Leaf Blast Rule Model by use of AMeDAS-based Mesh Data and Micrometeorological Data Masahiro Kikusawa 1), Tsugio Takagi 2), Tsuneo Hayashi 3) & MasamiYamada 4) 1) Fukui Prefectural University, Fukui 910-1195 Japan 2) Japan Weather Association, Hokuriku branch, Toyama 930-0892 Japan 3) Agricultural Technology and Management Division, Fukui prefecture , Fukui 4) Fukui Agricultural Experiment Station, Fukui 918-8215 Japan ABSTRACT Disease forecasting is essential in blast disease management. BLASTAM is a computer code based on a rule model. It supports a grower to make a decision on rice leaf blast and has been introduced into the extension service in some prefectures in Japan. BLASTAM uses weather data such as rainfall, air temperature, wind velocity, and sunshine from AMeDAS provided by Japan Meteorological Agency. Fukui prefecture has 12 AMeDAS stations that covers 17km-mesh and has newly 1 km-mesh weather data interpolated from AMeDAS data through a variational method. In addition we have observed the micrometeorological phenomena in five paddy fields by weather robots (Campbell kits) for three years. The main focus of this paper is on the use of mesh data and robot data to BLASTAM. It is shown that AMeDAS-based mesh data does not have sufficient accuracy to light rainfall and sunshine rate for BLASTAM use and we shall examine the way to improve the mesh data to be utilized successfully for blast forecasting. Key words: rice leaf blast, rule model, BLASTAM, AMeDAS, mesh weather data, micrometeorological data, weather robot INTRODUCTION Rice blast has brought severe damage in Japan. How easily a rice leaf infects blast depends on how long the leaf is wet and how much the temperature is during wet period. In Japan BLASTAM1 based on a Figure 1 AMeDAS and robots installed in Fukui prefecture. E-mail : mas@kiku.net 910-8580 Japan rule model with AMeDAS data proposed by Koshimizu (1988) have been utilized as a powerful tool to forecast the dates suitable for infection. BLASTAM would be effectively applied with mesh weather data in the sense that we can recognize how large the blast infected area is and how rapidly it is growing. Mesh weather can also forecast future weather in a few days, which would upgrade the blast forecasting. As AMeDAS data have served against disasters6, it may not measure light rain and sunshine, and so are mesh data. We herein apply AMeDAS-based mesh data and micrometeorological data as input data in BLASTAM, and examine how the mesh data are successfully utilized in forecasting leaf blast. METHODS We have 12 AMeDAS stations6 and five weather robots7 in Fukui prefecture (4189 km2). Those are located as shown in Figure 1. In addition we have 1 km-mesh weather data8 based on AMeDAS. Each robot measures wind velocity and direction, air, water and soil temperature, vapor pressure, humidity, rainfall and solar radiation but it does not measure sunshine except one robot. On the other hand AMeDAS generally serves not solar radiation but sunshine rate. BLASTAM calculates wet period2, 3 by means of rainfall, wind velocity and sunshine. A leaf starts to be wet after rainfall under small sunshine and wind. When sunshine rate and wind velocity are bigger than a certain threshold, the leaf is no more to be wet. Kobayashi (1984) proposed solar radiation 0.856 MJ/m2 and sunshine duration 120minutes for a half day as a threshold to wet off. Those equal to 0.14 MJ/m2 and 20minutes (0.33 sunshine rate) every hour. Sunshine rate 0.2 has been used in BLASTAM3 as a threshold that was proposed by Koshimizu (1988). First, we determine a solar radiation threshold through BLASTAM simulation with robot data assuming some threshold values. Secondly, we examine how different the forecasting is whether we use sunshine or solar radiation. Finally, we examine hourly rainfall data during wet period and show clearly why mesh data result in different forecasting from that robot data does. Hereafter, “mesh” and mesh data and micrometeorological data are used as input data in BLASTAM. Table 1 Suitable and semisuitable (level4) dates simulated by use of robot data (1999) for some solar radiation thresholds r 1s. (a) r 1>1.5MJ/m 2, (b) r 1=0.1MJ/m 2, (c) r 1=0.05MJ/m 2, and (d) r 1=0.01MJ/m 2. Fukui dat e ( a) ( b) ( c) ( d) June 16 ● ● ● ● 18 ● 19 ● 〇 〇 ● 20 ● ● ● 28 ● ● ● 〇 〇 July 4 13 ● 14 ● ● 15 ● ● ● 18 ● 19 ● ● ● ● “robot” will be referred to when Ono dat e ( a) ( b) ( c) ( d) ● June 7 16 ● ● ● ● 18 ● 19 ● 20 ● ● 〇 〇 25 ● 28 ● 〇 〇 〇 〇 July 1 〇 〇 〇 6 13 〇 〇 14 ● ● ● ● 15 ● ● ● ● 18 ● 19 ● ● ● 〇 Mikata dat e ( a) ( b) ( c) ( d) June 17 ● ● ● ● 19 ● ● ● 20 ● ● ● 〇 28 ● ● ● 〇 ● ● ● 〇 July 1 ● 2 13 ● ● ● ● 14 ● ● ● 〇 18 ● ● ● ● 19 ● ● ● ● AMeDAS-based RESULTS and DISCUSSIONS Solar radiation threshold We need specify two threshold r1 and r2 of solar radiation, which correspond to the sunshine rate thresholds 0.1 and 0.22,3. We simulate dates suitable for blast infection for cases of five sites in 1998 & 1999 and for several r1’s assuming r2= 2 r1. Table 1 marks the date suitable for blast infection4 as ● and semi-suitable (level 4) date5 as ○ for the results of three sites in 1999 and four r1’s. It is pointed out that the smaller r1 is, the less number of suitable days is forecasted in all sites. Because the more solar radiation that interrupt wetting appears, the lower threshold r1 is. The r1 has a significant effect on a date whether it is suitable or semi-suitable for infecting blast. It sometimes delays the suitable date by one day. We have a robot that has both pyranometer and sunshine recorder. Comparing both sunshine and solar radiation every minute, we surmise the r1 ranges from 0.1 to 0.12 MJ/m2. According to Kobayashi (1984) who proposed 0.14 as r2 that simply leads to r1=0.07 MJ/m2 as a half of r2. There is not a remark-able difference in Table 1 between the two cases of r1=0.1 MJ/m2 and r1=0.05 MJ/m2. With additional discussion10 we shall propose and use r1=0.1 MJ/m2 and r2=0.2 MJ/m2 in the following analysis. Sunshine rate and solar radiation Table 2 shows suitable and semi-suitable (level 4) dates for three sites in 1999 and for four cases where (a) uses AMeDAS-based mesh data and (d) uses robot data. The cases (b) and (c) use mesh data (temperature, wind velocity and rain) and robot data (solar radiation) for two r1’s. In Table 2, case (a) results in almost the same one as (b) but both are different from (c) and (d). The sunshine rate is generally 0.09 under cloudy and rainy weather when the blast infection is likely to occur. And even under such weak sunshine the robot measures some solar radiation. As it is usually smaller than 1.5 MJ/m2, any solar radiation to Table 2 Forecast by mesh and robot (1999). (a) mesh (sunshine) (b) mesh (radiation, r 1>1.5MJ ) (c) mesh (radiation, r 1=0.1MJ ) (d) robot (r 1=0.1MJ ) Fukui dat e June 16 19 20 28 July 14 15 19 ( a) Ono June ( b) ( c) ( d) ● 〇 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● dat e 16 18 19 20 27 28 1 6 13 14 15 18 19 20 ( a) ( b) ( c) ( d) ● ● ● ● 〇 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 〇 〇 Mikata dat e June 17 19 20 25 28 July 1 13 14 18 19 July 〇 〇 ● 〇 〇 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ( a) ( b) ● ● ( c) ( d) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● interrupt wetting can not be taken into account in case (b) just like in case (a) that is no sunshine. sunshine rate as a wetting off rule3 so long as we use AMeDAS or AMeDAS-based mesh data which Figure 2 Hourly rainfall properties between mesh and robot (1999) ( b) Fukui ( a) Fukui time mesh robot date time mesh robot date 7/18 7/19 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Suitable condition Wet period(hour) Average rainfall(mm) Average wind speed(m/s) Average temp.(degree C) Average temp. pre 5days (c) Ono date time 7/13 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 7/14 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Suitable condition Wet period(hour) Average rainfall(mm) Average wind speed(m/s) Average temp.(degree C) Average temp. pre 5days It dose not make any sense to suggest that wetting off rule should be accounted for by solar radiation instead of sunshine rate which has been used. We notice that there is a remarkable difference between case (c) of mesh and (d) of robot in Table 2. Both cases use same solar radiation, and 0.0 1.1 2.4 0.0 2.0 0.5 1.0 0.6 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 1.6 0.2 2.2 0.8 0.3 1.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ● ● 13 0. 73 1. 68 22. 1 23. 1 13 0. 63 0. 38 21. 8 23. 1 6/27 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 6/28 100 200 300 400 500 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0. 