The Church in San Antonio December/January 2006 210-435-5400 I. Newsletter 5400 Callaghan, San Antonio, TX 78228 Winter Training, Anaheim, California, December 26-31, 2005 The Winter Training was held at the Living Stream Ministry campus. The subject was the Crystallization-study of the Building of God. The twelve messages given were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The Vision of the Building of God (Ron Kangas) The Three Tabernacles (Ed Marks) Life and Building (Benson Philips) The Prerequisites of the Believers’ Building Up in the Church, the Body of Christ (1) (Minoru Chen) The Prerequisites of the Believers’ Building Up in the Church, the Body of Christ (2) (Andrew Yu) The Builders of the Divine Building (Ron Kangas) The Foundation and Ground of the Divine Building (Minuro Chen) The Materials of the Divine Building (Ed Marks) The Work of the Divine Building (Ron Kangas) The Accomplishment of the Divine Building (Andrew Yu) Discerning the Destroyers of the Divine Building to Remain in the Lord’s Recovery of the Divine Building (Benson Philips) The New Jerusalem—the Ultimate Consummation of the Building of God (Ed Marks). There were 4,100 saints who attended the live training in Anaheim. All of the churches in the Los Angeles metropolis had to watch the simulcast because of lack of space on the LSM campus. From San Antonio, we had Eddy and Cathy Chen, Hui Chen Lin and Marie Lemons, George Whitington, Br. And Sr. Rhee, Kevin Garza, Josh Guerra, Rocky Prewitt, Jr., and Richie Wash. The video training in San Antonio was held on the weekends of January 7th and 14th, 2006. The last message of the conference was open to all. Attendees varied from 35 to 58 locally. The Chinese-speaking Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, January 31 to February 2, 2006 The first meeting of the conference was on the Lord’s Day. It began with the Lord’s Table followed by the first message. There were 25,000 in attendance that day. For the remainder of the conference, the attendance was about 20,000 each day. There were 2,300 from overseas, including two from the new church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. They have 100 saints; most are college students. Eighty-six were from Texas. George Whitington and John Yu received hospitality from the church in Yung-ho in Taipei County. The subject of the conference was The Organic Shepherding of Christ for the Building Up of the Body of Christ, and was released in the following five messages: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Urgent Need of Shepherding for the Building Up of the Body of Christ (Minuro Chen) The Organic Shepherding of Christ (Huong Lin) Shepherding According to God (Benjamin Chen) Shepherding People by Cherishing and Nourishing Them for the Building Up of the Church (Shuei Liu) 5. The Normal Way of Shepherding for the Building Up of the Church (Andrew Yu). Br. Witness Lee said, “If I am a man, I have to be a Christian; if I am a Christian, I have to be in the Lord’s recovery.” A few years ago, the world population was 5 billion. About 2 billion were Christians, 1 billion Muslims, 1 billion Hindus and Buddhists, and 1 billion agnostics and atheists. In 2/12/2016 1 view of this conference, there are more than 25,000, not counting children, in the Lord’s recovery. It is the Lord’s mercy that we are in the Lord’s recovery. Do pray that the Lord will keep us here in His recovery and that we would not be led astray by personal indifference or by persons we are attached to. II. Schedule of Conferences & Trainings: Spanish-speaking Mini-Conference College Spring Conference Chinese-speaking Spring Conference Int’l Training for Elders and Responsible Ones Jr/Sr High Conferences Albuquerque Blending Conference @ Glorieta Elders Meeting Percy Quin Conference Lincoln Conference Spanish-speaking Conference Int’l Memorial Day Conference HS Seniors-To-Be Conference Team Reunions Summer Training Jr/Sr High Conferences Chinese-speaking Fall Conference Fall Area Conference (Labor Day) Int’l Training for Elders and Responsible Ones College Fall Conference Jr/Sr High Conferences Percy Quin Conference Elders Meeting Int’l Thanksgiving Conference Winter Training Brownsville, TX Latham Springs, TX Plano, TX Anaheim , CA OKC/Metroplex/Huntsville Albuquerque, NM OKC, OK McComb, MS Lincoln, NE Houston, TX Phoenix, AZ Dallas, TX clusters Anaheim, CA Anadarko/Oakridge/Lake Lavon Houston, TX Irving, TX Whistler, B.C., Canada Latham Springs, TX Ft. Stockton, TX & Rock Springs, KS McComb, MS Austin, TX Washington D.C. Anaheim, CA 2/25/06-2/26/06 3/3/06-3/5/06 3/10/06-3/12/06 3/31/06-4/2/06 4/14/06-4/16/06 4/14/06-4/16/06 4/22/2006 4/28/06-4/30/06 4/28/06-4/30/06 5/19/06-5/21/06 5/26/06-5/29/06 6/10/06-6/11/06 6/22/06-6/24/06 7/3/06-7/8/06 8/3/06-8/6/06 9/8/06-9/10/06 9/22/06-9/24/06 10/5/06-10/7/06 10/20/06-10/22/06 10/27/06-10/29/06 10/27/06-10/29/06 11/4/2006 11/23/06-11/26/06 12/25/06-12/30/06 For college conferences, contact Br. Mike Findeisen @ 699-9813; for high school conferences, contact Br. Joe Tinnon @ 657-3950; for others, Br. George Whitington @ 641-0465. The bold-faced ones are the seven annual blending feasts (conferences or trainings) that are the heritage of the Lord’s recovery. We expect and encourage each one of us to attend at least one of these feasts per year. III. Daily Constitution by the Word A. Morning Revival: We are on week 6 “Living Out and Working Out the New Jerusalem” of the AllInheriting Vision of the Age as of 2/20/06. Please contact Sr. Cleo Whitington (641-0465) for copies of the HWMR. We have English, Spanish, Korean and Chinese versions. The next HWMR we will use is from the Thanksgiving Conference in Atlanta: The Lord’s Coming. B. Reading the Bible through in a Year: Please continue your reading and mark your progress on the bulletin board chart at the hall. If you missed the beginning, just start from Psalms and Corinthians now. C. E-Manna The site provides daily reading materials. IV. Reports and Supplications (Act locally, view globally) A. Local Baptism: Brother Seth Chang was baptized into the Triune God on the Lord’s Day, January 29th, 2006. (Cumulative baptisms of the year 2005 are sixteen. For the year 2006 is one.) 2/12/2016 2 Weekday Meetings: Monday night home meeting: Dolly & Bennie’s, the Rosario’s Tuesday night home meeting: The Whitington’s Wednesday night: Prayer meeting at the hall and at Clement Yu’s Thursday night home meeting: The Nabers Friday night home meeting: The Elliott’s Friday night home meeting rotation: North East North West South East (English-speaking) The Wash’s Thomas Wang Jim Fox The Stout’s Martin Wang June Coleman The Steele’s Cheng Chang Michael Kong’s (Chinese-speaking) North Central John Yu (Spanish-speaking) Orlando Archilla North West Clement Yu Yiming Pan Saturday morning: cleaning at the hall. Saturday evening: young people’s home meeting. Three Stands of the Church Life—Campus Strand: We had a joint fellowship on the night of 1/11/06 at the meeting hall in preparation for the Spring Semester that began on 1/16/06. That evening, we had a love feast inviting all students to get acquainted with the families and the full timers. The total number was 78, of which 17 were students. Home meetings started Friday, the week after the winter break. The campus strand should be organically grafted to the community saints through the full timers. This is the most excellent way to build up the Body of Christ. Yet we do treasure the rest of the saints for their support in prayer and offerings, though they may not be able to open their homes because of practical circumstances. Do pray for the three strands of the three-fold cord: students, full timers, and families. The gospel must be preached! Year-end Dinner: The Chinese-speaking saints had a love feast on the last day of 2005 @ 115 Adelaide Oaks by the UTSA campus. The fellowship afterwards was sweet. The Lord led us through thick and thin in 2005. Our prayer is that in 2006 we will gain more remaining fruit and be constituted more by the high peak truths. Hospitalization and Caring: Remember what the Apostle Paul said, “We then that are strong [i.e., healthy] ought to bear the infirmities of the weak and not to please ourselves” (Romans 15:1). Philippians 2:4 “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” Continue your prayers for the following saints. If possible, call or write a card. o Srs. Jody Fisher and Nellie Angulo are on chemotherapy and radiation therapy, respectively. Sr. Solange Deleon’s cancer is coming back after a remission. May our Lord use physicians to heal them and restore their function in serving the saints. o Br. Raul Bajandas of the church in Irving had a liver transplant in September. He is in San Francisco for a successful treatment. Do pray for him. o Sr. Nam Anderson had a successful operation in the University Hospital in midJanuary. She stayed there for three days. o Br. Bill Freeland may start dialysis in March. Pray for our brother, and his family. o Lenient but Protracted Diseases Please do pray for saints who have diabetes, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, backache, kidney stone, high blood pressure, heart problem, etc. Remember Sr. Mercedes Rawdin, Br. Jim Fox, Francis Flores, Br. George and Sr. Cleo, Br. Chi, Br. Lin, and Br. George Angulo. 