the home, you will need to take cues from family
members about what communication style will feel comfortable for them. You may also learn
new ways to communicate with students of a particular culture that will help you interact with
them more successfully in school.
Be aware of the time, and bring your visit to a close at the agreed upon ending time for your
Decide with the family “next steps” for your communication with them. For example:
Will you continue to keep in touch by phone or e-mail?
Will parents volunteer in the classroom or school?
Are there materials, resources or other forms of support they would like you to provide to
support their child’s learning at home?
Don’t forget to thank the family for inviting you into their home. This may have felt like a
great risk for them, and you want to acknowledge your appreciation for their willingness to share
their ideas with you.