the moorish national republic federal government northwest africa




Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America


Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos

Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural People of the Land

The True and De jure Al Moroccans / Americans

Moorish Americans Public Records and Jurisprudence Relations

(Al Moroccan Discourse)

In accord with Justice, proper Law, Order, and Governmental Principles, We, the active Moors of the Western Hemisphere of the planet earth - (El Magrhib al Aqca) the Heirs and rightful possessors of the present Moroccan Empire (universally and as a whole), herein makes declarative ‘Public Notice’.

This established and expanding ‘Public Notice’ and the enjoining Publications shall serve as adequate Notice to all comers.

Due to the fact that foreign impostor Europeans and the beneficiaries, profiteers, representatives, club or clan members, and other unsanctioned persons or entities constructed by them, are fraudulently operating from and within North America and with ill – intent. Evidence of this fraud is manifested by their consistence of acting and violating the Unalienable Rights of the Natural Peoples, and creating de facto and colorable legislations, contradicting the Constitution for the United States of

North America and the primal Moorish Treaties – being the Supreme Law of the Land. These Moorish publications are shared with all Moorish Americans, etc. These Publications shall be known as, construed as, reviewed as, and lawfully considered as, an ‘In Full Life’ dispensation by the loyal

Moorish American Heirs of the Estate.

This Publication is a ‘Refutation’, a Rejection, a Rebuttal, a Denial of, a Revocation of, a Rescission of Signature to any Feudal Instruments, and a condemnation of, any alleged or assumed Acquiescence or Abandonments of Rights or of Properties, etc.; and a Rebuttal against any past or present assumed, illegal or unlawfully claimed ‘Power of Attorney’ initiated by, filed by, or alleged by any and all foreign, misrepresenting Europeans or representatives of their corporate entities, posing as American or feigned as being Constitutional.

Reflecting the true Character and Purpose of the Moorish Divine and National Movement and its properly reflected influences made upon other derivative Moorish Orders operating and functioning in

‘The North Gate’ (Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America), some basic facts must be established for the Record:


Prophet Noble Drew Ali established two operative and functional newspapers for the ‘Moorish

Divine and National Movement’ and commanded all the Moorish Governors, Grand Sheiks, Grand

Sheikesses, and all other Moorish leaders or Officers to maintain and to preserve our own ‘Moorish

Press’. This rule of having a Moorish American owned and controlled ‘Press’ is an indispensable standard of operations within the Moorish Orders of the North. Being Moorish Americans (and the

true Heirs of ‘The North Gate’) it is our moral, ethical, and civic duty and obligation to act and to promote the intent to support and to preserve that Rule.


This publication and intersocial communication ‘Page’ and ‘Site’ is for the purpose of accommodating all Moorish Americans (the true Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of the

Land) a source of access to the past, present, and extrajudicial activities affecting the Moors in our

developmental Consular, Diversity, and Birthrights Claims issues and controversies, which were, and are, inevitable, due to the Colonial – operative conditions infecting human relation at

Northwest Amexem / North America.


Being Moorish Al Moroccans and Heirs to the Moorish Empire and Estate, it is our responsibility and duty to speak up for the ‘Public Record’ and to Proclaim and Declare our ‘In Propria Persona

Sui Juris and Sui Heredes Status’ and giving ‘Public Notice’ to our self-determination competence and Right Claims to our Estate (Lands and Hereditaments – corporeal and incorporeal). These

‘National Public Records’ (and other related publications) are to actively reflect those truths, and are to expound upon the consciousness of our Birthrights. And when the Moorish Heirs of the said

Estate speak (to all comers and concerns) and Requests, then all must answer or publicly Rebut for the Record. All Trustees must ‘Respond’ correctly, timely, and with affirmative truth; remaining germane and specific to the subject matters at issue or in controversy. All Malfeasance,

Misappropriations, Misrepresentations, Impostors, Frauds, Mismanagements, Straw Constructs, and ‘Misprision of Treason’ activities and perfidy must cease immediately. Any and all Feudal and

Colorable Instruments, Bonds, Liens, Deeds, Mortgages, Frauds, and alleged debts based upon such Frauds and Straw Constructs are Void and Dead ‘Ab Initio’. The Heirs have spoken!


Prophet Noble Drew Ali declared that all Moorish Americans are to “take our places among the

affairs of men.” This is reflected in the registration of ‘The Moorish Holy Temple of Science’ as a

Civic Organization. That documented and operative registry took place in the year 1925 A.D.

As Divine Law, Morality and Ethical Government would not be contrary to, nor contemptuous toward, that which is ‘Right’ and ‘Just’, so is the constructive and operative character and nature of

The Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World’. And let the Record show the ‘Right –

Law’ purpose and intent of those Moorish Americans, inclusive of other humanitarian aspirants, who love ‘Justice’ and the Allodial philosophies of our Ancient Moabite / Moorish Fore-Mothers and Fore-

Fathers. Thus, spiritual and civil equilibrium and balance is a conscious societal goal of all loyal, faithful, and ethical Moorish Americans (Al Moroccans) and should be reflective in their relations within the Moorish Nation and with others.

Those who honorably adhere to the Justice – oriented, Nationality and Birthrights – directives of

Law, Order and Governmental principles, will show themselves as true or false to the ‘Humanitarian

Cause’ through their own words and actions. Allodial integrity and Isonomi principles (as distinguished

from Feudal Inquisitionism) is rooted within the established ‘Divine and National Order’ founded by

Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Those honorable and courageous Moors of the North (and other true American

citizens) who are active (and not passive) are to be commended for their sincerity and fidelity. And when those Isonomi principles are recognized and applied, they are to be acknowledged - being infused within the Rotarian complexion of the Moorish Movement. Therefore, the same are to be part and parcel of our protocols in all our social and civic relations with ourselves and with the Nations of the

Earth. These acts and concept - relations are representative of the Moors who are striving to return to that ‘Right – Law’ state of mind of our ancestry, and demonstrate the Moors’ work and efforts to be re-conjoined with our ancient Moabite / Canaanite Fore-Mothers and Fore-Fathers. And this is a return to Honor!

In support of Justice, it must be stated that Constitutional Principles, which are founded in ‘Proper

Order’ and ‘Light’, must never be construed as vague and deceptive, nor will they ever deliberately reflect inhumane dispensations. And the same shall not be conducive to, nor ever be held in support of, any instrument or construct oriented in, or spuriously aligned with, ‘unjust legum’ (color - of - law / de

facto legislation or de facto, Feudal processes). The Moorish Divine and National Movement of the

World was, and is, established as a remedy to Feudal Law- oriented human trafficking and as a cure to

its mental servitude, corporate treason, and as a counter to the genocidal practices instituted by way of the foreign and alien European Colonial operations imposed upon the Natural People and Lands in the

Western Hemisphere and the World.

These publications of ‘Moorish Discourse’ are for Moorish Americans to acclimate and associate in their Consular and Ministerial Public Relations, etc., and is not a forum constructed as a school or for

Question and Answer interchanges. However, there is an ‘Ancillary Section’ which should satisfy some educational supports and an expanded subdivision deemed for answers to many of the frequently asked questions concerning ‘The Moorish Divine and National Movement’ and the lawful, social and political relations and conditions involving Moorish American Heirs of the Land and Estate.
