Airdrie Insurance Centre Ltd - Canadian Curly Horse Association

Canadian Curly Horse Association
Held on Wednesday May 30, 2012
Meeting is called to order at 7:50PM by Maureen Ivan.
In attendance were- Maureen Ivan, Ron Gale, Heather Ivan, Irene Bissell, Gary
Bissell. Christine Axani & Deanna Johnston by telconference
Minutes of the last meeting were read . Gary moves that the minutes be adopted
as read, Ron Gale seconds the motion. Carried.
Treasurers Report - Chris gave a brief report although did not have the bank
info available but reported the balance was the same with the exception of the
debit for the cheques which we have now received. Ron moves that the
treasurers report be adopted as read , Gary seconds. Carried
Old Business –
Parades – Light Horse group is now cancelled out of the Stampede Parade but
would like us to participate in other parades in the surrounding areas. Would
like all participants to be uniform – black shirts, stampede serapis, white hats.
They gave us a list of parades that they are planning on being in and have
invited us to join them. Discussion about the surrounding parades and the
CCHA group has agreed on the Crossfield parade on June 16 – vote held all were
in favor. The participants from our group in this parade are Gary & Irene,
Heather and no one else can be there for sure.
Shirts & Logo Discussion was held pertaining to a parade and event shirt – this shirt could
showcase us as a group and we could also use it in the booth at the grounds. All
were in agreement. Agreed to put the logo over the left front pocket approx 3 ½
inches in size. On the back of the shirt a script of Ride the Curl is to be
embroidered. Vote was held – unanimous. Chris volunteered to look into the
shirt supplier – color choice and sizes.
Stampede & Light Horse Pageant Scheduling
Chris reported that there is some confusion – but expects to get further updates.
She has provided our music and script to them for the pageant. The demo times
are not complete yet and are being tweaked, she will advise once she has been
advised. Chris is looking for dates from everyone as to the times when everyone
is available for the booth. We are to remember that all horses participating at the
grounds have to have their Coggins Test. Info from the Stampede Board is
forthcoming as Bio-security is heightened do to the scare from last year.
Horse Owners & Breeders Conference –
Tabled as we have no information on this and we do have lots of time to prepare.
Deanna to touch base with Shelly re: her brother taking on the website. Keep in
mind that we do own the domain and that Deanna has been looking after it for a
number of years and has been asking for content for everyone.
Club Pamphlets
Chris reported that we do have new club pamphlets – we do need to tweak them
as there are new additions. Deanna has a digital copy and will share it with
Facebook –
Chris reported that the facebook page has been started but is not complete yet.
Discussion was held pertaining to just having a facebook page or a facebook
group where we are able to put up photos from the group. A vote was held that
we have both pages. Unanimous - Carried.
Curly Horse Show
Trail ride to be held on the Saturday – day before the show. The show is on July
1 at Bergen Ranch. Starts at 9 or 10. Need volunteers, sponsors and participants.
Gary will make a clock for the CCHA and use this as a raffle. Need raffle tickets.
CCHA agrees to donate a shirt as a raffle prize as well. Garry will check into
obtaining raffle tickets.
Mane Event Booth
Discussion tabled until a later date – show is not until next April so we have lots
of time to plan this one.
New Business
Phone List –
Started to compile information for our club phone list – only have 4 names at this
time so we will continue to gather information.
Great discussion was held pertaining to this email discussion surrounding the
shirts that we had Dani Thomas looking after.
We agreed that we do need to have the availability to use the email system as a
form of getting info out to the members especially in circumstances such as this.
However, emails must be sent to all – not just to some. That is why it has been
determined that we need a list – so that all can receive pertinent information.
Heather has agreed to help put this together.
Ron moves, and Garry seconds that:
- a family membership cost is $35 and is for 2 adults and 2 children under 18
-a single membership is $20. Motion is carried.
Heather is going to look into Horses All as a perk for the members - along with
their membership.
Garry moves and Irene seconds –
At Ron’s show – we can sell a “show special” membership for ½ yr - $20 for
family - $10 for single. No Horse’s all til renewal. Renewal is January 1 st.
Motion is carried.
Maureen moves / Ron seconds that an AEF membership is required to participate
in CCHA events and that a copy of each membership should be kept on file.
Proof of membership with AEF should be presented before participation in any
event with CCHA. Motion is carried.
Next meeting is June 12 – Airdrie
Heather moves the meeting be adjourned, Irene seconds. Meeting is adjourned
at 9:40 pm
Respectfully submitted by:
Heather Ivan, secretary