00 1. 32 19. 7 22. 0 12 0. 12 0. 15 19. 4 22. 0 ● (d) Ono mesh robot date time mesh robot 0.7 0.0 0.0 6/30 2200 1.0 0.5 2300 0.7 0.0 0.1 2.4 2400 3.8 0.7 1.1 3.0 7/1 100 2.7 0.0 0.2 2.1 200 2.9 0.0 0.1 1.5 300 2.0 0.0 0.3 1.1 400 1.0 0.0 0.2 1.9 500 2.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 600 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 700 0.0 0.1 0.1 800 0.0 0.7 0.5 0.2 900 0.0 0.0 0.3 1000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 ● ● ○ 13 0. 11 0. 27 21. 2 22. 5 14 0. 30 0. 61 21. 2 22. 2 10 1. 61 0. 97 18. 2 21. 6 12 1. 08 0. 65 18. 4 21. 6 employ the measures the rainfall greater than 0.56. Thus we shall tempera-ture does not deal with the difference so long as suitable and semi-suitable condition higher than level 4 are concerned. Thus wind and rainfall must cause the difference between (c) and (d) in Table 2. We shall check it up in the following section. Rainfall characteristics on blast suitable dates Figure 2 illustrates hourly rainfall and some average values during wet period that are shaded in the figure. Case (a) is a typical case when the rain greater than 0.5mm in the evening period long enough to bring a suitable condition since AMeDAS can brings a suitable condition both in not miss the rainfall greater than 0.5mm. Final case of (d) is rather rare mesh and robot forecasting. Case (b) is in the sense that robot misses a suitable condition while mesh does not. the case when a light rain under weak This is the result some conditions are jumbled up. The wet period wind and sunshine brings a blast begins from 23:00 in robot case, which is one hour late due to a heavy suitable condi-tion in robot forecasting rain of 5.3mm while 3.1mm rain is recorded in mesh. Thus the wet but not in mesh one. This is because no period is calculated as 10 hours in mesh and 9 hours in robot. But why rain is recorded in mesh data as seen in is 9 hours in the robot? The solar radiation greater than 0.1MJ/m2 the figure. Case (c) is almost the same breaks off the wet period although a light rain case as (b) but a 0.7mm rain makes wet continues to fall after 7:00. You can find out a pp.123-138. semi-suitable mark ○ on July 1st of Ono site in Table Ishiguro, K. 1998. Recent advances in forecasting of 1(a) in which the threshold is greater than 1.5MJ/m2. rice blast disease. Journal of the Japanese In Figure 2, Average temperature9 in mesh agrees Agricultural Systems Society. 14(2) pp.111-118. remarkably with that in robot. This means mesh data Kobayashi, J. 1984. Studies on epidemic of rice leaf can be well utilized as input data of BLASTAM once blast, Pyricularia oryzae Cav., in its early stage. wet period is calculated correctly. Average wind Bulletin of the Akita Agricultural Experiment velocity may not be well interpolated in mesh data 9. Station. No.26 pp.1-84. We can find the wind error happens at the level Koshimizu,Y. 1988. A forecasting method for smaller than 1m/s and it does not give a significant occur-rence of rice leaf blast with AMeDAS data. misforecasting because wind velocity threshold Bulletin of the Tohoku National Agricultural defined in wetting off rule3 is greater than the Experiment Station. No.78 pp.67-121. accuracy of its measurement. Ohata,K. 1989. Rice diseases in Japan. Zenkoku Noson Kyoiku Kyokai Publishing Co. Ltd. p.565. CONCLUSIONS Takagi,T. and N.Takenaka. 1999. The 1 km-mesh (1) We throw out a suggestion that a threshold information services in agricultural weather. 0.1MJ/m2 of solar radiation may be used in Bulletin of the Japanese agricultural BLASTAM corresponding to a threshold 0.1 of Meteorolo-gical Society (Hokuriku branch) sunshine rate. No.24. pp.3-5. (2) Sunshine rate is measured as 0.0 by AMeDAS during wet period when it is usually cloudy and NOTES rainy, and so is mesh data. Thus BLASTAM analysis that uses mesh data forecasts blast 1 Leaf blast infection and BLASTAM suitable days more than they are. So we shall Rice blast fungus (Pyricularia oryzae) is germinated propose to employ solar radiation instead of in a water drop on a leaf surface and penetrates into sunshine rate as wetting off rule. leaf surface cells. Then a lesion is appeared and a (3) BLASTAM analysis that uses mesh data forecasts spore is formed on the leaf. The disease is infected to blast suitable days less