2/12/2016 3 Mail Bag o Mack Vinson. Where is Br. Mack? He is a traveling registered nurse. His temporary assignment was in west Texas. Pray for him and Sr. Norma . o Fall Incoming Ones: Sr. Grace Hsiung of UT-Austin, originally from the church in Dunn Loring in Washington DC, will attend UTHSC medical school in fall 2006. With Sr. Amy Chen, we will have two medical students. Sr. Kim Dye of Austin will attend Our Lady of the Lake University for speech pathology in fall 2006. o Br. Paul Lemons is doing reconstruction in New Orleans after the Hurricane Katrina disaster. He will be back every three wee ks. o Br. Huei Wen Hsiao is a licensed architect in California and is in the church in Fremont, Bay Area. He has a burden for San Antonio. He will have an interview with HEB here on 3/17/06. (Would he be the one to assist the design of our new hall? Oh, Lord.) o Janet Smoot of the church in Dallas requests our prayer. Her company, La Quinta, was acquired by another firm. The reorganization eliminated her position. Pray for Br. Tom Smoot too. o Peter Liang will have his surgical residency in New York City beginning on 6/1/06. Sr. Grace and children will stay in San Antonio until Grace finishes her Ph.D. program at UTHSC. May the Lord join Br. Peter with the church in NYC or in the Bron x. Moves o Br. Rhee came back from the Middle Age Training. He is serving full time here and is staying with his son David who is attending UTSA this semester . They moved to 107 Adelaide Oaks by UTSA. o Sr. Hui Chen Lin is visiting her son in the church in Fremont, California. Her husband, older Br. Lin, is still with us. Pray for the salvation of his son-in-law, Sr. Li Lin’s husband. o Sr. Vivien Lopez takes corporate living with the Collins. She is from the Philippines. Her last church life was in New Orleans. She took a teaching job here just before Hurricane Katrina . o Peter Lin of the University of Washington came back to visit during the winter break with his younger brother. We had joyful fellowship to know he is doing well in college and corporate living. o Brothers’ House has moved from Maple Tree 78249 to Green Glen 78256. B. Extra-Local Cartwright family serving in Berlin. London Property: The church in London purchased a training center property for $6.3 million. Send your offerings to Lord’s Move in Europe, P. O. Box 9107, Anaheim, CA 92812, designated London Property. The church in Yungho: During the stay at Yungho for the International Chinesespeaking conference, we received two weekly newsletters. The church in Yungho remembers and puts in their weekly newsletter our San Antonio’s need for the new meeting hall and our portion of the Lord’s move to Europe. V. Statistics of the Lord’s Day Attendees: 12/04/05 12/11/05 12/18/05 12/25/05 2/12/2016 85 85 91 58 1/08/06 1/15/06 1/22/06 1/29/06 120 95 95 65 4 The Building Fund 6193 Babcock Road, San Antonio 78240 The church in Arlington, TX provided us with a copy of their blue prints for a 250 seats meeting hall. After consulting with the churches in Plano and in Houston on their new hall designs, Arlington’s design is the most suitable to our need. We will coordinate with architect and engineer brothers to modify the plan to suit our land configuration. We will then post this draft plan on the bulletin board. During this two-month reporting period, the designated offering was $5,000. At present, we have about $73,300 in the building account The estimated cost is $1.3 million. The seating capacity is planned for 250-500. Please pray with us for the Lord’s provision in the Body! Our target date for using this new facility is in the year of our Lord 2008. The Church in San Antonio 5400 Callaghan Road San Antonio TX 78228 210-435-5400 Stamp To 2/12/2016 5