than they are because other rice plant by scattered spore and its penetration AMeDAS misses light rainfall less than 0.5mm to leaf cells (Ishiguro 1998). An incubation period and so is AMeDAS-based mesh data. after infection is longer with low temperature, and (4) Wind velocity in mesh is not well interpolated in shorter with high temperature. Normally, the small range but it does not matter because the incubation period is nearly 5 days (Ohata 1989). wind threshold in wetting off rule is big enough From these facts, it is necessary to know a wet to forgive the error. condition and temperature of a rice plant leaf in order (5) Temperature is quite well interpolated in mesh to forecast a development of the blast disease. It is which means mesh data is used effectively in not easy to measure directly the moisture condition of BLASTAM once we correctly estimate wet a leaf surface. Kobayashi (1984) suggested a new period. method to judge an infection suitable level by an (6) Mesh data will be successfully utilized in estimation of wetting period of leaf surface using BLASTAM with solar radiation and with tuning precipitation, wind velocity, sunshine rate and up its precipitation accuracy in small range by temperature condition. On the basis of Kobayashi's such data that are measured by radar device. concept, Koshimizu (1988) developed a forecasting system named BLASTAM that uses AMeDAS and REFERENCES Hayashi & Koshimizu(1988) coded it for computer Hayashi, T. and Y. Koshimizu. 1988. Development of use. BLASTAM was adapted in Tohoku district at computer code BLASTAM to forecast leaf blast first, but now it is also adapted in other areas. For occurrence. Bulletin of the Tohoku National example, JPP network of the Plant Protection Society Agricultural Experiment Station. No.78 provides real-time result of BLASTAM at the national AMeDAS observation points through the Internet. 2 Wetting rule Basically wetting calculation begins from 16:00 every day. When it rains between 16:00 and 6:00 next morning, wetting begins and keeps on from one hour before a rainfall until wetting off occurs3. If the wetting continues over 7:00 next morning, we stop calculating wet period once the suitable condition4 is satisfied and start the calculation for the next day. Wetting does not begin due to a rain with the wind greater than 4 m/s. When it rains between 6:00 and 15:00 under sunshine rate less than 0.1 and wind less than 3 m/s, three hours around the rainfall are involved in the wetting period. And also one hour between the two wetting periods is supposed to be wet under the condition of small sunshine (<0.1) and wind (<3m/s). 3 Wetting off rule The wetting from 15:00 to 7:00 breaks off when sunshine rate adds up to 0.2 since a wetting began. The sunshine rate of 0.1 with rain is supposed to be zero. The wetting from 16:00 to 4:00 breaks off when the wind greater than 4 m/s blows. It also breaks off at two hours after the wind greater than 3 m/s in 3-hour average blows. The wetting from 4:00 to 7:00 breaks off by the wind greater than 3m/s that is regarded as 2 m/s if it blows with some rain. If there is a strong rain greater than 4 mm/h or the 3mm/h-rain that continues for two hours, nine hours ahead and behind the onset of the rainfall during the wetting period is invalidated because no infections are expected. 4 Suitable condition to infect blast When wetting period is longer than 10 hours under the following three conditions being satisfied, we consider the day is suitable for blast infection. Condition 1: Average temperature during wetting period is 15-25deg. Condition 2 : Wetting period is long enough to keep the blast fungus penetrating into the leaf at a fixed rate. The period ranges from 10 to 17 hours depending on the mean temperature during wetting period as follows:17hrs(15deg.), 15hrs(16deg.), 4hrs(17deg.), 13hrs(18deg.), 2hrs(19deg.), 11hrs (20-21deg.) and 10hrs (22-25deg.) Condition 3: Average temperature during five days before wetting is 20-25deg. 5 Semi-suitable condition to infect blast When wet period is longer than 10 hours but all the three conditions mentioned above are not satisfied, we call the day as semi-suitable day and classifies it by four levels as follows: under out of conditions 1,2 and 3, level 1 and level 2 are referred to the case that the temperature is lower and higher than the range on condition 3, respectively. Level 3 is out of conditions 1 and 2 and level 4 is just out of condition 2. 6 AMeDAS data JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency ) operates a mesoscale observation network called AMeDAS (Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System). This system consists of about 1,300 observing stations at mean spatial intervals of 17 km; All stations monitor hourly precipitation automa-tically, and more than 800 stations among these also monitor air temperature, wind direction & velocity, and sunshine duration. This system was installed in 1974 and has been in operation of monitoring local heavy rains and storms. Main purpose of the system is disaster prevention, so the instruments are designed to measure accurately heavy rain or strong wind. Rain gauge is tipping bucket type and the minimum observing unit is 0.5mm/h. So it is difficult to measure correctly a light rain. Anemometer is aero-vane type and rotating pyrheliometer is used for sunshine duration. 7 Robot data Campbell kid is installed. It has Young cup type rotation anemometer, temperature probe (accuracy of 0.2 deg.), tipping bucket rain gauge (accuracy of 0.1 mm),pyranometer (it responses to 400-1100 nm wave with the accuracy of 200 W/m2 and hourly global radiation greater than 0.0001 MJ/m2. One kit in Fukui has Yokokawa’s sunshine recorder. 8 Mesh data (Takagi, 1999) The 1 km-mesh weather data (temperature, precipita-tion, wind velocity/direction and sunshine duration) are served from current state up to 51 hours later and those are updated twice a day. Data are interpolated by JMA GPV (grid point of value; its horizontal resolution is 20 km) and is calibrated hourly by AMeDAS data. (1) The 1 km-mesh horizontal grid point data Variational method is adopted for spatial interpola-tion to make 1 km-mesh data from 20 km grid data (GPV). As for air temperature, 20 km mesh data is at first converted to the value at sea-level by lapse rate (0.5deg./100m). And then 1 km-mesh data is inter-polated by using variational method and the data is restored to the original height above sea level. As for precipitation and sunshine, every 20km-mesh data are interpolated by using variational method. Wind data is decomposed into vector components, and is inter-polated and restored to wind direction & velocity. (2) Calibration by AMeDAS As for air temperature, a difference between AMeDAS data (observed) and mesh data (calculated and pre-corrected) is determined as a correcting parameter. The parameter weighted in proportion to distance is added to mesh data. For precipitation, sunshine duration, wind direction & wind velocity, wind data is at first decomposed into vector components. The correcting parameter is derived as the ratio of mesh data to AMeDAS data. It is weighted in the same way as temperature and then it multiplies mesh data. 9 Comments on mesh data (Takagi, 1999) Air temperature on the mesh is accurately calculated by the interpolation, which consider its variation due to the elevation and local characteristics of the air mass. It is difficult to estimate rainfall accurately because we need more rain gauges and the rain gauge of AMeDAS is not suitable to measure light rain less than 0.5mm. We have problem in sunshine duration data. The sunshine duration is counted due to the direct radiation, leaving scattered radiation out of account. Thus it is mostly zero when sky is overcast and direct radiation is not perceived. Wind data in the present system are not accurate either because topographical effect is not taken into account and less number of observation points for the wind varies much locally site by site when it rains. 10 Solar radiation threshold r1 Sunshine duration is counted as long as direct solar radiation is greater than 120W/s. So the direct solar radiation in an hour is at least 0.432 MJ/m2 (=120*3600*10-6) when sunshine duration is 60 minutes or sunshine rate is 1.0. From the argument the solar radiation threshold r1 that corresponds to sunshine rate threshold 0.1 equals to 0.0432 MJ/m2. The pyranometer of robot measures global radiation. The direct radiation is a part of global radiation and its ratio may be small during cloudy evening and morning. From these grounds the global radiation threshold r1 is likely to be 0.1 MJ /m2.